Graphic photos: Troops kill more Boko Haram fighters in Borno | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 22 January 2016

Graphic photos: Troops kill more Boko Haram fighters in Borno

5 Boko Haram members were killed by Troops of 153 task force base during a face off on Wednesday January 20th. Items recovered from the sect members include 1 MC-H3 tube panhand aml 90 gun with registration number 0182, 1 36milimeter, handset, grenade, 7 pieces of 60 milemeter bodies and 3 AK47 rifles. More photos after the cut...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Observed, weldone our gallant soldiers, with all humility and honesty I have feelings for Linda Ikeji and would sincerely wish to meet her in person this year as part of my resolution.

Unknown said...


NneGal aka Linda post my Comments hahahaa said...

May God destroy all the "Sponsors of BH! Iran inclusive"

Unknown said...

Very good,they have caused a lot of damage in this country

Unknown said...

Burn dia bodies...

Enugu's second shoe designer


Gradually Nigeria will be whole again

Bonita Bislam said...

Can't these terrorists give up? They've lost already. They've been degraded & brought to their knees.
Thank you Nigerian army & thank you Buhari, on behalf of all north easterners.

Unknown said...

Great job.. Kudos to our troops. See as doz animals die like ants.

Golda Awosika said...

Hmmm, alryt


tosisochukwu said...

That is good

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

jum@ said...

This bullets no be here ooo.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Nice one if it's true oo

Unknown said...

RIP is a pity. * it's well*

Unknown said...

Thank God for that and president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR.
Please my dear soldiers how many of you did buharis boys kill we only hear how many you people kill and fake evidence but we never hear how many of you died.
Buhari should stop all this deception and scam.
Buhari and rochas are just heavy time bomb waiting to be blast.

#sad indeed

kings computers limited said...

Did you say 5? I can see more than five bodies.

eka said...

Big thanks 2 our brave soldiers...

Unknown said...

Gladly joining their virgins in heaven. Mumu people. ..

Tired of hiding under anonymous when I'm actually a LIB addict!

Unknown said...

Good news (y)


Unknown said...

Good job guys ...

Anonymous said...

That's good

Unknown said...

Good job. They should keep it up

Unknown said...

As in.

Unknown said...

Wasted souls, it's a pity

ehis said...

Father pls help my Country

Clara Udeh said...

Way to go!
More ororo to your elbows ooh gallant soldiers.

Unknown said...

Gallant soldiers...

~make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Unknown said...

Good Job,till dey are cleansed out of Nigeria,Their Father!

Unknown said...

Good for Him

starshine said...

Now this is good news. More pls

Unknown said...

Buhari and Apc are forging all this so that it will look as if hi government is working.Abi linda!

Unknown said...

Good job


Unknown said...

Good development..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...


Esther Dangana said...

Is December not the date line again? I thot these people are finished? Well done to our military. May God protect you from these vampires called boko haram. Amen.

Pesin Pikin said...

Mtchewww! Good riddance to bad rubbish

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...


Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...


Unknown said...

Lol @ currently joinin. Dere virgins in heaven. God protect our soldiers

Unknown said...

God them dey catch them... they would pay for all they have done to Nigerians...

Anonymous said...

@favour, can you just shut your mouth... What do you know about government? You gullible being.. #hiss

Unknown said...

How are we sure this for real?

Lady with class#

Unknown said...

How are we sure this for real?

Lady with class#

Anonymous said...

Why are u so dumb

Dennis said...

Kudos to Nigerian Army

Unknown said...

Good job guys

Let's go Linda

Unknown said...

Biko troops be killing since last year, Boko never finish? O di egwu. #Lindangwanu#

Linda's dildo said...

Kill dem all..fucking bastards

Linda's dildo said...

Kill dem all..fucking bastards

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Very gud

Unknown said...

Make Dem dey shi Dem wella


Anonymous said...

This Favour is dumb,see talk for bird mouth,aluu

Anonymous said...

A pity for wat?

Anonymous said...

Oloriburuku ni e,you are an idiot freeborn

Unknown said...


Lilian chinomso said...

Thanks to God, I pray boko haram will be a thing of the past this year

Unknown said...

Nice one

Unknown said...

Good news...#Lindaconfirm

Demmy said...

Tank God

Dey shud rot in hell

Unknown said...

Well done guys. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nothing abt these idiots are graphic to me.

LIB Next Rated!

Unknown said...

Nothing abt these idiots are graphic to me.

LIB Next Rated!

Unknown said...

very Good.

Unknown said...

@anoumous I would have replied u but no need bcos I don,t communicate with ghost.Abi linda!

Unknown said...

@freeborn u real sucked ur mothers breast well not like this so called anonymous ghost who talks like ewu.Abi linda!

Unknown said...

Burn in hell boko's
Nice one frm our troops
Linda dont take note!

AGB said...

This Favour girl is another dumb fvck.

Unknown said...

Good news
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Nice job.... Gallant soldiers.
Lib baddoo

Unknown said...

Let us be grateful if you have a family member living in north-East or a soldier think you be grateful for the calmness they are experiencing now.let us be supportive than be a critic

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Nice work,

MUSICIAN said...

Good news..God bless our Soldiers+ OUR President..EOD!

Unknown said...

Old news from jeg government.why are they reflashing the news and pocs?

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

The Victory is coming. God help us.


DAN 1 said...

Good government good Big thanks 2 our brave soldiers


kudos said...

this na manwill...Believe

Unknown said...

The army should finish them once as all, let boko haram being a team of the past,

Luciana Chinda said...

Nice one. Kudos to our troops

Anonymous said...

If BH are Buhari boys as you have consistently insinuated why would he allow them to be killed?

Forexmachant said...

I thank God for the victory being recorded by our Military Forces against the heartless boko haram recently and as well thank the forces who are fighting the boko haram and I hope Federal Government will give them special compensations. Jesus is Lord.

Unknown said...

Very good...


Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Kudos to the soldiers

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Odi mma. Jie sie nu ike.
Direct from Delsu.

Unknown said...

Odi mma. Jie sie nu ike.
Direct from Delsu.

Unknown said...

Very good kill them all

Anonymous said...

Buhari is working. Change has come

Anonymous said...

For all those PDP infested blind idiots that keep saying they need pictures before they will believe that the military is working, shey you people can now see. If you still believe it is fake, then you must be a moron because it is paining you that Buhari will succeed in Jesus Name. Amen!

Anonymous said...

For all those PDP infested blind idiots that keep saying they need pictures before they will believe that the military is working, shey you people can now see. If you still believe it is fake, then you must be a moron because it is paining you that Buhari will succeed in Jesus Name. Amen!

Unknown said...

Guys, Favour may be right.
The story says 5 Boko memebers killed but I can see more than 5 dead bodies.
This is confusing!
Linda are u there???!!!

Ayanmo Farm & Guesthouse said...

Good job guys!

Unknown said...


Uzosafetyblog said...

For the doubting Thomas of Favour and Co, I advice you to visit Borno state yourselves. Ndi ara. #IRepLIb

Uzosafetyblog said...

This is why some individuals never make in life or make an inch move from their present predicament. The Buhari led government is winning the war like him or hate him, your opinion doesn't matter to him; Ndi ara. #IRepLIB

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