Will Smith as Dr Bennet Omalu: Ayo Shonaiya shares his thoughts | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 23 January 2016

Will Smith as Dr Bennet Omalu: Ayo Shonaiya shares his thoughts

Yesterday I shared TV Personality Bolanle Olukanni's comments about Will Smith's Nigerian accent in the film Concussion (See here). Well, TV Producer and music talent agent, Ayo Shonaiya absolutely doesn't agree with what Bolanle wrote, which was featured on MediaTakeOut and took to his Facebook page to air his views. Find what he wrote after the cut...

"So I just saw a post on Linda Ikeji, about an Instagram post by a Nigerian TV personality, saying that she "cringed and sank" into her seat at the cinema when she was watching the film Concussion (starring Will Smith as Nigerian Doctor, Bennet Omalu). She also said Will Smith showed "disregard for (not) incorporating Nigerian mannerisms into his acting". What a load of tosh! (And I mean that in my best British accent). 

And she's not the only one 'complaining' about Will Smith's accent in this film, I have heard some rumblings among Nigerians since the film came out. Are we missing the point here? This is a $35m film made in Hollywood, with arguably one of the Top 5 bankable actors in the world (black or white) playing a positive role about a well educated Nigerian doctor, who researched and discovered the link between banging heads in American Football and a fatal disease called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), and whose work has saved lives of retired NFL players, AND all we see to complain about is the lead actor's ACCENT?! 

This Instagram rant was made by a TV Personailty in Nigeria, where her industry, Radio and Television, is full of fake American and British accents, and even some far out tongue twister accents that God knows where they got it from. Am I the only one laughing at the irony here? This is our problem really. We complain that American TV and Film often depict us as fraudsters and jokers like "Prince from Nigeria" who wants to marry 10 wives, then when you have a big film like this portraying one of us (Concussion is a true story by the way), not only in a positive way, but a good hard working man that has achieved a lot academically and fought for his research and findings, against the almighty America's game and the NFL, we somehow find some shit to say about it. Will Smith's accent?! Are you for real?! 

So I got into some Twitter back and forth with some people about this issue, and some of the things I heard were "Will Smith is an actor, he should have perfected the accent". So what should we do now since he didn't perfect the accent, should they have scrapped the film? And someone else said "there are many actors out there, they should have given the role to another actor". As you know, there's this hoopla about the Oscars, and some black actors boycotting the Awards this year, maybe Will Smith was not nominated for Concussion because his Igbo accent did not come out well well in the film. Lol. And this same girl on her Instagram had to join the whole thing with Jada Pinkett (Will Smith's wife) not going to the Oscars. 

Another Nigerian had some "advice" for Will Smith and his wife Jada on Twitter, that they should have consulted proper Nigerians before Will did the part. Like they were now exploiting Nigeria and Nigerians. But know this. On a global stage, Will Smith (and his wife Jada) have done a lot in the portraying of positive Nigerians to the world. This couple, along with Jay Z, put their money into the production of Fela on Broadway, when no Nigerian that was approached was willing to put money into the stage play. But you know what? Yes you guessed it, when Fela on Broadway became a worldwide hit, some Nigerians rose up to say the guy that played Fela did not master the accent. 

Now, please, I'm not calling out this TV Personality, personally or professionally (in this season of beef, I don't need or intend to create one. Lol), but I have to say this, I don't care about Will Smith's accent in this film, unlike her I am very proud of this film, as far the subject matter, the production, and the Hollywood weight of the lead actor. Will Smith did a damned good job of playing Dr Omalu, who, as it happens I have never heard the real man speak, who knows whether the good doctor sef speaks like Will Smith's portrayal in real life! The man left Nigeria in 1993, studied in London and in America, maybe some of us still want him to sound like Mr Ibu, meanwhile our young Radio and TV Personalities travel to London and Dubai for 2 weeks and we can't understand what they're saying anymore. 

Anyway sha, me I don't like to shout. From time to time I just like to test my microphone.


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Babylawyer. said...

It's true na. It Dosnt make sence cos hr played Nigerian dosnst mean he should sound Nigerian.

@Lindaikeji No. I FAN

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Do ur thing ur way.. Ppl must talk no matter what

Anonymous said...


Dan said...

Point noted

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Ur opinion doesn't count

Unknown said...

Yess ooh


^^^Adult Content^^^

I won't read DAT rubbish...

He's looking for cheap publicity...

The blacks are tryna render the Oscar non incredible in subsequent awards...

Unknown said...

Too long to read

General said...

No mind them jare...ungrateful pple

Unknown said...

Ok na

#iT wiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

Trying to show himself


Pesin Pikin said...

C'mon guys let's give him some credit, he did well in d movie

Unknown said...

And am suppose to read all this?
Unu gbanili.

Unknown said...

Don't know why dey keep asking me prove if you are not a robot..linda do I look like a robot to you

Unknown said...

Funny but true, I support his statement.

Unknown said...

True Talk! Bro u're on point! 100%

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Hahahahahaha so true ''our young Radio and TV Personalities travel to London and Dubai for 2 weeks and we can't understand what they're saying anymore.''

Anonymous said...

God bless you!!!!

Unknown said...

Why do they keep asking me prove if you are a robot do I look like a robot to you linda...getting tired now...

Anonymous said...

You just spoke the mind of amadioha. Say no more brother..some idiot media personality my foot will just wake up and stir nonsense while they sit on their toilet seat throwing foul into the air..its all bullshit

The girl is a nitwit no common sense..let her continue to spew rubbish or go back and type an apology letter to Nigerian for typing rubbish and to willsmith.

Unknown said...

Nigga...don't mind olofofo R.P..them for put her papa..

Anonymous said...

Lolz @ I jst like to test my microphone. Nice 1 though.

Anonymous said...

Everybody always want to stand out,Like they're smarter than the rest of us! Is this what we're saying? YES! He played a positive role HE GOT PAID FOR! We're saying the acting skill is below-par and not worthy of an Oscar award.

Sounding like he did Nigeria a favor or some sh!t...TF!

danex said...

thank you dear. don't mind our Nigerian brothers and sisters their hobby is always to condemn peoples work meanwhile they can't do half of what they condemn.

Anonymous said...

I agree with him 100%.Nigerians always quick to look for the negatives.

Anonymous said...

nice write up! i totally agree with him.

Anonymous said...

I am so loving this guy..... Please tell them.I live in Canada and I have come across few Nigerians here that have probably stayed for a year or two but can't remember the name of their village any more and am like what? We should applude Smith for that role cos he killed it.

Unknown said...

He is absolutely right! Dr omalu in person does not sound like an igbo man anymore! He is educated and had left nigeria for over 20years. This AOP girl is just seeking attention.

Anonymous said...

nice write up! i totally agree with him.

JOYOUS said...

great post, no mind the yeye oap

OSINANL said...


Anonymous said...

Wooooow!!abeg where dis man dey stay?i need to kneel down well for him as a better ibadan girl to tell him "ese sir"......Mr Ayo Shonaiya u are carried.the highest accent crooner Toke Makinwa.(them form accent so tey husband house no gree dem stay*fake*)lmao!there's God in. One word.

Still the suppy maggie girl

Ethel said...

Nice one! I quite agree with what the guy said!

Anonymous said...

Nice one AY!

Don't mind the fake Nigerian tv "personality ". Never heard about it (sorry,her)


I swear down. The industry is full of fake American and british accent. If you live in a glass house....!

Unknown said...

Na so!!! U are on d right track my brother

Apologist Azolike Nonso Afamefuna said...

Sir your accent was terrible. You're either a Nigerian or a nigger

Unknown said...

Everybody be writing epistle, mcheeeeeeeew! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I don't even understand this will smith trauma self watin they happen anyway #whothemdonhelp..Linda observe carefully

Anonymous said...

Well said.i totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with him

Unknown said...

I'm not a gay but I feel like giving this dude a kiss. Some people always see negative in what other people are doing...they leave the good (large) part and focus on the (little) negative part...Dude you are absolute right.

tollyjems said...

Thank you for telling them ooo. This so called tv personality are so into this assents things. Faking assent every where for us,u guys know urself now, cos I don't want to mention names. Una full ground. The man in question left nigeria a long time, for that film to be well recognised who cares about his assent. He did a good job, the main lessons were sent out. Why not appreciate his hand works are stop crucifying him. I like bolanle but this talk is a wash. So dissaponted it's actually came from her mouth. I think u should sort ur fellow tv personality fake British assent first before talking about somebody's assent not ok. I wonder if I really use ur brain to watch movies or u just watch noni. Pls grow up nd stop seeking one stupid attention.

Unknown said...

Well said, kudos to u.lol@ sound like Mr ibu.

baba said...

Da for no use smith

Unknown said...

I'm not a gay but I feel like giving this dude a kiss. Some people always see negative in what other people are doing...they leave the good (large) part and focus on the (little) negative part...Dude you are absolute right.

Anonymous said...

Great write-up! Makes a lot of sense!!!

BOXY (A.K.A) common sense said...

GOOD one bro tell her she was just looking for public attention and she gotten one because she have nothing to say good job will smith

Unknown said...

Bravo! Well done. Jealos critics errywhr

Unknown said...

On point bro. yeye dey smell

asumjana said...

good one....nigerians sha

Unknown said...

Word....I totally agree with you,we that we are Yankee citizen self no dey form accent,TV personality fake like...Linda keep doing your thing,one love,God bless

Anonymous said...

My Brother you have done well jare! Hypogrites! They will be forming fake american accents on their radio shows and then have the nerve to call out Will Smith for not getting our accent right. They themseleves, are they proud of the Nigeria Accent?. We should be even a bit grateful he accepted to play a Nigerian in a world where Nigerians are seen as fraudsters and prostitutes. Look at the comments Donald Trump made, they didn't have the guts to call him out o. Idiots!

Dave Mide said...

Brother has got a good point especially with the fake accent ppl tryna pull in the industry. Its like a fucking plague eating em up now.

Unknown said...

My dear u have stumped d microphone. Best advice ever.

Unknown said...

It'a good thing Nigeria got a positive reflection by the film. But the producer chose a wrong person for that role. Think of Beast of no Nation and how Idris Elba killed the African accent. Abeg! Will and his director should have done their research before trying to for Africana.

kween Bee said...

I concur... Ordinary naija movie roles, the actor goes abroad for 2 days and comes home with an accent and nothing is wrong with it, now this person has bn there for a decade and just because the cast was will? will Smith's accent becomes the problem??..... God abeg ooo!!

Unknown said...

True talk Mr

Anonymous said...

She has a point. WHen English actors play an american or aussie part they have to get the accent right. Africans are always potrayed with this weirdish accent. Can you remember the nigerian doctor in African queen.

Africa is not a country. Nigerians, Ghanaians, Kenyans, South Africans- we all have distinct beautiful accents and it is time the rest of the world begins to realize it

Anonymous said...

Oga is just ranting! Truth is the accent was horrible mannerism zero. He didn't do enough. Was the movie good? Yes But as a Nigerian can you relate with will's character in the movie? No
She is taking about an actor that was paid to act you are taking about TV and radio personalities.
Have you seen the movie beast of no nation. Edris alba finish work in portraying the character. It is call proper research.

Anonymous said...

Lmaoooooo at. Travel to london n dubai in 2 weeks, the change ascent..

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass Nigerians naa everybody get accent... #trash! Lawma pls...

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass Nigerians naa everybody get accent... #trash! Lawma pls..

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass Nigerians naa everybody get accent... #trash! Lawma pls..

Unknown said...

Lols at many of us still wanting him to sound like Mr. Ibu when the man had actually left our shores for over 20 years. Most Nigerians only know how to talk other people's efforts down when they are actually not putting any effort themselves to make things better.

Akintade Shola Samuel said...

Good bless you for your school of taught

Sleek said...

Truer words have never been spoken. I for one believe will Smith did a good job. And if she thinks he didn't... Well she should produce her own concussion... Let's see how good her actor will portray Dr. Omalu. Nigerians will always have a negative attitude towards everything. Will Smith is making his money... His acting was flawless as always and I think that he shud have been nominated for d Oscars... But then we all know abt d Oscars snub..

Unknown said...

Will smith has been and continue to be a great anyday, anytime, all these funny critics re looking for relivancy.... Lets bring our nollywood to continue here - how many nollywood actors has gone to USA to understudy these b4 taking up an american returnee role - none.. Will smith must not come to aba bcos he wants to act nigerian

Anonymous said...

On point man. You got it so right.

Unknown said...

Yeee Mogbeee,

Anonymous said...

On point. You got it so right.

Warrigal said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Too lazy to read jare

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

Bravo!!!!...nice one sir,our young radio and tv personalities travel to London and Dubai for 2weeks and we cant understand what they are saying anymore...awon oni jibiti oshi...Concussion is a great movie.

Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Nigerians in Nigeria are just one big joke! They are all simply looking for cheap publicity! As for the accent thing! What do you think the British and Americans think of your fake accent? No matter how you twist your tongue the oyinbos will still ask you where you come from! People should give credit to will for even doing that film, do you know what it is to recognise an African Nigerian in the UK or USA? We all know the reputation Nigeria has in the outside world I think will s done us good. The Ghanians would have appreciated him better.


Your biz

oluwaseun84 said...

Am so liking this peice..made a lot of sense..just like d yoruba proverb says 'atupa o ri idi Ara e'..she should start by sticking to her ownn tongue first..nonsense.,will Smith did a good job and with all our fake celebs I don't see anyone amongst them doing it better than he did

Sleek said...

Truer words have never been spoken. I for one believe will Smith did a good job. And if she thinks he didn't... Well she should produce her own concussion... Let's see how good her actor will portray Dr. Omalu. Nigerians will always have a negative attitude towards everything. Will Smith is making his money... His acting was flawless as always and I think that he shud have been nominated for d Oscars... But then we all know abt d Oscars snub..

Golda Awosika said...

I totally agree with this.


Unknown said...

You nailed it bro! The smith's have nothing to lose by attending the white Oscars but are sacrificing their exalted status and good image in the white community to remind people like this gallery playing tv person of the sacrifices of Martin l king, Nelson madela that gave rise to an obama president. Their sacrifices may one day make her daughter win an Oscar without colour

Celeste said...

I haven't watched the movie. But I didn't agree with him until the part he said he Will Smith may have as well portrayed Dr. Omalu correctly with the accent. A good actor should get the accent correctly, period! Watching Thandie Newton cringe my ear with her terrible Igbo in half a yellow sun was disheartening. The movie itself was a great injustice to the book and the author - the movie looked so hurriedly done and never paid attention to the simplest detail. I hope the actors and production team of Americanah do a worthy job.

Unknown said...

I agreed with him 100 %. Some ppl be like"he didn't do it well" would u hv done better than dat given d same circumstances and opportunity? Nonsense! I too know, while u don't know anything! "Wanna be".....

Anonymous said...

Well said!!! Nothing to add or subtract. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head. At times Some Nigerians like that Bolanle girl display symptoms of 'accent schizophrenia'. It is good to tell such people that Nogeria has been portrayed in a positive light and that is what this movie is about for the rest of us and NOT about what accent was used.

Molurlah's MakeOver said...

Now this is sense

Anonymous said...

May God bless this man and his generation...well said!

Unknown said...

Yes,nd dats true, if the role given to him was an herbalist or a criminal,una go still talk,its just annoying how some nigerian think, the guy took a role,acted it perfectly and put the nigerian.....in the positive lait,nd yet pple that dnt understand movies or what it means,all this ibile thinking nigerian are condemning his effort,nawa o. #Anti #Ibile

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly! A great movie about a hardworking man and even more than that portraying Nigerians positively in every way; our love for education and someone said they cringed and sank while watching the movie. Oh pls shut up silly girl!

Demmy said...

I agree total wit Ayo Shonaiya.

Nigerians ar full of hypocrisy n beef.

Olaaliu said...

Who cares

Anonymous said...

That is why I like Wazobia FM and 102.7,fake people full that radio industry.

stelledee said...

The fact that the story shows Nigeria in a good light is worth commendation.but I still agree with the oAP that they could have sought the help of a Nigerian to help with the accent issue, it wouldn't have hurt. It would have made the movie appear real since the story is real life story. As for the fake accent of our OAP, it is not their faolt o, most privatelu owned Radio stations will not emplloy if you don't speak fone. So they fake it to get employed.

tosisochukwu said...

Share yours. It a free world

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Anonymous said...

well said

Unknown said...

Your so right. Its only a Nigerian citizens that will travel for 2wks and change there tongue. Dont mind bolanle she also change her tongue on MTN Project fame. Na so them dey do.

plumpy j said...

Totally agree will smith did a good job in the movie Btw our OAP with there fake accent though.

Anonymous said...


How many times I call your name?! Well done bruv! You f#cking nailed it!! Rich Nigerians will spend million$ on oyinbo girlfriend, but they won't fund black or Nigerian movies. When one Ibo trader then puts his little money in a Nigerian movie with the resultant shabby (straight to dvd) results, those rich folk and their stuck up kids will be the first to criticise.

Unknown said...

Enter your comment...i love this post......it makes lots of brains, and funny. NYC one bro.

Anon said...

Gbam!...Thank u bros

Anonymous said...

the message in the film is globally inspiring and a lot of nigerians in the states dont have heavy accents. so pliz go watch a nollywood flick if you dont like

Alpacino D said...

Which ever way I still role with Will Smith. They be talking like Will owe dem anything. Instead of being appreciative of di favour done dem, dey wanna get popular at our own detriment..

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha...lwkmd. Better for them over sabi people

Anonymous said...

I stand with you...

Anonymous said...

He has said it all. Good talk

Unknown said...

I concur

Unknown said...

Thank u very much, dis is sumtin we should proud of . These is one thing dat have been said right about nigeria in a long while. Forget all does FAKE ASS Bs, wills smith 100% (aunty linda post it)

Anonymous said...

Brother you are on point
God bless you n Will Smith
Shuuuuuu dat mumu babe wen dry form white accent for her radio station want make person with actual accent form mgbeke
She dey find cheap popularity jor
Dumb skull like her

Anonymous said...

I think he made sense.

Unknown said...

Haven't seen the movie yet

Anonymous said...

Exactly, these were my thoughts, How can that st*pi* g*rl make such a st*p*d comment about such a great movie portraying a Nigerian as intelligent&trustworthy
for once ... I wish i can see her one on one ...

Unknown said...

All correct bro! I agree with U completely . I heard the Omalu guy speak recently and he hasn't lost his accent at all and will Smith did the best he could in depicting the Dr's accent. Abeg make person hear word 4rm all dis our Yankee wannabe folks with fake accents o jare!

Anonymous said...

Thank Jesus!!! Someone is finally speaking sense. Just cos u can rant all u want on ebony tv doesn't mean u can talk without thinking. The movie is GOOD. It portrayed nigerians ( obviously not all though) as smart peeps.
Bolinto si ara e

Unknown said...

I watched the film and i must say that will smith did a very wonderful job

Nomso said...

Preach............well said

Sena Job said...

I tire for the girl and na dem sabi form fake accent pass

Jules said...

Well said...

miss B said...

Mr ayo, may the almighty God bless u.. u've said it all... those other peeps saying shit abot will smith's accent are simply "EDUCATED ILLITERATES"... senseless talks... let dem disgrace dem selves more...

Anonymous said...

Did she say a doctor from "Nigerian"?????😧😧 now she's famous on top bad English!!! Mtchew!! Now Bolanle, hear me well. Even you don't sound Nigerian! So assuming Will Smith came into Nigeria to pick up the accent and hung out with you , that your Mo Abudu woman and a bunch of your fake ass ELNow Crew, which accent will he pick up as Nigerian? Go figure!!!! I hope that sitting there, you also had a reality check!! People be criticizing others when they're guilty of the exact same thing. The Doctor, like you has spent most of his days abroad so tell me how he's to have the typical Nigerian accent and mannerisms.

Unknown said...

amazing points really

Unknown said...

So on point

Mr 47 said...

Ayo, some Nigerians can be annoying. Appreciate them then they missed up big time. One of the greatest Hollywood Legend of all time is playing a Nigerian and what some fake ass people noticed is the accent. Awon Ele te oshi

Anonymous said...

He has made alot of sense. If the doctor has been over there since 93, there's a good chance he doesn't have his Nig accent so why should will Smith use a Nig accent is the real doctor doesn't have one anymore.
And this Bolanle is talking when what most TV and radio personalities do is to use fake foreign accents, but will Smith is wrong for using his real accent for his role as a Nig doctor, of which the Nig doctor doesn't even have his Nig accent anymore.

Anonymous said...

You are so right about Nigerians who have travelled for a minute and begin to fake stupid accents on radio especially to the point where you can't understand a thing they are saying. As per will Smith kudos to him for the film but I do feel a Nigerian actor should have been used because there are lots of very good ones who could have benefited from the exposure. And he could have put his weight behind the film to make it a success

junia said...

He nailed it. True talk bro

miss B said...

Mr ayo.. may the almighty God bless you.. u've said it all.. those people talkin shit abot will smith's accent are simply "EDUCATED ILLITERATES" giving their senseless and baseless comments.. let dem disgrace dem selves more... Dey will travel 2 common ghana here 4 just one week sef wit bus 4 dat matter and the nxt tin, dey will start speaking their oyinbo incorrect accent and they will still b saying shit... instead of u 2 watch the movie, get educated and understand what the movie is abot, dey are busy lookin 4 accent and how foolish can one b.... Mr ayo u said it all jor... me cnt fit 2 shout lol....

sanrock said...

Lol...well said Oga thanks....lols only a Nigerian will travel to Singapore for 4 months and come back with British accent....and I wonder how. God bless 9ja

Anonymous said...

Ah!!! I tot I was d only one o.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It would have been better if he talked with a Yoruba accent...for eg pronouncing house as Ouse or her as Er with a loud voice. We all know Yorubas shout while talking as if d listener is deaf

Unknown said...

some ppl nid 2 mk deir research abt d man d film is abt.i saw d interview of dr omalu nd will smith and i must say dat i heard d man talk and dat was wat will smith worked with and acted open..so i think ppl shld investigate b4 jumping into conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Well said... don't mind those pple complaining abt the his Nigerian accent. Wen they re all as fake as he'll.. Nice one will Smith u did a good one.. bolanle or watever her name is called is just trying to get cheap popularity and she is so fake.. dam

Unknown said...



Nigerians love looking for imperfection in everything.

Unknown said...

One million GBOZA!! for u bros, u just explain dis story well for me now. U too much


Unknown said...

Free Will bikonuuu
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

My dear don't generalize when talking it shows a shallow mindedness

Unknown said...


Ruth O said...

Asin en! Only two weeks outside Nigeria and our youths(especially ladies) will start to say rubbish all in d name of british accent! And now they want a born n bred foreigner to speak like Mr ibu. Smh

Anonymous said...

this bolanle girl na akpasum iwe eziokwu! onye ka obu sef? with that her trashy accent! finally there is a reasonable person around thanks @Ayo. I stopped watching her after she scratched on national television. bolanle make me and you no jam for road o! you go just Wake up na ako rubbish! Libaby this one pain me well well . I still have a lot to say. Will Smith did good, I don't care what anybody says

Anonymous said...

people sometimes miss the point of a movie, which is the story they are trying to tell.will smith did not get the accent right how is that a major problem,when there are so many igbo men and woman in nigeria who cant speak their own language and yet people found away to criticism someone who is not even from the country not to talk of that state.the story is thruing a good light on nigerians that is what we should celebrate.not an accent.

Phebe said...

My guy, no mind them o. Nothing dey ever please Nigerians. Even when NEPA no take light for one month, dem still dey complain talk of you.

Unknown said...

I can bet all my money that the girl doesnt speak nigeria accent, why then condemning a foreigner who is trying to speak an accent which aint his, has she even heard the main dr omalu speak? For a man who has been in the states for that long how do u expect him to sound like a village man, this same idiot will criticise a nigerian for sounding too igbotic or yorubatic .. nigerians are just confused

Anonymous said...

And Ur Iq is below zero Jude Akinwola. U And this guy can shut the whole hell up andkiss bolanles whole asshole. Nigerians, u love sucking the ass of foreigners whether they do good or bad. Meanwhile these akatas ur defending dont give a shit about u unless money is involved. They cant stand africans esp. Nigerians ohpuhleeeze!# give me a break. Part of acting and doing a damn good job is mastering mannerisms accent of the person portrayed to make it as believable as possible, no be so? And being an OAP demands some phonetics so ur voice will be projected clearly. Two entirely different things. clearly so this idiot manwithout his stupid nonsensical rant should have a zillion seats in empty national stadium. See his big head. Olorinla. Because others are talking he too wants to be noticed. After this stupidity u go tell us whether Will and Jada invited u over totheir house for some tea and a threesome. Kmft

LORDJAY said...

All these our celeb and OAPS be forming brilliance anyhow. Fake lives fake accent from toke to stephaine Coker even the bolanle herself. She should have several seats

Unknown said...

I totally agree wt him.

Anonymous said...

doing a damn good job is mastering mannerisms accent of the person portrayed to make it as believable as possible, no be so? And being an OAP demands some phonetics so ur voice will be projected clearly. Two entirely different things. clearly so this idiot manwithout his stupid nonsensical rant should have a zillion seats in empty national stadium. See his big head. Olorinla. Because others are talking he too wants to be noticed. After this stupidity u go tell us whether Will and Jada invited u over totheir house for some tea and a threesome. Kmft. Fucking lib readers get on my damn nerves. U fools don't have a mind of your own.

Unknown said...

Well said and on point. We leave the most important things and focus on irrelevance such as accent.

Unknown said...

Oh well, I watched the movie and I seriously liked it. A movie that can keep me awake at night when I'm tired on a week day is really good. Now, about the accent! My attention was drawn to it, but I wasn't bothered because I actually felt he sounded more African than most of our Nigerian ' radio and TV presenters' or 'OAP' these days(saying this and rolling my eyes). It's so annoying to me that as Nigerians we aren't embracing our accents ( by the way I have ranted on Facebook over this accent issue) or feel it is inferior, yet we expect a total foreigner with no Nigerian ties to sound Nigerian. What hypocrisy!! Hissing.

Anonymous said...

Abeg. @Olaaliu That one no follow. I wasnt brought up to speak pidgin or try my hardest to be razz so I gotta be myself. I prefer my radio listening with a bit of class. I dont wanna feel like im in a danfo bus everytime I listen to the radio. So the phonetics is better. the. 93.7 and 92.3, cool fm. Are amazing. Wazobia and the likes are just not for me. not everyone with an accent onthe radio is faking it.. nigerians always jealous of foreign accent. If u too want accent, u can watch yankee films or learn from youtube ahn. it's not by being bush and speaking pidgin u show patriotism there are other ways. Im tired of hearing people use the fact that English is not the first language or is white man's language as excuse for poor english, grammar, pronunciation. Ok in that case why don't we walk around naked or with leaves since trousers and shirts are a white man's invention. Abeg Well English is here to stay. Proper English even better. Why don't you go using pidgin during a job interview?? abeg I'm posh and im not apologizing to anyone. deal with it!!..

Anonymous said...

@atibatele ololade or wareva And so what if she changes her tongue?. To speak phone is free o. Them no dey pay for it. speaking it takes u places esp in this nigeria..unfortunately thats how it is. Instead of being jealous of the newly acquired accent, why not get your own. Nigerians can jealous people with accent. Crabs in a bucket mentality

Anonymous said...

@atibatele ololade or wareva And so what if she changes her tongue?. To speak phone is free o. Them no dey pay for it. speaking it takes u places esp in this nigeria..unfortunately thats how it is. Instead of being jealous of the newly acquired accent, why not get your own. Nigerians can jealous people with accent. Crabs in a bucket mentality

Anonymous said...

Gbam!!!! Ayo Shonaiya, I just love you.
I have lived in Britain for how many years now? I come to Nigeria and still speak my Nigerian accent, it even annoys me when some people who live in Nigeria and come to the UK on holiday for few weeks and they start speaking fake British American accents, as you can't even pick which one it is they are trying to say.
The Nigerian radio station is another annoying one like Ayo mentioned, speaking fake accents you don't understand.
Why not commend the producers, actors and actresses for a good film and stop criticising.
Once more, kudos to you Ayo Shonaiya.

Anonymous said...

This is spot on.Before I saw the movie,I saw on a friend's dp complaints about Will's accent when he went to see the movie with his son.This made me to really want to see the movie which I eventually did about a week ago.I don't have any issues whatsoever with the accent as I only looked at how brilliant Dr Omalu is in the movie and I was so impressed that a Nigerian achieved that feat in the USA.THis is not fiction but true life story.

Anonymous said...

This is spot on.Before I saw the movie,I saw on a friend's dp complaints about Will's accent when he went to see the movie with his son.This made me to really want to see the movie which I eventually did about a week ago.I don't have any issues whatsoever with the accent as I only looked at how brilliant Dr Omalu is in the movie and I was so impressed that a Nigerian achieved that feat in the USA.THis is not fiction but true life story.

Unknown said...

Most realest write up I ever seen here in LIB.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with Ayo. The film and everything it stands for is absolutely amazing!! Dr Omalu is a Nigerian and a Doctor who as done well and should be recognized, fullstop! Accent or not, it's a great movie.
Our OAPs are just fake, they mix up their accents that they end up confusing themselves,that one is talking about "Nigerian accent" when she deliberately tries not to speak like one.
Ayo,you have spoken well,like a true son of the soil.

stanlo boranti said...

Well, in my opinion, i think Will Smith should v done better with the accent but that's under the condition that Dr Omalu if after over 20yrs of living in America still completely has is proper Igbo/Nigerian accent. That i doubt Bcos Dr Omalu is not like an everyday Naija abroad who Came to Yankee to hustle. He went thruough the walls of a university abroad and defo must have being influenced in one way or the Other by his environment with regard to his accent. Lets assume that Dr Omalu has not being influenced Lollz, who can Will Smith even learn his accent from. If He goes online, na fake fake people He go see der with fake accents lolllz. if He even say make He take the pains to come Naija to learn the accent, na from MMA even the immigration officer seeing say na Will they come go they speak 'you know' wazup oga' for the poor man. So abeg lets be Very objective on this blog. Bfr i checkout, let me say that the PerSon that was comparing Idris Elba n Will I believe was high on Some cheap supply. If not, he for know say Elba was potraying a local war millitant When nor go school n cant even speak proper English while Will was potraying a well educated Nigerian Dr who has lived abroad for more than 20yrs. So make way jare

WeALTHY ChIC said...

10 million likes for you Ayo. U just said the truth. That part u mentioned Mr Ibu got me laughing.

Anonymous said...

Lol...u make sense die.have u heard Toke Makinwa speak! Damn dat girl good in 'British accent/American accent' like she was born there.fakeass lot.

Miss VeeV said...

Ayo you are an ass licker! Big one at that.
Lets both accept that your response is for Will Smith or his producers to see you worthy of working with (Your intentions clearly)
Why did David Oyelowo learn proper southern American accent for his role in SELMA????
It would have been trash if he had a Nigerian or yoruba accent
In one of his many interviews, He mentions how he had to study the accent and Dr Martin Lurther's mannerism.
Black Americans are fighting against racism because they think whites can do more.
Yet you want us to accept peanuts from them
Please work on your slave mentality o

DAUGHTER _ OF _ A _ SOMEBODY... said...

I just don't know why blacks don't appreciate themselves like women does to themselves. It's so f***ing annoying.
As for the senseless bolanle, I say don't f***ing come to mainland *in badoo's voice. Lol.

I didn't type this fa' it just popped out...

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel this anonymous is bolinto herself... so passionate about accent/English and even defending 'bolanle'. Let's be real jare, we are Africans (naija to be specific) we know that whenever nigeria is on international news it's either for fraud or FRAUD. Now being portrayed as smart peeps should, @ least, encourage our youth that they can achieve anything as long as they r willing. I never heard about Dr. Omalu all my 10 years in usa... now I know about him thanks to Smith. Rather than looking at d positiviTIES we choose to pick on the least issue.

Anonymous said...

Neither does yours you obvious ignoramus. Well said Ayo. This needs to be on Media Take Out

Unknown said...

Leave Bolanle to say nsi juru ya onu.. she shud have been concerned with d positivity that came with the role not speaking lik a monkey in her monthly period.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

Leave Bolanle to say nsi juru ya onu.. she shud have been concerned with d positivity that came with the role not speaking lik a monkey in her monthly period.

Tired of hiding under anonymous when actually I'm a LIB addict!

Anonymous said...

Explains why your English is so poor

Unknown said...

On this issue...both parties arent totally wrong....When hollywood wants to do a film potraying whites...they go for the best actors for the role...why not look for suitable actor for a Nigerian doctor role...there is chi. Ejiofor...a perfect cast for the role..... On the hand rather than point oit the error in Wills acent. we should rather commend the film makers for portraying a good Nigeria for once...

Unknown said...

Who knw dis one?

Unknown said...

For crying out loud,Will Smith is my favourite Hollywood actor,damn!...who da...is Ayo Shonaiya. She should stick with Nollywood,rubbish!


Anonymous said...

Dnt mind dat stupid wanabe babe, who is Nigerian n dosent even hv any Nigerian accent yet she expects an American actor to speak for her perfectly, am very sure d igbotic sugardaddy or boyfrnd she went to watch the movie with was d one confusing her. Watch n enjoy the story line and leave Accent afterall the Doctor being potrayed doesnt even speak lyk a Nigerian RUBishhhhh.

Unknown said...

Guy, more Instagram followers for you

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe!! I like this man. Mkat

Anonymous said...

Dnt mind the stupid wannabe babe, do you hv a Nigerian accent? RUBishhhhhhh....

Unknown said...

All these attention seeking oap talking about will smith igbo accent,the truth is that I as a FULL BLOODED IGBO babe appreciate will's acting,but u yoruba talkers,NDIGBO dn't even like u guys,why is our accent ur guys concern...?

Anonymous said...

U tlkn abt poor grammar shud pls stfu! Is english d only language in d world? Y try to shove it dwn sme pipo's throats? Sme countries dnt evn speak english so wots ur own? English language is optional. If u wana learn, fine. If u dnt fine. So dnt make mockery of those u cant speak correct grammars.

Unknown said...

Nigerians and pettiness sha. Instead of appreciating the guy for telling a good story about our "wonderful" country, we are looking at accent and mannerism. Contunu!!! Accent and Bavarian will make you people popular

Anonymous said...

The way some of ya'll can come here and comfortably show how not smart you are is beyond me. If you didn't wanna read it why comment? Is it by force??? This is the problem we have in this country, always jumping into issues without even looking at it. It's just a shame sha, really. You just went ahead and concluded it is rubbish without even reading it.

Anonymous said...

Lool I like this man #CC

stunna said...

Y do I feel DAT did is bolanle as anonymous

Unknown said...

Too lazy to read

Anonymous said...

Olodo! Where is out reading culture

Unknown said...

Tell them

MlleP said...

The point isn't whether its a good movie or not. It does portray Nigeria in a positive light. However, the point is his acting. Actors, especially those as A list as Will, are expected to do proper research before acting. Pass the message across convincingly. #JustSaying #Fact

Unknown said...

Yours statement is understood,

Anonymous said...

Thank you o Ayo, God bless you. Who says the doctor has a Nigerian accent? The man left Nigeria a long time ago, so what if Will Smith talked exactly like him o. Stupid TV presenter with her myopic messed up mind. I bet she didn't even research about the doctor before typing that rubbish. Ode!

Kojevspin D Realist said...

I don't know who d fcuk Bolanle is but she must be very stupid. I wish I was on Twitter so dat I can go to her account n rain abuses on her. Just listen to OAP in Nigeria and u will want to puke bc of their stupid accents. Hypocrites

Kojevspin D Realist said...

I don't know this Bolanle bitch but I am sure she uses a fake accent on air. Bitch

Anonymous said...


Kojevspin D Realist said...

The reason for dat is bc u ve so many childish n jobless people commenting here. Some of them r even teenagers wt no perspective of life. You ve very few matured people commenting on dis blog. Sometimes if I want to amuse myself I just read d comments on dis blog. So childish.

Kojevspin D Realist said...


Chyluv! said...

This is defInitely Bola! Caught you..."abeg I'm posh...n not apologizing talk. Lmaaooo Bola I really like you, but u also fake an accent, or rather u dnt have Nigerian accent, so y r u throwing shade @ will smith? I'm pretty sure Dr Omalu doesn't even have the strong Nigerian accent anymore.

Anonymous said...

Love, love this write up. Fake accents everywhere

Anonymous said...

Mastering Accents is difficult. The best I have seen so far is Idris Elba, maybe christoph waltz. For Idris , he is from W. Africa , grew up in the UK and lives in the USA. His comes naturally like in beast of all nations or the British show Luther and then talk about The wire - the American show that was eventually stopped because of the way bostonites felt.... While Will in the movie does not remotely talk like Dr Omalu who worked for 4 years in a hospital where I am working currently,Omalu put Individual Nigerians on the map for their hard work. Period. That's the substance to be taken

Anonymous said...

Well said Ayo. I agree with you 100%. Instead of you to applaud Will Smith for portraying Nigeria in a good light as a doctor, you are busy criticising his accent. What about Eddie Murphy's coming to America? Nobody could decode where he got his African accent from but he tried and the movie was a hit. Nobody is perfect. Bolanle should go to hell joor.

Barbie said...

Can I ask you something anon 10:45.when you watch movies, do you watch it just to see the kind of houses the characters are living in or you watch it cos of the story line(maybe after seeing the trailer) Nigerians! Nigerians! Can any nollywood actress right now In NOLLYWOOD act with a French accent perfectly if given a role now? Pls answer me in all honesty! I'm waiting for your reply!

Anonymous said...

You nailed it ayoola

Unknown said...

Completely true my brother... That lady should go chill somewhere... She's nothing but a famzer.

Anonymous said...

Jim Iyke and some Nollywood actors always try to put up an American accent when they act roles of someone that has lived in America all his life. But you never see Americans coming out for them and criticising them for not getting the American accent correctly. What's all the beef about Will Smith? Naija una own too much sef. Pls let Will Smith be. You cant expect him to get the accent 100% correctly. Nobody is perfect

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