"Now they say I would have gone far in my career if not for my love for computer games. It is this same set of comedians that went around telling people that I live in Abuja so that I will not be getting Lagos shows. My colleagues want to run me down, let them feel free. It is because they are afraid of me; they feel that if they run me down I won’t survive it. I am a gadget lover, that is the truth. Everyone knows that whenever I walk into a gadget shop the people there want me to educate them about some of their gadgets. Isn’t it better that I am a sucker for video games than a sucker for smoking igbo, marijuana?” he asks
On his relationship with other comedians, Klint
said "They have cliques but that does not bother me because it doesn’t
affect my career. God still chases away flies for a tailless cow. So, I'm not complaining".
Ehya. Sorry bro... It is well
Biko what's the latest on dencia and lupita.
That's not fair of them
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Everyday I'm shuffling
Dencia's whienicious two bottles.
Ur carrier is dying n u r here giving interviews dat u r not complaining, issokay!
I hate his jokes anywayz, if dem wanna run him down Mk dem do jawe.. klint go open game shop *hehehehehehe. *Blog Babez
Klint it's like u re now playing comedy with
ur career u love gadgets abi sorry
Colleagues is a collectiv word!!! If ur not mentioning names i ain't interested... And by d way,everyone hav an addiction!
People are mean
Beef Beef Beef! People always forget that the sky is big enough for everyone!
My dear dnt forget dis fact "people will always talk and try to pull u dwn whether u succeed or not" jst keep doing ur tin and keep being u and take care of ur two boys and lovely wife. U are already blessed wit a responsible and virtuous woman so keep shining
God will see u thru my brother. His only him that elevate people.
Den face gadgets........attention seeker, saw him d oda day @ banex plaza in abuja. Infact he's evrywhere in abuja! Face ur career meehn or quit! No one's running u down! Shuuuu!
To me klint is a hell of a comedian betta.dan.all this AList comedians running arnd
Snatches one innocent nwafor's galfriend, dnt wanna mention her name! Caught even pants down! Meanwhile klind shed sum weight joor!
I know a lot of celebs who love their computer games too and are doing just fine. WTH?
Den face gadgets........attention seeker, saw him d oda day @ banex plaza in abuja. Infact he's evrywhere in abuja! Face ur career meehn or quit! No one's running u down! Shuuuu!
Thrs nutn wrong with computer games, for those that'd say he's a grown man...
Video game ..
Guy go and make urself useful,u re nt creative hw do u expect 2 grow?c buchi,seyi law of yesterday re blowing more Dan u do,do sumtin abut u and stop puting blames on ur colleagues,u re sounding like black face.
The truth is that, everybody in life have enemies, people who want to run them down, that's not new, the most important thing is not to complain, but stay strong and keep run, for the ultimate prize belong to those who win the race
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Looolz still trying too hard to take this comment by him serious,with a pic of his performance in ma head
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
But seriously computer game can chop brain. I had to stay off it to be focus. Soccer and mission games especially. There could be some truth in that rumour.
It's been a while I heard of Klint though..
It's good to get educated as option B incase the hobby doesn't make full effect..
Linda advertise him more; Dankie baie!
* My R1.50c comment *
Eyah na so life b bro God'll fight 4 u just kip ur head straight
Shut up instead of you to admit you aint good enough, you blaming it on your colleagues.
Underachievement excuses!
i think its not new....itts everywhere...keep doing ur part
hahahaha beef beef everywhere , klint is one of the best acting comedian we have in naija...
so if you dnt based in lagos no show for you, men thats bad, are we not one NIGERIAN AGAIN . ...
That's the Industry for U brother...grow in faith!! No shaking
Do your thing dude...your destiny is in your hands.
U must jump and pass dear,(Amen)
This is one comedia I love so much. Carry go JARE don't mind them.
He shd goan sleep! Wen some1 gets lazy they find who to blame!
~D great anonymous!
All i see while reading is Klint the drunk saying all those words acting drunk. He's such a cool guy. Had a lil chat evening one evening around surulere. All the best to him.
CoolDiva speaks!
Klint is a dry comedian,he is not funny,one December time he performed in Owerri,he was so dry,he is not funny at all
Ermmmm, they have cliques? Really? Aren't they supposed to have an association that will at least protect the interest of its members, I won't believe that Ali baba worked hard all to form cliques? Naaaaaa, I don't believe Klint, if you don't get jobs again its ok, just rebrand, but to say they form cliques? Is a big lie
He really isn't making much sense from that statement. What does video game have to do with his comedy?
I guess he doesn't belong the clique because his own pattern of comedy is very different and UNIQUE.
Klint you still remain one of my favorite comedian.
go and fnd another work,lfe is turn by turn.dont compare urself wit some who take igbo but serious abt their work.
So because of your love for gadgets you won't face your work again? Why are you blaming your colleagues ? Ok oh, i hope your gadgets will pay your bills?
OMG!!! Can peeps just shut the fuck up. people will alwaz run you down anyways,so no biggie.
Mumu the one one you talk don do. Hater like. Talking as if you re perfect. Akpa amu like you!
He is way better than AY...Goodness gracious remembering his show last year still makes me boil. rubbish is putting it mildly
Lmao! U got me dere too, what sort of statement is dat?!
Oga u are running ur self down,no body is running u down,hope u ve returned d show money u collected from a church in ABJ?
¤¤¤GOD punish devil¤¤¤
Things are now changing, before the Nigerian comedians are the most united group of people I have ever seen in Nigeria and I always respect them all but the story has now changed, can't we ever live in unity in NIgeria????
@ wilheminna wats ur problem? Wats dis false story 4? Who asked U̶̲̥̅̊ 4 his background huh?? He is a gud comedian nd if dey re spreading lies about him nd he wants 2 talk about it he is got d right to. Pls stop feeding peoples ears wif ur rubbish, live ur life nd let him live his. Goshhh!!!
but why are they complaining? are they feeding ur family or are u begging them for food? beside u are better than most of them, if not for anything at least u have wife and children that u are catering for, so what is their problem? my broda, pple most ruin there mouth so tell them to take a chill pill.
@ moses sharrraaaapppp!! E don do, d way ur attacking him its obvious ur one of d fools spreading lies about him, make I hear jor(dondi) # sandyluv#
Okwara my bro work on ur brain cos I play games even relationship games but still I do my job nd my brain is even smarter. L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿
Who's said he's nt educated? Onu ugba! He went to IMT. So sharaaaaaaaapppp!!!!!!!!!!!!
So he cannot have any extracurricular activity abi?Is he the one feeding you? People should learn to mind their business
Well I don't think he's funny.
So he can play "computer games" all he wants.
See your mouth like "everyone hav an addiction" what secondary school did u attend?
Wilheminna Moses or gini bu aha gi? if I tear you slap eh you will learn to sew that nkapi mouth of yours. Its People like you that go about running people down. isi ewu di ka gi.
Lmao! Dis ur ehya sorry just threw me off balance.. D dude has to do his thing and nt luk side ways..
That drunken act is played out.reinvent yourself or drown
U r truly a rough diamond! Lmfao! U can't even write correct English! Carrier ko DHL ni!
Like seriously??! What's wrong with everyone today with their awful English! ...'everyone HAS an addiction'!
to attend
the NIGERIAN DIASPORA DIRECT INVESTMENT SUMMIT to stimulate investment opportunities in their states at the Nigerian Diaspora Direct Investment summit coming up in London on the 12th and 13th of June 2014.
Well done to them. Creating small scale investment opportunities in Nigeria is the best way to feed the average man on the streets and his family.
U see! Read ur books, will u?
1st person singular n co. Technology has ova shadowed ur brain n learning
U r jobless.urs is to correct people's english.smh
It's obvious you don't know Klint da Drunk
It's obvious you don't know Klint Da Drunk
And "like seriously" is an english word right?
Okwara, u need more games to get ur brain smarter. Video games improves memory and cognition.
God knows i'll play video games with my kids.
Klint's wife is that you?
My brother, I need to see you face to face. There is something good in video game. You are the best. 08025333824
Well..All is well
KLINT still remains one of the best comedy export from naija and Africa as a whole,for those who's says his career is failing,it would amaze to know that KLINT is busy making good money from his act as a comedian touring round naija on a weekly base,sometyms daily.so for one with such a busy life ,Wats tym would he have to get stuck on video games....I beg una get a life and stop wasting ur tym on a blessed gentleman... my king keep the fire burning joor! SC
Bonario stalker! Mumu! Keep flirting on LIB. Of all names! U aint evn ashamed. "Bonario's grand daugher" bonario's babe" ni! Umu ashii!
I know say na AY and Basket Mouth he dey refer to........... Bros, they don pass your level you are not talented go home and play game
*currently in jupiter*
Na she ooo.
'it's only Him.....'
Na she ooo.
the truth is klint use to be one of the best comedian in Nigeria this dude sings writes music and produces he did d beat for dat nigga raw song obodo but the salient truth is klint refuse to evolve and take his career to the next level klint has come along way in d industry his status should be da of a godfather but alas the revise is d case nnwane kip playing computer game o
@ moses...Akpa amu..hahahahahaha
though I don't know him I must say that everyone has someone that wants to bring them down!! (Look at Tonto and her sisters lol) but the problem is some people use this reference as an excuse to complain about circumstances.. Trust in God and move on
Look at this mgbeke talking, in your life time u can never achieve half of wat he has achieved......common LIB reader like u, gahhh u too de talk pass your mouth smh
Leave story... I've been a victim of Klint's nonsense b4!! Paid him,booked his flight ticket,hotel bills and he didn't show up. That heartless.
Can u pay KLINT? idiot! if u like don't leave linda ikeji for young once like us,poor habalist!
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