See what she ordered on Instagram - see what was | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

See what she ordered on Instagram - see what was

Lol. According to Twitter user @passiboo, she saw this advert on Instagram (left) and placed an order. What was however delivered was quite different. (right)




Unknown said...

They always fix something different

Unknown said...

Wonti je ojue

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Chimoo! Is dat potato I can see inbtw d sandwich?

...merited happiness

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Observed, choi, with all humility and honesty I have feelings for Linda Ikeji and would sincerely wish to meet her in person this year as part of my resolution.

Anonymous Personified said...

He/She is lying. Why wasn't a name mentioned as to where she ordered this from?
Attention seekers!

Unknown said...

Lol tins chnage

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Lol that's wat we call package bread.


Unknown said...

lol.they are the same na
Was she expecting it to look exactly the same as in the first pic.


sanrock said...

Lol agege wah o

Unknown said...

lmao,shebi there is bread for there na...make she enjoy! lol

Unknown said...

It is called real food. Linda see to that case

Unknown said...



Yaneez Deeyah said...

Lol, all na sandwich joor

Rejoice Fapese said...


Unknown said...

Nice time be wise oooh

Unknown said...

Loi all na the same,bread I bread.Abi linda!

gfunkstyl said...

i dey laugh dey go,dis one na agege bread sandwitch ko sandburn ni

Unknown said...

That looks like Agege Bread.. Haba,

Pesin Pikin said...

LOl...I swear if na me I go storm the restaurant or whatever place wey dem do this thing go cause kasala der...hahahaha

linda Last Born(IPHY) said...

Hahahahaha lol....all na sandwich...

Anonymous said...


thats a loaf of bread....

can order such online

meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

Is that agege bread?!

Anonymous said...


thats a loaf of bread....

can order such online

meenah_wakil on instagram

Muna said...

Lwkm! Naija!

STERN said...

Sue them ASAP.

Unknown said...

Big lie. No fast food makes sandwich like the latter. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lol agege bread ND some fried egg.

Anonymous said...


thats a loaf of bread....

can order such online

meenah_wakil on instagram

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Haha haha. Lol. That's what happens when u place an order most times.

Unknown said... time my dear, you go by yourself. Not all that glitters is gold. Sorry eeh

Unknown said...

Lol. More Instagram followers for you

Unknown said...

Okkkk that's it

Unknown said...

That's naija for u.
Direct from Delsu.

Unknown said...

Smh...Nigerians no dey try at all. I mean I ordered some clothes via Instagram, a plotted skirt and some other tinx, I saw smtin different. They won't even put effort in their businesses. Ruining businesses for other ppl

Unknown said...

LOL!!!!! that's the real version, very funny

Dan said...

U Neva see anytin

Unknown said...

Lmao agege sandwich
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Lol. Normal thing

miss B said...

Lol bread and pumpkin leafs... she should enjoy her ordered sandwich.. Dey will soon order 4 peanut and plantain... but I dnt bliv dis oh... lol....

Unknown said...

lolz correct

Toni'Fresh West

Golden said...


Unknown said...

Lol @list it's edible.


I.K said...

Make she manage. At least it's complete delivery.

Unknown said...

Linda post ma comment ooooo

Very funny.

kaycee said...

Hahahaahhahahah. So funny. Make she manage am like that.#linda'sfirstdaughter

Unknown said...

Lol, made in naija...

Unknown said...

Linda y is it hard for u to post pple comment ?

Unknown said...

Lmao. All na sandwich#Lindangwanu#

Anonymous said...

Na Agege bread dem deliver instead.

Unknown said...


Obazee Osazee said...

this is fraud?

Unknown said...

Lol hilarious but must we other everything we see online..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

lol... Double your hustle

Jules said...

Lol. All na sandwich, make she manage am...

Golda Awosika said...

Lmao, ehya shebi she is still hungry, she should manage chop d tyn


lanre said...

abeg miss linda go check @kingtblakhoc on instagram. ahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

That bread make sense, e dey okay! You dey order sandwich wey agege full everywhere! I no fit order anything edible. online , I order only. inedibles .

Unknown said...

WTF..I will definitely reject this and ask for refund and apology if already paid.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

WTF...I will definitely reject this and ask for refund and apology if already paid!

Unknown said...

Don't complain.Almost d same.ALL NA PACKAGING.

Anonymous said...

Na Mallam go. do this kin job! I don see the bread, tomatoes and leaf! Na aboki .

Adaobikamma said...

Hahahaha all are the same only the packaging that differ.

Unknown said...


#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

baba said...

Ok na

@DGoldenJenny said...

Must she order for it?
Lazy woman, if at all you really wanted to hava a taste of that; you should've asked your house help to help you prepare it or better still do it yourself.

Ok I get the because the meal looks so yummy that's why your longer throat couldn't allow you take you face off the advert
White. White. White

Unknown said...

LOL I don't know about the fillings sha but I miss agege bread here in Canada so I no for vex for the bread itself hehe

optimisticlady said...


Too bad!

Aguji'egbe said...

That's Bread and French fries. was there Zobo to wash it down too. funny people

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...lmao
Error error error

Anonymous said...

Think am seeing ugu and tomato too

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Lol. All these online booking that ends up been disappointing.


Unknown said...

It's a lie

Unknown said...

Hahahahahhahahahahahah awesome..

Post my comment...

Alex wealth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex wealth said...

lol. she needed home delivery na. but those people sha... they added chinchin abi chips for her at no cost.

Anonymous said...

GBOZA!!! na delivery scatter am.

Unknown said...

That's y most times I hate ordering for things like dis n bags online within Nigeria . Except I v seen someone else!!!

Makjesty said...

They brought Her "Mudwich".... Lol.

Long live the Queen...
(Linda Ikeji)...

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Lmao what u get when u don't go get ur food urself and see urself

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha naso life be


Unknown said...

lol!! Enjoy your ordered food jare....

Unknown said...

Lol local club sandwich

Unknown said...

Not too bad . obong Abasi is fully involved

Linda's pearl said...

Lol, is there no eatry around her houx. Ok, she got it na.. None of my business...

Unknown said...

Such evils.....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


portable said...

Enter your o gah o

Betty said...

This is why I prefer to buy my stuff directly. Most of these food vendors copy and paste stuff that looks so appealing on line but looks so different when they are being delivered. I for one will never pay if that was done to me. It is pure lie and deceit.

Unknown said...

Lolsss,unless u paid b4 delivery.if not u cud've rejected it,if u paid after it was delivered

Unknown said...

Haba! this one is agege bread now Lmaoooo. Sandwich na sandwich, manage it like that

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@anonymous you're very stupid for saying you're sure its an aboki that made that. you dont have common sense and you're also blind as you cant see the price tag isnt the naira sign but some other sign, meaning this didnt even happen in naija. so you're stupid for saying that. fool

Shawarma Guy said...

Although this can be hurtful. It's still similar. To avoid things like this though, visit
Flames Grill

For their Shawarma

Gwarinpa leisure bar and kitchen, before 7th avenue junction opp purple tulip hotel" Gwarinpa

Anonymous said...

Kikikikikiki I laugh in latin.... Great discovery of sports news here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Na wa oo, i go kuku buy slice bread with vegetable leaves, habi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Grow up!

Unknown said...

Pls check out dis link ooo

Unknown said...

Maybe d guy no give get money

Anonymous said...

Loll, they must be sick ahaa!

Gee Wagon said...

She has eaten from it.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hahahahaha wtf lol, but the owner of the online business have mind o, this is fraud pls lmao!!!

isco said...

It is a common sense!

Unknown said...

LMAO.... Dem for add akara join na. Fries indeed

Eva Da Diva...

Unknown said...

They brought her agegewich I can't laugh

Unknown said...

Its not bad .. the fries is there and the sandwitch is there, what else is missing ... Wait a minute isnt this agege bread???

Unknown said...

Its not bad .. the fries is there and the sandwitch is there, what else is missing ... Wait a minute isnt this agege bread???

dudette said...

Haba that's not

Mockingbird said...

So she couldn't make Sandwitch' herself ba, its her fault na, this one is Agege bread.

chommy said...

Made in naija

baba said...

Na dem them

Okaro said...

That's the reason it's always safer to go for "Dangerous Burger" aka Akara and Bread...

The Devil you know is better than the Angel you don't

Lesson leanrt, though I do not believe this post though

Anonymous said...

Na agege bread them even use sef

Chizzy said...

Linda, Do you know how to cook?

Unknown said...

Is dat wisdom bread.. Lol

Enugu's second shoe designer

Unknown said...

bread and sauce na.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Next time u won't order. Food onLine.

Unknown said...

Hahaha. Lol

#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Unknown said...

Lwkmd your money should be refunded
Whatt'da hell is this?? Omg

AMIJEZ said...

All na sandwitch.

Unknown said...

Lol .. Nija for real ...

Unknown said...

It has happened to me severally. With this they r simply killing d e-commerce.


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Not funny...lolz said...

OMG, she shuld return it na

MRS CHI UDE(Baby Face) said...

This one na agege sandwich

Graciejay said...


Unknown said...

Lwkm. If this order was placed in naija then the person dt ordered such is not serious. Everyone can see dt d price tag isn't in naira. So how would d delivery be different from Agege bread?


Luciana Chinda said...

Hahahahahahahaha dis very funny,,

Mz Blacky said...

the more you look the less you see

Pearlie said...

Ordering things online always gives me cause for concern

Unknown said...


owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...


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