TV personality Bolanle Olukanni gets featured on MTO over comments she made about Will Smith's Nigerian accent | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

TV personality Bolanle Olukanni gets featured on MTO over comments she made about Will Smith's Nigerian accent

The TV personality posted a comment about Will Smith's Nigerian accent in the film Concussion where he portrayed a Nigerian doctor.  MediaTakeout got wind of it and posted it on their website 


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Another drama

Unknown said...

MTO just dey hustle anyhow anyhow. Linda take note!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

For her mind



STERN said...

I LOVE BOLANLE. Her voice gives me a hard on

HUMBLE EVE said...

Park well, he tried

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Na she sabi! WhoSheHelp????

Babylawyer. said...

That's MTO job na always twisting stories.

@Lindaikeji No. I FAN

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

I like the movie 🎥 I don't know what she is talking about

Unknown said...

Nigeria not Africa MTO.........Like seriously

gentle said...

Ha! Nigerians and their bad mouth. This is not good.

Unknown said...

Drama everywhr

Anonymous said...

But she is right. The accent was HORRIBLE.
It is like trying to speak with a Southern American accent and ending up sounding like a Canadian.

Yes, there's a difference.

I do think British actors do a better job with mimicking accents.

sandra edah said...


Unknown said...

He really made a mistk by taking up dis role

kudos said...

Me no get what to say...Believe

Anonymous said...

She. should just shut it! The doctor in question didn't complain so tie your tongue woman.

Anonymous said...

all olukanni's are generally stupid
i have a lecturer with the stupid name

Unknown said...

People self, am here applauding wills for the wonderful job he did and some1 is somewhere talking BS. he portrayed a typical nigerian accents not the type dat traveled to dubia and cums back with a uk accents.. english is not our language is borrowed let's be real for once..everytin in dat movie was amazing stop talking rubbish..(aunty linda post it)

baba said...

She gettin higher

Unknown said...

Is this news?

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...

He made a total mess of the whole thing...

Unknown said...

Stupid M.T.O, was she talking about African abi Nigerian Accent? They shaa like misinterpreting people... Ndi Ara!

Unknown said...

Good for her!

Anonymous said...

Bolanle shut the fuck up and take several seats...preferably sit down and touch yourself since ur so idle. Speak for yourself and not for the entire Lagos. Can you get a perfect Spanish or Italian accent in one month? That's the problem with your always are quick to criticize efforts even when it is glaring in your face that it is worth applauding. Do you expect Will who is born American to have a Nigerian accent as good as the area boys in lagos or as good as that of Osuoffia?

Anonymous said...

Media take out is known for trash its no surprise if a show stopper like Bolanle trends on it.

Unknown said...

They get it mixed up every time...all Africans don't have the same accent, Nigerians speak straight English. Those accents are south African accents...smh

Unknown said...

Who them help?

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

She go dey beam by now

#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Anonymous said...

Dr Omalu is Nigerian quite alright but for someone who has been in the states for a long time, do you expect him to have a Nigerian accent? Bolanle is only trying to get attention. I know so many of us that have lived in the US for a long time with no Nigerian accent and no Nigerian mannerism. Lady got it all wrong.


^^^Adult Content^^^

And it news becos

Anonymous said...

Watched d movie and it's so true

Unknown said...

Okay na

Unknown said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

I actually thought he was acting the part of a south African in the movie... was surprised to see that he's Nigerian in the movie... oh well

dudette said...

Well his accent was cranky... I dunno who told him we speak that way #Butyourestillmadudetho..

Anonymous said...

I have to say I felt the same way when I saw concussion. But I understand that in Hollywood there are no Nigerians or Kenyans, there are just Africans and we all sound the same. I've met African Americans who tell me they cannot differentiate between a Nigerian and Jamiacan accent so this chick needs to just take it and keep it moving.

Golda Awosika said...

I always feel offended when sm1 tries to portray smtyn Nigerian and it becomes a miss.


Unknown said...

Na so she became Famous !!!


Anonymous said...

ACCENT IS A GIFT BOLANALE not a parameter to judge someone's acting. Will Smith might not be the greatest actor since Denzel but he definitely gave a good performance. Only few hollywood people like Idris Elba and of course the queen meryl streep who are truly blessed with that gift. So judge his acting not accent coz even the best actor from your country cannot do an American accent fluently, oh wait did i hear anyone mumble Jim? Jim who?

Unknown said...

Gd for her
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

MUFASA said...

everyone can say whatever they want about Will Smith's movie and it would still not change the fact that, RACISM STILL EXISTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Lol good for het

Unknown said...

Make she come speak am for am naa! Yeye gel if De put on d light, roll d camera for ur type now, inyuoo mamiri na pant gi

Unknown said...

I agree with her write up completely as much as Will Smith is very talented he definitely didn't get the Nigerian accent well bcos in the academy those details r part of all d pieces they put together to make d oscars,though it still doesn't change d fact that it's a white oscars show. M just saying

Alloy Chikezie said...

They should have worked on the accent before shooting.

Your comment will be visible after approval.

Unknown said...

This bolanle no knw wetin she dey talk,dnt tink she watched the movie well,he was nigerian-born in the movie,but spent almost all his entire life abroad,nd dat defintely in a real life scenerio wud have altered his original native accent. FUCK! The movie was d bomb! He make sense finish! Over make sense sef,nd shud definitely shud have bin nominated for the oscars,but I guess dos sentimantal racists just had to........ Bolanle stop watching the back of ur tv set!

mrs diamond said...

Who is bolanle to talk about Nigerian accent, does she speak with our accent?
Bolanle what do you know about our accent, pls shift let real Nigerians talk

Unknown said...

I tot as much.. It was so drab.. But the story line was very good.. But then again, igbo's don't speak bag way..

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Well. Her Choice. I've not watched the movie though.


Anonymous said...

I think Will Smith did a fanastic rep of Dr Omalu's accent.
Will smith wasn't trying to sound like a random nigerian but Dr Omalu.
I am Nigerian; born and raised but anytime I am outside Nigeria and I open my mouth pple (including nigerians and ghanaians) think I'm Ghanaian or from Trinadad and Tobago (Lool!) also because I would say i'm "calmer" I don't hv the average nigerian "fire"

Point is.. Nigerian accent is subjective bcos we r a vry diverse group of pple and even in a city like lagos the uneducated hv a different "accent" than the educated with "init and "you know yeah" catch phrases.

His performance overall was great in my opinion.
Would i hv preferred a chiwetel ejiofor or David oyelowo to play the role maybe but he did do a good job

#My 2 cents

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with her, he should have spent sometime in Nigeria to dilute our accent and mannerisms. Not so much of a good performance

Anonymous said...

Go Bolanle Go!very eloquent and very descriptive.I Like her.RR via BlackBerry Leap.

Anonymous said...

The thing is Nigerians abroad on average hv a confused accent (esp those of us who came here as adults). If Will smith was trying to Mimick Dr Omalu's accent I would say he did a darn good job.
Please just go and listen to any of Dr Omalu's interviews on youtube

Dan said...

She's goin global nice

Anonymous said...

Na she sabi... dee

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

If only bolanle talks with Nigerian accent e for good...she has fake accent but will smith shd not have mscheeee

Anonymous said...

If the accent is not Nigerian, it actually makes one cringe in embarrassment. Why butt-lick because it is Will Smith, y'all? Some effort has to be put into it--- that's what makes Holly- better than Nollywood.

Anonymous said...

Will Smith understand the issues and the NFL better which is the subject.Who could have portrait DR OMALU better and control the intended audience ,with his established star power.Do you believe any of those home grown craker-jack,nigeria call actors? You could barely understand their pronunciation.HE NAILED IT.Ms TV personality in the world of the BLINDS.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe Will Smith aped the accent of the real life Dr Omalu. He may have listened to tapes of the real Dr Omalu speaking. Who knows?

Sena Job said...

Bolanle so you want to teach will Smith his job now because you are one jackass presenter

Unknown said...

God bless this Babe for me jare! Misrepresenting us for cartoon and now movie! If you want to be a Nigerian in a movie biko! Learn our mannerisms and our English too. Yes we have our own English. Kilode sef!

Mz Blacky said...

o dikwa nma, Bolanle be seeking International recognition

Anonymous said...

D babe dey crazy, rubbish girl. He for speak pidgin na

Unknown said...

Lol. This babe should sit the fuck down n shut up. By the way who is she cos I don't even know her. Well her opinion matters to her n those who share same idea as hers. But then he did a good job in the movie. Not every one is meant to like it though. Will Smith rocked in the movie that's my own opinion.


Magic said...

Has any of you guys seen the movie though? Dr. Omalu is meant to be a Nigerian doctor in America, who has lived and studied there for a very long time and not returning home. He has acquired all the medical degrees possible during all the years that he has lived abroad. I do not, on a serious note, think that he should have a clearly impeccable Nigerian or any African accent. His accent, if anything, should be more away than home since he didn't live in Nigeria (or Africa) for quite a while. Please see the movie again, follow the story, understand the concept and think about this guys. May be Bolanle should really sit down and watch it again.

DAUGHTER _ OF _ A _ SOMEBODY... said...

Lol funny bolanle. Kettle calling pot black. All this oap's that are soo fake in speech have d guts to criticize a man who was trying sell out the accent you guys wouldn't speak on air to save your lives...

I didn't type this fa' it just popped out...

Magic said...

Has any of you guys seen the movie though? Dr. Omalu is meant to be a Nigerian doctor in America, who has lived and studied in America for a very long time and not returning home. He has acquired all the medical degrees possible in that country and is well- respected in his fields. I do not think he should have a clearly, seroius and impeccable Nigerian (or African) accent considering the length of time he has been away. If anything, his accent should be more away than home since he hadn't lived here for quite a while. Please see the movie again, follow the story, understand the concept and think about this guys. You too Bolanle and always look before you leap.

Yolade said...

Anon 10:49

who ever u are, may God enlarge ur coast...

U've said it al. Will wasn't trying to sound lik a typical Nigerian but Dr Omalu him self... we dont al have d same accent... Dr Omalu has lived for too long in d US for his accent to have been altered....

abeg who ever she is, she should gan kiss a hot pot of stew jawe....

Unknown said...

Facts na facts. At least I believe say if na South African doc him wan act him go travel to there country blend with Dem. But due to disregard for Nigerians him fill say him Can use any intonation rep us, and data very bad


Anonymous said...

that accent was horrible, this is got to be his worst movie!

Anonymous said...

Like Idris Elba! From Long Walk To Freedom to Beast of No Nation, absolute perfection! Mannerisms and gestures and accent show he researched.

Anonymous said...

You, my dear, should be the one to take several seats. Will Smith is an actor. That is his profession. He is paid to live the life he is acting. Acting is make belief. I am supposed to believe what I am watching. For a long time, I thought Naomi Harris was a South African because of her depiction of one in A Long Walk To Freedom. Idris Elba did a fine job there too! So as in Beast Of No Nation. I haven't watched this "controversial" movie so I can't say how terrible Will's depiction of his character is but what I know is, what makes great actors and movies, is the ability to interpret roles so well that viewers forget they are looking at a screen. Maybe it's their total disregard for Nigeria (Africa) that made them not come here or solicit the aid of Nigerians who would help bring their characters to life. They assumed anything would fly and we'd probably be over the moon to have a representation in a big budget Oyibo movie. Talk about come-and-see-America-wonder.

To prepare for the movie, The Revenant, Hollywood actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, not only camped out in the wilderness: he slept in an animal carcass, ate raw bison and went for regular swims in frozen rivers. The movie is acclaimed to be one of the toughest movies made so far.

Did you see Tom Hanks in The Terminal?!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Na dem sabi jare

Anonymous said...

I think Will Smith did a good job portraying Dr Omalu. Yes we are a passionate people when we speak but He played the role of a Nigerian DOCTOR who studied and lives abroad. Doctors have a more quite approach to things generally especially doctors like Dr Omalu who have experienced and read alot. I am also very sure she did not get to see any interviews of the doctor in question...well I did and Will portrayed Dr Omalu EXCELENTLY! she should do her research next time.

Anonymous said...

Have u watched beast of no nation? Pls check idris elba out in this movie trying to speak like a typical black african. Yes the poster above is quite correct, british actors do a better job in regards to accent and intonation

Anonymous said...

Your father is a Bastard

Pesin Pikin said...

How does it concern her biko?

Unknown said...

Well said

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Getting featured on MTO for d right reasons

...merited happiness

Anonymous said...

He did the typical 'Afrikaan' accent they know over there...Sounded more like Ugandan than Nigerian! Nigerian accent is different from East Africans! It's not very 'THICK'

Anonymous said...

Na dem sabi.....nxt pls

Unknown said...

Oh shut up old lady! Will smith played doc omalu in that movie,who had left nigeria for many years to study in america,so u expect him to still have accent of an igbo after many years? And yes,he studied Dr omalu himself in america before that movie! Just so u know,the real Dr omalu has no accent at all. ITK everywhere,ranting for nothing,when in real life all u nigerians need to start speaking phonetics is only to travel to south Africa or dubai,for a weekend! Oshi!

Unknown said...

Thank God someone has sense enough to say this. Most pple would watch this movie n not even notice a thing! because it's Will Smith! They should know that although we ain't Whites, buh we ve got wat makes us blacks, (Nigerians) and to try and be like us, u ve gotta really get down to the roots n learn! IT'S NOT EASY TO BE A NIGERIAN.. Take note!

Linda I hv arrived, post my comment.

Unknown said...

How will you know Na wen ur brain has been reconstructed to think you are a lesser being than them(whites)..

Linda I hv arrived, post my comment.

Unknown said...

That's Y u ve remained an Anonymous, cos u come 4rm a generation of stupid pple. Yeye dey purge!

Linda I hv arrived, post my comment.

Unknown said...

Listen to yourself. Anything worth doing, is worth doing well! If it was a British movie he was acting, I bet you, he would hv learned their accent so well u had think he's partly 4rm there. The problem is that you Nigerians keep degrading ur selves, ow den do you want other countries to value you?? *SMH*

Linda I hv arrived, post my comment.

Anonymous said...

You miss the point my dear friend. his accent was in no way Nigerian! He doesn't deserve any nomination at all for that role. It was more comic to me. However, Bolanle on the other hand can be said to be a joker as she's one of those who speak like they're foreigners in Nigeria and so maybe Will watched a bunch of them and picked up that accent believing that's the Nigerian authentic accent lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Did she say a doctor from "Nigerian"?????😧😧 now she's famous on top bad English!!! Now those oyinbo people will think we can't speak English. Mtchew!! Now Bolanle, hear me well. Even you don't sound Nigerian! So assuming Will Smith came into Nigeria to pick up the accent and hung out with you , that your Mo Abudu woman and a bunch of your fake ass ELNow Crew, which accent will he pick up as Nigerian? Go figure!!!! I hope that sitting there, you also had a reality check!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, my comment even show, am soulprincess48, lol I don blow

Unknown said...

She only talked about infusing the mannerisms oo Oga calm nigerian

Unknown said...

She only talked about infusing the mannerisms oo Oga calm nigerian

Unknown said...

What is wrong with you! And what is wrong with the world?
So, if you were to play an American role, you won't learn an American accent?
Majority of you shout "oscars" but you don't know anything about movies.
You must make that extra effort!
Look at those who have won it a lot.

Do you think those actors who act as Southern American people in those civil war and civil rights movies were born there? E.g Denzel, Whitaker?

People like Meryl Streep had to learn whole languages just for movies. She learnt to speak French. Learnt to play musical instruments just to act. Go and read about Daniel Day and what he had to do to potray Abraham Lincoln. Please read! What about Christian Bale that loses and gains weight to dangerous limits for movies. You're here saying he was born in America. And So?? Inferiority complex or you're just so used to the inanity Nigerian movies give you.

Who said he travelled to the Doctor's village for 1 month to learn the accent? Bloody lies.

Plus, why does Will Smith always tell the world he rejected this role and that role. Who cares? Those who take it up end up doing better and winning awards. Good riddance. He should have left the Omalu role for Chiwetel and see if he wouldn't have picked an Oscar nom.

Unknown said...

So, why was he sounding "africanish" or he picked up a south African accent from New Orleans?

Unknown said...

A certain Chiwetel Ejiofor.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Way to go

Unknown said...

He actually stayed in Nigeria for a month before the movie. Pls do your research before commenting. Thanks

Anonymous said...

bolanle I would have let this one pass but as a typical Nigerian(born, raised, studied) I won't let it becos am offended! are you Kidding me? you sound like nothing. You act special becos you studied abroad, and now you are speaking for Full blown Nigerians? Dr omalu does not sound Nigerian! He is equally not sounding like you, even though he has lived there longer than you! Will smith tried period. and whatever Jada is saying does not concern you!Next time when you go to see a movie and become offended, you simply do what I do when I hear your crappy accent, you turn off the television! or you walk out. onye ke Ibu sef? Rubbish

Unknown said...

Will is a good actor..ain't nobody telling me nothing.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when I'm actually a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

I support her write thank you for voicing out jare

Unknown said...

Never say that Edris elba did a good job in beas of no nation ,with Africa acent .

tosisochukwu said...

There is God oh

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

She should go and sit down.Speak for yourself girl, no 'we' here.

Ife dada said...

Biko how are you sure the man he portrayed speaks with a nigerian accent, his been there a while you know

Anonymous said...

Don Chidel would have done it way better.

Warrigal said...



I've not seen the movie but I want to believe Will Smith would have portrayed the character himself and not try to speak like a "Nigerian" or "African." Bolanle Olukanni, an actor plays THE CHARACTER in a BIOPIC and not a generally perceived ideaology and mannerism of what a character is supposed to be in a movie!!!

Mr. Bond said...

This is the problem with Nigeria's future. We dont even think, read or understand scenarios before we talk. Please go and listen to Dr. Omalu talk and understand where Will Smith is coming from. He is playing Dr. Omalu not any Nigerian. Please think before you talk, its free to think. The stupid lady is proud as she has made a comment to reach MTO, an achievement for her to celebrate.

Unknown said...

Mot,me I don,t know the beginning and not intersted in the last.Abi linda!

Unknown said...

Well said black people chill and stop acting like victims every time the white speaks......

Unknown said...

Nigerian accent?... biko.. i knw we got various languages in nigeria buh i neva realised we have One accent o. Evn our well educated nigerians (including d idiot dat started dis nonsense ) speak wit foreign accent . So which accent dem want make will smith to use na. Nigeria doesn't av an accent. We just av different languages wit various intonations. All dis fake ppl wantin to blast will smith buh will b speak phonetics wit american and British accents evn wen dem neva evn cross border b4.. mtschewwww abeg park jare

Unknown said...

Will Spent one month in Nigeria without coming to Lekki Hotel and Suites?....Wow. HE sure missed out. #LekkiHotelandSuites is the Place to be. #LekkiFreeTradeZone

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Bolanle doesn't even sound Nigerian with her fake accent

Unknown said...

@Mr Bonds God bless U sir. Dis lady doesn't know wot she is saying.

Anonymous said...

For how long abegg. Na people like you go travel abroad at age 19 and start to dey speak American accent for the rest of your life

Anonymous said...

This Bolanle is a disgrace. people should learn how to reason before talking. Too bad... Even Dr Omalu is in Awe of Will.

Anonymous said...

Get a life! She sef no get Nigerian accent, fake tout.

Anonymous said...

@Olamilekan Daniels, too much sense!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Madam judge u must v an opinion who asked u? go sit ur silly as down na only lagos nigeria ppl dey? Till u die u will never achieve half of what will suit has achieved

Flante said...

After watching Dr Omalu talk on YouTube, bola olukanmi got it wrong. Omalu has a distinct ascent, though not American but definitely not Nigerian anymore. Bola apologize to will smith pls...

Unknown said...

Yes I agree with her

Anonymous said...

Wrong...he did his university in unn enugu so he must have been 20 smth years old b4 he travelled..long enough for him to have a proper nigerian accent

Anonymous said...

He lived in nigeria till his university days..he graduated from unn before he travelled,long enough to have "nigerian accent"

Unknown said...

Bolanle which way?

Anonymous said...

Thank God she spoke her mind

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