A LIB reader sent in the pics and wrote...
This was late yesterday evening at about 9.40pm at GDC in Port Harcourt.
I was sitting at the eatery, when we got a glimpse of it, terrorizing
everyone in there running all over the place, typical Nigerians, people
were still ordering food, attendants paid no mind to it and everyone
was laughing, a man and his kids were making a video, no one was
concerned about their health but who am I kidding, I had a good laugh
about it all with my friend and enjoyed our great country Nigeria for
having no care about health safety.
See more pics after the cut...
Ok #bright bravo#
lollllllll. naija for us.
Choi! Nkapi rat for that matter
lollllllll. naija for us.
Not surprised,saw a string of hair in the ice cream i bought from chicken republic last friday,very funny how unconcerned most of us are about such things
And to think yesterday was World Health Day, themed around vector-borne diseases like that rat. We need to step up our game as far as health and health issues are concerned. In civilized climes, that cinema would have been temporarily shut until the owners get a clean bill of health. It is well.
Hahahahaha. The rat ghas find means of survival nah. Even if na to enter one lady bag or a guy's trousers. That won't be funny o.
CoolDiva speaks!
you spelled 'concerned' as consigned? you kidding?
Lmao.Since watch dogs have gone extinct, there's a great need for WatchRats.He's doing his job:Supervising.
Lmao...rats too have mouth and intestines,they deserve to feed too.Its evident.Deluxe cinema must really have a cordial relationship with this living creatures
Odikwa very funny!!!!
buhahahahahahahaha.....lwkmd.... ds liber wicked ohhh....chai... d rat dey find im pips..lool. ds rat na chairman...
Concerned not consigned..olodo rabata
Lol... Dats 9ja for u, -where abnormalties seem normal
Naija na wa ooo rat na one of d chief chef.
Who no like better thing..lol
No be small "consigned". That's d level our country has deteriorated to, where d abnormal, unsafe and unfit are normal, things to laugh about and manage. God help us
lol! ratatouille tinz....
Naija no send o, if Na another country somebody go sue them, lol... I suppose the rat came for same reason as everybody in the cinema
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'consigned' for their life? Really? SMH
A home with a rat, lizard is a home without no one. Cheers. ENGR Emy
concerned not cosigned... who am I kidding, he/she laughed about a rat in an eatery.... smh
Lolz... that's Naija for u
Looolz I thought stuffs like this only happen in Ibadan
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
D person dat sent dis to u is mean! Rats are pests yea! Evn u linda, dnt tell me u haven't seen a rat in ur place b4......u get rid of dem n de'll still find a way to enter bak and pester, no mata how clean d place is. Like I sadi dat person dat sent dis might evn be living in a rat hole.....gosh! How pple run de fellow peeps business down and it still will nt stop pple frm patronizing dem. So d idiot shud take a chill pill. Enemy of progress!
portharcourt, my city.LOL.
â„“oâ„“ ...9ja! We b sufferin & smilin.
I've eaten a bush rat before...so this is nothing to be scared of...afterall I've seen a rat in longbeach CA.
If dem take you to court, you are on your own
The Rat hv just Won it's self RAT of the Year.
> 2LITY <
Shut up rat no dey ur house? Everybody go just come here dey form wetin I no know.
Lmao!!!!!!! Only in naija
Lol. All na cinema!
Saw a rat too at the cinema in ibadan. I screamed so hard!! The rat was screaming too.
Hhhhmmmmm ! "no one was consigned about their health but the LIB reader was concerned about the humour of the rodent running around ! Thank you o.
Linda whoever posted that news should go and learn spelling. 'Consigned' ke 'Concerned' ni
Linda n dis is news?!
I bet it came along with a customer to steal snacks for the family in the house. I hope it remembers the owners car o.
Linda abeg rat no dey your own house?
Consigned indeed. Linda Sora e ooo
Naija anything ova possible
lol Abeg aunty leave the rat oo... na LIVE AND LETS LIVE rat don chop pop corn e wan sha flex muscles and u say make e no flex haba mana... biko
God help us to b reali concerned abt d tins dt matter, later we will b blaming govt of poor mangement while we ourselves do nothing in our environment
i have seen them too,so i can confirm that the story is true!!!! i saw them last year sef,running around the cinema hall as if they paid to watch the movie with us !!! GDC should please do sth about their hygiene,its really embarrassing and a shame that a building that looks so nice from the outside is so filthy on the inside.the cleaners don't even clean the halls in between movies.
i was there also, this is not how it happened. I inquired from management staff there and was told it was a general pest and rodent extermination. which has been going on for a while so it explains why the rodents were coming out. Linda i think you should try and do a better job when gathering facts for your blog stories. Love your blog though.
Seriously, consigned?!
Linda dont u have rats in ur house?
This is a small rat compared to what I saw in galleria...the biggest rat I av ever seen.My fear of rats made me stop going thr,was sooo terrified n cldnt scream or sthg cs a movie was on....
Ratatouille wants 2 watch a movie, viewers put ur feet up, lwkmd.
Dey shuld stop eatn coz Rat wey don scent d fud cum 2 eat too? Oboy go slip or drink kaikai jare,mak I hear beta newz
Smh...you can imagine
It's 'concerned' not 'consigned'. Ur spelling is more of an issue than this little rat. Go back to primary school!
Poor thing, nd all it came 2see was a movie bt i guess fate has more 4dis tiny creature nd behold it has become a star. the famous rat ever liveth, welcome to LIB, u r now more famous dan LIBers. Choi Abasi mbok Linda wont kill me o! Genesis Deluxe eatery bad market has just set in LOLz
Heheheheh..am nt surprised tho..the last time I was in PH checked the cinema out for the first time..I was highly disappointed..the place was smelling like locust bean factory..in short I had to turn back home..lmao..
Delish Deb
And wat do u want us to do? Clap for you? Naija no dey wise. Evry tin na una dey snap, aproko Linda na to post
Linda, this looks like a conspiracy to kill this business. Get ready for your turn very soon, Lesbian!
This's funny I must say...lol. Ebony-b
not true
Well..Ramsey Noah was also spotted there last week. Make the rat enjoy abeg..every dog has its day
I'm a medical personnel and I know for sure that having rats around places like this is very dangerous.. There's been an outbreak of a disease called 'Lasa Fever' which is spread by this rodent especially through the feaces. Trust me I know and have seen what lasa fever can do to someone exposed to it in minutes. Let's not joke with it. Kill all rodents at sight if possible.
na normal tin nah.. Rats wey don pursue our cat komot from house.
funny....rat too come see movie....was it killed?
Welcome to 9ja
Lol. Lindo ...knowing their manager...ppl will lose their jobs o! otioo!
Hahahahaha so funny!
Nigeria we hail theee
My brother, I am as consigned as you are that other Nigerians are not consigned. Lol....... but thanks for bringing this ugly matter to the fore.
My brother, I am as consigned as you are that other Nigerians are not consigned. Lol....... but thanks for bringing this ugly matter to the fore.
This really is an eyesore. I don't like seeing rats in my house talkless of a public place.
Freedom of movement.hahahahahahah.
Seriously is nt funny
Its really sad that Nigerians find this funny, you work into a restaurant and you see a big rat like that, you just imagine what happens in the night when every body is gone and they have the kitchen to them selves. They dance on the food and make a big party out of what u would order the next morning. Our health system or regulatory bodies in charge shud look into these fast food joints. Some of. Them r serving us left our midnight snack from Rats
His gramma no get part2 o.
This can only happen in Naija,funny tho + did I just see Consigned there?LIBERS and English language sha
loooool! as far as it is ph! anything can happen! i bought cake once in park n shop and i saw a fly inside! but that can never happen in park n shop abuja!! ph!! ph!!! loool
Lol.. They came to watch film too. Lol..On a serious note that is very very bad!
Hehe...*in Linda's voice*
you saw a rat? OMG!! how terrifying!! mtchewwww...but you wine and dine with them in your house!! hypocritical Nigerians! health safety my well rounded ass! #most senseless post ever#
Linda how can I send you a pix of what is happening here in Abi local govt area of cross river state,were the youth are fighting themselves,killing,roasting and eaten humans body part as a sign of bravery..you really need to see it,fighting over a piece of lands nd the governor nd strong political personality are sponsoring them
The word you need is "CONCERNED"
There are rats at the cinma at yaba. Uncountable and even cockroaches. The day me and my friend see rat na so we put leg untop chair wey dey our front till the movie finished. We no even send the people wey sit down for our front.
Hmmmm, English teacher you must be blind o! oh, sorry you forgot to use your glasses! wonder where u saw dat one tho. ODE!
This is really terrible! Not a laughing matter at all. Rats carry all sorts of diseases. And if this was outside the country, that establishment would be fined and shut down!
Got me cracked up. Ezigboteh Nkpi
Its not only rats oooooo, mosquitoes nko.
nasty.so was it terrorizing everyone or did no one pay attention you are confusing me bros..
Linda, maybe I'll start sending you pictures of events around the country since I have the privilege of always travelling. ....#freelancejournalism
This is small na, u need to chk out Silverbird cinema in same PH. The rats are all over the place,watching movies with u
Everyone should be 'consigned' whenever they see a rat in a public place....ROTF
Linda anytin can happen in nigeria... Rat is everywhr in nigeria.. I culd rememba I spooted a big rat @ d Airtel nigeria head quaters in banana island.... N am very sure u hv rats in ur house self!!!! Abi r u a learner?
I hope u'r kidding? D'pesn dt snapd dis pics deserves a medal , learn 2 coment wisely
These mammal coexist with man in naija..............am not surprised
It seems this Genesis brand has a rat plague going on in every location of theirs because there is a rat infestation at the Lagos branch as well.
rat is a very common factor in Nigeria. can anybody say truthfully and honestly that they ve never seen rats or cockroaches in their homes?
U can blog about rat in Genesis cinema but u refused to blog about Tiwa's issue with the Nigerian police. Hypocrite! If u like, don't post my comment.
i am conSIGNED abt d.trouble.dis lil guy is goin.to.put hes fellows sneakin arnd #gumEkuteTins
With GDC it's normal cos d rat re d real owner of the place.not surprise cos I hardly watch my movie in peace wen it's 9 to 10pm in d cinema hall.rat evrywere most tyms I il b too scared to watch so I ran out not finishin d movie,same ph o.Linda pls help dis people to buy otapiapia
There are rats evrywere even in som LIbers house too but GDC own is three much dat's wat am saying.
Na 2day? D oda day i saw 1 at orange room enugu
Ratatouille was probably showing or it came to see the rat-Nollywood Ramsey Noah
And this is news? I beg, i beg, Linda, did you reach them for a comment? True talk. Been going to GDC for years and I do know they fumigate the building once every week and are more health conscious than some other cinemas and food selling places. Cut them some slack i beg! You no get rat for your house? Let he without a house rat cast the first stone!
I have been to Genesis Cinemas in Lagos and Port Harcourt and I disagree with the LIBer that said it smells like Locust Beans. Haba! They are conscious of the cinema look. Why do we like to kick people when they have tripped? Na naija way sha.I like Genesis sha. Their staff are always polite and helpful unlike some other cinemas that answer calls and ignore guests. If i say Galle, you can finish it. Anyways, bad belle Linda, post my comment o!
even just seeing it made me cringe! I hate rats with a passion
Linda that rat is way to tiny compare to the ones I have been seeing there. Infact behind their sales point/canteen. I told d staffs n all they could do was laugh, one almost climbed my leg when I was getting a movie ticket.
And even enugu
Really, you are complaining about rats in Genesis Cinemas? This cinema is 200 percent better than others in terms of hygiene, customer service and cinema business. What about the skinny rabbits wearing suits at silverbird nko? Those ones can't even run because they are hungry looking. I have nothinggood.com to say about that one. Please, leave Genesis alone jare. You won't bad belly the businesses that have problems of degeneration, it is serious businesses that are trying to maintain quality standards that you want to pull down? This linda self. You bias o! Post my comment if you no dey biased!
Lolz...re yhu sure its not de rat daht even cook de food???..lyk in daht movie RATATULLI...dey shud check dier kitchen maybe...wetin dem de call plenty rat sef..abi na colony,galaxy,league infact english tire me..plenty rat fit de work 4 de kitchen
Pretty funny....
its actually 'spelt' and not 'spelled'
I strongly believe that their store house will be filled with rats and cockroaches.
Even at Silverbird galleria Abuja...
@BOMS no dey attack pple anyhw, it has bin corrected
Can any one pls help out with d new UK visa application? cant sign d declaration section on line and cant continue since I have to do that first. Linda help on this biko. Thanks.
You are so ignorant in that your little brain. U can walk around naked in ur house but when u do it out side u wud be termed mad. So Rat in a public environ is a big deal ok in ur house u r allowed to eat with them from d same plate. Zi007
The idiot saying there is rat infestation in Lagos as well, Is the GDC in Lagos not in a mall called Palms with other shops/ stores in there including Shoprite? All of a sudden, all of Genesis have rat infestation! Nigerians eh! Lindiwe, publish my comment o!
hahhaaha lmao!!! Lin u no go kill us with laughter.
Even At Ceddi Plaza Abuja Silver Bird Cinema Rats There Are Scary!
Hey!!! That's Stuart Little....lol
This rat don turn superstar!
Chicken Republic and Kilimanjaro. Very typical. Got food Poisoning from kilimajaro's ice cream. I avoid both places like a plague
Wooooow Kilimannjaro tooooo!! Lobatan ooo.
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