Is your wedding coming up soon, birthday party, graduation party, get together with family and friends, seminar, bridal shower, naming ceremonies or self desire. Explicit foods is here for you and we got you covered. Let us cater for you.We cover all types of catering services such as smallchops,cocktails,barbecue,pastries,Chinese cuisine,grill solutions,intercontinental dishes & lots more We cover all types of events (indoor & outdoor) and also individual orders on daily basis from home or from work for family and friends.think explicit foods.
We are here to serve you.visit our outlet today and let's treat you right with the yummiest bite you have ever had. When we serve you at your events your guest are happy. Call us today 09038019390, 07051843915 Bb pin: 2b4b4978 Instagram/twitter : @explicit_foods Visit our outlet today.. Address: 512 road,f close house 1,Festac town,Lagos. Call us today for that special event or self desire..
Okay naw
Help! I'm sleeping with both husband and wife ...
We have been dating for 4 years now,my fiancee moved in with me 3 months ago because her rent has expired and we are getting married soon,so we agreed she moves in with me..it was then i notticed something about her,she doesn’t do any house work regardless of the fact that she gets home before me,i will still be the one to get home and sweep the house and even do the cooking on weekends she will get up and wash only her clothes and even while i am washing mine she will just sit there and gist with me,this has been happening for a long time since she has been visiting the only thing she does is ...
Wow! Am impressed. That's nice
#It wiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise
Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (royalpriesthood007@gmail.com)
Nice one
Linda, God bless you for this
Issokay seen, thanks for letting us know. Linda take note!
Issokay seen, thanks for letting us know. Linda take note!
Nice one Linda
Linda God bless u for encouraging these ladies..I'll surely patronize her. Congrat darling.. More power to ur elbow..
God bless ur hustle dear.
Wow! Yummy, ma pls I nid your help...
How can I be your self made recipient? Started my own blog too but it's still upcoming please visit adhubbing lemme know what you think
Am gonna be there.
Kudos Linda and all d best to Explicit
Awwww! This made my day, so happy for her.
This Is Very Nice! God Continue To Bless You Ms Linda!
Great news. Thank you Linda.
Congrat Linda & thanks for lifting the girls.
Great Stuff!
Way to go Linda!
Am super proud of you!
More self ladies to emerge!
Nice one.... #thumbup@linda God bless you dear
nice! those foods really look yummy
Noted. But hope their charges will be moderate
Wow... Linda u too much
Nice one.
Good job. Weldone Linda. All the best to the girl.
Wow! I am feeling it yomi yomi already.
One of YOUR self made girls?
Cmon Linda gerrrahia mehn shit..........
Rephrase it henceforth to
One of THE ill rather be self-made girls.
One of YOUR self made girls?
Cmon Linda gerrrahia mehn shit..........
Rephrase it henceforth to
One of THE ill rather be self-made girls.
One of YOUR self-made girls?
C'mon Linda, Gerrarahia mehn shit........
Rephrase it henceforth to One of THE ill rather be self-made girls.
One of YOUR self-made girls?
C'mon Linda, Gerrarahia mehn shit........
Rephrase it henceforth to One of THE ill rather be self-made girls.
May your business flourish IJN, Amen.
God bless u Linda, Explicit foods may God increase u in ur hustle, but try mk u send us taste for LIB.
Nice. Contacts noted. And I'm liking her FB page already.
Weldone Linda. God bless you.
God bless u Linda, as u ve made someone's daughter smile, joy will never cease in ur home. Thanks for flaunting a life-touching gesture, rather than showing off a flimsy self acclaimed 20million naira wristwatch!
Linda did you say one of the recipients? you dey try for our girls, posterity will not forget u. Thank you very much !
Awww she tried
nice one!!!!!!!!!!
but u ain't got any self made guy.. do think abt adding that to your philanthropic act soon, mayb exmas is cool for such
Omo! I'm hungry already...this is the thing most rich people can't do-help others rise...God bless you Ma!
Very nice..
Linda, weldone. U hv touched people's lives.
God bless you Linda, really admire you for this, may God continue to bless u more. Also congrats to her, wish her the very best
Linda... May God bless you and your entirety. As you've blessed this young girl, success shall never depart from you... Amen!
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Thank you do much aunty Linda u are truly a blessing to d world....watch out for my proposal its going to b tough I knw...# inspired by linda
Juliet iwuno you are seriously seeking attention on this blog learner how to write properly
God bless u Linda....
Big ups! I wish her the very best
woow,this is wonderful,all the best to her and enterprise.
woow,this is wonderful,all the best to her and her enterprise.
So ?
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