Teenager caught having sex with a sheep in Enugu (photo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 23 January 2016

Teenager caught having sex with a sheep in Enugu (photo)

15 year old Miracle Oluebube Nweke, a native of  Eziagu, Enugu state, was caught on Monday, Jan 18  having sex with a Sheep. A friend who caught him in the act raised an alarm leading to his arrest by a vigilante group.

Miracle said he knew that it was not normal but that he could not help himself and that anytime he had the urge, a strange voice would lead him to where he would get a sheep which he would loose and drag to an uncompleted building to have sex with it.

According to Authorityngr.com
"It gives me great pleasure whenever I have sex with a sheep, I have never had sex with human being  in my life except sheep, I haven't tried any other animal to know the difference, my experience with sheep is sweet".
He explained that on sighting any sheep, he would engage, first, in sexual fixa­tion otherwise called zoophil­ia before graduating to raping it otherwise called bestiality or sodomy.
"Whenever I get any sheep of my choice, I untie it from the spot where the owner has left it and take the sheep to a secluded uncompleted building and have sex with it". 
“I don’t do anything else with the sheep than that. I nor­mally make sure that no one is around watching while doing it because I know that the own­ers of the sheep may not like it.
 He however blamed evil spirit for being responsible for his sexual depravity
“There is a spirit that normally tells me to go and look for sheep and whenever I hear the com­manding voice of the spirit, it becomes irresistible for me to take away my eyes from sheep. I will be so restless and confused until after I have car­ried out the instruction of the unseen spirit.
 When asked if he regret his actions after now that he has been caught in the act, he answered in the affirmative but that he could not say categorically that he would not do it again. He also explained what he has been going through since the incident:
“The last time, our landla­dy accused me of stealing her money when she actually se­curely locked her doors and windows. How could I have en­tered her house? But I know she was just trying to eject my parents after the news got to her that I usu­ally sleep with sheep which she considered atrocious.  
"I don’t steal and I don’t molest chil­dren. I am not a criminal,” he said
Mr Uche, the own­er of the sheep told the vigilante operatives that he would not go home with the sheep again, he demanded that the teenager who defiled his sheep must buy it. He also argued that it would be misleading for an­yone to think that the sheep is still normal after its encounter with Miracle.
“The best thing is to sell this sheep and its small baby to Mir­acle so that he can do whatever he wants with it. I cannot take them home again after their ex­perience in his hand.
“I will only be deceiving my­self if I believe my sheep is still normal. If I take them home and they start biting people, what would I do?"
“Again, if the sheep later gives birth to a half man and half animal, what do you want me to tell the world?” Uche queried
 The vigilante operative, Okeke, when asked on what becomes of the arrested boy, said that he would be released to his parents after they have made adequate payment for the sheep that was raped by their son, noting that the 15-year old boy would not be handed over to the police.
“You will agree with me that this is not a criminal case and I don’t think it is necessary to start wasting our time and that of the police by taking this boy to the station.
“We will release him to his parents so that they can go and find spiritual solutions to his problems. This is more of a spiritual case than security matter"' he explained.
Miracle is a school dropout and the first of seven children of his parents. His father is a trader while his mother sells banana and groundnut in their neighbourhood.

Source: Authorityngr.com


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Lol... Endtime sex

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

He needs Deliverance and a proper check up.


Unknown said...

Dis one Na serious demon hol am. I can't deal biko. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Aru! Wonders shall never end

lindas dildo said...

Lmao.He sure me die say the sheep dey bleat " mo like hieeee"

Unknown said...

Lol @ the sheep will start biting people


Unknown said...


princess Stella said...

The boy is sure under a spell.

princess Stella said...

The boy is sure under a spell.

Unknown said...

konji I twale for you. you can too much.

Luciana Chinda said...

End time tins

Genesis said...

This is insanity of the highest order. Marry him to the goat. He might as well be the father to numerous goat there.

Mufliat said...

Wonders shall never cease

#Hajia Mufliat

Unknown said...


Flawlessbae❤❤ (wears,bags,sneakers,heels,sandals) for both m/f @08156743416 said...

miracle may God deliver u
u not normal at all

STERN said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm! No be small Evil spirit ooo#Lindngwanu#

Pesin Pikin said...

Paedophile in the making...

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm only God knows who put this innocent boy into this spell
signs of terrorist buharis bad government.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Konji is a bastard....atleast e better pass child abuse

Unknown said...

Miracle why??? Look at ur poor parents striving to survive

They shud take him to church for deliverance.finish

Olaaliu said...

Stupid teen

Unknown said...


Stern's crush

sanrock said...

Omg in Nigeria??.....god help him

Anonymous said...

Igbo people ehn

Anonymous said...

"If I take them home and they start biting people, what would I do?" That really made me laugh. First child of SEVEN children. Poor people will just give birth to many kids without thinking about how to do proper upbringing. The parent are to be blamed

Known anonymous

Unknown said...

Hmm na wa ooh evil ...

theleakytribe said...

Its unfair and wrongful for media to publish pictures and full name of a
Juvenile. Even if he were to be taken to court, his information would not be made public, so why should the media be allowed to publicise his offence?

Sinmi said...

Miracle really needs spiritual assistance, let's all put him in our prayers

Unknown said...

This wan don pass normal,lol,oya igbo people talk now,if na Yoruba now nah u go first mention names


Sheep?? Arrant nonsense

Anonymous said...

Ritual things,his on assignment.jumbo

tsalz c.e.o said...

Plenty wahala in d soul.. go to church mi broda

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Some kinda jazz tho

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

C ihm faz, na all dis kind pipo dey introduce disease com our country so...

Unknown said...

What nonsense?
D guy needs help asap!

Lady with class#

Unknown said...

Chei! Alu. Dis isn't normal,d. Guy needs spiritual help.

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...

chaii....oga uche don see person wey go buy him sheep.


Unknown said...

OMG! It's miracle, as his name implies.... may God save him frm un seen spirit.

Unknown said...

The boy is just a sex freak..he needs to be baptised in river jordan.


Jules said...

Hmmm...end time!

Unknown said...

Blah blah blah!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I agree that what the boy has done is bad. But I do not think it is right to put him his photograph on social media, considering he is still a minor.

DAUGHTER _ OF _ A _ SOMEBODY... said...

Oh my Lord! This boy is possessed and he's not even showing a morsel of remorse towards his devilish act.

I didn't type this fa' it just popped out...

Yaneez Deeyah said...

Dis can only hapn in d east... mke God help am

Layor said...

An idle man is the devil's workshop... May d Lord deliver him...

JOYOUS said...


Unknown said...

Oh please..y'all should allow him deep his dick where ever he likes since Deeping a dick in an asshole has become normal...

kene2chukwu said...


Anonymous said...

Oh gawd. I thought only white people were into this...

Unknown said...

Enugu people too dey do jor! Yeye boy.

Unknown said...

Why be say na enugu or anambra all dis terrible things dey always happen???

Unknown said...

He nid deliverance cz sum maybe a curse

Alpacino D said...

How could they embarrass thi guy like dis! Bestiality is a choice, I c no reason why sb would wanna deprive a consented adult of this particular choice. I don't fuck but finger di pussy to feel good in dis world where everybody is feeling bad

Unknown said...

A school dropout at his age? What do you expect him to be doing while his mates go to school? If he were to be in school, believe me, no 'unseen spirit' would be telling him to go have sex with a sheep. It's just a case of idle mind... decrease in education brings about increase in crime,increase in education brings about decrease in crime. He should be sent back to school. But before then, he should be subjected to thorough medical, psychological and spiritual examination. He should be given a professional counselling also.

Ese kenora said...

This is not normal , this guy need to be delivered...

Unknown said...

Hmmm na wa ooo sheep level

My view not urs!!!!

WHITE ROCK said...

Nawaooo! God have mercy.

Anonymous said...

nonsense boy. thats how they start spreading some killer deseases

Golda Awosika said...

He is a possessed child


Stephanie said...

I feel 4 him. #Abkeeys#

Unknown said...

It can only be evil spirit #2016dbestisheralready #singinavemaria

Unknown said...

This is not normal at all,
They should seek solution if not the devil will continue to manipulate the boy and the end won't be good

syl 101 said...

this is serious o

Hanni Tonni said...

This child needs prayers

Unknown said...

He need deliverance ASAP..#LindaConfirm

Divinelyfavored said...

Parents be watchful and always pray for your kids

Unknown said...

This is sooooo disgusting... He needs spiritual help Asap.

Unknown said...

Wetin self.... Madness is what i call this though.......

Unknown said...

Ewo! Evil spirit o...Jesus...Truly man without God's spirit is at the mercies of unseen evil forces

Unknown said...

Useless boy.


Unknown said...

Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahagagahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!!! Sheep is sweet!!!!!!!!!

Demmy said...

Enhen Jesus av mercy. Dis boy serious need ur touch o Jehoval God, set him free from dis evil bondage IJN.

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...God have mercy on him oooo

Unknown said...

Jesus av mercy.Parennts av a. Lot of. Work to do nt only on dere gurl child bt also on d boys too

Unknown said...

Imagine,what is this life turning too

KC said...

Dey need to go for deliverance... Dis is not ordinally.

(Linda d Kim K's fan)

Unknown said...

Let's just say it's devil's handwork as always right?

Unknown said...

Life in christ is d best# Nawa oooo! God help him, truly is not an ordinary something cos normal human-being can't sleep with sheep

Unknown said...

Life in christ is d best# Nawa oooo! God help him, truly is not an ordinary something cos normal human-being can't sleep with sheep

Unknown said...

Sheep kwa! Miracle sheep kwa! Chim egbu kwa m ooooooo

Unknown said...

I feel for him and his parents. Obong Abasi is fully involved

Unknown said...

Aru kwo nwa n'azu! Lol at if the sheep starts biting people. .

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

To be honest I don't believe this. This guy most be flog for doing this if it is true.

Unknown said...

Aru kwo nwa n'azu! Lol at if the sheep starts biting people. .

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

So help us God(aunty linda post it)

CHYGURL from CHYNA said...

Negodu, just Negodu ds boy. Pls take him to OPM in PH, wher Doc Jesus will deliver him and mk him a better person.

head of state(linda's foe) said...

Too bad.he went to far.his parent shud look for a solution.its certainly not ordinary

WIA Agro-Tourism said...

The boy need serious attention and taking care off....

Unknown said...

Dude that's animal cruelty, but I don't think Nigerians actually care

Unknown said...

Life in christ is d best# Nawa oooo! God help him, truly is not an ordinary something cos normal human-being can't sleep with sheep

Unknown said...

Wondering...well,not everyone called human being is absolutely normal.I pity his parents though,what a shameful act!

Unknown said...

What a shame, he must have seen it somewhere probably from the white who normally sleep with animals like him so he felt he should give it a try.

Unknown said...

Is a pity

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm Life! Pray that he would be delivered in Jesus name! % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

Unknown said...

Wonder shall never end ooo

nekkymighty said...

Na wa o,u need serious deliverance!!!!

Unknown said...

Linda he is a minor and You should have blurred his face. Ahh this isn't right. I hope he gets the help he needs though

Unknown said...

Wonder shall never end, I cannot believe what I am seeing,

Mayberry said...

May God help us


Fattybombom said...

For Christ's sake wat is wrong with Nigerians...even u Linda. That boy is 15 and cannot bear consequences for his actions now...you should cover his face while reporting this. Stop defaming underage

Unknown said...

Wonders shall never end

Men of God said...

Like seriously?

Ekenekwa m Unu!

Unknown said...

May god deliver dis young man from dis bondage.

Unknown said...

First son @ that. Choi!
"NeVeR SaY NeVeR"

Anonymous said...

This is beyond the physical
It's spiritual!! May the Lord deliver you?? Check all the sheep o o o see which one is carrying human being inside or half human half sheep... Abi non never get belle ni??

Unknown said...

What's wrong with the igbo guys self, They all need deliverance

Let's go Linda

Anonymous said...

Imagine his parents jobs and they have 7 children. They should keep on doing the thing N producing more children to suffer and be idle. Idleness is the devil's workshop

Unknown said...

Some people have no chill @all

Unknown said...

Na wa ooooo he needs deliverance

Justhealth said...

Aluu! God have mercy on him.

tayo said...

Are you still in doubt that Jesus Christ is coming soon??? Linda stop loving gay and lesbianism.

Anonymous said...

Wat is dis?!

Mr 47 said...

Igbo ppl and their disgusting way of life. Very dirty and shameless tribe

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Chai, he needs prayers.
Love you linda

Unknown said...

Conji na bastard


Anonymous said...

I think d mom should be queried about the boy's conception, she may have gone to wrong places while trying to conceive considering that the boy is the first child.

Unknown said...

Dis is absolutely incredible. But d owner of d sheep Uche is funny o.

Unknown said...

This is serious
Not normal atall

Unknown said...

It is not spiritual he just addicted..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

Omg...ds is unheard of

andre kelvin said...

Konji na bastard

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oh my!! Wat!!! Tnk gdness he was cot. Ds is a vry terribl act. Wow!sheep? No no no no

kunta said...

LMAO...wtf?....u fall hands o, when Enugu girls like to do...lol...guy u need spiritual purification of the soul...dem dey follow u gan

Unknown said...

WTF!!!!!! Lord have mercy..


Unknown said...

chair nawa o, na konji be dis one abi wetin.

make dem sha no carry any disease from there o.

laser fever de worry us for here.

WAT DA fuck

Unknown said...

This is not normal,he needs serious deliverance.

sabí boi said...

Enter your comment...
dats insane,need serious prayer

Anonymous said...

This is serious oh. But the owner if the sheep comments is so funny. Got me LOL here.

Unknown said...

Chinekemee, mama emeka are you there?

Unknown said...

Konji at its peak

Anonymous said...


olivia Christopher said...

Hmm this is serious, I pray he gets delivered from such an evil spirit

Unknown said...

Hmmmm... End time boy and sheep loved up experience....

Unknown said...

He need serious prayer

Unknown said...

Teenager without good orientation end up finding an easy way to satisfy their urge some go into masturbation, paedophile, gay which is common in boarding schools and get a female folk with same urge. He needs to be counsel

Clara Udeh said...

Oh gawd!
This obviously isn't normal.selling groundnut n hv 7kids..werz d time to care for all of dem?
Why r some parents plain wicked?

Fan Emmanuel said...

Mr 47 Ekwensu kpogi okwu! Nmiri na eruro eru buru gi dia!Rejected soul!

*Linda's best friend*

Unknown said...

The devil is at work

Fan Emmanuel said...

Don't mind the possessed soul.Bia,Enugu girls like to do what? Isi gi ebe afu!

*Linda's best friend*

unknown said...

@hector ekiti and @Mr 47 is only afternoon thunder that will destroy u guys fools.

Anonymous said...

This poor boy needs to go for deliverance. He is s victim too.
This smells of neglect on the part of his parents.
It may be that his parents have spent all their time working and struggling to put food on the table for 7 children that they chose to bring into this world, and never had time to bring him and his siblings up to know God and who they are in Christ. His parents probably never even gave him moral guidance. As long as he is under-age, he is still their responsibility. What a shame.

Unknown said...

Honestly... He shouldn't be shown that way, he's not a criminal.

baba said...

Na witch b dis

Unknown said...

Naa Thunder go fire dat your stinking mouth @fan Emmanuel, Mr 47 is right.. Hector said so

Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

Naa Thunder go fire dat your stinking mouth @fan Emmanuel, Mr 47 is right.. Hector said so

Let's go Linda

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May God deliver u AMEN

Unknown said...

Na wa ooo

FMB said...

Same thought here....Naija and their way of journalism is awful

FMB said...

Same thought here....Naija and their way of journalism is awful

pretty face said...

Na wa o. He must be possessed

Unknown said...

Ala kugbu kwa gi there! Ewu ofia!


Unknown said...

This guy no dey o.

Direct from Delsu.

Unknown said...

konji na bastard ooo wen sheep become dog wey dey bite poeple??????

Unknown said...

Ewwwe disgusted much...tufiakwagi nna..U need serious help..

favvycash said...

Gracious lord......see evil at its peak

Unknown said...

This endtime craze na wa oo...deliverance is what he.needs ASAP

caleb's said...

Everyone reading this should prayer for his deliverance because this is far from normal.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

He needs serious deliverance. D owner of d sheep is funny. he's afraid of half human n half sheep.

Unknown said...

Irony is when he's named MIRACLE. Conji na sin aswear!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Irony is when he's named MIRACLE. Conji na sin aswear!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

lord have mercy

Unknown said...

lord have mercy

Unknown said...

For real


Amie_287 said...

Have you checked the news recently from Yoruba community? At least we don't commit incest like the lot of you guys....

Amie_287 said...

I asked the same question oo. How does he know when im never taste human p...sy.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

He needs serious and urgent deliverance

Anonymous said...

“Again, if the sheep later gives birth to a half man and half animal, what do you want me to tell the world?” Uche queried

Anonymous said...

“I will only be deceiving my­self if I believe my sheep is still normal. If I take them home and they start biting people, what would I do?"

Anonymous said...

“You will agree with me that this is not a criminal case and I don’t think it is necessary to start wasting our time and that of the police by taking this boy to the station.
“We will release him to his parents so that they can go and find spiritual solutions to his problems. This is more of a spiritual case than security matter"' he explained.


An enemy has done this to this young boy,it is not normal.

Anonymous said...

"It gives me great pleasure whenever I have sex with a sheep, I have never had sex with human being in my life except sheep, I haven't tried any other animal to know the difference, my experience with sheep is sweet".

mylife.myfuture said...

ai beg mek u comot dis robish furom dis plesi, dis wan na nius wé u sopos to givu ? anu ofia nwulu anwu.
what about your future ?, think about your tomorrow.

mylife.myfuture said...

ai beg mek u comot dis robish furom dis plesi, dis wan na nius wé u sopos to givu ? anu ofia nwulu anwu.
what about your future ?, think about your tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

ai beg mek u comot dis robish furom dis plesi, dis wan na nius wé u sopos to givu ? anu ofia nwulu anwu.
what about your future ?, think about your tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

My pain is not even d the sex he had with a sheep; but the pain he wil inflict on d sheep with his sugar cane!#Penis#

Unknown said...

God have mercy!
How do one stat having sex with an animal!
I mean how : position? Where/ which hole does he stick his dick into? How does he control or get the animal to cooperate? How do they kiss etc etc
Normally, an animal runs away , struggles, bleats, so I can't imagine how they manage to claim to do these CAPITAL EVILS
DEvil indeed lives and rule some people in these world ! TUFIAKWA

Anonymous said...

Lol. Goat f***.
Pls go get p****

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't mind Linda. She clearly isn't spending time on reading the policies on journalism and the rights of people. She was modelling instead of studying English in school

Anonymous said...

You see what APC has caused? Put the blame on APC Buhari

Anonymous said...

Idiot atulu ohia, igbo pple kill u dere foolish fool, na ur type go dey fuck goat.

kenny_larger said...

Nigerians seff. So, na evil spirit una wan blame again for this one?

Why not go ahead and blame the spirits for female circumcision, male masturbation, anal sex and the use of vibrators and dildos.

It's just a sexual habit that could be changed with the use of simple sexual orientation, dummies! jeez!

Unknown said...

Choi!! Dey don use the boys do confirm juju...omo he need prayers....

Teacher said...

Linda is a blogger
Not a journalist

nori_K said...

I strongly recommend mental state examination. Probably has a sexual disorder

Luv nori

Anonymous said...

Lolzzz @ the sheep is sweet and when the sheep starts biting people, but seriously this guy is under the influence of satanic manipulation. He needs to be spiritually delivered because this Is not ordinary... Imagine the first son and child of a family behaving in such despicable manner..... Hnmm!!... God abeg ooo!!

Unknown said...

The demon in him is a very great one o...plz they should take him to church he needs serious deliverance.

Anonymous said...

Very true

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Idiat! U no go carry dat ur Wowo face commot for road. Akpa njo!

Unknown said...

Don't mind them, when I read something like this i always get at the parents. Why can't they just have 4 children and take care of them? They will just be there producing anyhow like rabbits

Unknown said...

Don't mind them, when I read something like this i always get at the parents. Why can't they just have 4 children and take care of them? They will just be there producing anyhow like rabbits

Unknown said...

this one needs serious deliverance..

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