I want to find out from other married women how they get money out of their stingy husbands? Mine is so stingy I'm beginning to dislike him. He treats money like god, doesn't like to spend it. He never gives enough for the home's upkeep, and chooses to go to buy groceries himself. He can afford to buy me a good car but instead bought me a Nigerian used that cost him N750k that takes me to the mechanic on a regular basis. I am tired of this man and his behaviour. What do I do?
Make your own money. I can afford not to work and my husband is annonyingly generous in my own case but i still need to have "my own".#shikena Build your wealth. If you had your own money, you would have added to the N750k and bought the car of your choice. #nuffsaid
Shut up and appreciate what u have. Used car my foot. If u want tear rubber get it urself. Abi u no de see linda? Which guy de buy linda motor? U are here complaining. Go get a job n stop relying on ur stingy husband
suck it up, make your own money and buy yourself whatever you need. 2. take his car and drop your trash for him to drive. 3. no upkeep equals no food, so you want food, clean cloths and all at home, provide money. 4. dont see the harm in him shopping, just be very precise with your list......
Hehehehe! His stinginess didn't just start. If you managed him when you were courting why complain now??? Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
Work for some money urself. Lazy a$$. I'm a woman, and I say if that's ur problem in ur marriage, then u've got no problem at all. When u start working and paying for stuffs urself, u will see that his ego will make him bring out more money to spend for d home.
I have power banks for sale in Abuja. It can be used to charge phones, ipods, ipads, cameras, etc. These power banks help you keep your phones, ipods, ipads, etc up and running 24/7. The ones I have for sale are one of the best power banks available, can charge your phone up to six times after being fully charged, portable, high power rating and very affordable. I have also got some that can be solar charged. I’ll appreciate patronage from BV’s and will sell at reduced prices for blog visitors. Please call 08067104899 or mail libbigail2000@yahoo.com to get yours.
a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said.. . Yu sounded like a lazy woman. Yu need to take ur ass frm that place and go work ok. LAZY WOMAN... . . ***CURRENTLY IN JUPITER***
Good for him. People who are spend thrifts never become rich or wealthy. He's doing good. Curb your appetite for all the newest things and try to make your own money too.
Don't ever think u can change a man, that's why dating or courtship is very necessary, cos u'd get to know ur man αи∂ what he can do... If he's stingy while ur dating him, he's gonna be stingy till he dies even when u guys are married..... If its un faithfulness, don't ever think u can change him...these are common signs αи∂ symptoms that u see in relationships that ur supposed to settle b4 marriage.
You just have to keep managing as there's nothing u can do about it No advice will change that man o...its part of him Just keep managing Sorry o
U better be contended with what he gives you and work hard for your own money#For your information Men nowadays value working class ladies than d house wives #jstpassinsha
U probaby knew dis before u married him but turned a blind eye to it. If u r confident he makes a lot, then tiff the money. Ultimately u should get urself a job and stop eyeing his money.
Silly girl. Which one did your father buy for you before you got married? I hope to God that your father bought atleast one for your mom before u came to write dust here...
Mrs Stingy, pls get yourself a good job and let the man be.Men love women that work.That's why I said to myself that I won't be a liability to any man.He is tired because you ask for money for food Hair Housekeep Pad Bra and pant Transport etc Chai!! Men get upset really. My advice is get a job and he will even respect you better and you won't have to ask anymore. I don't even ask my boyfriend for money and he hates it.Imagine its the opposite right? Work woman work!!!
Woman get a job and stop nagging!!!! If he cant pay rent tomorrow because of extravagant demands, your type would run to the next available man that can spend. you didn't know he was stingy before you married him abi? or na big preek you follow.
You cant tell me that you did not notice your husband is stingy b4 you married him...dint you date? did they bring you from the village to marry him by force? OR you thought marriage was going to change him?...anyway being stingy is part of your husband's character HE CANNOT CHANGE. and you cannot do anything about it. You can only get your mind off this by making your own money and spending it how you like. if he is stingy with his money be stingy with your own. Make sure he takes care of all the bills in the house. don't support him with our finances...and sell that god-forsaking car uurrgghhhh
No matter how stingy your husband may be, you can get money from him if you really 'push the right buttons'. As a woman, you are endowed with phenomenal powers to enduce men to do what naturally do would not want to do. If really you are the wife, find out what makes him think good of you; you can count on me that you will get money from him.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
You should work as well. You are his help meet. Pray 4 him, maintain an open line of Communication. Do you ever get him gifts? You said you are tired of him? You actually sound unGrateful. He even bought u a car. Listen my dear, you have the ability to make ur marriage lovely. You just haven't discovered it yet. What makes your hubby tick? Do it! Am sure you won't complain agaiN. If you want him to treat you like a Queen u gotta treat him like a king. I wish you all the best. Meanwhile all you men pls stop being stingy! Also let ur woman know how much you earn so u won't come of as stingy even when you are been prudent.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
There is absolutely no way you can change a stingy man. It's a stagnant behaviour he has had since he was a child..In igbo it is called 'aka gum'..lol. You just have to keep praying and talking to him about it.
It is very difficult having a stingy spouse. But have you ever considered doing something for yourself that will give you some money at least that way, your stingy husband won't frustrate you much.
My hubby is a complete opposite of yours, he is generous to me and everyone else to a fault but ofcourse he is not a perfect man. He's generosity was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. My advice is for you to sit him down and talk to him about it above all talk to God to make his heart generous
pls try and get your self a job..work and buy ur self what you need. his planing for his kids tomorrow am sure if he goes broke u will run and leav him...
A man can do groceries but not make it a core area of competence...again on being conservative and buying a 750k used car...a second chance might be granted. He will buy you a new car someday. don't make it all look bad by taking a glance...men come up short sometimes...should you dislike him for this little much...you certainly must be comparing him but with who ?
Teach your daughters to have a career unlike your dumb ass. He can choose to spend his money how ever he likes. Money is difficult to make. I bet you don't know nothing about that.
Welcome to married life in Naija! There is no way you can get money out of him. U just have endure it with smiles just like everyother housewife. Try and get a job,start a small business or learn some skills, it will help u a lot. Dont sit at home waiting for him cos he will never give u a reasonable amount big enuf to do u any good. I am telling you from a FIRST HAND experience. If you have space in your house u can start from rearing chickens and fishery. Again when you want to start anything be sure that he will oppose it initially but if you want to succeed you have to make it very clear to him dat you are not getting any younger and will not depend on him forever. U have to tell him this with all seriousness and constantly for it to work. I started with hawking goods in d trunk of my car at schools and hospitals,today I am a millionaire. Yet he still makes sure to hide his money very well but I dont need it anymore cos as long as I am concerned, he can go to hell with it!
One thing with a stingy man is;they don't get stingy overnight, the signs are always there but we ladies always ignore those signs and adapt to d (annoying) situation,cos I can tell u it can be so annoying. I always advise my frnds to ask dia bfs for money occasionally, dnt b too demanding so that u can figure out if he is self-centered or not. I hate when women complains after marriage cos dey saw those warning lights but choose to ignore it.
I was once in your shoes... start lying to get money from him or steal his money willingly. When he catches you, don't feel remorseful. Make him understand why you do it and tell him he must change in other for you to stop it. That's how I treated my hubby when he was stingy. Thank me later! #AssociationofStingyMensWife
If he is truly rich then don't despair, I know men like him. They have alot but find it hard to spend on their wife and kids and even on themselves. He will soon come to you crying cos they always become victims of fraud, theft, runs girls etc.
He might be taking austerity measures and not that he is stingy. But hey you should be working my dear and become and independent woman so that what he gives to you will be a bonus.
Look up to the like s of Desiani Allison , oBY eZEKWESILI, Okonjo Iuwalah ,Late Dora Akunlyili they can take care of the family without any help so if they get any hlp it becomes bonus
He might be taking austerity measures and not that he is stingy. But hey you should be working my dear and become and independent woman so that what he gives to you will be a bonus.
Look up to the like s of Desiani Allison , oBY eZEKWESILI, Okonjo Iuwalah ,Late Dora Akunlyili they can take care of the family without any help so if they get any hlp it becomes bonus
pls get a job. do yourself a duty by doing something. No man in this time and age will give you everything, trust me I know because I'm married.You become a liability to a man if you cannot contribute to the home. It saves you a lot of heartache if you have your own money.
Madam pack out, awon big boiz are waiting spoil u, likewise, awon big girls are waiting to show ur man how to spend dope. Lol! Seriously u saw him b4 u went down the lane now. Best u can do to help yourself is to have a job of ur own and be an independent woman like Neyo sang. Then your so called greedy king can build his grave with d money.
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
He spent 750k to buy you a car? And you're still not grateful? Didn't you notice these traits before you got married to him? The truth is that he won't change, he's already used to handling/spending money with caution. All you can do is beg him to open a business for you, so that u can also start earning something. And don't dislike him for being "stingy", the struggle is real, even for the rich.
Get a job and don't depend on ur husband, haven't u heard of women empowerment forum, enrol in one and be empowered t excel. My dear ur husband will start respecting u seeing u getting money on ur own.
You sound too materialistic and Lazy. If not, find a work and earn a living to buy your own car. Though your husband mighty be stingy as you alluded, but you are Lazy and a gold digger. Do you marry her because of money or Love ? I guess your behavior might have make the man to hide his wealth from you. Be contented with whatever he gives to you and work hard towards earning a good living for yourself
Pls Libers, i'm in need of a job. I'm relatively jobless at the moment and of which i have loads of responsibilities on me. May God grant your heart desire as you help me. Here is my pin 558E6699.
You sound so much like someone I know. Stop asking him for money for while, trust me this works more than magic. When he gives tell him u have it taken care of already and the next thing is for him to be scared like hell.
I guess ur complain is to linda ikeji who is working for her self and earning a living and can afford to holiday abroad and buy luxury cars for her self. Woman get off ur ass and work so u can afford to buy what ever u want
Wats wrong with dis one, wld u have spoken if he were giving u money? 1 question, did he force u 2 marry him, 2. Y aren't u working if u are den spend urs. 3. Babe like it or not u too have ur problem. Let's hear it
I could not laugh enough when I read this madam's story Yes madam...and you wonder why your husband is stingy as if he has an open cheque book for your disposal.'What do you do' you asked?..... GET A JOB!!!!!!!! and stop whinning! He was always stingy before you married him
Do what my mom did. Go back to school, become a medical doctor and start providing for your own needs. It will drive him absolutely insane. He will start scrambling to buy you gifts, give you nice things and fighting to tie you down out of desperation to keep you. Learned from my beautiful intelligent momma.
If you know that your husband is the stingy type, All you have to do is to go get a job or business and start earning your own money so that you will be able take care of yourself before you die of depression, men like that can never change o so madam start hustling for yourself and ignore your stingy husband, but God will never allow me to marry a stingy man sha choi it can be very annoying o when you know he has the money but refuse to give you hmmm I feel your pain!!!
If you know that your husband is the stingy type, All you have to do is to go get a job or business and start earning your own money so that you will be able take care of yourself before you die of depression, men like that can never change o so madam start hustling for yourself and ignore your stingy husband, but God will never allow me to marry a stingy man sha choi it can be very annoying o when you know he has the money but refuse to give you hmmm I feel your pain!!!
4d records I tink u too is been greedy, appreciate wat u hv n more will come. U shld be glad 2 visit d mechanic others don't even have.. review ur spending
Well go and donate ur kongo to a sugar daddy that will be willing to pay you. After all, I believe you knew how stingy your husband was prior to flying in like a bat to marry him. So deal with it and stop asking us questions.......@Bia Bia😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
What are you bringing to the table? What do you do with your money? If you aren't working, that's a sign that you need to get yourself a job and meet your husband halfway
Dear poster, u are not a wise woman. I persive u married him becos of his money.U ar an ingret. He bought u a car worth 750k! What kind of car do u want? G wagon? Thief. Learn to be contempted with d one u have. May be he has seen ur attitude to things, that's y he prefers buying d groceries himself. I feel like flogging u seriously.
Thank God for the man you have and the "little things" you feel hes doing which seems not enough. Others are begging or as a prayer point to be where u are. Be thankful and God will do more
Get your own money and buy the things you need yourself, if he chooses to buy groceries himself all the better for you, cos he's just cutting your stress short thats why women should be #selfdependent
Am sure uve have talked to him abt it,My dear you manage the family as much as u can with wat he brings,if u r working, u contribute but if nt Jst try and manage. It nt forever.
Ok if am to tell you what to do id rather tell you to stay put there,marriage is for better for worst not for better for better,morso you had the time to discover all this during courtship but you didnt only heavne knows what you were busy doing,sorry dear just bear with him till he changes
Hard earned money is different from looting money.He even bought you a car ;at least you never lack.If you want to live a flamboyant life then get urself a job.I'M A MARRIED WOMAN.TRUTH IS BITTER.
Did you marry him for him, or you married him for his money? Shey you are one of those girls that want to "meet-up" and drive big cars like their neighbors abi? How are you an asset to your husband? maybe all he sees when he looks at you is a liability...every man wants an asset as a wife....MADAM, GO AND GET A JOB/CAREER AND EARN YOUR OWN MONEY. some women are way richer than their husbands, shey na two heads doz ones get ni? Abeg jor, make we hear word.
Stupid women everywhere. Have u talked to him about your income as a family, goals, bills, etc? That's how you can categorically say he's stingy. Is he saving towards a project...a house? Education fund? Etc present empirical evidences abeg....women are so shallow!
So u are happy.....ur dad is being a fool at home......being bullied by ur doctor mum.....who do u think paid her fees when she was in sch........I need this kinda of women in my life.......i will frustrate the living day light of her
I will kindly advice that you keep your man. Stingy or no stingy. some women are looking for that man and if you keep this disliking things then you are gonna drive him to another womans hands. you are even happy that e got you a car. There are those who is looking for who to buy cars for and let them just be married. what ever he gives you, try and manage it. You are his helper not his adversary, so help him feed the home and help him build his life.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Why will he give u.......is he bank........or are u deformed, where u born without hands, legs, eyes and head......why don't u make ur own money bitch.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
I am a woman like you,what are you doing at home if I may ask?not all men are stingy...change your orientation cos if ur husband dies now would you say he is still stingy?...get something doing
What your husband earns determines whether he is stingy or trying his best. I believe you need to be sure he can afford the things you expect of him before you conclude that he is stingy
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
I have this same man as a husband,worse case is that since he got married to me ,he has not giving my parent anything,whenever he feels like visiting my parent he gives my father #500. Not that he does not have money,but he is stingy to my family
She has answered her own question, by revealing the amount he worked for to get u from keke and bike level to a car (used or not) says a lot about how nagging and lazy u must be. Let me guess, he pays your children's fees yeah? ....just because he can't get u the latest edition of your imagination does not make him stingy 1. Find a way to know your husband enough to get what u want from him 2. Get a job 3. Cut down your bad attitude ! 4. Go and make lunch and stop complaining.
is not easy to get a job oo cos am looking for one. Eva since I resigned in my formal work in Lagos to join my hubby in PH, I have not see any job to do. just advise her wisely.
Well maybe he is just frugal and maybe you are just greedy. Cant stand men who live off their men. Please go and get an education. Let him pay for that! DFo business administration or something and then use it to start a business and maintain the business. Maybe you are irresponsible hence he is careful about the spending. It is clear he does not trust. I wonder what is wrong with YOU! I am a woman too by the way. Married to a stingy man, but he does what he is supposed to do at home, and I work to earn my own money on ym own business. He helps out when there is a need, but he is just careful and not a spendthrift.
You must have seen signs he was tightfisted before you married. He must have said things about other people or situations that would alert you to the fact that he does not part with his money easily. This is not a trait that is hard to hide, so you knew who he was and thought you could live with it, now that you are driving a lemon and hungry because there is no food in the house you are complaining. I bet he did not put your name in his bank account, I bet your name is not on the house title, and I bet he does not have an insurance policy with you as the beneficiary. Speak to him about it, that's all you can do.
Whatever the cause, it concerns me that you haven't managed to address this issue yet. I know money can be a tricky topic, but it's also too serious a factor in our lives to run from. So I want you to gather yourself up and ask him to talk this through with you. Make it clear you aren't looking for him to “save” you, but you need to better understand exactly how he feels when he showers himself with toys while watching you struggle to meet your basic needs. Does he realize what's going on? Does he care?
If a woman were to refuse her husband sex or doesn't have time to cook for him or do what you all call 'wifely duties' you would criticize her. Now the woman is complaining that he can afford better things than he gives her you are all chastising her. Why? Many of you (men and women) subscribe to husband as the head of the house which makes him the provider. So i ask why should she not ask for and expect to get the best? Except you stand for gender equality on all grounds eg, man staying home to care for children while wife works etc, then please do not tell her to get a job and buy her own damn things.
that lady has got the qualities of a nagging woman...i may have to share them here :The Characteristics: 1. Compare and contrast mode.
2. Tries To Change Others. Lives the greater part of her life trying to change her spouse. 3. She Is Unobservant; Never tries to study her spouse. Does not try to find out the reason why he could not afford an expensive gift during the last marriage anniversary.
4. A Pleaser Of Other People; She would rather impress her friends than make her spouse happy at home, tries to be every body's friend forgetting that the only thing liked by everybody is water, If we can survive without water, many will withdraw their likeness for it.
5. Never Content; She can be compared to Oliver Twist. Wants more of everything. The more he tries the more she craves.
Some men are just like that. Sometimes they think it's wisdom. I ll advice you to make your own money. Just do something. Be a bit financially independent. Then when he starts again, use your own money to supplement it.
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»married women in the house, over to you.
All men are d Same thing
Get ur own job or business. U can't change a stingy person. It's inbuilt ma...
Make your own money. I can afford not to work and my husband is annonyingly generous in my own case but i still need to have "my own".#shikena Build your wealth. If you had your own money, you would have added to the N750k and bought the car of your choice. #nuffsaid
Go and make your own money.
Madam you wont get the answer here. Tell your pastor to talk to him, or call family meeting on top his head.
Slap him often.
U should have notice it b4 marrying him.
Shut up and appreciate what u have. Used car my foot. If u want tear rubber get it urself. Abi u no de see linda? Which guy de buy linda motor? U are here complaining. Go get a job n stop relying on ur stingy husband
Let us see your picture, that can help us know why your man is stingy.
Like charges repel; opposite attracts.... mayb u need 2 b more of his opposite
suck it up, make your own money and buy yourself whatever you need. 2. take his car and drop your trash for him to drive. 3. no upkeep equals no food, so you want food, clean cloths and all at home, provide money. 4. dont see the harm in him shopping, just be very precise with your list......
Hehehehe! His stinginess didn't just start. If you managed him when you were courting why complain now??? Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
Work for some money urself. Lazy a$$. I'm a woman, and I say if that's ur problem in ur marriage, then u've got no problem at all. When u start working and paying for stuffs urself, u will see that his ego will make him bring out more money to spend for d home.
Get a job
I have power banks for sale in Abuja. It can be used to charge phones, ipods, ipads, cameras, etc. These power banks help you keep your phones, ipods, ipads, etc up and running 24/7. The ones I have for sale are one of the best power banks available, can charge your phone up to six times after being fully charged, portable, high power rating and very affordable. I have also got some that can be solar charged. I’ll appreciate patronage from BV’s and will sell at reduced prices for blog visitors. Please call 08067104899 or mail libbigail2000@yahoo.com to get yours.
U din know he was stingy b4 marriage?
Yu sounded like a lazy woman. Yu need to take ur ass frm that place and go work ok. LAZY WOMAN...
He's been stingy frm childhood. It's so so hard to get them to change. All I'll say is try to work hard and buy good stuffs for urself.
Good for him. People who are spend thrifts never become rich or wealthy. He's doing good. Curb your appetite for all the newest things and try to make your own money too.
Don't ever think u can change a man, that's why dating or courtship is very necessary, cos u'd get to know ur man αи∂ what he can do...
If he's stingy while ur dating him, he's gonna be stingy till he dies even when u guys are married.....
If its un faithfulness, don't ever think u can change him...these are common signs αи∂ symptoms that u see in relationships that ur supposed to settle b4 marriage.
You just have to keep managing as there's nothing u can do about it
No advice will change that man o...its part of him
Just keep managing
Sorry o
Hehehe wahala dey o... If you r working buy them urself na..
Carry ur cross.
U shld have seen thos when you were dating and you proceeded to marry uncle stingy .... What shall we then do??
Pray and manage
U better be contended with what he gives you and work hard for your own money#For your information Men nowadays value working class ladies than d house wives
Please post comments I need to learn from this too
You can decide to leave the marriage, pray about it, talk to him about it and last but not d least tie him wif juju lol funny
Pls is he an Igbo man, if yes, bear with him
Live with it.
His Royal Fitness.
I'm the Alpha-Pride's Alpha.
U probaby knew dis before u married him but turned a blind eye to it. If u r confident he makes a lot, then tiff the money. Ultimately u should get urself a job and stop eyeing his money.
Steal from him
.if he can't give willing take from him...cause he would never change. so there is no point Ben nice wiy him when it come to money
Silly girl. Which one did your father buy for you before you got married? I hope to God that your father bought atleast one for your mom before u came to write dust here...
Mrs Stingy, pls get yourself a good job and let the man be.Men love women that work.That's why I said to myself that I won't be a liability to any man.He is tired because you ask for money for
Bra and pant
Transport etc
Chai!! Men get upset really.
My advice is get a job and he will even respect you better and you won't have to ask anymore. I don't even ask my boyfriend for money and he hates it.Imagine its the opposite right? Work woman work!!!
Woman get a job and stop nagging!!!!
If he cant pay rent tomorrow because of extravagant demands,
your type would run to the next available man that can spend.
you didn't know he was stingy before you married him abi? or na big preek you follow.
Pray my dear
You cant tell me that you did not notice your husband is stingy b4 you married him...dint you date? did they bring you from the village to marry him by force? OR you thought marriage was going to change him?...anyway being stingy is part of your husband's character HE CANNOT CHANGE. and you cannot do anything about it. You can only get your mind off this by making your own money and spending it how you like. if he is stingy with his money be stingy with your own. Make sure he takes care of all the bills in the house. don't support him with our finances...and sell that god-forsaking car uurrgghhhh
Pray my dear
Una no date?u shud av known na,no advise can remedy d situation ryt nw cos advice 4rm pple may jst tear ur home apart.
Sort it out with him
Pray to God to give financial wisdom and ideals to make your own money.
No matter how stingy your husband may be, you can get money from him if you really 'push the right buttons'. As a woman, you are endowed with phenomenal powers to enduce men to do what naturally do would not want to do. If really you are the wife, find out what makes him think good of you; you can count on me that you will get money from him.
Make your own money and you won't have to depend on him. Jesu Kristi, I am shocked a woman can still say this.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
You should work as well. You are his help meet. Pray 4 him, maintain an open line of Communication. Do you ever get him gifts? You said you are tired of him? You actually sound unGrateful. He even bought u a car. Listen my dear, you have the ability to make ur marriage lovely. You just haven't discovered it yet. What makes your hubby tick? Do it! Am sure you won't complain agaiN. If you want him to treat you like a Queen u gotta treat him like a king. I wish you all the best. Meanwhile all you men pls stop being stingy! Also let ur woman know how much you earn so u won't come of as stingy even when you are been prudent.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Sell the car 400k use the money for food stuffz before u finish it u wud think of wat next to sell..till u finish his properties
Ask God to change is mind.set towards u, and my dear in knw distance time...things will become to change as u wish it to be.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Personally, I dislike stingy guys and I have
nothing to do with em'....let others in ur kinda
situation help u out...
Hahahahahaha see wahala, I wish my hubby can buy me a car of 400k. Stop complain woman! Manage him and u beta start workin to earn ur own money.
Some collect on the action... "If you know what I mean"
There is absolutely no way you can change a stingy man. It's a stagnant behaviour he has had since he was a child..In igbo it is called 'aka gum'..lol. You just have to keep praying and talking to him about it.
Stick with him, after all marriage is for better for worse, I know that u have seen signs in the beginning of your relationship but ignored it.
Na igbo man be this i can tell
It is very difficult having a stingy spouse. But have you ever considered doing something for yourself that will give you some money at least that way, your stingy husband won't frustrate you much.
My hubby is a complete opposite of yours, he is generous to me and everyone else to a fault but ofcourse he is not a perfect man. He's generosity was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. My advice is for you to sit him down and talk to him about it above all talk to God to make his heart generous
Maybe if you appreciate more he will give, moreover you can't give what you don't have
pls try and get your self a job..work and buy ur self what you need.
his planing for his kids tomorrow am sure if he goes broke u will run and leav him...
Go earn your OWN money woman!
Stay by him, he is ur hubby
Go earn your OWN money woman!
A man can do groceries but not make it a core area of competence...again on being conservative and buying a 750k used car...a second chance might be granted. He will buy you a new car someday. don't make it all look bad by taking a glance...men come up short sometimes...should you dislike him for this little much...you certainly must be comparing him but with who ?
Go get yours
Get a job and stop depending on ur husband for money.
Teach your daughters to have a career unlike your dumb ass. He can choose to spend his money how ever he likes. Money is difficult to make. I bet you don't know nothing about that.
Didn't u knw he was stingy while u were dating him? Why complain now.
Get a job and stop depending on your husband for money pls.
Welcome to married life in Naija! There is no way you can get money out of him. U just have endure it with smiles just like everyother housewife. Try and get a job,start a small business or learn some skills, it will help u a lot. Dont sit at home waiting for him cos he will never give u a reasonable amount big enuf to do u any good. I am telling you from a FIRST HAND experience. If you have space in your house u can start from rearing chickens and fishery. Again when you want to start anything be sure that he will oppose it initially but if you want to succeed you have to make it very clear to him dat you are not getting any younger and will not depend on him forever. U have to tell him this with all seriousness and constantly for it to work. I started with hawking goods in d trunk of my car at schools and hospitals,today I am a millionaire. Yet he still makes sure to hide his money very well but I dont need it anymore cos as long as I am concerned, he can go to hell with it!
mad woman
Pple should stop bringing their marital issues to dis blog it's beginning to get annoying
One thing with a stingy man is;they don't get stingy overnight, the signs are always there but we ladies always ignore those signs and adapt to d (annoying) situation,cos I can tell u it can be so annoying. I always advise my frnds to ask dia bfs for money occasionally, dnt b too demanding so that u can figure out if he is self-centered or not. I hate when women complains after marriage cos dey saw those warning lights but choose to ignore it.
Get urself a job so that you won't continue to depend on your husband permanently.
Get a job, learn some skills or start a small trade if you dont want to loose ur mind.
Get your own money!!!!
My first question is ..... Was he like this before you married him ? If yes, then sorry lady u have to deal with it.
Make your own damn money
I was once in your shoes... start lying to get money from him or steal his money willingly. When he catches you, don't feel remorseful. Make him understand why you do it and tell him he must change in other for you to stop it. That's how I treated my hubby when he was stingy.
Thank me later!
leave him! shikena
sell him on OLX
Dont you work ? are you just a house wife ? What have you bought for your husband lately ?
i pity men that dont marry a working class. I hop my brother opens his eyes oooo
Easy solution...Find your own job
Get a job. Maybe you would see reasons of his spending wisely. Making money is no easy job
If he is truly rich then don't despair, I know men like him. They have alot but find it hard to spend on their wife and kids and even on themselves. He will soon come to you crying cos they always become victims of fraud, theft, runs girls etc.
He might be taking austerity measures and not that he is stingy. But hey you should be working my dear and become and independent woman so that what he gives to you will be a bonus.
Look up to the like s of Desiani Allison , oBY eZEKWESILI, Okonjo Iuwalah ,Late Dora Akunlyili they can take care of the family without any help so if they get any hlp it becomes bonus
He might be taking austerity measures and not that he is stingy. But hey you should be working my dear and become and independent woman so that what he gives to you will be a bonus.
Look up to the like s of Desiani Allison , oBY eZEKWESILI, Okonjo Iuwalah ,Late Dora Akunlyili they can take care of the family without any help so if they get any hlp it becomes bonus
Some men sha oooo can be stingy but hey this one gives something. You what have you done for him since ? it shouldnt be one sided
pls get a job. do yourself a duty by doing something. No man in this time and age will give you everything, trust me I know because I'm married.You become a liability to a man if you cannot contribute to the home. It saves you a lot of heartache if you have your own money.
LOL didn't you guys date?!
Madam pack out, awon big boiz are waiting spoil u, likewise, awon big girls are waiting to show ur man how to spend dope. Lol! Seriously u saw him b4 u went down the lane now. Best u can do to help yourself is to have a job of ur own and be an independent woman like Neyo sang. Then your so called greedy king can build his grave with d money.
'Click the right buttons', you will get money from him. Right!
stupid woman you are,don't you have hands.lazy house wife tins.am a woman and as well works,it is all becos u are not working.to make money is easy
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
Work, if you know what that means
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
I think he's one of those who suffered to make it this far! Better appreciate him. For him to buy you a car worth 750k, then I don't think he's stingy, rather you sound like one who loves spending a lot, while your husband is spent thrift! Better curtail your spending according to what he gives to you. I'll advice you to get something doing so as to spend your money anytime and anyhow.
Make sure u are working,so u don't have 2 depend solely on him.
Kai! I can't stand a man who worship money,stingy men iritates me
Thank God mine is an opposite!
Chei.. akagum
He spent 750k to buy you a car? And you're still not grateful? Didn't you notice these traits before you got married to him? The truth is that he won't change, he's already used to handling/spending money with caution. All you can do is beg him to open a business for you, so that u can also start earning something. And don't dislike him for being "stingy", the struggle is real, even for the rich.
Try and steal his money. Or arrange kidnappers to kidnap his mother.
Get a job.
Hian! There must be a loophole where u can steal from him. Find it.
Get a job and don't depend on ur husband, haven't u heard of women empowerment forum, enrol in one and be empowered t excel. My dear ur husband will start respecting u seeing u getting money on ur own.
You sound too materialistic and Lazy. If not, find a work and earn a living to buy your own car. Though your husband mighty be stingy as you alluded, but you are Lazy and a gold digger. Do you marry her because of money or Love ?
I guess your behavior might have make the man to hide his wealth from you. Be contented with whatever he gives to you and work hard towards earning a good living for yourself
Pls Libers, i'm in need of a job. I'm relatively jobless at the moment and of which i have loads of responsibilities on me. May God grant your heart desire as you help me.
Here is my pin 558E6699.
Divorce him,simple.
Lols.. pray for him like all Nigerian's would say.. wen una marry, u dey dere?. Wen u said I do, did n't u know
He till buy u car u dey complain ok no worry i go give am another grl wey no need car or anytin 4rm am.
You sound so much like someone I know. Stop asking him for money for while, trust me this works more than magic. When he gives tell him u have it taken care of already and the next thing is for him to be scared like hell.
So sorry lady, but Uv got to make ur own money also. There's a very high tendency that he can't change and won't change.
So sorry lady, but Uv got to make ur own money also. There's a very high tendency that he can't change and won't change.
I guess ur complain is to linda ikeji who is working for her self and earning a living and can afford to holiday abroad and buy luxury cars for her self. Woman get off ur ass and work so u can afford to buy what ever u want
Wats wrong with dis one, wld u have spoken if he were giving u money? 1 question, did he force u 2 marry him, 2. Y aren't u working if u are den spend urs. 3. Babe like it or not u too have ur problem. Let's hear it
Divorce him, insatiably greedy housewife as if 750K car na rubbish
Try and find out whether he's up to those bills u always present
Try and find out whether he's up to those bills u always present
I could not laugh enough when I read this madam's story
Yes madam...and you wonder why your husband is stingy as if he has an open cheque book for your disposal.'What do you do' you asked?..... GET A JOB!!!!!!!! and stop whinning!
He was always stingy before you married him
Do what my mom did. Go back to school, become a medical doctor and start providing for your own needs. It will drive him absolutely insane. He will start scrambling to buy you gifts, give you nice things and fighting to tie you down out of desperation to keep you. Learned from my beautiful intelligent momma.
Try and find out whether he's up to those bills u always present
Go and make your own money
House wife is not good.
If you know that your husband is the stingy type, All you have to do is to go get a job or business and start earning your own money so that you will be able take care of yourself before you die of depression, men like that can never change o so madam start hustling for yourself and ignore your stingy husband, but God will never allow me to marry a stingy man sha choi it can be very annoying o when you know he has the money but refuse to give you hmmm I feel your pain!!!
If you know that your husband is the stingy type, All you have to do is to go get a job or business and start earning your own money so that you will be able take care of yourself before you die of depression, men like that can never change o so madam start hustling for yourself and ignore your stingy husband, but God will never allow me to marry a stingy man sha choi it can be very annoying o when you know he has the money but refuse to give you hmmm I feel your pain!!!
Get a job!
4d records I tink u too is been greedy, appreciate wat u hv n more will come. U shld be glad 2 visit d mechanic others don't even have.. review ur spending
Well go and donate ur kongo to a sugar daddy that will be willing to pay you. After all, I believe you knew how stingy your husband was prior to flying in like a bat to marry him. So deal with it and stop asking us questions.......@Bia Bia😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
Divorce him nd come nd marry me...... very simple!
What are you bringing to the table? What do you do with your money? If you aren't working, that's a sign that you need to get yourself a job and meet your husband halfway
Dear poster, u are not a wise woman. I persive u married him becos of his money.U ar an ingret. He bought u a car worth 750k! What kind of car do u want? G wagon? Thief. Learn to be contempted with d one u have. May be he has seen ur attitude to things, that's y he prefers buying d groceries himself. I feel like flogging u seriously.
Don't dislike him cos he is stingy. So many men are, just get a job or start a business to add to what he gives you.
For better for worse.. .. sadly most people remember only the for better...
Thank God for the man you have and the "little things" you feel hes doing which seems not enough. Others are begging or as a prayer point to be where u are. Be thankful and God will do more
Asking me? run and don't look back
Linda post my messages oo or i go vex for u now
Don't you know he's stingy b4 u agree to marry him
So sorry dear! A stingy man is worse than plague. You better locate his "mumu button". Good luck...
Get your own money and buy the things you need yourself, if he chooses to buy groceries himself all the better for you, cos he's just cutting your stress short thats why women should be #selfdependent
this is serious
Linda Tell her to provide his number. Husband hunter is here. She better thank God.Husband sent 10k to take care of his daugher...What s shame
Kill him and take his money,if u no dey eat for house. #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
Get stingy with what you got too.Make it very valuable .
Am sure uve have talked to him abt it,My dear you manage the family as much as u can with wat he brings,if u r working, u contribute but if nt Jst try and manage. It nt forever.
Ok if am to tell you what to do id rather tell you to stay put there,marriage is for better for worst not for better for better,morso you had the time to discover all this during courtship but you didnt only heavne knows what you were busy doing,sorry dear just bear with him till he changes
My Year of Linda's 100K
Get a job
Hard earned money is different from looting money.He even bought you a car ;at least you never lack.If you want to live a flamboyant life then get urself a job.I'M A MARRIED WOMAN.TRUTH IS BITTER.
Did you marry him for him, or you married him for his money? Shey you are one of those girls that want to "meet-up" and drive big cars like their neighbors abi? How are you an asset to your husband? maybe all he sees when he looks at you is a liability...every man wants an asset as a wife....MADAM, GO AND GET A JOB/CAREER AND EARN YOUR OWN MONEY. some women are way richer than their husbands, shey na two heads doz ones get ni? Abeg jor, make we hear word.
Nice comment....
But the truth is is she even working or just waiting for the man???? A woman should be an helper not a liability
Go and make some money with an honest job just as he does....that's obvious
Go and work
Stupid women everywhere. Have u talked to him about your income as a family, goals, bills, etc? That's how you can categorically say he's stingy. Is he saving towards a project...a house? Education fund? Etc present empirical evidences abeg....women are so shallow!
So u are happy.....ur dad is being a fool at home......being bullied by ur doctor mum.....who do u think paid her fees when she was in sch........I need this kinda of women in my life.......i will frustrate the living day light of her
I will kindly advice that you keep your man. Stingy or no stingy. some women are looking for that man and if you keep this disliking things then you are gonna drive him to another womans hands. you are even happy that e got you a car. There are those who is looking for who to buy cars for and let them just be married. what ever he gives you, try and manage it. You are his helper not his adversary, so help him feed the home and help him build his life.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Why will he give u.......is he bank........or are u deformed, where u born without hands, legs, eyes and head......why don't u make ur own money bitch.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
start working ma'am stop relying on him for everything
Lol get a job....at least he bought u a car of 750 imagine if u could add 750 then maybe u wud've gotten a better car.....
Abeg make I hear jor! Oya come marry my father. You even see a car of 750 k
I am a woman like you,what are you doing at home if I may ask?not all men are stingy...change your orientation cos if ur husband dies now would you say he is still stingy?...get something doing
~D great anonymous!
@Davido's driver, thank God u exceeded ur one or two words comments. At least two sentence as comment is not bad.
Thumbs up, and more power to ur elbows dear. Keep dis up. Good pikin u r, and well behav on dis blog.
What your husband earns determines whether he is stingy or trying his best. I believe you need to be sure he can afford the things you expect of him before you conclude that he is stingy
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz. I laughed, and had to smiled after reading dis post. Dis case is simple as ABC.
Simply communicate wit him abt him, and if there is no changes go on ur knees on his behalf, and hand him over to d living God to change him inside out.
God is d supreme father of divine changes dat brings d expected differences in our daily lives.
Mind u it wil b better for u to accept him for who, and wht he is bcos wht abt if d case had b otherwise u wil stil complain dat he lavish money any how.
Indeed we human's r insatiable mostly our wives bcos some of them r usually d type dat request a lot though they r special wives dat they r too wonderful, and lovely. Just too perfect, and adorable filled wit wisdom of d living God in their lives.
God abundantly bless all d women, ladies, and wives on LIB. All of u r one in a million, and irreplaceable.
Get a job and make your own money, trust me he will be fighting to win u back
I have this same man as a husband,worse case is that since he got married to me ,he has not giving my parent anything,whenever he feels like visiting my parent he gives my father #500. Not that he does not have money,but he is stingy to my family
Leave his stingy ass girl, have dated his like so annoying
@henry...is better for her to earn her own money we kw.buh I can't marry a stingy man oooo, cus I kw u r one of dem
She has answered her own question, by revealing the amount he worked for to get u from keke and bike level to a car (used or not) says a lot about how nagging and lazy u must be. Let me guess, he pays your children's fees yeah? ....just because he can't get u the latest edition of your imagination does not make him stingy
1. Find a way to know your husband enough to get what u want from him
2. Get a job
3. Cut down your bad attitude !
4. Go and make lunch and stop complaining.
is not easy to get a job oo cos am looking for one. Eva since I resigned in my formal work in Lagos to join my hubby in PH, I have not see any job to do. just advise her wisely.
Communicate with him about him??? Jusu Christy!
You are very stupid for your comment. Ignorant idiot!
Don't insult women ....na mama born u unless ur mum is stupid and shallow....can't u just comment without insults..repent heaven is real
Dear Lady with a stingy husband, make ur own money so you won't have to depend on him
Find something doing so he can come to his senses when he sees you lavishing on yourself.
Linda if i catch you ehn!
I go trow you enter lagoon.
you no dey gree post my comment.
Wise words.
Gbamest! Work hard and make your own money. That's the only way you can be happy.
Well maybe he is just frugal and maybe you are just greedy. Cant stand men who live off their men. Please go and get an education. Let him pay for that! DFo business administration or something and then use it to start a business and maintain the business. Maybe you are irresponsible hence he is careful about the spending. It is clear he does not trust. I wonder what is wrong with YOU! I am a woman too by the way. Married to a stingy man, but he does what he is supposed to do at home, and I work to earn my own money on ym own business. He helps out when there is a need, but he is just careful and not a spendthrift.
There must be a loophole where u can steal find it. That's d solution to this type of people.
You must have seen signs he was tightfisted before you married. He must have said things about other people or situations that would alert you to the fact that he does not part with his money easily. This is not a trait that is hard to hide, so you knew who he was and thought you could live with it, now that you are driving a lemon and hungry because there is no food in the house you are complaining. I bet he did not put your name in his bank account, I bet your name is not on the house title, and I bet he does not have an insurance policy with you as the beneficiary. Speak to him about it, that's all you can do.
pls visit our website for cheaper stuff u need. www.ojashop.com tanx
Whatever the cause, it concerns me that you haven't managed to address this issue yet. I know money can be a tricky topic, but it's also too serious a factor in our lives to run from. So I want you to gather yourself up and ask him to talk this through with you. Make it clear you aren't looking for him to “save” you, but you need to better understand exactly how he feels when he showers himself with toys while watching you struggle to meet your basic needs. Does he realize what's going on? Does he care?
is not easy to get a job oooo. am till searching for one till now wen I resigned from my formal one in Lagos just to join my hubby in pH.
If a woman were to refuse her husband sex or doesn't have time to cook for him or do what you all call 'wifely duties' you would criticize her. Now the woman is complaining that he can afford better things than he gives her you are all chastising her. Why?
Many of you (men and women) subscribe to husband as the head of the house which makes him the provider. So i ask why should she not ask for and expect to get the best?
Except you stand for gender equality on all grounds eg, man staying home to care for children while wife works etc, then please do not tell her to get a job and buy her own damn things.
U r a man jare, a struggling one for dat Mata cos u write with so much pain...less insults dear
na wa o!!
that lady has got the qualities of a nagging woman...i may have to share them here :The Characteristics:
1. Compare and contrast mode.
2. Tries To Change Others. Lives the greater part of her life trying to change her spouse.
3. She Is Unobservant; Never tries to study her spouse. Does not try to find out the reason why he could not afford an expensive gift during the last marriage anniversary.
4. A Pleaser Of Other People; She would rather impress her friends than make her spouse happy at home, tries to be every body's friend forgetting that the only thing liked by everybody is water, If we can survive without water, many will withdraw their likeness for it.
5. Never Content; She can be compared to Oliver Twist. Wants more of everything. The more he tries the more she craves.
Including ur father, plus all women are hoes n d same
Terrible advice!
Some men are just like that. Sometimes they think it's wisdom. I ll advice you to make your own money. Just do something. Be a bit financially independent. Then when he starts again, use your own money to supplement it.
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