Reno Omokri mocks Lai Mohammed... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

Reno Omokri mocks Lai Mohammed...



Alloy Chikezie said...


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Niyi Daramola said...

Its not funny

STERN said...


Jules said...

Lol. So hilarious!

Golda Awosika said...

Lol,I caught wind of it on Twitter


Unknown said...

Ahahahaha! With his eze gworo! Eze utaba..
Nice one reno

Unknown said...

2O16...their year of Shades!

Anonymous said...

For a million Naira? Even if you tickle me Remo, FROWNING ti take over!

Angie said...

Awaiting my 1 million.. It's become soo boring.

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Lol. Did I just laugh? Oga, I didn't laugh o so d 1 million naira fast.


Unknown said...

Eisshhh! 1million frm d blood money u all stole abi

Unknown said...

Pay up ASAP cos I didn't find it funny. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

kudos said...

My neighbour Linda,have you blamed GEJ today on the over population in this blog...Blog...Believe

Unknown said...

No be small laugh oo..

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahaha,abeg e reach to laugh nd mock

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Lol... so true



applegeniuz said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lol, this stuff got me laughing. Reno, you af try

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

We are waiting for an at her lai tomorrow.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Reno is hilariously sick! Hahaha **yuck*** we still blame GEJ administration duh!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

We are waiting for another lai tomorrow.

WeALTHY ChIC said...

Hahahhahahahahha. Lai Mohammed the ugly, stupid and shameless old monkey. See as him face be like person wey just dey recover from 1st degree burn. Useless old man

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Confused Lai Lai Mohammed. Islamist people

Demmy said...

I tried not to laugh bt d laff no gree me, lol

baba said...

Enter your comment...thts good

Unknown said...

Lolz. So why will I blame GEJ now?


Unknown said...

I no laf o, honestly

Unknown said...

Laugh about what? This is so dry..

dontJme said...


head of state(linda's foe) said...

Sowi its not funny to nr.i find it dry

Unknown said...

Nebo, have u blamed gej today?

Unknown said...

epic. omalicha li did u miss me?

Anonymous said...

Baba don dey old ni jhor... dee

Anon said... chance govt


pow! pow! serious shots fired.
Thought Reno said he has quit commenting on politics.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hehehehehhehe buh that's how lai sounds
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Dan said...

Na true Na if no be jona Na technical speech u av won face ur duty n lead naija to greater heights n stop looking for who to put d blame on. #justsaying

uniquequeen said...

Hehehehe!!!!!! I can't shout abeg

Anon said...

Hahahahahaa...d very potent weapon they use 2 distract their blissfully ignorant supporters...One Chance govt.

Unknown said...

Linda abeg I nor laf, help me tell Reno dat I didn't laf @all

Anonymous said...

And Reno says he is born again!Desist from posting this kind of pictures,leave Lai Muhammed in peace and u shud also live in peace!in btw I didn't laff,send me my money!RR...via BlackBerry leap!

Unknown said...

Lie Mumummadu a very useless creature. Sir Reno u just said it all,my only problem now is that by tomorrow now Bokohari may send his errand boys Efcc or Dss after u. Dansukigate is their trap for them enemies, my hand no dey o.

Lie lie See his mouth like pig pussy.

Linda's pearl said...

Laugh kwa, Wonda wot would make me laff... Ain't funny, I hope he gives the 1million oh but it's not my business

Unknown said...

Dat man is a clown said...

Nawa ooooo

Unknown said...

Hilariously sick? Jeez!
So u still haven't enrolled in evening school like I advised. Pls hurry! Oge adiro! Iti mpataka.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Not funny

Unknown said...

Dude Lie be lookin like a Retard.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Hahaha blog Ashawo na u?? I haven't enrolled o, Err how market na??

Unknown said...

Buhari and his people should find something better to tell us,like the are confused! Instead of blaming GEJ.

Unknown said...

U need To b flogged

Unknown said...

I laughed sotey I fall inside my village latrine..😄😄😄

mz said...

lol, na so

Anonymous said...

It's actually funny But senseless. Reno omokri, u can rant all u can. Buffoon.

Unknown said...

U laugh too easily, u r not a serious person, I think it's you who needs to be flogged.

Unknown said...

Yesoo na me oooh!
Na pple wey get money for mb De blog whore!
IGA eje godu wuo aru first, tush up well before nfu GI. Uchicha!

Anonymous said...

Stupid, blind and soiled people like Reno find GEJ and his co-travellers blameless. Just imagine for a moment what would happen if ur paymmaters had successfully rigged themselves in during d last general election. History will surely vindicate Buhari as Godsent.

advent said...

I didn't laugh oo

Unknown said...

If I laugh make I know wetin cause am 0024727359, diamond bank. Pay immediately


hmmn said...

Enough said, Abi, gej is a saint 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Looooool hot soup...Yetty

Unknown said...

Angrily speaking you guys fit!

Unknown said...

Hahahhaha... Lol. Willy__Willy, come and hug me. You are so mouthed! Lol.

By the way, Ibu nwoke ka ibu nwanyi???

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

hmmn said...

Everyone knows Gej is a saint and stealing is not corruption 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,so lai is lying Abi? But karma is as a way of biting you in the A*s though,think about it.

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...lolllz

FourthOfApril said...

I concur, not funny.

Okowright Balaxy said...

I won't be surprised if the confused Buhari led FG blame GEJ through their tenure without achieving anything. I am not surprised that Nigeria is crashing under Buhari, what do you expect from a man that claim to be poor despite all the money he's seen as a retired General and ex head of state. It shows Buhari is not industrious, he's a foolish spender with no knowledge of investing. God will deliver us from this power mongers!

Anonymous said...

Lol... what next?

.....Well,its not my buisness

Anonymous said...

What exactly are you saying?

....well its not my buisness.

Unknown said...


Bona said...

Nnenne hope you out now!!! I don't want to hear that a LIB while laughing to Reno tweet in a latrine
Linda will you marry me

Unknown said...

Native doc nwanne mmadu how far? Hapu godu aturu Warri ka ona aratu go du nsi AFO osisa. Enwebee dim time for an illiterate!

Anonymous said...

Lol if this boy aboki really knows who this funny willy is, he'll be answering yes ma even when she coughs. (Silent reader)

Anonymous said...

My love willy your bad mouth ee. Lmao, honestly Lol if this boy aboki really knows who this funny willy is, he'll be answering yes ma even when she coughs. (Silent reader)

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Lol. Somebody sha will take d blame

...merited happiness

AMIJEZ said...

Buhahahahapgdiahahahaha,laughing in d midnyt.

Anonymous said...

Dry joke. Its not funny. Meet basket mouth and AY or I go die for tips on how to crack jokes

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is so funny about this??? So the fact that there is a new govt in office means we should forget about the most corrupt regime ever witnessed by this country??? A regime that literally bankrupted an oil rich nation and left us more vulnerable than we have ever been? Not even during the military regime were we this broke as a nation. This bastard and his crooked administration left us broke at a time when oil prices were at their highest. Now everyone wants Buhari to come and repair the damage in 9mnths. We will continue to blame GEJ. Not all Nigerians are stupid..even tho most are..otherwise how will u explain people asking us not to blame the past Regime for our woes? Or do u think money just devalues in months by itself? Dumbasses

Unknown said...

Big mouth...

Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

Big mouth...

Let's go Linda

Anonymous said...

Thank God your comment is the only sane comment on this weirdo seeking attention and staging a comeback!!!😀😀
Too late please. There is now discernment. Sorry o.

Anonymous said...

Thank God your comment is the only sane comment on this weirdo seeking attention and staging a comeback!!!😀😀
Too late please. There is now discernment. Sorry o.

Unknown said...

reno making fool of himself with all this your childish shows i think you need pampas. oozuoooooo

Unknown said...

Buhari chapter 3 vs 5....What is that moutain before your eyess..fear not..just blame it on GEJ

paul naza said...

Yoruba people

Unknown said...

Lol, I kn fit laugh ni'. * it's well*

Pesin Pikin said...

Nah! Not worth d stress...better luck next time Omokri

Anonymous said...

They are now blaming God

Unknown said...

This is gross. He can go to prison for this. I stand to be corrected

Unknown said...

Up till now you not known where you find yourself or you're just pretending

Unknown said...

Up till now you not known where you find yourself or you're just pretending

Unknown said...

No correlation. 1m from the loot? Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

The youth can laugh all they want. GEJ may have totally mortgaged our future & clowns like Reno Omokri urged him on licking his arse for crumbs. Why was he fired?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

haahhaahhahaha dis dude funny

Unknown said...

Not funny jor

Mr Sarm said...

Seriously its not funny

Anonymous said...

And how does that affect you?

Unknown said...

Seriously it's not funny...I didn't even laff

Blessing said...

Reno is using your money to live comfortably in America and u are hailing him. Am sorry for this ignorant generation!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol. Smh this stern sef

OSINANL said...

So funny...

Anonymous said...

The pastorial course no pay am so he gat to come back for cheap publicity

APPLE said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...That reminds me, i did not put enough salt in my pot of soup yesterday , GEJ i blame u o. lol.

Anonymous said...

Becos of dumb stupid remarks like this, That's why y'all lost the elections in the first place. Is it relevant that you make jokes of someone's look? So his ugly abi what are you trying to say? If others make such a statement it could be understood but for someone of your level it's a no no, learn from your past mistake cos it took y'all nowhere FYI everything we are going through is because of you pop dumbos and you think it's funny? Y'all killed young military officers bcos of your party the are alot of young widows and fatherless babies because of pdp so many people don't have homes and you think it's funny smh

Anonymous said...

Becos of dumb stupid remarks like this, That's why y'all lost the elections in the first place. Is it relevant that you make jokes of someone's look? So his ugly abi what are you trying to say? If others make such a statement it could be understood but for someone of your level it's a no no, learn from your past mistake cos it took y'all nowhere FYI everything we are going through is because of you pop dumbos and you think it's funny? Y'all killed young military officers bcos of your party the are alot of young widows and fatherless babies because of pdp so many people don't have homes and you think it's funny smh

Anonymous said...

Becos of dumb stupid remarks like this, That's why y'all lost the elections in the first place. Is it relevant that you make jokes of someone's look? So his ugly abi what are you trying to say? If others make such a statement it could be understood but for someone of your level it's a no no, learn from your past mistake cos it took y'all nowhere FYI everything we are going through is because of you pop dumbos and you think it's funny? Y'all killed young military officers bcos of your party the are alot of young widows and fatherless babies because of pdp so many people don't have homes and you think it's funny smh

Unknown said...

Really not funny

Unknown said...

Is funny period.Abi linda!

Anonymous said...

You have no sense of humor.. But I don't blame you.. I blame GEJ..

Unknown said...

Hehehehe wilheminna moses just fire aboki da warri boy lol thank u so much wilhemina moses.

Unknown said...

Lolzz. Reno, millions of Instagram followers for you

Anonymous said...

See monkey Weta u laugh or not no different.... Imagine when dog say he dey laugh.... Ewu gambia

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I need the money ooooooo!!! # GEJ!!!!! % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

Anonymous said...

I need the money ooooooo!!! # GEJ!!!!! % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

abujakenneth said...

Alhaji Lying Mohammed

Unknown said...

yes not funny pls send me the money

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