Right about now, some of the readers will question the sense in capturing and casting this type of crazy captions for my articles. I only write for those who are patient enough to understand the creative beauty of my mind. I write for those who have depth enough to see beyond what they see, those who have a discerning mind.
However, if your curiosity has gotten the better of you, then read on.
I am about to take up a subject no one really wants any part of, but that's alright, this is where our imagination runs apart. For a brief second, imagine this: if your life were to end today, what would your obituary read? Come on; don't get frightened, thinking about your obituary will not kill you. Nothing escapes the Creator's cycle; not plants, not animals, nor human beings. All living things emerge, gather, spark new life, fall apart and die.
The purpose of all of this is not
to scare you about death which is inevitable, but to expose you to a new
information or rather, share a certain mindset with you that may help you live
with humility and aliveness that only an acceptance of death can release.
'My Obituary' is meant to prick
your mind to start being fully conscious of the moments you are alive.
Every moment of our lives, we are
knowingly or unknowingly writing a line for our obituary. Every action or
inaction provides memories of us to those we eventually leave behind; they are
the memories that the people we love and leave behind will want to include in
the telling of our life's story.
Within the first quarter of this
year, I lost a good friend and cousin, Mr. Emeka Aseme to kidnappers; he was
butchered and killed in cold blood. My whole village was not only scandalized
by the senseless killing but till today, the 'Blue Lake City' of Oguta has lost
the shine it had as a city of bubbling happy go lucky people.
Emeka was a good man who provided
employment for hundreds of Oguta people, he was sociable, liked by all and
sundry (or so we thought). Even though Oguta had a lot of industrious sons and
daughters, Emeka's legacies stand out. He cared about his people, he gave a
helping hand, and he was sensitive to people's conditions.
Now that he's no more, all we
have to say of him (his obituary) are his good deeds, what he contributed to
the betterment of his fellow man, especially his kinsmen.
What would yours read like, now
that all you know is 'Me, Myself & I'?
What legacy are you living today,
is it different from the one you will want to leave behind?
Some people live as if they will
be here forever, not giving a hoot about what happens to the next person. If it’s
not their immediate personal/family gratification, it does not concern them.
Mind you, I'm not saying you
should not care about your welfare and that of your family o (if you know the AreaFada
well you will know that my family remains my ROCK).
However, I still make an ample
proportion of my time to fighting the course of our youth and being the Voice
of the Voiceless. And this gives me joy and fulfillment. For me, it is what
keeps blood flowing in my veins, puts the sparkle in my eyes and springs in my
steps...despite the unfavourable state of the terrain. Wetin man go do?
You are the author of your own
Obituary, so tell me. Are you writing a history of misery, or a tale of tenacity?
Were you inclusive and supportive? Or were you exclusively out for yourself
alone, you selfish bloke. Did you lift others up, or did you allow them to
knock you down? Did you stay down long enough to recover, or did you stay down
complaining and winning. What will your Obituary say about the way you treated
people and how you made them feel about themselves. Most importantly what will
your Obituary say about how you treated yourself? What will be said about your
attitude, how you handled yourself in crisis. Perhaps now is the time to
consider how you are living and what you want to be said about you when you are
not. Your life provides the content of your Obituary, so my guy, check yourself
and park well.
For me, I came, I saw, I did it
my way, had fun and boned everyone who thought it wasn’t possible. That’s my
Obituary. I'm still here though, for the longer haul!
Epistle of life...
Charly, Be careful what you wished for. Never play with Death, it stuns.
Quite thoughtful piece from the Area fada.
As for me I wish to be remembered for dimpling smiles shikena.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
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Old papa youngi
Quite thoughtful piece from the Area fada.
As for me I wish to be remembered for dimpling smiles,wish to be remembered for loving my neighbour including his daughter,for the sake of posterity.shikena.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
So u fit talk sumtin wey make sense lyk dis?
1st to comment. *dancing kukere*
Linda better post my comment or...
This is arguably,Mr. Charly's best piece ever.
Death is a leveler;its the one thing both the rich and poor have in common,its inevitablity strikes us in the face.
"Every moment of our lives,we are knowingly or unknowingly writing a line of our obituary". That line struck me somewhere really hard.
The question therefore is,what line have I written today?
What shall I be remembered for?
Would prosterity applaud or curse my memory?
Thanks Mr. Charly for this thought provoking,insightful piece.
1st 2 comment...charly bwoi ...hian!!!!!!!!!
1st 2 comment...charly bwoi ...hian!!!!!!!!!
UhmmmMmmmmmmm! Indeed this man called Charly boy is a chameleon, today he speaks like an unserious type , tommorow he's making sense, I read this article and bow down my head. This is the real fact about human existence, e je ka gbe ile aye se oun rere. What we do today will be history when we are gone.
Hnmm..... Speechless right now *meditating
Beautiful piece...I pray my good people Oguta will recover from the wounds these past months have brought....Rest in peace Emeka Aseme....
Hmmm Mr charly charly!!!
For d first time in my life, i read some senses in ur article. Ur words inspired me soooo much. Kip it up
Deep,well done mr oputa.
Dis man is crazy
Simple fact we all die someday
Mr charly boy oops charly man sir!i commend ur writing skills and ur ability 2 bring 2 consciousness issues that nigerians are particularly scared of..!btw were u really in dat coffin or ᶥᵗˢ fotostore?hmmm k o..! ahdunno about ya'all folks buh i was touched by dis and i'll do sumtin about it..!#thankYouSir
Charlie I feel you. You make sense
Areafada again. Hmmmmm
If this man wants to die he should stand in front of a truck or lay on train tracks. Abeg, he should stop writing this kind of stuff now.
He should write his own book now and let those who want to read such books buy and read and not put it in our face....*eyes rolling*
Quite thoughtful!!
Nyc article, I am beginning to admire this man.
Linda I commit crime? Biko zenu approvo my stuff na
This got me Like "k, next..." Mayb wudv taken you a lil criozly if your lifestyle was even remotely exemplary.
Area father, you talk well, ıf all can reason lıke thıs ı thınk nıgerıa wıll be a better place for all
Weird Charly......U sha want 2die Sha.......May God Give your family d Fortitude 2bear the Loss.......Lindodo,post my comment oooooo
yes Mr Oputa indeed good for us to impact life's
My mom always told me that wealth is never measured by money but by love we show to pple
Nice 1 charly
He writes well.
~D great anonymous!
good piece... but this dude sounds like someone that knows he is going to die soon... but I wish him well sha.
This Charly boy of a guy is a good writer, I always enjoy his write ups.
i dnt understand y some ppl are so stupid.
Mine wud read "1st nigerian to win a grammy and duet wit beyonce"!! Yes oo! Its nt a crime 2 dream big,knwin fully well u can achiv dem,,, *ONYX GODWIN*
amen, i like! very peculiar
first time blogger on lIB
Dear Charly boy,you are Insane,take it or Leave it...No matter how you try to justify this stupid Article of yours,it doesnt make any sense! SMFH
This is the most thought provoking thing I've read this week.
I like!, very peculiar.
first time to ever post a comment on LIB.
But most especially, we should spare a thought on where we will spend eternity, either with God in heaven or with the devil in hell!
Good for you sir.... At least you have acknowledged that we all ve our time on earth and one day shall die.
Now apart from the goodness of hearts and what we give back; the virtues that r fit for either heaven or hell is what my concern is....
People should read our obituary n say well lived and God too should say well done my child, welcome home unless after the well lived to satisfy the society, satan is waiting to chop...
Really the choice is our!
Dis man shaa
Pls oga Charlie,go rest abeg with these ur articles,mtcheeeeeew
This is a most read reminder 4 every living soul becos death is inevitable
I don't usually comment bur I read comments and enjoy. My comment is Mr Charly don't be faster than your shadow. Thank you. #1sttimer.
Now, this is why I love free thinkers, no sense of bias... Highli enlightening article. Thnks 4 d post linda.
Later people wuld be ther pokenosing in stufz that dnt concern them. This is the part of charly u shld reasn wif,the part he wants to share with us... Nice article, areafada.
I mst say am inspired
Thank you, Charley boy! I always tell my friends that life is not all about me, me and my family. We should always look beyond that and think about others who are less fortunate than us. ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH FOR PERSONAL CONSUMPTION IS A POVERTY IN DISGUISE- Benson Idahosa.
Don't just knw wat to tell this dude.. Linda those your photos re still turning me on..
Don't just knw wat to tell this dude.. Linda those your photos re still turning me on..
Nice one sir,@ first I was wondering what u were doing inside a casket,not untill I went true d write up,it was so touching.
I love this.... Only d sensible ones will reason to dis
Nyc write up...he made sense...buh dude...slipin in a casket is crazy aff
Am cold. True talk brother. It only a fool that dosnt think about the day he will die.
The Areafather,always making sense!
The Areafather,always ,making sense!
inspiring write up,BRAVO!
Very thought provoking! Not at all what I expected,I'm truly impressed!!!
Hmmmn.....nice piece!
Hummmnnnnnn!!! My obituary!!! Either we like it or not it will nd must be written someday,I pray mine carry gud testimonies ooo. Welldone areafada.
thanks man
I always question dis guy's sanity,nice write-up tho.
am stil young ..though am also hoping,that at the end ..i will have a memoriable obituary
Your cup of tea, a beg go sleep jor rubbish gay/ husband. Nonsense
Uncle Charly,please help yourself. Don't make the casket your second bed while you are still alive.
Thank u sir for the world which u ve send forte may God bless u. My flow reads can we learn frm wot he just sd with dis we we all make heavn at last
Thank u sir for the world which u ve send forte may God bless u. My flow reads can we learn frm wot he just sd with dis we we all make heavn at last
Oga die alone coz u don ova enjoy diz life.....me jst de start nd u want mak I writ wich yeye Obituary?
okada riders has been put out work and without jobs for them and you still think you have really done well with you being de area father ,hmmm na wa bros,if the boko boys heat is scaring you just let it out make we know how e dey do you.pack well abeg
Is that Charley Boy??? He seriously look like Asuu inside d casket,or is that jonathan??.....can't find my glasses...pls who is dat????....na who die?? Inside dere?..eeeya pooor thing,,,RIP..!! Em follow for the plane crash???
Nice one!!!! A. Good food for thought
I respect your stupidity. Etc I dnt have tym
I am sure CB's obituary will start with "with gratitude to God, we are happy to announce d demise of a confused man, a wannabe freak and a bad influence...good riddence to bad rubbish"
Charlie boy is an embarrassment. His family must be wishing him dead.
So shall it be
MtchEeeeeew! Dis man! Goan find a seat, stick ur ass on it
Oloriburuku somebody...!!!
For this one....he made some sense sha!
Very sensible and me likey much much.
This is a complete food for tort.....
Very sensible and me likey much much.
This is a complete food for tort.....
Gud piece. Very inpirying.
*Lips sealed*
Have always admired your guts Charly Boy a.ka.a Area fada
D mad man. Has gone to great beyond,or d last mad man has gone to rest dats wat Charlie obituary will say mumu
Jjj babe
quite an article indeed
Nice 1 man.dis article derserves a second thought
Nice one area fada
Its nt only about wat pple say abt u or d so called 'obitruary' which doesn't evn rili matter buh whr u spend ur eternity matters d most nd remember dat lots of people will be alive wen Jesus comes so u might as well nt need an obitruary..........God bless nd help us all. Amen
Okay linda u dont post my comment. . K o.
At times I tend to blame the parents of this shameless he goat. Anyway, die or rest in pieces or peace
I guess what they say about old age bring wisdom is true. Even though CB's brought a bit of that buh I think dis article 1 of the truths to life. Think abt it.
He keeps writing n writing...
I think it's about time.
I'm sure he's broke.
I pray he wouldn't be writing a suicide note next.
Eyes is pushn Charley Boy....Oju nkan eee. Whr u will still sleep n snore,u want 2 startn sleep nw,Oga oooo....Naa ur Obituary ooo
Deep.... Quite deep. But Charles, u massage ur ego to think dat given the opportunity life has availed u, dat u. Have made commensurate positive impact. U can still change. Ur weird persona was a hit then, but u must not let it define the essence of u.
Make no body insult d guy oohh, different strokes for different folks, na as e dey do am na so im talk am. Afterall one babe called Miley (I hope d spelling correct sha) wake up begin dey dance naked for stage for Yankee.
On point Area Father,ur right on point,it takes a lot of courage2 do a frank piece on this kind of topic and in the way u chose2 render it,ur always inspairing,more wind on ur sail Big Bro...Hector writes in from Abj.
Aunty Linda,
Do I always have to look for my comment?
what an article.
hummmm men it realy derserves a second thoughts
U just said my mind
Dis man always make sense!
Food for thought!
Death is invitable irrespective of who u r!
U go die one day so read, undersand b4 u talk!
U too go old na!
What do u want to be remembered for?
Dis is d bitter truth weda u like am or not!
U go die one day.
U too go die one day, stop actinf ignorant my friend!
Think ahead!
As u r foolish!
I tot u were senseable!
I was wrong
Oponu aye!
Sense being!
Its d bitter truth!
No one knows 2moro
When pple r talking, u shld keep quiet n listen !
Get sense abeg!
U daft reach dis level?
No understanding whatsoever!
Chei! Indeed u r daft!
I pity d level of ur ignorance!
Younge or old, u go die some day, dat's d koko!
Ur comment dey off key!
Stupid thing like u!
Ode, u go die one day weda u like am or not!
Jonathan kill u for dere!
As u r stupid n ignorant to reason on ur life!
U go jst die like fowl without anybody remembering u!
Well...charly myt be weird buh hv read a couple of his articles, truth be told he is a writer with his own mind. He is a good writer! What wud mine be like? Mi o mo....I criously dnt knw!
I laugh @ d level of ur stupidity!
R u above death???
U better pass pple wey don die!??
No think of ur life!
Dey, dey judge cb!
I really wish u know how proud n grateful his family is for having someone like him.
Is ur fada not an embarrassment to u for being a nobody?!
Smh for u!
It's high time u aquire sense.
Ka ene che ndu ka ene che onwu... as one thinks of life one thinks of death... it's inevitable no matter what one does!!!
Ur whole family no reach charlie slippers!
Y r u bitterd @ him???
Is it his fault ur family can't produce a sound mind like his?
Na him send ur papa to remain irrevant in d society??
Y so pained towards charlie man??
Stop hating n grasp d trurh!
2moro might be too late for u!
Iss ok
What's ur problem? Is it that u can't read or u didn't bother reading it @ all???
Hmmm thankGod I no read am finish..dunno if itz an initiation article dat'll sell my soul.cover my slf wiv d blooooooooood of Jesus @ didi
Does it really matter what the "Obituary"? Even thieves, rouges, murderers, fornicators and drunks get the" in submmission to God after a life well spent"! The scary part should be the wages of the "no send anybody lifestyle". There's an afterlife u knw..
Just wish I was close to close d casket wen he got in...#gay @ didi
. . . U can kill d messanger bt nt d message***words***
i wonder why some Nigerians are so pathetic, they come here and chat shit about other people. wonderful write up by charles oputa. reality of life. moyo from ogba
Owkie oga u d try!..myb we fit rmember u as 1 fairy faggot gay ass article writer.....
well!!!!!! I guess nobody have ever written his/her obituary b4 he/she died cos nobody body knows when death ll be knocking on d door.......dat means someone else ll do it 4u when u die.......d people u left behind.......and whatever they say when u die is who u are when u were still alive....... Letz try and be good to people 4 no one knows 2moro
knowledge is the key,Mr. charly boy u are right.
Make una mind as una dey take talk here. Mr charlyboy has contributed more than all you stupid Nigerian youths put together. Most of the people that post comments are either jobless, ignorant or come from from such abject poverty stricken homes. Like some one say, una all no reach one of him slippers. Anybody wey yan akpata again abt charlyboy this year go kpmeme. God punish haters and ignoramuses. Una papa. If una get sef.
Linda try not to let your blog smell like full of riffraff who are your readers, because pple has a lot of respect for what you do. Ou don't have to publish every assholes comment just to get traffic. I must confess, initially I didn't understand the Brand charlyboy or what he set out to do. But I must admit, it takes dept for him to do and maintain a life style, and be able to communicate the way he has on your platform. Please, don't ridicule the profoundness of his message with useless comments that we can't even learn from, because you are building traffic.
Read well (severally if u must) n understand before commenting. U think not talking about death will keep death away from u forever? Well, heads up for u, death is an inevitability! Once u re born, YOU W I L L DIE!!! It is not a curse, but the fact of life. So stop hiding from what u can't hide from n accept that u will die one day. Just pray for a reasonably long life n be positively productive while looking unto Jesus. Chikena!
Charly boy you draw similarities to a certain vagrant who used to roam the streets of warri , sharing his pearls of wisdom. Like you charly he was called Jim boy.he used to strut about proudly in the nude just like you who poses nude in the name of art, same thing. His altered ego was called proff, yours is linda,. He had a mass of dread locks on his head , that's were the similarity ends as you only have 3 dead locks desperately clinging to your ashy skull. Prof charly boy I hail you for your wise words.
Charle ur an idiot, if u want 2 die, go further and die. Foolish idiot...beta repent and gve Christ ur life.
I have always held Charlie Boy in high esteem for just being himself without fear of what people may think.
His integrity speaks for itself. If it weren't for his exploits as PMAN president, Nigerian artistes would still be paid peanuts to perform in concerts.
He did not steal money like the average Nigerian politician we normally hold in high esteem when he held that position.
Once again he has given us some food for thought.
Charlie Boy you will live long.
He doesn't have to live an exemplary life nor is he anyone's role model. The beautiful thing is that he is living his life just like he wants without imitating anyone and it takes lots of courage to do that.
I bet you are not even living the kinda live U really wish. *MJ
True talk. $ food 4 tot
This is a very good piece. people doesn't understand that what you do in your life time will people remember you for when you are no more. Please check yourself and make amend. Charles thanks for this.
A good piece. Please people always try to read any write-up with little understanding before you comment. This is food for thought. He is simply telling us what "we will be remembered for if we pass on" As he rightly said, check yourself and park well. it is a very touching write-up and I praise him for this.
Na wa for level of reasoning o!. So we should do good becos the obituary is oh, soooo important. REALLY!.
its worth thinking about, its called living life on purpose!
its worth thinking about, its called LIVING LIFE ON PURPOSE!
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