Nigerians And The Failed Coup In Turkey By Reuben Abati | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 17 July 2016

Nigerians And The Failed Coup In Turkey By Reuben Abati

Turkey is about five hours away from Nigeria by air, about 2, 634 miles from here, but the night there was a coup attempt in Turkey, July 15, with soldiers shutting down parts of Ankara and Istanbul, you’d think Ankara is a city somewhere in Nigeria and Istanbul is an extension of our country. Commentaries kept flying up and down on Nigeria social media space, with the coup attempt in Turkey becoming a trending topic.
And yet the strongest connection between Nigeria and Turkey is probably trade, tourism, socio-cultural affinities, and the fact that many Nigerian travellers now find it easier and cheaper to travel through Turkey to other European capitals, with Turkish Airlines making all the profit and no Nigerian airline on that route!

Still, if Turkey finds itself in a bad shape, as it has, that is not likely to affect the already sorry fortunes of the Naira or the forbidding cost of food items in Nigerian markets. On Friday, many Nigerians stayed awake and projected their own worst fears unto the Turkish situation.

By way of summary, there was among the Nigerian commentators an all-round condemnation of any attempt to upturn the Constitutional order either in Turkey or anywhere else in the world. When it was reported that a former Turkish President had remarked that the coup will not stand, because “Turkey is not Africa”, (former President Abdullah Gul actually said Latin America), there was also a feeling of outrage. How dare he make such a racist comment in the midst of such a serious situation?

When President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took to Facetime on his mobile phone to get himself onto television, and he pleaded with the Turkish population to take to the streets to resist the coup makers, and his call was heeded, not a few commentators at this end wondered if Nigerians would have answered such a summon to patriotism and whether or not religious and ethnic sentiments or the fear of being shot to death would not have kept the people indoors. Concerns were also expressed about the fate of Nigerians living in Turkey in the event of a blowout at the crossroads of Europe. By Saturday morning, the coup had failed. Erdogan was significantly back in control. About 200 persons had died, and over 2,000 persons were recorded as injured. As I monitored the situation in Turkey and the reactions in Nigeria, I was struck by how so much can be learnt from the strong interest that the failed coup attempt has generated among educated Nigerians.

Nigerians know what it means to have a constitutional order derailed by military intervention. Between 1960 and 1999, Nigeria moved from one form of military rule to another, characterized by obstinacy, and absolutism, experiencing only short spells of civilian rule. Similarly, the military in Turkey have since 1960 intervened directly at least four times (1970, 1971, 1980, 1997). And in all instances, the Turkish coup plotters always claimed that their role was to restore order and stabilize the country. This is a rhetoric that is quite familiar to Nigerians. Every military coup is justified on messianic grounds. In the latest onslaught in Turkey, the plotters claim they want to establish a “Peace Council.”

Between 1993 and 1999, Nigerians fought the military to a standstill, insisting on a definite return to civilian rule and the institutionalization of democracy. Sixteen years later, the democratic spirit is well established among the people, if not the Nigerian leadership elite. The people have seen what a demonstration of people power can achieve: they used it to get the military out of power, they relied on it to insist that the Constitution be respected and obeyed when a President died in office and certain forces did not want his successor to get into office, and again, they have seen people-power at work in removing a sitting government from power. Right now in Nigeria, to toy with this power of the people in any form is to sow the seeds of organized mass rebellion.

Not surprisingly, in the past few years, every display of the people’s supremacy in other parts of the world has attracted either interest or a copy-cat instinct among Nigerians. First, there was the Arab Spring, which resulted in calls for the Nigerian Spring, which later found expression in the politically motivated Occupy Nigeria protests of January 2012. And now from Turkey, the major point of interest for Nigeria has been in my estimation, how the people took to the streets to confront soldiers. The coup failed in Turkey because it lacked popular support. Turkey has for long been considered an embarrassment in Europe. A successful coup in 2016 would have put the country in a worse shape and done further damage to the country’s reputation. The people stood up for their country, not President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

They stood up for an idea: The idea of democracy. The three major political parties disowned the coup. Mosques called on the people to go to the streets and fight for democracy. Even Erdogan’s critics, including the Kemalists and the Glulenists, denounced the coup plotters. The images that came across were images of the police confronting the soldiers and disarming them (This was intriguing- can anyone ever imagine the Nigeria police protecting democracy: they would have since collected bribe from the coup plotters, there is massive corruption in Turkey too but their police fought for the nation). Ordinary citizens lay down in front of the coup plotters’ tanks and asked to be crushed; brave citizens disarmed the soldiers and took over the city squares.

It is the kind of bravery that Nigerians find surreal. The coup attempt in Turkey comes at a time when the civil society in Nigeria is beginning to lose the spirit to stand in front of tanks, and guns: the people have been battered to a point where their strongest protection is their power of the ballot and so the average Nigerian endures suffering, convinced that when again it is time to vote, no one can rob him or her of his power to choose. But the situation in Turkey reminds us of the kind of danger that any democracy, with troubled foundations can face, hence Nigerians ask if they too can be as courageous as the Turkish have been, with both Turks and the much abused Kurds, and other divided groups, uniting, momentarily, on one issue.

Not that Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan deserves the victory over the coup plotters, though. Outsiders, including Nigerians, consider him a bad guy; and even if he is still popular and blindly followed by the majority of his people, his 13-year record in office falls far short of standards. He came to office on the wave-crest of popular appeal. In Istanbul where he was a city mayor at a time, he remains immensely popular, and he is also probably the most popular leader, not in Europe, but the Arab world. Thrice, he and his party, the AKP, won nationally organized elections. But success soon got into Erdogan’s head, as he descended into the lower depths of arrogance and dictatorship. He started having issues with neighbours and allies.

He became undemocratic, shamelessly alienating civil society, the press and the judiciary. He is so temperamental and intolerant of criticism and alternative views, he is now surrounded mainly by sycophants and relatives. In his attempt to dominate everything and everyone, he became known as the “buyuk usta”, that is “the big master”, and of course, he now lives in a $615 million Presidential palace with 1, 150 rooms! In addition, he wants to acquire US-style executive Presidential powers and he is busy battling, real and imaginary enemies.

He may have been saved by the people’s rejection of the coup attempt, but perhaps Erdogan has been saved more by his own cleverness. The coup attempt against his government was an amateur, unorganized effort. It lacked the support of the military command, which Erdogan had cleverly subjected to civilian control, and among whom he had built centres of personal loyalty. Over the years, he weakened the military and strengthened the police and the intelligence services. The coup plotters over-estimated their capacity and misread the people’s mood.

Their failure may embolden Erdogan and even make him more authoritarian: he is already sounding off about being in charge and dealing with the coup plotters (over 2,000 of whom have already been rounded up and arrested, even judges have been fired). But Turkey is in a very bad shape. Resentments run deep. There are deep fears about threats to the country’s secularism, and attempts to Islamicise the country. A paranoid Erdogan could worsen the situation. Both the United States and the European Union should take a keen interest in what happens in Turkey after the coup attempt, to ensure that rather than dig deeper into authoritarianism, Erdogan would see the need to run a more open, inclusive and democratic government.

The coup may have failed, and democracy may have won, but whatever issues led to a group of ill-prepared soldiers taking the law into their hands cannot be wished away. To tell the truth, Recep Erdogan acts very much, in all respects, like an African leader in Europe - that probably explains the keen Nigerian interest. The key lesson, all told, is that the importance and survival of democracy relates to the importance of civic virtue, this is why leaders must rely not just on the people’s commitment to an idea, but must seek to make democracy work for all the people.


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

If God be for us,...

...merited happiness

NaijaStore said...

Hmmmm deep!

Prince Nwachukwu said...


"I'm the most handsome Nigerian blogger": Blogger SkyPrince calls out male bloggers in Nigeria

C Martins said...

Hmmm....this is cruelty from tne president but violence is not the best option from the coup plotters

Pretty face said...

Another great piece

Unknown said...

Wonderful piece by Reuben

Unknown said...

Well said

Unknown said...

Never concern myself with the coup in the first place and would'nt do nw...

Unknown said...

Too long, I'm off to church. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Why can't Abati write something short and apt?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Point on

Olaaliu said...

Not interested🙍🙍🙍🙍

Unknown said...

You make sense most of the time but you don't pity readers when you charter such long epistle

Mama2tees said...

Reuben, Reuben, Reuben. I know you will soon be invited by the EFCC for questioning and your role in the arms purchase. You are also a sycophant as much as most people. I used to have a lot of respect for you until you joined the last Government and behaved same way as the people that surround the Turkish Government as described by you above.

Unknown said...

Nigerians will never file out the streets and lie down in front of Armoured tanks driven by Nigerian soldiers because of rulers, thieves who don't care about Nigerians but themselves that can never happen who wants to die nothing

Unknown said...

Objectively and aptly analyzed. Erdogan should not think that the worst is over and I bet you that the Nigerian system is very jittery right now considering the circumstances in the country now.

Unknown said...

Abeg I no dey write exam for dis long speech... dee

Unknown said...


kclub said...

So you av sense like this and never use them when you were in position?

gentle said...

I plead with LIBers to please read this piece. So insightful!

gentle said...

I literally ditched what I was doing because the piece was so interesting. .lol. I guess not everyone likes a long good read.

Anonymous said...

Mama2tees you are on point , the hegoat is there speaking grammar but when he was in government he assisted to plunder the national treasury . EFCC will soon go knocking his door

Unknown said...

What an epistles, shall read later!

Unknown said...

Is food for thought for pmb. A bigger lesson for APC if dy will learn from dat. Pmb must run an inclusive govt to accommodate all so dat wat happened in Turkey won't happen here,d way pmb is going now ours may be worst. Pmb be warned said...

Tyranny can bring nothing more than hate and enemies... All this autocratic democrats be warned!!
Pmb and co God is watching

Na me talk am!

Long Live Lib!!!

Unknown said...


Lib addict#just pasing#

Unknown said...

Abeg e 2 long

Unknown said...

Another post GEJ good piece...#onMYway...

paul imaji said...

Abati cannot write something short and apt because not everything can be explained in shorthand. This is the problem with our new social media generation. We want everything in one liners, twitter-length statements but it is not always possible. For example "Buhari calls Nigerians criminals" nobody reads the full interview but everyone goes on twitter with #NotCriminals hash tags. This love for one liners is misinformation the youths and planting seeds of discord in their hearts

Unknown said...

My dear Rueben, I always enjoy reading ur articles.

Revon said...

See how u missed this intelligent piece right now

Anonymous said...

Reuben Abati, is beginning to find his voice again, unfortunately for him his reputation has been tarnish when he abandoned the masses and became a sycophant in the last administration, like his description in this article.

People like Reuben Abati, intellectuals in Nigeria that don't practice what they preach. This is a major obstacle to our developmental effort. Abati should hide himself in shame and stop writing on issues that he is part of the problem.

Unknown said...

A good write up. Our country should learn from Turkey's attempted coup.

Anonymous said...

Reuben, your article enlightens. It is sad that we have people whose sole comment is "too long." What a generation. Someone even asked Linda to "take note." I think Linda should take note that her blog is not for all. If your attention span and IQ can not take in the length of this article, you should be institutionalized.

Anonymous said...

Reuben, your article enlightens. It is sad that we have people whose sole comment is "too long." What a generation. Someone even asked Linda to "take note." I think Linda should take note that her blog is not for all. If your attention span and IQ can not take in the length of this article, you should be institutionalized.

Anonymous said...

is this the same abati that was with GEJ? so he was this intelligent? and all the while i kept thinking gej never had smart guys around him.

Anonymous said...

Any country's military that thinks it can stage a successful coup has miscalculated. Not in this day and age. People will prefer the worst democracy to the best Military rule. In Nigeria, Nigerians have gone beyond that stage and now understand the power of their vote. Bidding for time, most Nigerians now patiently wait for the next ballot. To vote Buhari out. Its been one long hard difficult year for most but Nigerians are willing to wait for the ballot box again. Not some terrible greedy Military seizure of power or rule! No no. Those years of torment are gone.

Unknown said...

HOW I wish you were writing all these during your time

Unknown said...

Turkey as a nation has ethnicity problems just like Nigeria and also facing terrorist attacks within the country. But on Friday night / Saturday morning the Turkish stood for their country and fought a common enemy. That is a true patriotism and kudos to the Turkish youths and the citizens generally. All what most Nigerian youths are drumming is break up the country as if they have another country to run to. Nigeria will continue to be one irrespective of whatever situations we find our self as a Nation.

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