Photos: Army officer and father of two killed in a Boko Haram bomb attack | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 15 January 2017

Photos: Army officer and father of two killed in a Boko Haram bomb attack

2nd Lt. Amajuoritse Jemide pictured above with his wife, was killed in a boko Haram bomb attack recently. He was in an army convoy that was hit by a bomb in Yobe state. He is survived by his parents, wife and two children. He was 32 years old. Tributes from his friends and family members have been pouring in. See some of them after the cut...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Oh dear hero!

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

Rip..i weep wenever i see news lik dis

Unknown said...

Rip gallant officer

marymsry said...

Sad news. I pray God grant the woman the strength to overcome this

Dan said...


Anonymous said...

He was a Captain and my course mate may his soul Rest in Peace.

Deen said...

Linda the three stars he had in the picture with the lady "his wife I'm guessing" show that he was a captain not 2nd lieutenant. The one star in the last picture show the rank of a 2nd lieutenant so he's been promoted twice..

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm Amajuoritse,ur flight was indeed a very short one.Am still in shock as am yet to believe ur gone.i hear stories of military men who had got lost in battles and are confirmed dead,only to cm back.Smiles, I hope ur lost somewhere Amaju cos we are waiting patiently for you.

Unknown said...

Rip Capt jemide miss you Sir

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm Amajuoritse,i am still in shock.Was your flight really indeed a short one like some people say?.No,I refuse to belive ur gone.i hear stories of military men that have for battles, got lost in the forest only for them to be confirmed dead,and miraculously they are alive.Amaju we are waiting patiently for you.
Please come home

Unknown said...

RIP brother, you died a Hero serving your country, i truly hope this country Nigeria will truly appreciate and honour These great men.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

D.S.C weeps on, what a great loss. .

AGB said...

RIP Nigerian warrior. God bless your soul. Amen.

Linda, he was a captain not a 2nd lieutenant, you demoted him by 2 ranks.

Anonymous said...

Linda, please where is Freeborn?

Unknown said...

RIP Amaju.. My distant cousin. Feel so sad to hear you are gone. God knows best

Anonymous said...

'Nigerian Army should systematically be posting southern soldiers to Boko Haram infested areas to be killed and replaced by northerners. It is well bc we are watching.

Unknown said...

°Amaju too costly a burnt sacrifice for a country as disorganized as Nigeria°
Anyway the fire in your torch would never be put off"
R. I P

Florence Nwamalubia said...

I still weep for you Jemide. I will surely miss you, i remember how u tease me. I will miss you Jemide. Farwell my dear friend

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