Photos: Incredible story of a Monkey that adopted a lost puppy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 23 January 2016

Photos: Incredible story of a Monkey that adopted a lost puppy

This monkey adopted a lost puppy on the street of New Delhi, India and they have been living together ever since. According to local media reports, the monkey never lets the puppy stay out of his reach. They eat and play together and whenever other dogs try to mess with the little puppy, the monkey chases them away. This is amazing because monkeys and dogs don't generally get along. See more photos after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Linda, pls I have something to say; I live in the UK and had to go to the Nigerian High Commission to renew my Nigerian Passport during the week but guess what we were left in the cold till few minutes before 10am in the morning.
They give you a date to come for passport interview but leave you outside in the cold with little children in a weather of less than 5 degree.
I wish I had taken pictures or recorded the whole scene.
There is a place where people can sit inside but the authorities have decided to punish people and let them queue outside. People come from outside London and are there as early as 6 am to be on the queue
Please help tell the authorities to give time slots so people can know what time to arrive SBD not just be on a queue in a cold weather for hours while those who bring letters bribe their way in. Nigeria is such a corrupt country and it is a shame it still happens in the High commission here.
Because your parents know someone in the High Commission, they give you a letter to bring and you don't have to queue but just walk through.
Its really annoying.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nature is wonderful. More Instagram followers for Nature

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

If animals can do dz..watz d issues with we human

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

True love Lol

Unknown said...

Wow dis is lovely.


Unknown said...

The dog go dey fly trees be that

Linda's pearl said...

Eh ya, so caring

Blog It With Olivia said...

Wow! This is really nice αи∂ surprising at same time

#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE

Unknown said...

Wow...... Amazing

Unknown said...

The awesomeness of God. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Wow amazing

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Aww! So funny and cute at the same time.....


Unknown said...

Aww! So funny and cute at the same time.....


Unknown said...

Wow! Incredible indeed. Monkeys have similar behaviour with humans

Unknown said...

Even monkeys cares. Why can't we care for our fellow human


Monkey get sense sha

Unknown said...



Golda Awosika said...

Dias still true love in this world


Unknown said...

Wow! this is so lovely, God is great! He gave every living thing he created wisdom..

Unknown said...

wooow..such love.


BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

Monkey behave like human being

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

Monkey behave like human being

Unknown said...

Ok seen. * it's well*

Alloy Chikezie said...

Wow! Really incredible.

Your comment will be visible after approval.

Unknown said...

Thats how humans should coexist but since we started behaving like animals ,they started being us

Unknown said...

This is incredible

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Awww!How loving and amazing...

Unknown said...

If a monkey can adopt n protect a dog like it's own. So tell me y Christians n Moslems can't stay together as brothers n sisters. All we nid to make dis world a better place is just 1 LOVE.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Awww, cute!

Unknown said...

very soon, the dog will be climbing trees

Unknown said...

Cool...we humans can learn from ds

Unknown said...

Strange tho

Unknown said...

Hmmmm....that's ho humans should coexist but since we started behaving like animals then they started being us

Unknown said...

Did he sign any paper.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

The Lord is wonderful

Unknown said...

Observed, with all humility and honesty I have feelings for Linda Ikeji and would sincerely wish to meet her in person this year as part of my resolution.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Could this be love ?

Jules said...


Unknown said...

only in india

Unknown said...

Wow amazing

pretty face said...


Unknown said...

simply incredible

Mufliat said...

If this monkey was a human,the world would be a better place for people.

#Hajia Mufliat

Anonymous said...

wow.. this is increadible

Unknown said...

Incredible, God is wonderful.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...



WeALTHY ChIC said...

Na wah o

Anonymous said...

na with time him too go de jump from tree to tree.

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwww dat's so sweet,chaiii cc caring

Unknown said...

So strange though....

Unknown said...

If an animal can do this to fellow animal,how much more human being,this is amazing.

Unknown said...



DAUGHTER _ OF _ A _ SOMEBODY... said...

And humans still find it difficult
to relate other races* tribes*

I didn't type this fa' it just popped out...

Matthew Masha said...

India is a land of Mystery. I feel God specially created that land for his wonders

Unknown said...


Pesin Pikin said...

Incredible indeed...nice story. We all need somebody to love

Unknown said...


Unknown said...



AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Animals are such agreeable friends ,they ask no questions,thay pass no criticisms.

tosisochukwu said...

That is interested ! I love that monkey

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

Wisest comment made by a Nigerian. People started copying animals in sex,reasoning and hygiene. Animals started copying us in reasoning and caring. #REPENT

I B M bolubantin said...

Thats really awesome...

I B M bolubantin said...

Thats really awesome...

Unknown said...

That's nice... adorable.


Unknown said...

Ur foolish

Unknown said...

See preacher
Hope you will go to sambisa forest to preach that to them?

Anonymous said...

this is incredible...

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Luciana Chinda said...


Anonymous said...

You are a true husband material

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Now, this is Really touching.
Pls open a 'GoFundMe' account 4 this caring animal. I'm willing 2 Donate generously to/for the Cause.

Unknown said...

Now, this is Really touching.
Pls open a 'GoFundMe' account 4 this caring animal. I'm willing 2 Donate generously to/for the Cause.

Anonymous said...

The dog will soon be jumping from one tree to another.Honestly this is an amazing and incredible story.

Anonymous said...

The dog will soon be jumping from one tree to another.Honestly this is an amazing and incredible story.

KAOMI said...

White people are very right for calling us Monkey.. We are amazing lol atleast we are not snakes,dinosaur,lion,whales or any other brutal animals

oben said...

Loving is what matters | like I always say, if a container is change without the content been change all reamine the same!

Unknown said...

Unlikely friends

Unknown said...

Hmm..God too much

Unknown said...

wow that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Aww incredible indeed, this dog will love banana and fruit by fire by force lol and the monkey might start loving bones what a great combination!

Anonymous said...

Solomon your head is there

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..........this is incredible. Nice one.



That monkey is lonely darris y..... did u check the monkey's heart to know if it meant to adopt.....

Unknown said...

This is amazing....#LindaConfirm


Awwwww oshomole and okonjo should emulate this behaviour..... will stroll away while I leave u the honours of differenciting who is okonjo and who is oshomole

Anonymous said...

Solomon...your reasoning is hot.. wise saying bro..

Anita only bleaching cream dey your brain

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Nature is so beautiful

...merited happiness

Anonymous said...

Wise words.. The day race, gender,sexuality (wether u re gay bi or straight) religion stop diving us and we start loving ourselves without the above dividing us, then the world wuld be a better place, solomon hope u love humans irrespective of the above factors..

don snipes said...

Wow hope Natgeo wild is seeing dis

Anonymous said...

C'mon...monkeys are close to humans. He is exhibiting that aspect of primates that expresses our love for pets.

Unknown said...

This monkey s got more conscience than most humans

Anonymous said...

Rarespecie u re touched? U homophobic brat, dat cnt stand gay ppl buh all of a sudden u find animals showing unconditional love u re now touched, u shuld hv ur head examined my tot tho, u hv no good in u hunnay,if u cnt deal with ppl who hv done u no wrong den keep ur generousity 2 ur selfish and evil self.. *kisses*

Unknown said...

Poor dog. Hope that monkey aint molesting d dog sexually. Plus d dog looks like he's in bondage.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when I'm actually a LIB addict!

Unknown said...



Choi.. The joke is on we Humans. Let's borrow a Leaf or two and coexist...!

Anonymous said...

Linda, over to you !!

Unknown said...

wow... this is lovely

Dan said...

Wow lovely coexisting

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...Anita Gold, Linda will notice you, but please respect your slf, u dnt av to insult ppl

Unknown said...

We have alot to learn from this.

Unknown said...


optimisticlady said...

Unlikely animal friends....
Natgeo wild should do a doccie on them.

Anonymous said...

Chai...I feel like cryin*** abeg make d puppie no fall from all those flyin frm tree to tree

Anonymous said...

It's the same thing with the Nigerian high commission in Ottawa. They open at 10am and closes 1pm. Yet no one shows up until after 11:30am.

junia said...

I love ur comment

Anonymous said...

Please how can I watch or download the video

maimuna rosy said...

This is strange.

Unknown said...


Graciejay said...

How amazing! Animals displaying human character and vice versa.

Graciejay said...

How amazing! Animals displaying human character and vice versa.

Graciejay said...

How amazing! Animals displaying human character and vice versa.

Unknown said...

Blood is thinker na water,

Anonymous said...

Is anyone noticing this user @anita gold that's just going around being a shrew??

On the topic, I think this is something else. Really adorable and comical

Anonymous said...

Is so sad that's how it happens everywhere even here in USA the Nigeria Embassy in Atlanta don't have office phone contact. You can't leave a voice mail. They treat You as if we are still in Nigeria. Very sad.

Unknown said...

True love it is called. Obong Abasi is fully involved

Unknown said...

It's nothing new here in India I have seen pigs and dogs living like family but seeing monkeys on the streets at all is very rare

Anonymous said...

Wishing that this world see everyone as one! "Show love just because ". % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

Cheng said...

Nice One.. God Almighty Reward The Amazing Monkey.

kg Louis said...

wow!!! wish we would love our neighbors like this

====>Team Lord<===

Unknown said...

Wow ISE eniyan ni ise eranko

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

wonderful animal...

it is well

Unknown said...

Direct from Delsu.

Unknown said...

Woow luv dis

Unknown said...

"NeVeR SaY NeVeR"

Unknown said...

Am touched.


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Unlikely animals coming together... if only human being can understand that.

Anonymous said...

Omokri did good.

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...,

Unknown said...

This is like the best weird friendship I have ever cool.

Unknown said...

Kill all Gays.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


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