I have a feeling Kaffy is refering to LIB readers who recently criticized her for posting post-baby photos...Lol. See more tweets after the cut...
Meanwhile the Guinness World Record holder is currently in London to
introduce Ijoda - 9ja DanceBurnout on April 18th @ Dance Works
Studio, 16 Balderton St. London W1K 6TN. Time 8.30pm to 10pm. Fee £5.
See this one.i didnt comment on that post but i truely say the dirty black armpit.u get time to respond.go take several seats or better stil go and breastfeed your baby.
chai i wish i was in London for this i would have loved to attend.....anyways i did not see anything wrong with her pics as a matter of fact i just had twins and would love to get my body into that kinda shape kaffy help me oooooo *wink*wink*
Lmao....it haff pain her. who told her to post black armpit on social media... she isn't so my fav person sef. same dance moves. Not giving others opportunity to explore.... Don't expect to be applauded all the time..hiss
Is always the fat insecured ugly bettys that egg a well toned woman..... Kaffy and stephanie are great fitspiration to lots of whale women in Nigeria.....Go kaffy go kaffy go!!!! #cheezyjayne
Is always the fat insecured ugly bettys that egg a well toned woman..... Kaffy and stephanie are great fitspiration to lots of whale women in Nigeria.....Go kaffy go kaffy go!!!! #cheezyjayne
The day these celebrities will learn to ignore haters, is d day corruption will flee frm Nigeria. Why will I as a celeb, ever care abt wat som insignificant, obviously bitter anonymous says abt me on the internet? Except if am on the wrong track, then I'll try to do d right thn but if am just being me, they can go to hades for all d care in the world
she could go and sit down with all her ishon strong dances why wont her belly be small...and besides she still had a pouch...i know women much older than her that have flat stomachs right after childbirth without exercise only breastfeeding..it is no big deal....stop displaying this nonsense forcing guy pictures bcos ppl in the west here do it...
WHAT CELEBRITIES DONT UNDERSTAND. If you put yourself in the spotlight, ppl will definitely talk about you. sometimes good things, other times bad. so you guys, should stop responding to haters. Grow up and be the celebrity that you are. Sometimes even bad comments can make up more popular. YOU GUYS, GROW UP.
I get wat she's saying cus if she had photoshopped d pics, liber will still talk! But kaffy abeg ooh, u no get comma, apostrophy or evn full stop 4 ur dictionary!???????
I love you girl, wish I can work out and be fit and trim like you. It takes hard work and commitment. But giving birth and laziness has turned my tummy to beans bag. GOD bless your hustle
I will be in london about that time, I must be there. Need to shed this baby tummy. She has to tell me and show me how. Thumbs up girl. Our bodies are different peeps.
People should learn to mind their business and think of how to make it. Don't envy someone who has made her way with her talent. Kaffy babe abeg play oritse femi for them.
My dear kafy u re rit,libers can actually make u commit suicide,wit dere horrible comments,and if u check sum of dem dey actually Ave notin gud going on 4 dem.
Pls ds lady shld kip shut abeg,wonder wht has gone into her head,if u re dance or floor queen so wht,why can't u respect yurself and cover up haba u hve kids now 4 crying out loud,must u show your body u gve people d right to insult u d way u re dressed is how u would be adressed pls 4 d sake of your kids and your future do d right thing mind u we re africans your huby get family o. Geee
She is wrong cus as a celeb she is not meant to expose those black armpit of hers..y didn't she just make them clean to save insult,no hating just my opinion!
Kaffy please keep doing what you do best. People saying she should focus on breastfeeding etc are just shallow. Having a child, breastfeeding, marriage doesn't stop a woman from achieving any other thing she wants and doesn't make her better than single women. Life should be about giving and positive inspirations. My opinion.
lol........kaffy kaffy nah u go taya ooo no strt ham abeg....@linda yeah she's reffering to LIB readers cos of dah her black harmpit lmao gud to kn dat u guys re reading comments here....hehehehe
No one is tryna mk her feel less. All she needed to do ws pick d lessons she cld learn and forget d rest, dan goin on ranting. U can't satisfy everyone...
Kaffy shld stop hating. We luv her but its not everything you do that the world needs to know. A word is enough for the wise! Yoruba adage says; bi isu eni ba ta, a ma n da owo bo ni.
Hmmm.She is right@when we look 2good they say its Photoshop and when we are natural they say...Its abt time we Nigerians started appreciating our own.If yeye girl Riri post rubbish; I see how we comment here.Seriously some of us need to watch our ways and our mentality.The truth is most of these commentators are jobless.#Go Kaffy!
kaffey or wats dat ur name,if i where u i wont respond.b like other stars dat dont respond to comments jst do ur tin....cox weather u lik it or not,we r here to place comments good or bad.
but why the pictures? is it necessary? becos oyibo abi Kem K dey post pics after child birth u wan come copy, so why the comments dey pain u? abeg park one side with ur black armpit jare.
Kafaya ase o ti e le(in jenifa's voice). Shuo! The thing pain you niyen ooo...Lol... Yabs makes comment reading interesting,don't even take half of em seriously...most ppl comment to make ppl laff not to diss una ooo...Pele if e pain you
I love this country die, cos only the strong survives here. Peoples comment either break you or makes you buckle up and do better. Dear Kaffy,takes it easy.
Sad truth is there are lots of stark raving lunatics in naija and cos the shrinks we have here are quite expensive,they cant consult them.its only frustrated people that can jus insult people for no reason at all.where did kaffy err?its not right at all.but then again freedom of speech and because they have mouth,they use it.
How is "dirty armpit" constructive criticism...oh plz.. There wz nothing constructive bout the crap people were hurling at her..simple. Let's be real a lot of times people jst attack celebs out of their own personal frustrations with their lives.. Truth. Now that's constructive.
Kaffy dont mind haters jare,they hate because they cant have wot you have.I have always admired your well toned body and wish i can have me some.Please try to organise this type of dance/excercise session for us here in Lag.
Even me that im not a celeb wont go out on a sleeveless top without clear shaving and making my armpit luks clean and attractive...A guy for that matter o not to talk of a lady..Madam next time watch before u post..
Bonnario has said it all "Silence is golden,but it seems some so called Naija celebrities like Kaffy can't afford it. They have Zero tolerance for constructive criticism" If Beyonce responded to anyone do you think shed be as worshipped as she is now... "celebrities" *hushhh* Linda all these people insult you in the name of addressing haters. I hope you will be able to sleep well by the time you will have been done with blogging (retiring)
I saw nothing wrong with the photos. People make such a big deal about the body like they've never seen one or like it won't rot and decay some day. If you're into fitness, it's just another pic of someone sharing their abs progress. That said, it's a waste of time responding to all that appears in the blogosphere and social media. For some people, Everything must be inside the box of normalcy, comfort, cautiousness and conformity for them so those tweets were wasted.
Buh wait o does it mean that Nigerian celebrities don't have publicist? What am I saying like I don't know they take pictures and post them themselves nd u wonder why people curse u, when u've given them reasons to. Are they suppose to read their mails themselves? And why is she doing the "Dance off thingy" in the UK #though# don't they have enough talent competitions there? and she's here talking about inspiration, How can u inspire people when u feel they re not good enough to hold a show for and u want us to clap for ur stupid attitudes. Mtcheeewww
Kaffi Abeg enter bush. Me that's not a celeb I will never post black armpit on social media. You looked like a local champion. What rubbish now you are here complaining. You are not that famous that livers will lie to you and make excuses, Abeg go and clean up. Take a page from Kate hens haws book. After all celebrity is not by force.
I think celebrities should all go learn Philosophy, where the term "PRIVACY" is being taught, as a celebrity or well known person, you get to understand that once you are famous for a particular thing/reason, there is no such thing as privacy, people get to you and the modest thing to do is ignore and if you cant just say "duly noted" or a simple thank you all the same.
@Annonymous 08/2014 11:47AM (and others with similar comments): Pray, tell me what makes her black armpit dirty? Does she in anyway look dirty to you? Is the dark colour not the natural colour of her armpit? I just don't get where your reasoning.
Why are so many black people so full of self-hatred? If white people had the black armpits, many of you making the nasty comments would have bought creams or done anything possible to get same type of dark armpits. God, I really, really feel bad for black people; how can so many members of a group be so full of such self-hate? It is very sad indeed.
@5:03... my sentiments exactly. There was nothing constructive about dirty armpit comments. She wasn't showcasing her armpit, she was showcasing her abs, but some stupid low life Nigerians can't see past their sadness and bitterness.
Those ones saying there is nothing wrong with black armpit well done oh. And that person there saying blacks are full of self hate Abeg shutup there. Must you make it all about race? Obviously Lupita is wining your brain. It's about what looks good. pls if your inner thighs have rubbed together so much it gets dark you would post it online too abi? A lady's armpit is not supposed to be on show self. There is natural and there is just oughful at is why there are piks for your cellphone only, piks for social media.
No hate, we were just saying the truth, so she should not be pained
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See this one.i didnt comment on that post but i truely say the dirty black armpit.u get time to respond.go take several seats or better stil go and breastfeed your baby.
so hater, una don hear? She loves what she does and it makes her happy. A word is enuf.........
CoolDiva speaks!
so haters, una don hear? She loves what she does and it makes her happy. A word is enuf.........
CoolDiva speaks!
Silence is golden,but it seems some so called Naija celebrities like Kaffy can't afford it.
They have Zero tolerance for constructive criticism.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
lol. na wa o
How to gain your financially freedom. Click
Way to go kaffy, you use your gift so well!
Kaffi haf vex lol.
Just tell your haters that "Silence is Golden and Duct Tape is Silver"
chai i wish i was in London for this i would have loved to attend.....anyways i did not see anything wrong with her pics as a matter of fact i just had twins and would love to get my body into that kinda shape kaffy help me oooooo *wink*wink*
She get plenty time to dey answer people
Who cares kaffy!!! But still luv u tho ***kisses***
Lol....words are deep and sometimes thick skin can't help since we all are humans.Kaffy you should pls ignore haters!
Lolz... I no fit laf. Wit d ways dis celebs respond to critics
Lmao....it haff pain her. who told her to post black armpit on social media... she isn't so my fav person sef. same dance moves. Not giving others opportunity to explore....
Don't expect to be applauded all the time..hiss
Who send dem? When ship dey... Mscheeew.
Is always the fat insecured ugly bettys that egg a well toned woman..... Kaffy and stephanie are great fitspiration to lots of whale women in Nigeria.....Go kaffy go kaffy go!!!! #cheezyjayne
haters back off. simple msg
Lolz #bright bravo#
Is always the fat insecured ugly bettys that egg a well toned woman..... Kaffy and stephanie are great fitspiration to lots of whale women in Nigeria.....Go kaffy go kaffy go!!!! #cheezyjayne
The day these celebrities will learn to ignore haters, is d day corruption will flee frm Nigeria. Why will I as a celeb, ever care abt wat som insignificant, obviously bitter anonymous says abt me on the internet? Except if am on the wrong track, then I'll try to do d right thn but if am just being me, they can go to hades for all d care in the world
she could go and sit down with all her ishon strong dances why wont her belly be small...and besides she still had a pouch...i know women much older than her that have flat stomachs right after childbirth without exercise only breastfeeding..it is no big deal....stop displaying this nonsense forcing guy pictures bcos ppl in the west here do it...
Kaffy Darling carry on jare let all ur haters hug transformer!
If you put yourself in the spotlight, ppl will definitely talk about you. sometimes good things, other times bad. so you guys, should stop responding to haters. Grow up and be the celebrity that you are. Sometimes even bad comments can make up more popular. YOU GUYS, GROW UP.
Linda,why do u bother posting things about her,she nor no say u dey give her publicity. Mstchewwwwwww. I nor just send dis lady
*gets pen *drawing inspiration!
rily love her way.....her dance moves gat me high....kip it up...#thumbs up.....@emmascott001....nice blog...@linda
Kaffi I wish u well in all u do
Kaffy is so right, some ppl need to learn to think positive
I get wat she's saying cus if she had photoshopped d pics, liber will still talk! But kaffy abeg ooh, u no get comma, apostrophy or evn full stop 4 ur dictionary!???????
Don't still like her...she aint cute nor hot
If it was Kim K they'd be gushing at that fake a** barbie with her pump ass and boobs. The prophet is rejected in his own home, that's in the bible.
dance on them haters joor, Ride on!!!!
Na she sabi coz am far beta dan her so she shuld keep makin noise
My dear, I am a fan and me likey. But next time u wana post such pic,don't 4get 2 shave dose armpit. U got me puking @ d site of it
My dear I am a fan and me likey. But next time u wana post such pic don't 4get 2 shave those armpit. U got me puking @ d sight of it
I love you girl, wish I can work out and be fit and trim like you. It takes hard work and commitment. But giving birth and laziness has turned my tummy to beans bag. GOD bless your hustle
If I was kaffy, wld have ignored...no need for all the tweets...who God has blessed no one can curse.
abeg madam shut the hell up!!!!!!!!
Dance queen indeed. shior
Dance Queen indeed. shior
I will be in london about that time, I must be there. Need to shed this baby tummy. She has to tell me and show me how. Thumbs up girl. Our bodies are different peeps.
I go belong by force oshi.kafaya take back seat biko
Toh una don hear? Gud!
When u tell people d truth,dey will say u'r hating on dem,anywyz truth dey say is bitter #Alomo... Lolz
Damn!! This girl is pained. The truth is bitter tho
People should learn to mind their business and think of how to make it. Don't envy someone who has made her way with her talent. Kaffy babe abeg play oritse femi for them.
Dats nigerians foru swtheart
Let's appreciate our celebs na! We can akpor biko! Btw I love kaffy nd her kids
Hehehe...no mind am..looser...she cant. deal d truth..looser
My dear kafy u re rit,libers can actually make u commit suicide,wit dere horrible comments,and if u check sum of dem dey actually Ave notin gud going on 4 dem.
Ride on girl but second pix?
Pls ds lady shld kip shut abeg,wonder wht has gone into her head,if u re dance or floor queen so wht,why can't u respect yurself and cover up haba u hve kids now 4 crying out loud,must u show your body u gve people d right to insult u d way u re dressed is how u would be adressed pls 4 d sake of your kids and your future do d right thing mind u we re africans your huby get family o. Geee
She is wrong cus as a celeb she is not meant to expose those black armpit of hers..y didn't she just make them clean to save insult,no hating just my opinion!
I had to read the post twice to understand what she "intended" saying...sentence construction..ZERO.
Awww.. She feels pained tho. Calm down ma'am, pple will always have an opinion.
#Original Igbo Chic
Alloy sharap
Kaffy please keep doing what you do best. People saying she should focus on breastfeeding etc are just shallow. Having a child, breastfeeding, marriage doesn't stop a woman from achieving any other thing she wants and doesn't make her better than single women. Life should be about giving and positive inspirations. My opinion.
Make she hang abeg!!!!
Haters gon hate kaffy, dey can like 2 hang demselves.ko kan aye
Love u Kaffy!
You can't stop us from saying what we saw ok!! Go hit ur head againt the stone!! Smellos, Mofo!
Nobody hates u, that ur armpit need attention clean it up
Is it everything that they will post on social media?
lol........kaffy kaffy nah u go taya ooo no strt ham abeg....@linda yeah she's reffering to LIB readers cos of dah her black harmpit lmao gud to kn dat u guys re reading comments here....hehehehe
Sorry madam, it won't happen again. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
No one is tryna mk her feel less. All she needed to do ws pick d lessons she cld learn and forget d rest, dan goin on ranting. U can't satisfy everyone...
I actually love the fact that she lost baby weight so quickly.
I wish I could lose weight so quickly too .
Pls,I need tips.
We love u,Kaffy
Welldon kafy pplp will alys beef joz b strong4urslf ,ur biz n ur marriage...
Keep it up babes
I will also give you the middle finger,
You tell them Kaffy. You are blessed. Keep movin on.
Worry about your hopeless life and less about Kaffy. Ewu Gambia.
Guiness world record holder for what? Lindsway post my comment o!
You are a mom, conduct yourself accordingly
Kaffy shld stop hating. We luv her but its not everything you do that the world needs to know. A word is enough for the wise! Yoruba adage says; bi isu eni ba ta, a ma n da owo bo ni.
Go and look after your baby....madam cougar.
Which stupid truth are you saying?rubbish!! I bet ur galfrnd or who ever can't look half as good as she does,u guys jst come on here and blah.
In life never do anything for ppl,what ever u do let it be dat u are doing it for yourself bcos everly ppl must talk. U can never please everybody.
Hmmm.She is right@when we look 2good they say its Photoshop and when we are natural they say...Its abt time we Nigerians started appreciating our own.If yeye girl Riri post rubbish; I see how we comment here.Seriously some of us need to watch our ways and our mentality.The truth is most of these commentators are jobless.#Go Kaffy!
Oga ooo Kaffy naa? Of all people? Choi
kaffey or wats dat ur name,if i where u i wont respond.b like other stars dat dont respond to comments jst do ur tin....cox weather u lik it or not,we r here to place comments good or bad.
Ur armpit was abi is black finish! On 2 d next one...
LIBers sef! Una comments fit make person commit suicide sha........bt d truth is dat we r bein real.
but why the pictures? is it necessary? becos oyibo abi Kem K dey post pics after child birth u wan come copy, so why the comments dey pain u? abeg park one side with ur black armpit jare.
People always hate what they want but can't have, you go girl, you are an INSPIRATION!!
Kafaya ase o ti e le(in jenifa's voice). Shuo! The thing pain you niyen ooo...Lol... Yabs makes comment reading interesting,don't even take half of em seriously...most ppl comment to make ppl laff not to diss una ooo...Pele if e pain you
Haters una hear? If its not kaffy it can't b like kaffy. People shuld jus love or keep shut. Kaffy do ya tin gal. Happy u gave it to dem.
I love this country die, cos only the strong survives here. Peoples comment either break you or makes you buckle up and do better. Dear Kaffy,takes it easy.
Hater! Lol!
But really this kaffy should take several seats and sort out her ugly face jor...inspiration indeed!
All ds women go mk persn wan kee demsellves. I envy una sha... me 2 afta ds my 2nd child? no dulling! I sexy die! Goin 4 my hot bod bck
Sad truth is there are lots of stark raving lunatics in naija and cos the shrinks we have here are quite expensive,they cant consult them.its only frustrated people that can jus insult people for no reason at all.where did kaffy err?its not right at all.but then again freedom of speech and because they have mouth,they use it.
Aww! She is so pained!
How is "dirty armpit" constructive criticism...oh plz.. There wz nothing constructive bout the crap people were hurling at her..simple. Let's be real a lot of times people jst attack celebs out of their own personal frustrations with their lives.. Truth. Now that's constructive.
Kaffy dont mind haters jare,they hate because they cant have wot you have.I have always admired your well toned body and wish i can have me some.Please try to organise this type of dance/excercise session for us here in Lag.
Lwkmd! Lauren thomas wetin I do u 4 dis blog? Why u de make laf like a fool @ work? Kai! Libers!
Hahahaha @ drawing inspiration! Pls ask kafi which pencil we shld use 2draw it,HB or 2B?! Lol
i really admire her efforts to keep fit...i wanna get there soon...no hates at all
Even me that im not a celeb wont go out on a sleeveless top without clear shaving and making my armpit luks clean and attractive...A guy for that matter o not to talk of a lady..Madam next time watch before u post..
Bonnario has said it all "Silence is golden,but it seems some so called Naija celebrities like Kaffy can't afford it.
They have Zero tolerance for constructive criticism"
If Beyonce responded to anyone do you think shed be as worshipped as she is now... "celebrities" *hushhh*
Linda all these people insult you in the name of addressing haters. I hope you will be able to sleep well by the time you will have been done with blogging (retiring)
If you're randomly lifting your shirt to strangers, steel yourself for whatever comments they make. Don't expect compliments only.
See suger coated insult o, must u repeat the armpit isshh heheheheheh EVULS
Kaffy 4get about dis jobless human beings rememba ya london wrk is more important I luv u girl
Kaffy 4get about dis jobless human beings rememba ya london wrk is more important I luv u girl
I saw nothing wrong with the photos. People make such a big deal about the body like they've never seen one or like it won't rot and decay some day. If you're into fitness, it's just another pic of someone sharing their abs progress. That said, it's a waste of time responding to all that appears in the blogosphere and social media. For some people, Everything must be inside the box of normalcy, comfort, cautiousness and conformity for them so those tweets were wasted.
Olodo ...'dont still like her'?. Idiot like u , keep hating
Buh wait o does it mean that Nigerian celebrities don't have publicist? What am I saying like I don't know they take pictures and post them themselves nd u wonder why people curse u, when u've given them reasons to. Are they suppose to read their mails themselves? And why is she doing the "Dance off thingy" in the UK #though# don't they have enough talent competitions there? and she's here talking about inspiration, How can u inspire people when u feel they re not good enough to hold a show for and u want us to clap for ur stupid attitudes. Mtcheeewww
baby yi jo ara e loju gan
Kaffi Abeg enter bush. Me that's not a celeb I will never post black armpit on social media. You looked like a local champion. What rubbish now you are here complaining. You are not that famous that livers will lie to you and make excuses, Abeg go and clean up. Take a page from Kate hens haws book. After all celebrity is not by force.
I think celebrities should all go learn Philosophy, where the term "PRIVACY" is being taught, as a celebrity or well known person, you get to understand that once you are famous for a particular thing/reason, there is no such thing as privacy, people get to you and the modest thing to do is ignore and if you cant just say "duly noted" or a simple thank you all the same.
Dumb commentator !
@Annonymous 08/2014 11:47AM (and others with similar comments): Pray, tell me what makes her black armpit dirty? Does she in anyway look dirty to you? Is the dark colour not the natural colour of her armpit? I just don't get where your reasoning.
Why are so many black people so full of self-hatred? If white people had the black armpits, many of you making the nasty comments would have bought creams or done anything possible to get same type of dark armpits. God, I really, really feel bad for black people; how can so many members of a group be so full of such self-hate? It is very sad indeed.
@5:03... my sentiments exactly. There was nothing constructive about dirty armpit comments. She wasn't showcasing her armpit, she was showcasing her abs, but some stupid low life Nigerians can't see past their sadness and bitterness.
Those ones saying there is nothing wrong with black armpit well done oh. And that person there saying blacks are full of self hate Abeg shutup there. Must you make it all about race? Obviously Lupita is wining your brain. It's about what looks good. pls if your inner thighs have rubbed together so much it gets dark you would post it online too abi? A lady's armpit is not supposed to be on show self. There is natural and there is just oughful at is why there are piks for your cellphone only, piks for social media.
Kaffy when you choose your carrier, ofcourse you know you can't possibly please everyone. Laugh at every mistakes dear. Don't take life too seriously.
i no fit laugh o....but kaffy showing us dat pic wasnt gud at all.
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