Dear LIB readers: My husband is stingy with | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Dear LIB readers: My husband is stingy with

From a female LIB reader
I want to find out from other married women how they get money out of their stingy husbands? Mine is so stingy I'm beginning to dislike him. He treats money like god, doesn't like to spend it. He never gives enough for the home's upkeep, and chooses to go to buy groceries himself. He can afford to buy me a good car but instead bought me a Nigerian used that cost him N750k that takes me to the mechanic on a regular basis. I am tired of this man and his behaviour. What do I do?


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Anonymous said...

All men ar not the same. My husband doesn't hold back except he doesn't have.

Unknown said...

Very serious.

Unknown said...

Like ur comment die,will try it

Unknown said...

She wants a range 2015, greedy woman. How won't he wen u say 750k is ordinary.... Linda pls u have tried 2 publicise dis woman remove dis post abeg

Unknown said...

Shut ur mouth. Even if a wife is working in chevron the husband should provide atleast5o% of her needs. I'm sure ure one of this akata.ukodi wants to kill. Rubbish

Anonymous said...

Babe be like you're talking about my husband, we quarrel only about money matters.
I earn my own money and he still wants from it.
Babe wise up oooo, find yourself a job and save up, men no worth am.

Unknown said...

Thank God for u ma. Ur husband is a good man, not a thief or ritualistic killer, those that work for their money will spend it wisely, it's good to manage resources, not to waste it. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

You r so naive n young at henry, acting ur age...time will humble u

Anonymous said...

Broke ass henry eze, go take kia of urslf first b4 throwing insults.. u knw u still smell sha

Anonymous said...

go make your own money nau...or find a richer husband...for better or stingy...remember?

Unknown said...

That's y it's good to go to school, get a career before u marry sef. Ladies learn to take care of urselves n v a taste n standard. When a guy comes to u he would v known where u r n wouldn't bring u lower than where he met you if he is a sensible man. Moreover, a man is not a jacky, learn to use ur hands and make money. Maybe u would v been able to add 500k to get a car of 1.250m which would b in good shape. If u r a housewife hmmmmm sorry o. Continue to endure. D Lord is in control. Find something doing n reduce stressing d man or maybe u r even extravagant with d money u don't know how to make. Am a woman but I don't support, a man must or should do everything n to our standard. Contribute n kip d ministry moving abeg.

Unknown said...

See woman wey dem buy car for still dey complain......Na wa o. Come and see families dat d hubby gives dem 5 k a month for house keeping

Anonymous said...

I hear @ priesthood, she cripple? May she go work out her own money na....she sounds like an ingrate to me.....mtew!!

Anonymous said...

my dear if he buys the groceries himself then i think he is actually stingy c'mon! and people pretend alot so i dont blame you for not knowing however you should find something to do. dont expect him to give you everything i dont know your arrangement before you married him probably he wanted you to be an house wife even so, get busy. i tell you there is more satisfaction derived from spending your hard earn money trust me!!!

Spinach said...

Divorce him an pray God to send you someone that will be giving @least 200k per month for upkeep..,OLE!!! i perceive you have high class friends you keep which is logically affecting you by the reason of their lifestyle...(And or perhaps use to be a RUNS girl..,before u got married)Madam please concentrate on your home stinginess is what you complain now not infidelity that means there's peace in your home...Everyone gets to some point where they face marital issues and that's when the devil creeps in..DON'T ALLOW HIM TO SUCCEED. you have the power to make things happen in your home for forever flow of cash... #clearfacts# and #thetruthpains#

Anonymous said...

Abeg leave d guy alone,why una dey checkmate him sef...Na who write plenty comment pass go school pass?...abegi!!!

teegal said...

Lol sell him

Anonymous said...

you should be grateful for what you have.why didnt your father buy you a car as a wedding gift, now your blaming the poor man for buying you a nigeria used car. which one did your father buy for your mother? Ungrateful women.

Unknown said...

Pls all men are not same.if ur own husband is dsame mine is not.don't conclude madan

Anonymous said...

Bia Royal idiot, if u don't know when n where to place ur "is" and "was" js respect yourself n shut the fuck up!'s bad enough that you are always talking rubbish n we are subjected to ur near brain dead comments at d end of every single post, you also have to put us thru the excruciating emotional wahala and psychological trauma of reading ur overtly disturbing grammatical misdeeds. Plus ur dumb ass is always amongst the very first to comment; that means every single post I open, ur retarded comments are AT THE VERY TOP, traumatising me. Can't I read this blog in peace without u generously distributing endless epistles of ur stupidity?
No worry, I don make am my mission to shut u up. Haba, Wetin sef?

_Oga Uzor_

Anonymous said...

You are so on point.

Anonymous said...

Get a job

Kene said...

people always think this 'money' is easy to get.
Naira is still devaluating and you are waiting for g-wagon?lol ....Wait till its 300naira to 1dollar!
Better go get yourself a job cos am really sure you are very lazy and hence fat too;)
Those legs gota exercise, so trekking for now is key dear.

Anonymous said...

Can anybody be more stupid that this royal idiot?..Like really??. Relentlessly dishing out them gbagauns. Don't u have friends or relatives that could at least correct ur dumb ass?

Anonymous said...

Depend ke? Na her husband na.....

Anonymous said...

Henry eze u re the bigger fool, God help females nd prevent them from stupid fellows like you!

Anonymous said...

Liessss! My father isn't stingy to my mother. I'm Igbo bdw :)

Anonymous said...

Even if she works hard and makes gets. She would still need that "extra" and support from her husband . That's why it's called maintainance.

Unknown said...

Bia enyi stop complaining and get busy. I hate stingy men myself but then I so love making my own money. Like Linda will say,"i'll rather be self made".

Unknown said...

Re u d lady's husband?

Unknown said...

Is dat the lady's husband

Anonymous said...

Including your mother and sisters.

Anonymous said...

Work for ur own money..I always advice my friends that they shouldn't depend on their husbands money

Anonymous said...

Idiot...senseless tlk

Jojo said...

Wicked!!!! Lmao

Anonymous said...

Silly Old ugly dirty useless and stupid wife. Go get a life and Job nd stop blaming your husband. He could even afford to buy you a car and you call him stingy. Maybe you should leave and let another woman appreciate the little effort he's making. .

sexyqueen said...

steal his money,at any given opportunity cos a stingy man is always a stingy man

sassy sexy said...

your hubby buy you car of 750,you no happy you com say he1 is stingy! madam park well joor

click my name for more gist

FLOGGING said...

Kill yourself, thief

FLOGGING said...


Anonymous said...

Dear lady you are daft. Supposing, just supposing he is stingy with the money now so your kids can go to the best universities in the world in the future? If this is what he's planning You are lucky he even bought you a car, focus woman! It's not about the now.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! Good generous men are rare

Anonymous said...

Infact, take high five! This is me right here I would do all u just said if I were in her case

Anonymous said...

Nice one! I claim your position... I need a generous rich man ... My fiancé is a giver , he just needs to get there... He is still building

Anonymous said...

My dear e be like say u just need to waste ur energy disliking him. After marriage they are just like that. Find something to bring in extra cash for u and make ur self happy.

Damochedxb said...

Smh... You're stupid sha

Anonymous said...

U r mad

Anonymous said...

Yeah....she's probably just a few years married. Welcome to the club....he won't change oh. Find another thing to add to your job. Mine does the shopping too...I just siddon dey look and go to my Job giggling. When he's tired he will stop my dear. Make ur self happy. Accept wetin e give. Take care of ya self .....very soon he may start being stingy with something else...Master this phase now b4 the next test in marriage shows up. Jisike o.

Dreezy the quidnunc said...

Go and fucking work and don't fucking depend on his fucking money... I started hating Nigerian women's mentality ever since I left mehn... Y'all need to step up ur fucking game.. U put the whole family pressure on him and still called him stingy.. All I see is a wife that's not contented ..

Anonymous said...

If the man likes his buttocks to be licked clean,she shuld do it abi?. Making her own money is d only way out cos a stingy man is a stingy man till death!

Unknown said...

Dats y a woman shld b made b4. Marriage,u shldnt wait. On ur husband for everyfin so common home upkeeps u cannot afford, God forbid bad tin somfin happens ur on yor own!

Well m just sayin!

Anonymous said...

Ungrateful goat, least appreciate what you have and given because some women re not even given but appreciate and love. you should be set home to learn manners in a traditional way.

Katie said...

Every home has its issues. Some men are lazy, even if she gets a job, it might even make matters worse . the bros might just leave everything to her.

femi Afolabi said...

I feel you are the one that is leaving above your husbands income that is why he is trying do the spending on his own to prove to you how prudent he his. After all he bought you a car almost a million naira. Madam don't be misled by other peoples way of life and their family system.

Unknown said...

Accept your fate

Unknown said...

Accept your fate

Unknown said...

Say if you make your own money. So you don't ask if you don't need too. Why should I have to take care of all the house expenses. Not bills but things need around the house. I was even buying his clothes and colognes. But I'm, tired if I ask him for money I have to pay it back. If he gets money from me he don't want to pay it back. It gets old after a wild. I love my husband but tired of being unhappy.

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