What's wrong with this quotation? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

What's wrong with this quotation?

Do you see them..? Lol


Unknown said...

My fone can't view this.....

#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

STERN said...

the answer is 114k. That person is a scammer.

Unknown said...

I don,t.Abi linda!

shuga diva said...


Unknown said...

Answer should be 114

kudos said...

not a small something...Believe

Unknown said...


don snipes said...


Unknown said...

114000 buh de round figure is 120000 u grab


Pesin Pikin said...

Lol...is this quotation written by a carpenter?? Spelling no mata o, owo lo sure ju¡

Unknown said...

few ones ooooh

Unknown said...

For Dangote wife.

Unknown said...

it should be total of 114000


Unknown said...


Pesin Pikin said...

Him dey travel abroad for d materials??? 15k??? Also, workmanship of 60k?? Na gate of heaven e wan repair??

Unknown said...

N114000. Instead of N120000. Bad mathematician.

Unknown said...

N114000. Instead of N120000. Bad mathematician.

Unknown said...

I gat no time for this shit mehn... Except you're paying me some cool cash to solve it.. Next plzzzzz!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Total is 114,000

Unknown said...

Total is 114,000



Unknown said...

Too confusing

applegeniuz said...


Unknown said...

Lol T/fair and W/manship N75,000

Golda Awosika said...

I can't make sense out of it sef


Donjazzycrush said...

I don't understand. e be like say na trasport I d see

Don~ jazzycrush

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wrong spellings n wrong calculation (i.e total amount is not 120,000) lol

Unknown said...

He wrote down what is mind want forgetting to cross check where to slot d invincible 6k

Sam Nara (Smartzy) said...



Lolzz..linda i dont know


Unknown said...

He added 6000 naira to it


Unknown said...

The total amount, worknansh, woshar etc @securityman

Unknown said...

D person don write as e take understand nah. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

The total is wrong

Anonymous said...

Workmanship too expensive na
Na BlackBerry Z30 he wan buy???

Dan said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Cars N8,000
Transport N15,000

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...The total doesn't correspond with the expenditures.

Mmakheim said...

The total is not correct, it should be 114,000, not 120k...lol

Anonymous said...

The workmanship is overboard aside d fact that I can't make a word out of everything written down. Lolz

Unknown said...

It never adds up to 120k, guess someone approximated d total,,, lol.


Debbie Chelsea said...


Unknown said...

D spelling and grand total is wrong. Obong Abasi is fully involved

Unknown said...



yeni said...

Thief 6k

Unknown said...

Who ever wrote that must be from welsh!


tosisochukwu said...

This pisin don enta class before?

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

Niga sha,dey charge high ehen,workmanship is always more dan d tins used for d job

Unknown said...

Lol.Nothing wrong oo. The person is writing the quotation the way it is pronounced in the "mechanic world "

Unknown said...

Linda u look n tell me biko. coz don't grab d drama there .

Anonymous said...

It is a mistake from the part of the person who made the calculation because it ought to have been 114,000 instead of 120,000. It's a very silly mistake which can make the person loose the contract for this proposer.

Fuo. 12 said...

Its called summarization. He wants a round figure. Ole


Si nail???

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

Is 114k but instead d person put 120k

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha job man go chow na!


Yaneez Deeyah said...

What is d prsn writting??

Anonymous said...

The total amount is wrong plus the spelling. Cant figure out what he's trying to write

talk2frankky said...

The missing 10k is for tax ole.

Nana from Ghana said...

The total should b N115,000.00

Nana from Ghana said...

The total should be N114,000.00

Unknown said...

Me no know ooo...


Nana from Ghana said...

Total should be N114,000.00

Anonymous said...

Working to the answer.. Lol..

okafify1 said...


Anonymous said...

Mathematically wrong, grammatically unacceptable!

Anonymous said...

Transport 15k, workmanship 60k. The person cannot come n die na

Anonymous said...

Workshop is more than other expenses put together plus the transport fare. The grammar can kill thousands

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Rat wrote that I think

Unknown said...

Ion know

Demmy said...

Lol! Nah yoruba thins

Abdul Adepetu said...

Total 114,000

kings computers limited said...

Don't know.

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Lmaooooo the spelling

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

The math is madddd. Total is actually 114k. Na wah o

Goldmine said...

The workman na tif. 8k smuggled in just like that? They do that a lot in bars and joints.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Tell us

Real Nutty said...

Total equals 114

Unknown said...

No mind the olodo thief


Unknown said...

Where is my spectacle

Anonymous said...

Miscellaneous 6k

Unknown said...

Abeg Linda where in Gods name did u remove this from..

Unknown said...

lovely quotation approved by CEO.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


owakah (A.K.A. Innosometin) said...


Unknown said...

The person is a scammer the total is 114

Pearlie said...

All this Mechanics sabi thief ehn

Pearlie said...


Suleiman Uthman Mayaki said...

The total is N114,000 and not N120,000.00.

Anonymous said...

The total is correct he just made it round figure. 120k is more significant to 114k so he just approximate to the nearest significant to figure.

Ruthly said...

It's supposed to be 114k, not 120k. Instead of approximating why not use miscellaneous as the remaing 6k.

Anonymous said...

the guy na goat

mr divine said...

Transport 15k you they go ghana...workmanship 60k...wethin do my own hand lol

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Can't just stop laughing! % Linda Your Greatest Fan %

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