Is Tchidi Chikere's ex wife, Sophia engaged? Shows off ring (photo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

Is Tchidi Chikere's ex wife, Sophia engaged? Shows off ring (photo)

The other day she shared the photo on the right talking about her newly done nails...but everyone can see what she's trying to show off. An engagement ring! Sophia and movie producer Tchidi Chikere were married for a while and had three sons. He's since moved on to actress Nuella Njubigbo who he married in 2014 and welcomed a daughter with in 2015.


STERN said...

If she's engaged nko? you wan give am ring LINDA?

Unknown said...

Linda if you ask us na who we go ask?

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Its possible

#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

Awww big congrats to her

Unknown said...

Hmm.. OK oo

Enugu's second shoe designer

Unknown said...

Congrats to her.

Unknown said...

Maybe she is directing a film

Unknown said...

congrat dear

Unknown said...

congrats to her

Unknown said...

it's possible


Pesin Pikin said...

Well, good for her if she truly is.

Unknown said...

Bewrifu hand. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Her bleaching cream is top notch!! Plus the filter again!.. Congratulations

Unknown said...

nice.happy for her.

Unknown said...

Na craze world we. Dey...craze world


Congrats to her.

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

Unknown said...

Nawa!!! Another hubby on top three sons?

Unknown said...


Let's go Linda

Unknown said...


Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

like the nails sha

Arsenal said...

3 kids? This isn't fair for this young man.

Unknown said...

congrats!!! happy u moved on

Muna said...

Beautiful wife and three sons, and u guys couldn't work it out? Even for the sake of the kids... Tcheeew.... God help my union.

Unknown said...

Observed, congrats on another trial, with all humility and honesty I have feelings for Linda Ikeji and would sincerely wish to meet her in person this year as part of my resolution.

Amaka said...

Congrats to her. She should move on. Her ex husband has.

Amaka said...

Congrats to her. She should move on. Her ex husband has.

Unknown said...

I wish her the best in life


That's a sweet rock

Unknown said...

Good for

Unknown said...

Dem swear all these rough looking guys give u, babe?

Unknown said...

How does e concern me?
I think there should be a kinda platform on blogs where some kinda news should be posted for specific people and not for everyone

Adeoluabiodun8 said...

Seen very nice

Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

The girl fine pass

Unknown said...

Mother of three stil lukin gud.hmmmm

Fan Emmanuel said...

With this rascal? Why is she attracted to niggas? Even at her old age

Unknown said...

Linda u meant to say "had a daughter in 2014 and got married in 2015"...this babe has three sons??? She looks like a ghost with that toning

Unknown said...

Congrats to her.

Amy said...

If that is so, good luck to her. Tchidi has moved on, its only normal she does too.

Unknown said...

Chaaiiii she's beautiful,see fairness notin like dark. Knuckles

Unknown said...

Congrats to her if she's engaged

Unknown said...

Good for her.

SisiTiti said...

Sophia you are a prostitute after destroying IYKE my dear your end is near you finished the poor boy..
Tchidi was right you are no good
Linda sophia got engaged to iyke even before her divorce story came out,she was engaged to IYKE from mbaise based in london thats the person she was always going to london to be with leaving her children behind now their engagement is broken nd shes engaged to another sophia your end is nigh...continue

Anonymous said...

Filtering help US

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

She need it jaree! Everyone deserves to be happy. I wish her the best.

Unknown said...

Congrats to her

Unknown said...

Thaz gud, big congrats to her. * it's well*

Dan said...

See the flawless hand

Anonymous said...

Nice ring...

Unknown said...

I don't care

Anonymous said...

Haba! Why this razz looking guy she can do better abeg. Ammy

SMURF said...

What a tacky ring!!! Sorry to say. But u gats a clean finger

Golda Awosika said...

Well she shud move on too



Warrefa! **in jenifa's voice

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I pray this would be the last bus-stop for her.

Alpacino D said...

Weighing the honey well
If not tapped all dis while,
Den some hidden treasures must be uncovered otherwise, the nigga jst 'F'ed big time

Unknown said...

She is. Such a beauty, I. Jst wondered wat went wrong btw she. N Tchidi

OSINANL said...

Good for her...

OSINANL said...

Good for her...

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Biko if it is d case I wish her well she deserves to move on and b happy

doraDora said...

Whatever rocks their boat. #investingForNextgiveaway


Her new man looks like BURNER BOY though...... Yea Yea we should all move on and don't stay stuck up

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Move on Bae. Good for you.


Babylawyer. said...

Goodluck to her. Wish her well.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

She deserves to move on too na

... Merited happiness

Unknown said...

Ok Noted !!!


Unknown said...

With these fingers properly placed on your 'unit' you will waste away humming like an LG top loader washing machine.

Unknown said...

After 3 kids she still wan marry. Well, if u say so. Yoruba people and 2nd 3rd and 4th husband parol no be small.



Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Congrats to her 🌿

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...this is what we call
pay bk period in economics
happy future

KC said...

Dem try... Hollywood in Nollywood

(Linda d Kim K's fan)

Joy Onuoha said...

Is alriiiiii...... Sophia mbok move on.

Munch Mee party foods and small chops. 08033833239,08189706279. said...

Must you remarry? Why not just face looking after ur sons and forget about marriage

Unknown said...


Nenyechi said...

Good for her

Unknown said...

Congrats anyways

Unknown said...

I wish her all the happiness in de world...nice nails, nice ring, nice fingers n beautiful complexion

Unknown said...

Good for her life goes on, beautiful hand/nails. Obong Abasi is fully involved.

Unknown said...

Am glad she has moved on leaving those two stupid people.. Nuella the husband snatcher.. But Sofia this your new bae, hmmm.. He doesn't look real to me.. I will comment more later.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm! #lindangwanu#

Ucee said...

I pray its true.

Unknown said...

gud 4 her


Some people sabi buy Belgium in everything.

Anonymous said...

Better for her to find love ooooo... dee

Unknown said...

The nail is all I seee😍😍💞💖

Unknown said...

She dahm beautiful

Donjazzycrush said...

ok next..... I don't want to judge anyone thnks

Don~ jazzycrush

Unknown said...

move on madam you deserved it.

Unknown said...

She is free to re marry, she is still young and very pretty hmm no time to waste, let her enjoy her life pls we all deserve to be happy!!!

Unknown said...

She is free to re marry, she is still young and very pretty hmm no time to waste, let her enjoy her life pls we all deserve to be happy!!!

Unknown said...

go a heard and enjoy your life lol

Anonymous said...

See fine woman tchidi left for nuella pig,sophia I support you 100 percent,fine woman,tchidi rot in hell with ashawo nuella

Unknown said...

That is an engagement ring. Move on with yours since he has move with his. Lovely nails.

Unknown said...

woow...dis lady clean, see hand

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank God she has move on with her life...Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

Thank God she has move on with her life...Linda observe carefully

Anon said...

Happy for her joor

Unknown said...

God for her but the guy looks too rugged and rough for her

Unknown said...

Possible! I wish her all the best.

Anonymous said...


Nakupenda said...

I guess congratulations are in order??

Unknown said...

Good for her

applegeniuz said...

and So What? their headache.

Unknown said...

Her biz


Unknown said...

Thank God she's moved on. yeye dey smell

Unknown said...

Congrats to her

Unknown said...

Good forher

Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB....

Unknown said...

If its really true, then congrat to her..


Wateva rocks her boat


Unknown said...

Yes oo. More Instagram followers for you

Unknown said...

Her wahala

Unknown said...

It's a possibility,,,, can't be secret for long.


Debbie Chelsea said...

I'm happy for her

Anna CK said...

Their way of marriage is not an interesting one

Unknown said...

It's a possibility,,,, she has to move on.


Unknown said...

Ok seen.

linaluv said...

Congratulations girl, am hapi for u joor

Anonymous said...

See spotless fingers...ds woman is fyn to ha teeth

Esther Dangana said...

Life goes on.

Unknown said...

See d guy sef,dats her cup of tea

Unknown said...

I am just feeling her fingers nd well polished nails,

Anonymous said...

Go girl

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful said...

We don't kw pls tel us@Sisi Linda

Anonymous said...

Go girl

chommy said...

Congrats said...

We don't kw pls tel us@Sisi Linda

Unknown said...

Good for her joo! and I think she needs it cos everyone deserves to be happy.

Anonymous said...

Linda but y d harsh comments?i tried reading in b/w d lines.abi r u beefing her?

Graciejay said...

That's life. It's short so you don't waste it being bitter.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

If she's happy no wahala

starshine said...

Congrats madam, it's ur turn to move on

Anonymous said...

No time o Linda. Na onto d next one thing kind b dis.

Unknown said...

Inukwa marriage

SongsOfSUSSAN said...

Clean babe. Congrats to her. #moving_on.

kings computers limited said...

Good luck to her.

Unknown said...

who cares ejooo?
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

It's better to bleach than to be gay. I hate u

anniesparkling said...

Congrats to her

Unknown said...

Ok seen...congrats to her.

Luciana Chinda said...

So happy for her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She is still cute so stop beefing

Unknown said...

Nice fingers

Demmy said...

After 3sons and dey couldn't jst make-up, dats serious.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

If she's happy no wahala

Mz Blacky said...

good for her

Anonymous said...

You are very stupid for saying that. If her husband could marry after 3kids why cant she DAT the problem with you people hypocrit. Idiot

Anonymous said...

Such a a pretty lady, I wonder what truly went wrong in their marriage. But don't tell me that's the guy that engaged her ... That's a downgrade from Chidi, she should be aiming for higher

Anonymous said...

You are a fool why cant the man stay and look after the kids if the man can be happy marrying her best frnd why cant she?she is very young and beautiful

Unknown said...

Feelings cos she lives in banana island. Lol.. Wake up my broda

Anonymous said...

Life goes on jare

Anonymous said...

Life goes on

mzjenjulius said...

Enter your reply...u must b a witch,so she should b fornicating here and there.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

He is happy with her. Bitter souls

Unknown said...

May Linda u should get urs.....#justsaying

owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Posh mum said...

She deserves to move on with her life jor

Unknown said...

All these girls sef


Pearlie said...

Good for her...not good for a woman to be alone

kween Bee said...

Nice nail polish!!.... God abeg ooo!!

Unknown said...

I pray she finds happiness.Abi linda!

Anonymous said...

You just said my mind

oat said...

na wa oo. anyway, i wish her the best in this new engagement... Hope she don learn from the previous marriage?

Anonymous said...

Oh sharap..She is very very light complexioned.When kids are on the internet..

Unknown said...

Remarry??? Oh yeah that's a very cool one. Everyone deserves to be extremely happy and by His Grace she will be happy. 😀😀😀


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

As long she finds peace! Congratulations to her! % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

Unknown said...

Hahahahaah u re mean @anonymous 10.51

Unknown said...

@Onyx she's a very fair lady, check her old movies even before bleaching cream became popular. Plus the filter too.

Unknown said...

congrats to her

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