Flood with Love Campaign with Aki and Pawpaw | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 30 September 2013

Flood with Love Campaign with Aki and Pawpaw

What have you lost? Text Flood to 35388 to help with the Flood Relief and Rehabilitation Process. You would have lost 3seconds and N100. Let's lose N100 to help a flood victim. Text now!


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Anonymous said...

Da fuq?

Iphie said...

real actors. just acted as if they re really drowning!

Unknown said...

Aki looks so real...jeez! Am I 1st to Comment.....hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Lili nwa. This flood wit love campaign don enter comedy Ooº°˚˚°ºoO. See their faces. I ₪☺ fit laugh Ooº°˚˚°ºoO.

Anonymous said...

Loll these two sha!

Tory said...

OMG! *Tears rolling down my cheeks* I'm so touched. This is so real.

Anonymous said...

this is the best pix i have seen so far in this FLOOD Campaign

Anonymous said...

Awwww so real. "Sad face"

chilepoda said...

Cheii,S̴̩☺ pathetic i must text now...

Anonymous said...

So real
Pawpaw is dead
Aki is crying

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Very 4ny

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Hahahaha! Funny faces, these two are always looking ever funny.

Anonymous said...

Looks so real. Nice.

Anonymous said...

lol, I believe... although paw paw looks a bit like he's playing

Anonymous said...

Looool the picture is so funny lwkmd

Anonymous said...

Best have ever seen

Unknown said...

Omg!!!! Its soo touching!!! This is the best so far!!! I love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow,dah's a good 1 4rm dem..d best so far..lol.Maryam

Anonymous said...

Heeey!!!! dis looks sooo real more real than all

Anonymous said...

Wow,dah's a good 1 4rm dem..d best so far..lol.Maryam

Anonymous said...

This is the best so far! Oya yeye Linda if I see my post for bottom I go head boot you! #evil grin#

Anonymous said...

This is touching. Looks like chinedu is crying cos Osita is dead.


awwwwwww! the best av seen so far.
just donated coz of them.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahhahahahahahah,look at aki's face sooo cute

Anonymous said...

First 2 comment......dis d best flood wv love...aww see Aki pulease

cocoz said...

oh gosh...my best flood picture so far. the pose just induces sympathy shivers! kudos to our own small but great actors.

OMG!WOMAN said...

Beautiful! Very beautifully displayed, I'm not in very good moods this days, I'm sobing already.

Anonymous said...

Dis luks sooo real, see ow aki spoilt iz mouth...lol

Unknown said...

Expression is on point,cute

Diary of Dido said...

This is like the best I've seen since Funke Akindele!
Nice acting guys!

Anonymous said...

I love these guys

Anonymous said...

OMG this is touching,I love this

Unknown said...

Awwwwwww...it looks so real..

Anonymous said...

So real, wow

Tim said...

Yeah! its not losing its called save a life investment... its just N100. I felt like i made someone survive when i did mine... Try to feel same way cos when ever you feel like a saviour then your personal issues are about to be saved!

Anonymous said...

Looks so real

Anonymous said...

Soooo real....aki&pawpaw on point

Anonymous said...

Aki looks so real but pawpaw is nt real at allm with his smiling look

Anonymous said...

Like seriously I can't wait for lib's comment

Unknown said...

Wowwww! Dis is d best xo far.

Zod said...

Linda this is the only real Flood with Love Campaign you have ever shared, others celeb you have been posting are always doing SWAGA on with the Campaign, i de wonder when flood de people go de do swaga on top of am. Kudos to Aki and Pawpaw

bb said...

Haha! This is the best so far, they killed it!

Liddieberry said...

Looks sooo real. LOLZZZZ

Anonymous said...

Awwwwnnn....dis is goo! Me likey!!!!

Anonymous said...

this is so real.....they murdered nd killed the shiiii....not all em fake celeb

Anonymous said...

This is wat am talkin about,very real, thump up, nw am moved to help.....Blue

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, this is so touching. Kudos to Aki n Pawpaw, they really pulled my heart string.

Anonymous said...

They must av done that inside a bowl full of water.

Anonymous said...

So so real

Anonymous said...

Dis is so so real...d best so far

Onyeuche Joshua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awwwwww see Paw paw's face :) So real! Unlike d others...Smh. Kudos to Aki and Paw paw.

sarah said...

@last a picture that depicts the right emotion for the campaign theme.

sarah said...

@last a picture that depicts the right emotion for the campaign theme.

Jydorydo!! said...

The best picture of flood with love campaign so far.. Good Job "Aki & Pawpaw"

spiky said...

I totallie agree. Dis is best so far .

Onyeuche Joshua said...

These guys nailed it... Am so supporting this rehab because of this

Anonymous said...

dis is d best so far mehnnnnnnnn.kudos 2 dem both cos dey displayed d actual message.

ladipo olabode said...

Awwwwww Aki and Paw paw nailed it #gbam

cocoz said...

Linda where is my post?

Anonymous said...

Love dis Linda!

Anonymous said...

I had goose pimples wen I saw dis pics! Dey look so real! Dis is d only true Flood with love campaign pics! Wu agrees?

Unknown said...

Is the best campaign pix so far!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolu Ferrari said...

fiction so real.....agony which peels. Mama Lin, this should be the face of the campaign.....surreal made real!!!

Bettyblue Anyiman said...

Oya why den join them 2gether na,LOL. they hv been putting other big people one in a pix,now it's time for men also,they now carry two of them put in one pix. LWKMD. Anyway,it's for the campaign. Y'all Libers shld Send your votes oooo,remember u can help a drowning soul.

mzkels011 said...

looooooooooooooool ds is the best,cant stop laughing,chai!these 2 tho.

Unknown said...

Funny & the best

Anonymous said...

Looks so very real..seeing dem mkz me wnt 2 donate

Anonymous said...

wow! I luv dis,it looks so real

Anonymous said...

Dis is sooooooooo real Linda, best so far.

Anonymous said...

Awww!!!! I lov' ds 1.#nice

Anonymous said...

Lol, luvly...efe johnson, u be winch! *yelling in emu's voice" why u allow ur twin brother drown...dis two can be funny at times

Anonymous said...

Wow,am so touched

Anonymous said...

Awww!!!! I lov' ds 1.#nice

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mennnn this is the best so far me love it. kudos to Aki na Pawpaw

Anonymous said...

This is sooooo original........ Good worK guys

Anonymous said...

This and Funke Akindele's campaign are the only real

Anonymous said...

Dis is d best so far.....paw paw is looking dead ,,,,and aki killed it with dat look on his face......cos of dis pic I ll donate ......

BeautifulMe said...

Am sure God blessed d day dese two met each oda. It was a match made in Heaven cos evrytin dey luks so real nd almost perfect. Dey luk so gud tgda nd for dat I think am gonna say dis is my best!

Anonymous said...

Dey Killed it mi likey

jeomi said...

Wooow..its soooo real..wonder wah d rest were finkn,prolly flood wit swag*mtcheww* thumbz up akin n pawpaw

Anonymous said...

Awww dis is so real mehhn

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Quite real, d duo rocked t.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Nice one my pple...Aki and pawpaw d best fr ever #angel#

Anonymous said...

D best ever.........Its so real! Kudos to Aki and Pawpaw. In fact they nailed it.


WoooooW!!!! This is d BEST of them all, don't think any other one will beat this...Me Likey!!!

Anonymous said...

this is the most authenthic so far. i am moved to finally contirute .kudos

Anonymous said...

this is the most authenthic so far. i am moved to finally contirute .kudos

Anonymous said...

OMG... this is good.

Anonymous said...

this is so real .moved me to donate .well done

Hamarah said...

OMD.. I Lo√e dz guys τ̲̅ȍ d bones. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

So real feel like crying right now. KUDOS.

Anonymous said...

Aki and pawpaw - actors in the making

princess charming said...

lol,can't stop laughing,see Aki face,dis is d best so far

Anonymous said...

Lib readers come and see o..I'm d first to comment..shout out to all my family and friends for being dere for me..u guys shld come and celebrate wit me at eko hotel..time: 6pm..come one, come all..tanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Dis looks so real

Anonymous said...

This is d best

Anonymous said...

Mehnnnnn.....dis guyz ar gud

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If u say dz s d best so far? Wetin una go talk abut funke akindele, tiwa savage en har boo! De killd it mehn

Anonymous said...

I love this..mz linda if you like don't post my comment#eyes rolling#

Janelicious said...

Bwaaahaaa!!! I love it

Anonymous said...

This is the best so far.....others were forming dirty swagger.. nice one aki and pawpaw. u got me here.

Anonymous said...

The best so far....I will contribute..they brought it home for me...

flattommy said...

Looks sooooooooooooooo real.this interprets it all and perfectly.

Anonymous said...

This looks so real and touching. Nice one guys

sababy said...

Real flood ever,so real. Indeed they are actors.Kudos

Anonymous said...

Best of them all.....nice

Anonymous said...

This looks so real.

Anonymous said...

Cant stop laffin,this guys are illarious buhahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Wow looked so real i have already texted

FIERCE! said...

wow! this is the best!! it looks so real

Anonymous said...

Dis looks real,Mi likey

CHARMY said...

BEST!will gladly contribute!Big ups Aki n PAwpaw

Anonymous said...

chai this s d best o
i was gonna cry looking at them
these guys r real actors


Anonymous said...

Dis is d best flood with luv campaign ever. welldone jare aki&pawpaw.u killd it.

Anonymous said...

This looks so real and anyone that sees this would likely feel empathy. I like these two a lot cos they always nail it when it comes to delivery. sipping my cocoa.

Anonymous said...

Awww this is so touching..nice one.+the best so far

Unknown said...

Best so far

Anonymous said...

Waoh if Nigerians can participate in this, it will go a long way to help d flood victims.

Unknown said...

Best so far

Unknown said...

akin and pawpaw no go kill me even in a campaign they still look and act like a professional.kiddo to them.

Anonymous said...

Dis is d best so far .Ms joi

Unknown said...

awwwww akin and pawpaw cant stop making me laugh.this is really good they are really convincing.good work ogas

Anonymous said...

Wow..dis lukz so real..best ever.thumbs up for Aki en pawpaw.9c 1 here

Unknown said...

na wa ooooo

Unknown said...

hmm this is good an very convincing kiddo akin and pawpaw

yogoanthony said...

so kul!!

Anonymous said...

Woooooooooow! So real & touching! Aki & Pawpaw, You both killed it!

Poopoo said...

Wow! Dis is da BEST of them all. Most of the rest were posers who didn't want to look ugly. Well done, u guys.

clementina said...

me love it...this is the realest so far..they others have been marketing themselves.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is what wud make me text. I actually feel their passion.

MENTUR said...

Like seriously dis na d best flood wit love campaign wey linda don share so far...aki n pawpaw is mouthed...I hail oh!!

Mz Billy said...

Wow nice one by dem. It looks so real

Anonymous said...

More like it. The other celebs are just there for the fun of it. Now I can send d txt to donate.

Mz Billy said...

Awwww. Dis looks so real. Nice one

Mz Billy said...

Awwwww. It looks so real. Nice one by Aki and pawpaw

Anonymous said...

Dis sooo luks real..... Nyc 1 guys.... Me likey!!! Linda if i look Fø̲̣̣я̅ my comment ehb!!!

Utonwa said...

mek una stop all these campaign of love and start campaigning against the killings happening in this country...at least that will be real...no place is safe, not even Lagos!

Unknown said...

Trust me...Aki killed it!!! Thumbs up to Pawpaw also!!!

Dr. Rukevwe said...

So emotional...

Anonymous said...

I love this. This is so touching. Infinite Gbosa Aki and Pawpaw

Anonymous said...

I can only say "WOW" • Inbuilt/Factory-Fitted/ORIGINAL actors! ThumbsUp•

Anonymous said...

So real!!! Good one Aki and Pawpaw.

Anonymous said...

Woah!they killed it.Wat a way to die.

Anonymous said...

=))º°˚˚˚°ºнa=Ħa=нaº°˚˚˚°º=)) =))•´¨) ¸.•´ ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸¸.•´(¸.•´(¸.• =)) нaнaнaнaн. Aki dey cry?

Unknown said...

This is passionate!so real

Anonymous said...


OLUMAX said...

Dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ really Gud

OLUMAX said...

Dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ really Gud

OLUMAX said...

Dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ really Gud

Anonymous said...

Me likey.... D best so far.... Well done Aki n pawpaw... Bia Linda why r u still answering dat name,I thout d meaning was beautiful serpent..... Pls change it biko

OLUMAX said...

Dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ really good

Anonymous said...

Too real. U can see the sadness in his closed eyes

Anonymous said...

Cool linda pls publish be nice

Kingsley Dan -Patrick said...


Unknown said...

Lmao...lookz Real...

Anonymous said...

awwww, they killed it

Anonymous said...

The realest...

Anonymous said...

dis is splendid luks real

Anonymous said...

awwww, they killed it

Anonymous said...

So real!!!

Anonymous said...

Very lovely and real

Anonymous said...

So real.....me likey

Uju said...

D best Ever

Anonymous said...

Mε̲̣̣̣ likey too!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are jst been real

Anonymous said...

Mε̲̣̣̣ likey too!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are jst been real

Rough Diamond said...

Yea yea!

Anonymous said...

Linda pls bring us official photos of ongoing work at the site. Seeing is beleiving. Abi no be so LIBers.

Anonymous said...

Wow dis is so real. Dats wat we call acting. These guys ar damn gud

Lady Stelusy said...

It looks so real.

Anonymous said...

Mε̲̣̣̣ likey too!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are jst been real

Girl Next Door - Virus Detected! said...

Linda where is your own flood with love?

Anonymous said...

As in eehh!

Anonymous said...

Mε̲̣̣̣ likey too!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are jst been real

Anonymous said...

Wow dis is da best so far linda. Dis guys ar real gud, dis is wat we call actin. Me likey wella

Unknown said...

Nice one guys

Unknown said...

Nice one guys

Unknown said...

Nice one guys

Anonymous said...

Never commented on ur blog before..but dis is too real..love it

Hrm paul ojeih said...

Linda just seeing their faces makes me laff i swear the essence was a little funny becos of Edu and Osita but it was kool, the message is well understood.
pls they should not get mr ibu to do dis he will totally ruined this campaign

Unknown said...

I can see their pain. Lo

Unknown said...

I trust dis boy to perform very well lmao ooh sorry forgot they re adults nd married oo I trust dis guys then

Anonymous said...

Loooooool n WOW. Actors in d making. D musicians shld stick to singing n stop attempting to play a scene.

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I need τ̅☺ agree wt Ɣ☺ΰ guys dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ soo far the best α̲̅ŋϑ the funniest.

juicyhawtstuff said...

Loool....This looks so real.

Annie said...

Kudos guys.... So real

Anonymous said...

Awwww.......this is so real,not like other celebs forming swags.lindy pls post my comments ooo,tnx.

Unknown said...

These guys sha :D. They did well!!!!!! Lemme save em with my hands ( ˘˘̯)


Anonymous said...

I love this one!

MY TURN said...

O this is becoming pathetic. this is a joke right?

Anonymous said...

This is the best. swear down

Anonymous said...

Ds s so real!!Thumbs to Edu nd Osita dat s a true definition of "Flood wiv love.

Anonymous said...

Geez! I blv dis guys were made in heaven 4 each oda! Just see how they killed dis. Mehn,dis is so impressive. U guys are just too gud.

Leeely Clinton said...

This is sooooo real and makes so much sense! These 2 guys are stars and blessed.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh,this is the first that actually gave me goose bumps!
Really nice.

Anonymous said...

dunno wah anibodiz gon say buh diz d reallllledeessst nd besssttteeessstt

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