Donald Trump sworn in as the 45th president of the USA (photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 20 January 2017

Donald Trump sworn in as the 45th president of the USA (photos)

Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. It was done before noon, US time, outside the Capitol Building. His Vice Mike Pence has also been sworn in. See more photos after the cut...


Royalty said...

congrat to them

Unknown said...


Okorie Gideon Akachukwu said...

Congratulation President Donald Trump

Good Job @Lindaikeji

IFEANYI said...

After All The HATE from LINDA IKEJI to this man... she still carry his the news of his glory to the world under her news umbrella. MY DEAR, Don't worry yourself... people will speak bad of you, criticize and hate you... don't let all that distract... focus and believe in your God... Victory is yours and all your enemies and haters shall come to bow before you... Just as Linda has no choice but to put in her time, effort and energy and lift the man she condemns daily.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Good for him,hope he will drop those immature behavior and childish tweet now that's he's president!

~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

Unknown said...

Linda,can you do us the favour by posting the full presidential speech..thanks

Unknown said...

Congratulations Mr president.

Unknown said...

yes oo!congrat to my heavenly sent president and his vice! FREEBORN IS HERE LIVE AND DIRECT WAITING TO MEET ERIC TRUMP,IVANKA AN CO. long live our heavenly sent president Donald j Trump LONG LIVE UNITED STATE OF DONALD TRUMP. hausas,linda and Islams will not like this but i advice u losers to jump inside lagoon. PLEASE IF U ARE IN WASHINGTON HERE MEET ME UP@ TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL THIS NIGHT room number 304 BECAUSE WE ARE HAVING 3 DAYS PARTY HERE. papa trump gave the best inauguration speech i have never seen in my handsome life. TERRORIST BUHARI U MUST TELL ME WHY U KILL 50 IPOD WHEN I COME BACK MUST.
Haters u fools and terrorist bullhari should wait for me ANY ONE THAT RUN HIS FATHER OR MOTHER.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

yes oo!congrat to my heavenly sent president and his vice! FREEBORN IS HERE LIVE AND DIRECT WAITING TO MEET ERIC TRUMP,IVANKA AN CO. long live our heavenly sent president Donald j Trump LONG LIVE UNITED STATE OF DONALD TRUMP. hausas,linda and Islams will not like this but i advice u losers to jump inside lagoon. PLEASE IF U ARE IN UNITED STATE OF DONALD TRUMP PLEASE KINDLY MEET ME UP@ TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL THIS NIGHT room number 304 BECAUSE WE ARE HAVING 3 DAYS PARTY HERE. papa trump gave the best inauguration speech i have never seen in my handsome life. TERRORIST BUHARI U MUST TELL ME WHY U KILL 50 IPOD WHEN I COME BACK MUST.
Haters u fools and terrorist bullhari should wait for me ANY ONE THAT RUN HIS FATHER OR MOTHER.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Shut up if you have nothing sensible to say,she has a choice and Hillary is her choice! Linda has never said anything bad about trump that it's not in other blogs/news,so shut up once again.

Anonymous said...

Shut up if you have nothing sensible to say,she has a choice and Hillary is her choice! Linda has never said anything bad about trump that it's not in other blogs/news,so shut up once again.

Anonymous said...

Bloody liar,shut up your illustrate mouth. You are senseless and so you shall remain for the rest of your miserable life,instead of you to go seek for better education you are here displaying your ignorance ,telling the whole world how stupid and worthless you are. I personally weep for the parents that give birth to you,because your types are the reason why abortion should be legal. Remain "Sad indeed"

Anonymous said...

Bloody liar,shut up your illustrate mouth. You are senseless and so you shall remain for the rest of your miserable life,instead of you to go seek for better education you are here displaying your ignorance ,telling the whole world how stupid and worthless you are. I personally weep for the parents that give birth to you,because your types are the reason why abortion should be legal. Remain "Sad indeed"

Anonymous said...

Bloody liar,shut up your illustrate mouth. You are senseless and so you shall remain for the rest of your miserable life,instead of you to go seek for better education you are here displaying your ignorance ,telling the whole world how stupid and worthless you are. I personally weep for the parents that give birth to you,because your types are the reason why abortion should be legal. Remain "Sad indeed"

Anonymous said...

Bloody liar,shut up your illustrate mouth. You are senseless and so you shall remain for the rest of your miserable life,instead of you to go seek for better education you are here displaying your ignorance ,telling the whole world how stupid and worthless you are. I personally weep for the parents that give birth to you,because your types are the reason why abortion should be legal. Remain "Sad indeed"

Anonymous said...

Bloody liar,shut up your illustrate mouth. You are senseless and so you shall remain for the rest of your miserable life,instead of you to go seek for better education you are here displaying your ignorance ,telling the whole world how stupid and worthless you are. I personally weep for the parents that give birth to you,because your types are the reason why abortion should be legal. Remain "Sad indeed"

Unknown said...

Congrats the most powerful president in the world.
Lib baddoo.

Anonymous said...

Abeg....where is this one commenting from. Lol... Fish brains


Finally he has arrived.Tell them that the should be protesting but president Donald Trumpis already matching to white house.
PROF WHOLE SOYINKA ,today is your funeral kindly bury yourself as you mean nothing to me.
LINDA you are hereby advise to keep your gun powder dry as your anti-trump news will rather tarnish your image.

PMBUHARI you have being banned from unnecessary trips to USA as your present is no more needed.

gentle said...

@anon 18.58, as much as I like linda, you are so wrong about one thing. Linda did have very negative vibes about trump and she blogged about it for days. We complained everytime. It was very annoying because hillary also had shady deals going on but Linda didn't hit on it as bad as trump. If it was her attempt to support women, it rubbed off wrong because women like hillary are not the ones who need the most support. We are not saying she should like trump but if you must blog, at least do it fairly.

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Unknown said...

Congrats, may his reign bring peace to the world.

The great punter said...

emm the picture look different from the one you posted before where all these people come from . meanwhile gambia free at last

Anonymous said...

Weldone job@lindaikeji,congratulations Donald trump

Anonymous said...


Lib addict#just passing#

Unknown said...


Aisha bello said...

Congratulations to them.

Lets see how it goes

Anonymous said...

Subscribe to dstv and stop disturbin Linda, she's not ur cable provider

Unknown said...

All these biafran fools don't know how to talk, you think Trump will help you keep dreaming.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Did anybody notice how the new vice president shunned Obama and his wife when he came on the platform? After greeting bill and Hillary Clinton who were seated behind Obama he went back to his childish!

Long live LIB

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thos freeborn be running mad seriously. Where are his family members before he goes naked on the streets.
Sure his parents will be weeping and thinking otherwise.
I hope the person you offended who turned you like this and made you a nuisance will be able to forgive you before your case turns into something terrible.

Unknown said...

Email your account number to me so that I can send you d money @vivi. As for Donald Trump congrats!

Unknown said...

I love him ~Nwa_Nsukka

Unknown said...

That's a big lie he greeted Obama theyvheld each other's shoulders while they exchanged pleasantries. Trump equally gave Michelle a peck. U OBVIOUSLY DIDNT WATCH IT

Kay said...

Its well. I don siddon dey look.

sholetoga said...

Welcome on board POTUS. God almighty will guide you and give you wisdom to make America Great Again. God is great

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cheryl no get light for house in juat de see highlights for eatry lol

Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji is a big trump hater.

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