Model Carol Seleme had a vibrant modeling career and quite a number of followers on IG but recent photos of herself she's sharing on IG has made her followers wonder what is wrong with her. She looks like a totally different person these days...see more before and after photos after the cut...
It could be that she was taking drugs or maybe she is going through a depression... so many of these models and entertainers go through such phase in their lives. Penis enlargement exercise program that works
Don't do drugs yo!!
She's transiting
She is transitioning into a man. From the hairy armpit to the smaller breast and den to the pant. God dey, period
looks like transitioning..her boobs r smaller her shape changing.
Mmba oooo. Difference is too much. Looking a bit Gothic if it's her
LIFE HAPPENED TO HER. Life can happen to anyone of us. Life is a constant struggle between sanity and insanity (there's a very thin line between these two Worlds) Please don't be quick to judge her. Nobody knows what her personal struggles are.
Na she sabi
Transiting to where? Dis na airport?
drugs drugs and drugs
Drugs, drugs.Real hard drugs. Looks like what crack or heroin would do.
I'm sure drugs were used but the main reason is MK Ultra programming. There are images of her with all the signs, literally. She's wearing a shirt with a pyramid, mickey mouse, one eye, a snake tongue, pierced hands trying to mock Christ, there is more but the last I'll mention is the black and white bottoms she's wearing which symbolize duality to Masons. She was already walking around with half of her hair cut, even before Sombra in Overwatch, so now her handlers are having her change her sex. It's the price for fame she's clearly willing to pay but it profits nothing to gain this world and lose one's soul.
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