Omotola shared this sexy throwback photo of herself on her IG page today and a male fan took an exception to it...saying as a married woman, the actress shouldn't show off thighs and chest to the public. Not only did Omotola's fans slam the man for his comments, Omotola herself was gracious enough to reply him.
Must u reply madam
I guess she didn't know what flashback is
Some ppl r hopeless,u can't blame dem.
People should learn to mind their business
Because am a fan and its a throwback pics.. Its ok I won't say more
her life, her business
He stated his belief,she respected his belief and told him respectfully that such doesn't apply to her,such claasiness,if na other celebs na insults and the F word go full the reply!!
Dope response
her life, her business
Nice one,I really like omotola she's so good at giving attention to her fans,she always appreciate her fans....much love 4rm me@omosexy
What's his business tho? Some people got time sha but I love the way omotola replied him !! That's wisdom right there
Omotola omotola, how's Mr nafdac? Ur "rumor has it" is loading..
Enter your watin happen
Well I support d dude!
You can't blame the guy now, he's too foolish, he couldn't resist showing it.
So? If she's a mother nko? She should be caged or what? To me tho' she bared nothing through that pic. Awon oloshi shaa
Must fans always insult celebrities? Why wont she reply? There is freedom of speech pls.
Dis is the year of clapping back. I don talk am b4. Linda take note!
Some silly fans or haters cant just mind their business sha
Wtf is his business, can't he see throw bck, Nigerians self, if it was kim k na dey go dey hail
He's even married... A man spending time giving advise to celebs on IG is that man a provider or biz mogul?
I can't imagine a srz minded man having time to think abt things like this srzly enuf to carry it on the head.
I feel for d wife.
Thats y once i see a man putting his mouth in matter wey no concern am, i dey run 4/40.
Celebs have no chill for silly fans anymore. They attack fans back these days
this 1 can fight with a madman on d road. tufiaw
Celebs have no chill for silly fans anymore. They attack fans back these days
Hahaha her response glads my heart!
Must you reply omotola. You have always been classless though, shebi u snatched your hubby from a friend in your area... area runz girl. Deny it Omotola and i will spill more.
People should learn how to mind their business. #Lindangwanu#
So omotola has time to reply thought she was busy
Omotola is just being a typical yoryba woman that she is...want to enjoy tge benefit of motherhood and singlehood at the same is not wrong tho..but she could have done such flashback privately.
Attention seeker kinda else what was his point??
I kind of like omosexy's reply. So classy and matured.
Clapback yeah, omo no time. She was married when she did dat, some Nigerian men n dia backward brain tho
Anon 7:45, she snatched her friend's boyfriend at age 18??? Haba, take it easy
celebs need to be taking chill pill..she for ignore the comment..
We Africans our mentality makes me vomit she's married and so fuckin' what? Don't they see married men that show off their doodies? Just wish she's still like this not all fatty Jim pong.
Are u the one she snatched her hubby from? Commenting as anonymous. After 2 decades and some more, u have something to spill.go ahead empty barrel and no I'm not Omotola. Dud!
What's their own, is her hubby complaining?...#LindaConfirm
Anon 7:45 you're the internet hoe and classless liar. Please spill . Soar looser hiding behind computer. You'll soon explode.
Nice one...clapping back now trending
My sister Karen I tire ooo, some pple sef
Its a throw back photot pls...that's a long time ago, celebs shouldn't reply comments...ppl have their own views abt u, doesn't change who u are. I think it's important for a woman to feel she's still Sexy after four kids...
At Karen emmanuel, oh YES omotola did. We were all living in the same neighbourhood back then. School days when randy men like uniform girls. Her hubby was all over omotola's friend in d neighbourhood, omosexy being the loose hood rat slept with the Mr ekeinde.. he was a MAN FRIEND. Omotola, since u like clapback u better clap back at me and dare say am lying. I will spill more. Classless omosexy
Omotola na under G runz gal.. confirmed.... with that her MuMu Mr Ekeinde
But what's is biz? Some ppl no ho mind their biz.
you are sure to get a response from the celebs the minute you make a negative comment. it shows they all read the comments. but they can never says simple thanks to their fans for all the lovely compliments they pay them, they only respond to their fellow celebs. Rubbish. Linda even you, all the compliments fans pay you, it's difficult for you to say "thanks" but i remember a post you did about a designer bag, and a fan commented that it was a knock off, you immediately responded to that comment, that you do not buy "knock offs" all of you are the same.
Yeye still dey smell
She can post whatever she like, u are not her husband. Learn how to mind ur business.
Abeg looks like when we manage to free time and gv some celebs audience they begin to misyarn... Linda it's ur fault ooo
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
See dis mofo of a man. Lol @ him. Wat a joke n Hypocrite. She wasn't even nude in dt pic. She was all sexy sexy Omosexy Omotola. Dnt knw y he's hating on her. Wat a freak! His type goes around having affairs n chasing young girls dressed like her. Pls Abeg tell dt 2 ur dull Mrs u kip at home. Earn 5$ - 10$ for every 10 seconds task
Earn Fix 5000$ weekly Guaranteed
So people sef...seen pic though!
Stupid fan
Pls allow her
Most atyms wen we talk we forget we r God's children... Dou d man didn't use d rit words buh let's use our consciences n call a spade a spade...throwback or or no fan..
Wetin concern the busybody Man kpa kpa..He got what he deserved
You are all idiots. Did she insult the fan like others do? She has been polite and I give kudos to Omotola for being mature and respectful.
God bless you.
Some people's brain is mixed up with iodine if not u wouldn't ask if she should reply on her own instagram page. Mtcheeeew
am so ashamed for us Africans, for we think co dis is d 21st century a married woman should lack decency? y not go post a shot of ur mum like dis? or maybe ur mum aint as beautiful as dis so u wish she cud be dats y y'all endorsing Omotola' .crazy Africans... alwz think we know it all wen we just still bunch of big headed empty brains!whats not right aint right! Omotola u wud have done ur reminiscing in private and ket ppl post shit like dis of u for u beautiful it mite be though but nevertheless wrong from an African mother. Lets get it straight a black woman is a black woman, u are not Kim Kardashian...
Iffy,I have been watching you closely. Since Linda gave out,you have been seeking attention. Your comments doesn't make sense abeg go sit down.
Live your life and stop paying attention to fools, they are business celebrating Kim and all their shit, you get time at hands though, no be their mouth make them talk
Anion 7:45 split more mofo
Let Hope & Seeee ooooo
Let Hope & Seeee ooooo
Geezzzzzzzzz.....she is not married to you!!!!
When will Nigerians learn to mind their backyards?????
Anonymous ,7:45, you think Omitola has time for idiots like you?
Its so obvious you're full of hatred. You ask her to "deny it" and you'll "spill it".
You must really be a FOOL.
Go and stop hating so your life can be good Chicken.
Have you read through Omotolas response to the fan? She replied back with love, maturity and respect. It shows the calibre of person she is but you're here trying to destroy someone's image cos you never have or dreamt of doing good let alone inspire to accomplish anything in life.
Get a life Anonymous 7:45 before God deals with you.
Well she should ve kept mute, because her response wasn't even good enough. If it was a debate the guy would ve won, because he gave more punchlines.Good points if you ain't morally bankrupt.But am in different anyway, but the guy made more points
Well she should ve kept mute, because her response wasn't even good enough. If it was a debate the guy would ve won, because he gave more punchlines.Good points if you ain't morally bankrupt.But am in different anyway, but the guy made more points, take it or leave it
Western life shouldn't be applied to Africa,we have culture but since her family aren't bothered then it's her business,there should be a limit to what we do
Western life shouldn't be applied to Africa,we have culture but since her family aren't bothered then it's her business,there should be a limit to what we do
Yeah we have our own culture and belief if it were a dabate he would have won
We don't have to copy the western life all the time,we have our own culture and should be modest enough to practice the right ones,but since her family supports her like she said coz we didn't see them say so then it's their problem
And to say he's an 'otunba' who doesn't understand wat FLASHBACK means, only god knws hw he came abt d title?
No offense, but pic ws wen Omotola ws still omosexy lol
I'm surprise dat a whole Omo T. Is replying. No need 4 dat
Matured comment from omotola, I can't jst stp laughing.. funny pple
Honestly I am glad these celebrities now respond to those kind of people...nobody wants to mind their business anymore. AwesomeBleh
And to say he's an 'otunba' who doesn't understand wat FLASHBACK means, only god knws hw he came abt d title?
No offense, but pic ws wen Omotola ws still omosexy lol
Linda pls post ma comment nw.......
Some fans can be crazy at times. Omosexy pls don't mind dem. Carry go
You ify nd anon so she wouldn't have replied abi...she didn't even say anything rude,he reply was straight to the point,mature and classy. See a beautiful woman that men would b great full to have this yeye man is saying nonsense.
All for more Instagram followers
Enter your comment..Y wont she reply? Is she nt human?
In this age of social media everybody wants to be heard even when they don't have anything better to say.Dear people of the 21st century learn to mind your own business oh.i think no scratch that i know the world would be a better place if people just learnt to mind their business and not butt into other people's issues(except someone's life is being threatened then u can speak up). I rest my case.
Anonymous 5.36, you are obviously omotola. Why would i hate on you for heavens sakes. All i said was the truth about how you met Mr Ekeinde. What's the big deal? Do you honestly think it would he a secret forever? Haba... i just don't like the way you form good girl, meanwhile u are not... bwtween you and God omotola. Nothing is hidden forever love.
In this age of social media everybody wants to be heard even when they don't have anything better to say.Dear people of the 21st century learn to mind your own business oh.i think no scratch that i know the world would be a better place if people just learnt to mind their business and not butt into other people's issues(except someone's life is being threatened then u can speak up). I rest my case.
Meanwhile, linda Ikeji has held back a few of my comments. Obviously she has spilled to omotola. Linda post my comments so likes like annoy 5.36 will know i clearly am in my right mind and i know what am on about. You do not comment if you also have s9mething to hide. Don't lash out at people when u also aren't perfect.
If you call omotola's sneaky sleeping around an accompishment then hey you be BASTARD.
@Anonymous 8:04AM why are u turning it into a boxing ring match? I would say Omotola gave the best response. She jegalised him. Just like what Jega did to Irubebe during the announcement of election results. When u start throwing punches, u put yourself in the fan's local level. Omotola's response was good because it silenced him. It's called "maturity".
Mature response from Omotola
Eva Da Diva...
Anony 5.36, u are d real EWU GOAT, why are you drinking panadol for omotola's headache now? Heehehehhee , years back or not.. ones past will always haunt one. Omotola your past is haunting you. Deal with it biko.
Omotola, ounje adugbo.. for the non yoruba LIB readers.. it means meat of the neighbourhood. For LIB pidgin english readers.. it means meat for area.. hahahahaahhaa
Omotola, ounje adugbo.. for the non yoruba LIB readers.. it means meat of the neighbourhood. For LIB pidgin english readers.. it means meat for area.. hahahahaahhaa
Omotola, ounje adugbo.. for the non yoruba LIB readers.. it means meat of the neighbourhood. For LIB pidgin english readers.. it means meat for area.. hahahahaahhaa
You probably don't have a job... Find God. Happy Sunday
Oh pls omotola, leave God out of this... did you remember God when u were doing olobo yeye for area..
Omotola is a known rude as butch by anyone who ever met her in person
You are the biggest fool. This is jealousy. Her hubby and kids love her like that goat. You all should go and get a life and let my omo sexy always look sex. Jobless Nigeria.
Dts a good one from Omosexy.
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