Minister of Interior, Mr. Abba Moro, has reacted to the craziness that happened yesterday during the Immigration Service Test which took place across stadiums in Nigeria. The number of people that died during the recruitment exercise has increased from 6 to about 9. The deaths occurred in Abuja, Lagos and Minna but instead of commiserating with families who lost loved ones, Mr Moro said they died as a result of their impatience...
“The applicants lost their lives due to impatience; they did not follow the laid down procedures spelt out to them before the exercise. Many of them jumped through the fences of affected centres and did not conduct themselves in an orderly manner to make the exercise a smooth one. This caused stampede and made the environment unsecured.”
He also contradicted the number of applicants that participated in the employment test. The initial number we got was 2.3million, but the minister says that only 520,000 participated and only 4,556 would be recruited. 520,000 x1,000 =?
1 – 200 of 226 Newer› Newest»Mad man!
~D great anonymous!
Moro is actually a moron.. He's so unreasonable to make such a statement.
Too bad #bright bravo#
My question is this: who conducts an interview abi test in a stadium, with this crowd and expect them all to behave in an orderly manner? Highly impossible. They should take responsibility for what happened cos they did not organise it well from the start. Its sad but naija style, the will always shift the entire blame to the masses.
Is.not true pls
stupid man,how many of your children are there!
This is an idiotic minister. If his child was one of the deceased will the reason still be their impatience?
God punish u sir.plus may all ur kids die bcos of impatience idiot.
Old Fool
If you must test every single one of them, do it in batches
What sort of test can be done in that condition?
A country with idiotic leaders.
God will judge all of you
N̶̲̥̅α̩̩̩̩ lie, all of U̶̲̥̅̊ are just thieves. U̶̲̥̅̊ r looking for how to cover up ur shameful deeds. U̶̲̥̅̊ charged pple for employment. Shame ☺Й U̶̲̥̅̊ all.
See what dis man is saying. Haba! Lord pls heal Nigeria intervene before its too late
If this guy is not SACK by tomorrow . Then House of REP should DO SOMETHING FAST.
Linda they got 2.3 million application,its 2.3million x 1000,you can't apply without the 1k.Imagine the nonsesnse coming outta his mouth,impatience? Really? What happened to online assesment huh? In this world of so much technology.its greed that's killing this our country,how much would it cost to create online assesment in order to reduce the crowd. People were not shortlisted linda,all they had to do was apply and the invite is automatic.its a big shame I swear.when I leave Nigeria,I pray never to come back here.we don't care about our own @ all,that's why we are humiliated outside.sometimes I wonder if God is still here.na we dey pray pass but no results.
Even the pregnant women jumped fences? Mr moron are u mad?
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
This is a very big lie Mr Minister
This man is very stupid and insensitive. Period.
This is the most unintelligent Minister ever. The death was as a result of lack of planning. In an ideal situation, the Comptroller General of Immigration and this hopelessly hopeless Minister of Interior Mr. Abba More(n) ought to have resign their appointment honourably. Their inaction caused Nigerians pain and embarrassment.
That's a BIG LIE....(1)Mr interior,been one of the candidate of Y®strdy NIS test,I wld say point straight that u floped,hw can u instruct over A million plus candidate who where present Y®strdy @ the national stadium Lagos to write our name on a full scap papper for attendance.After telling us to come along wif our acknowledment papper to b sure we registered 4 d exam.(2)NIS made over #40billion fron dis exercise not #520million.criminals una no go Die better.....#FACT
I just don't want to insult this man out on anger.
U termed it impatience when you asked them to come before 7am,and some people came as early as 4am and u kept the entrance locked till 8:30am.
In an effort to coverup for the money you extorted from them u scheduled this examination without proper planning and logistics.
Imagine what would have happened had boko haram visited that place.
God will judge you and all responsible for this.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
What is this man saying? Shut your mouth! A man like you should be in prison for heading a Ministry that organised this charade.
This can only happen in a country where the government don't have value for human life.
It is a crying SHAME!
Oga why didn't you spread this applicants across difeerent venues seeing the massive population. Instead u just packed all this people into one venue with only one entrance, seriously oga are u learner or what. In Lagos for instance u could have spread them and used places like Unilag sports center in addition to the sports complex seeing also that the students are on vacation. U sef nor get common sense at allllllllllllllllllll
well he's not lying...Nigerians just cant be orderly.
Imagine the arrant nonsense! How stupid can they(immigration comptr oller and the minister)be to say the whole thousands of applicants do the exercise same day? What were they thinking will happen when there is a conglomeration of toiling and angry youth seeking for employment? And yet this blockhead will come here and talk bunkum.If I were in power,I'll recommend the immediate sack of both the minister of interior and even the comptroller of immigration.Enogh is enough haba!
Who are these fcuking bastards they select as ministers? No compassion, selfish and incompetent. It all points to the incompetent president Jonathan. His cabinet members are a reflection of him. He ought to be impeached.
orderly manner to make the exercise a smooth one. This caused stampede and made the environment unsecured.
Wth???see couple caught having sex in a phone box[pic]orderly manner to make the exercise a smooth one. This caused stampede and made the environment unsecured.
Wth???see couple caught having sex in a phone box[pic]
I guess their offense was trying to get better lives for themselves? It could still be funny.....but the danger that looms ahead, by the time the chips are down, you will all find yourself to blame. My advise "get your things ready and flee this country" it can only get worse.
this fool should be sacked first thing 2mao morning
Impatience.... tell dat to d families of d bereaved n see if u will not b broken into pieces
Agbaya modafucka
Ds man dirty ooooo. See ugly face n. Smelling mouth
Ds man dirty ooooo. See ugly face n. Smelling mouth
Ds man dirty ooooo. See ugly face n. Smelling mouth
If this man really said this, he should be stripped of his position immediately. How does one come on air to say something like this? How sensitive can he be?
Ds man dirty ooooo. See ugly face n. Smelling mouth
Ds man dirty ooooo. See ugly face n. Smelling mouth
Mr abba moro or what ever u call your self u are one of d most useless people I have ever he'd speak, when u don't do things in a right how else do u think it will turn out, u n d people dat collected dat money they blood of those dead people is on your head go to heal idiot. Linda if u like don't post my coment na u sabi or u don join dem share d money
This man is nothing but a big fool and a dickhead....asshole
Very stupid wicked inhuman fellow. May God punish him for saying this useless statement
I dnt blame u, u ve 4goten ur ill gotten money ws stolen 4rm dose dat lost deir lives....Ewu gambia
I need guys that can satisfy me sexually, If you are interested in me,hit my name..
In most countries, the minister will immediately and voluntarily resign. But here the minister will pass the responsibility on dead persons. In a few days everybody will forget this blunder until it happens again. In the alternative, it will take months or years of investigation, public outcry, pressure on the National Assembly before the minister is relieved of his responsibility. In Nigeria, if Boko Haram don't get you, the minister will.
Mr moron or whatever you call yourself,you are a Bastard.If the applicants that died were your relatives you would not have opened your smelling mouth to say such rubbish. Ewu Gambia!!!
520 million, that's ridiculous !!!!! Do they require that much money to organize the recruitment exercise??
Our government clearly doesn't care about us and some people have become multi millionaires because of this exercise
may u die in a stampede also,corrupt soul.
I can't jump d fence and still b affected by d stampede, oga reason
Well He May Have Said The Truth, Nigerians Aint Used To Staying On The Que.. We Like It Fast Way!! Anywaz may there souls R.I.P...
.Linda Your Killing The Fun Of Blogging, Release Comments On Time, It's Becoming Boring Reading Comments Hours Later. #JUSTSOYOUKNOW!!
¤Comment Moderation Disabled¤
I dnt blame u, u ve 4goten ur ill gotten money ws stolen 4rm dose dat lost deir lives....Ewu gambia
He is a stupid idiot. Did he pass through tjat horrifying experience before he got the ministerial job? Is he a more Nigerian than others? We expected him to appologise to Nigerians rather he was talking rubish impatience! We don't blame him
Corrupt country,what happened 2 the pple that lose their life?country where employment is given by connection and not merit. My fellow nirgerians wake up.my advice 2 every applicant is this,while applying for federal work,if you don't, have a God father in abuja my friend sit down in your house,you can only be lucky by miracle.b4 the exam names has been compiled, okwa ka oram name Onu.umunna okwa ya nu?
Dats d country we find ourselves in.no sympathy to d families dat lost their dear ones.how do we expect dem to lead right when they have no concience.if proper plans where made nobody wld ve died.RIP 2 d dead.
Corrupt country,what happened 2 the pple that lose their life?country where employment is given by connection and not merit. My fellow nirgerians wake up.my advice 2 every applicant is this,while applying for federal work,if you don't, have a God father in abuja my friend sit down in your house,you can only be lucky by miracle.b4 the exam names has been compiled, okwa ka oram name Onu.umunna okwa ya nu?
Just open ur mouth to say rubbish, thieves I no blame una.
Is it a curse to be from Nigeria????why was this not done online in this day and age...what is wrong with this people. ..even advanced countries can hardly curtail that kind of crowd....someone should be sacked. ..but sadly nothing will be done once this is off the headline...smh..hisses
May God avenge the death of those poor souls dat died and as for dis moro(n),you and ur allies will know no peace,dos ppl's blood will haunt u till ur last days.WTH
May τ̲̅ђe almighty lord left τ̲̅ђe homes of our leaders deserted, and may they be τ̲̅ђe ones to bury their children. May impatient kill Abba Moro.
Just look at his demonic face. I av said it b4. If we dont kill all these demons we call leaders hnnmm Nigeria is doom.
Kill Obj, Atiku, Buhari, IBB, Bola Tinubu, El Rufai, Gej, Lai Muhamad, Tukor, Maina, Tony Aneni, sheku of BH, Sanusi, Abba moro, all senators and governors, these are superior demons operating in Nigeria. We have to kill them all.
Kill them all
Kill them all
Kill them all
Kill them all
Mr Abaa moro, u are a very stupid man. If u don't know that u are saying rubish. U guys failed to conduct a proper and well arrange test for people that payed 1K to get a job from their country. But u planed very well for them to be paying 1K to seven diffrents banks, so that there ll not be go~ slow for the money to enter ur ministry account. Am sorry for ur life. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Lying minister of interior. How can he say 520,000? Such a big liar. God is watching u.
Mr Abba Moro pls can u hear urslf???? U'r speaking of their impatience when your security system am very sure was poor yesterday. And ur mature old foolish self cnt even sympatize with d family of the dead. U ppl in govt have no atom of sympathy,u hv sold ur hearts to d devil, u dnt care watever happens in as much as ur money does nt reduce by a kobo. D rate at which u leaders treat d citizens i pity you because when God be preparwd for sooo many questions that u cant answer on judgement day. You all dont care about d unemployment situation in d country. It would have been better if you dint say anything. Foolish Old thwart. To think that i even pray for these fools everyday.
Mr Abba is this all you have to say about this? I am personally disappointed in you. Nigerians dont trust in you but God. So u can say what u like.. Inshort nobody even we wrote the test. Those are graphic pix. Smh.
wow imagine the nonsense this man said big shame!!!
Mr Abba is this all you have to say about this? I am personally disappointed in you. Nigerians dont trust in you but God. So u can say what u like.. Inshort nobody even we wrote the test. Those are graphic pix. Smh.
What kind of an idiot is this man. God will make all your kids impatient. His level of stupidity is something else. What else were they supposed 2 do in a situation like that...idiotic old fool. I'm so vexed
Lieing minister of interior. How can he say 520,000? Such a big liar. God is watching u.
Shame on you!,shame on the government! Impatience,have u ever been hungry and unable to feed yourself and your family,unable to pay rent,then u will not dare talk about impatience,how do u conduct and aptitude test this way? In a stadium,im embarrased for Nigeria,where there no other ways to do this in a more orderly way,what do you expect with a crowd of that magnitude in that heat,under such conditions,This is how low we have sunk as a nation,it is a damn shame
Hmmm the money is not even evident in most of these politicians life. I rest my case and may almighty God help his own people no matter how harsh the country/situation is. Amen.
Minister of inferior! Nonsense!! GOD will punish all of them all
Where is our leaders are taken us to? We've missed the track. Only God can save us.
May u neva no rest in ur life again, hw can some1 be so wicked n cruel as dis? He give no respect for d life lost
Y ar u pple so interested in d money dt was paid. Y didn't d lawmakers&Co react to dis immediately NIS made d publication & stop dem then. My advise to d govt bodies is dt next tym dey're doing dis kind of recruitment, dey should give d exam online. Or still make it lyk jamb; post candidates to different centres, reducing so much crowd in one place at a tym.. Dis kind of crowd usually cannot be controlled, & som ppl like fastness so dey must rush & drag tins & cause stampede.
Month'fcukn arsse!!! It was nothing but the incompetence of the NIS and the piss poor way in which they conducted the whole fiasco!! You tell someone to report by 10am and you yourself show up around 2pm....what time will you have to organise them? Why wnt they be impatient? Oh....linda u got it wrong, over 2million people paid N1,000 for the forms,b the 520,000 were just those shortlisted. I got this info since last year. That is 2,000,000 X 1,000 = N2,000,000,000. Or roughly N2billion naira sourced from jobless graduates
I really don't understand what is happening in this country,our leaders would rather lie than to take blames.God pls raise a man that would take us to our promise land.may d souls of those that departed in the process of looking for a government job rest in perfect peace,Amen!#kaka#
This minister has "crook" written all over him...
Hes so stupid 4 sayin dt hw I wish is der kids dt died mumu weak dead country. Abi na
Una no see him face? Like bushmeat. Wit him tribal mark like butt crack. Shege sakare dan iska! God has already passed u pplz judgement.
this goat must be mentally disturbed from saying this nonsense from his mouth with that ugly mark on his face, so if he had lost someone in this same situation ,would he take this comment with a good heart?i dont blame him shaaa when human lives means nothing in nigeria,he should read n learn what they call safety first ,idiot
Lind and why are you so interested in the figure??????????????
What a silly thing for a public servant to say
What rules is he seriously talking abt when u asked pple with o level, ond,hnd and bsc to appear for d same exam same day and same time what exactly was he expecting and to make matters worse u had no plan what so ever to keep d place civil and here he is talking trash..... God help u sir
Mak Satan wif al em followers kill u dia,ur stupid fr sayin dat. Let death visit ur household so u wil kw hw painful it is 2 loose a love 1
This minister of evil must be out of his mind.
Really tho? Usless man.Ndi iberibe
2 persons died in Benin, a pregnant woman nd and a lady. It was rumoured dat d gates 2 d stadium wld be locked few minutes past 6 o clock, so pple started trooping in from 4am 2ndly d stadium has four doors nd only one door was open ow do u expect such number of persons to pass thru such a tiny door + dre was no organisation. So dis man shld shut d fuck up.
This man is a total bastard! May he croak to death and those that will make him happy will bring him only pain and gruesome sadness! They died cos of impatience? Who says such crap???
This man is a nincompoup! Ladies n gentlemen meet Nigeria, the only country in the world where our own leaders and people in authority do and say horse-assed sized crap! And get away with it. God forbid that this man should get away with the heartless words he has vomited! Idiot man!!! Nigerians! On the rubbish treatment that our youth got because they went in search of jobs, and on the death of the 9, or 6, or 7 that paid N1000 as 'death fee', heads must roll!! Starting with this insensitive, clueless, idiotic animal they made interior minister!
Its only in a country like this that someone can be dis insensitive and get away with it! May this man die a painful death! Amen!
God save us in this country....
The words of some people...thank GOD man no b GOD..I for send thunder fire u were u there mr minister ur just opening ur mouth to utter rubbish..tscheeeeew
He's a bastard...his name should be "moron".d blood of d innocent pple they shed will take vengeance...its nt his fault na...I wish I cld jst choke d senseless idiot.
Oga Abba Moron, oh sorry Moro you sure look like one anyways, what you said is bad could you even imagine the kind of pains the parents of the dead youths trying to get a job to better their lives are going through now? There was even a pregnant woman among them and this is all the nonsense you could said? How I wish your first born was among then you will know whatzup, keep making us stronger we will fight back the revolution we have being waiting for will soon arrive. You will have your reward sir as nothing last forever.
This man no fine at all sha with all the money and packaging!!
You can imagine what this minister opened his mouth to say! Becos u r on seat n u hv d opportunity not to look for job! God will jugde u people ruling dis country! Rubbish bastards
How about conduct in batches of 5,000 each Mr minister. Slated time was 9am, your people got there at 4pm. Why weren't officials waiting to begin process inorder to forestall and combat gathering of the huge number? People got there as early as 7am. You incompetent wicked nincompoop! The 1k you collected has only begun to bite you in d arse! Crazy mofo! Resign already!
What do you expect Linda, nobody values human life in Nigeria, it is quite sad!!! Nigeria is a very evil, corrupt and inhumane country!!!whizman
This minster of interior or whatever must have had some cheap stuff before making his comments. His reaction is totally outta point and baseless. From the reports so far across centres, one would expect an apology to the candidates that showed up for the test for the poor organisation while sincerely sympathising with bereaved families.
Unbelievable that a serving minister would make such a careless statement about such a disheartening incidence.
Linda we ur commenters on ur blog r asking 4 d immediate suspension or sack of d interior minister. Clearly he is unfit to serve in such capacity. Blaming applicants for d incompetence of d immigration service recruitment team that cost the lives of over 7 young Nigerians. The recruitment officers were aware of d no of applicants expected on the said day and obviously lack the experience to manage such crowds or just didn't care d consequences of d danger dt could occur as a result.
We ve had enough of this rubbish in Nigeria,average citizens taking 4 granted on a daily basis from posting graduates to boko haram troubled northern cities and making dem run around to get reposted, to this suicide mission called immigration recruitment. The lack of accountability from all levels of service is getting 2 much. Any dickhead will wake up one day n occupy a position in d name of civil service or appointment n carry out his duties in a nonchalant way cos there s no consequence to irresponsibility.
Enough said,all in support of d suspension of dis minister for trivializing d situation should type SACK 5x n post. Dts a step we should all take in solidarity I believe someone important would read n do something abt it. This wild never be taking for granted in a civilized society.public officers r careful of their utterances. Here they wake up n say all sorts of inflammatory things. Pls type n post n let's see it work. Instead do just complaint here. We should take a step further. N pls pple make suggestions wat else u think we should do.After all the voice of d pple is d voice of God.
Unbelievable that a serving minister would make such a careless statement about such a disheartening incidence.
Linda we ur commenters on ur blog r asking 4 d immediate suspension or sack of d interior minister. Clearly he is unfit to serve in such capacity. Blaming applicants for d incompetence of d immigration service recruitment team that cost the lives of over 7 young Nigerians. The recruitment officers were aware of d no of applicants expected on the said day and obviously lack the experience to manage such crowds or just didn't care d consequences of d danger dt could occur as a result.
We ve had enough of this rubbish in Nigeria,average citizens taking 4 granted on a daily basis from posting graduates to boko haram troubled northern cities and making dem run around to get reposted, to this suicide mission called immigration recruitment. The lack of accountability from all levels of service is getting 2 much. Any dickhead will wake up one day n occupy a position in d name of civil service or appointment n carry out his duties in a nonchalant way cos there s no consequence to irresponsibility.
Enough said,all in support of d suspension of dis minister for trivializing d situation should type SACK 5x n post. Dts a step we should all take in solidarity I believe someone important would read n do something abt it. This wild never be taking for granted in a civilized society.public officers r careful of their utterances. Here they wake up n say all sorts of inflammatory things. Pls type n post n let's see it work. Instead do just complaint here. We should take a step further. N pls pple make suggestions wat else u think we should do.After all the voice of d pple is d voice of God.
God will punish u for that stupid statement u made. It's not ur fault, it's because Nigeria is a lawless country and y know nothing will happen to u if not u'd hv been charged for murder for organising a useless test. I mean what kind of test is being organised in a stadium if not that u wanted to defraud people. May d blood of d innocent souls never ever let u be @ peace, may they hunt u all d rest of ur life. Wicked man.
This man is just annoying....
This man is so heartless
May thunder fire ur generation, bloody animal.
Ur face says it all sire, ur less concern abt de affected victims cos u hav pocketed ur own share of de proceed. God will judge u
Na God go punish u and ur generations Mr.interior minister my yansh.
This is the most insensitive statement I ever heard in recent time,oga minister,we are talking of people's lives,de doesn't even have the correct statistics..what a shame..he should just accept that they failed..poor or rather zero organisation.
Sincerely, I rarely post comment on blogs-but this man is such a stupid fool, am sorry if I may be insulting someone's father or otherwise- no single word of remorse- Graduates, graduates after the Ndlea own scam, I was so surprised that people purchased this immigration forms, we know fully well that each minister will have like 50slots n House of reps members only very few will they take from those innocent masses. WE NEED T0 WAKE UP we the youths not by mere words only but by action by the time we take up leadership ourselves. Even abike dabiri that is preaching please can anyone tell me which company she owns that has provided employment for youths, yet chinese are the ones giving out jobs everyday to our youths, go to textiles companies, weavon n hair relaxer companies you will weep for nigerian youths.
Na condition shaaa,may be u've not someone b4....PeAcE
Coming from a Minister am quite surprised, as far as I am concerned. He is responsible for their deaths. They organize written tests without making proper arrangements. I went for NIMASA test I almost got trampled upon if not for the fact that I held tight to a young man's leg and begged him to lift me up before people would trample on me as I was already on the floor!
I am sorry to say, this is a very dull statement by the minister, very silly and irresponsible.
This can only happen in this current government that is now characterized by so many deaths.
God will punishhis family, idiot!
some pple died in ph too. what a country. God send us help.
His is very stupid see his face like something that should be hanging out of the Okija shrine. I only hope that his own children get crushed by a stampede of cows and then he can say that the cows were impatient and that's why his kids had to die. What a damn imbecile!
This guy is a bastard! God punish u
Haba! Make una take small small the lie, in lagos alone I think we are over 500 thousand that took part in the test.
These politicians just talk anyhw. U can't even sympathise with †ђξ families ☀f those that died, instead U re shifting blames. U want 4556 pple for A̶̲̅ job nd yet †ђξ opened †ђξ internet for 520,000 pple if not more. ♓☺w do U justify dat. Why should a citizen ☀f A̶̲̅ country PAY to serve his country??? God will judge U all.
Wicked minister
It serves the youth right since we cant rise to fight these dead idiots called leaders. How can U pay for job application in ur country? yet the number to be taken was not spelt out. God punish evil doers.
I hate our leaders way of doing things.
One word for dis man!.. Beast!.. Wish u de same!..
The minister comments were not only stupid but uncalled for.....in a civilised world those comments are enough to force him out of office
Abba Moro must be out of his mind to react in such a mana...If his child were to be one of the dead candidates, would he have the same reaction?..The whole procesds was a big mess and a slap on the face of our country as a whole..I wonder how the international community would veiw this!
Dis man is freaking heartless dats all.
Wth! It's called submit online to avoid this tragedy. Could they have screened for top candidates another way. It's a shame anyone would need to go to this extent for job. Government needs to offer more opportunities for the citizens. No need to waste lives for employment less than nano in comparison to the population of job seekers. This is pure foolishness! My condolences to the loved ones of those who lost their lives
You're an idiot! What goes around comes around Mr. Minister
This man is worst than a beast. May d blood of d dead youths hunt u to ur grave. I weep 4 Nigeria
He should stfu. It wasn't well organised in the first place
GEJ has to be voted out in 2015. This is exploitation in its most unbridled form. How can a government that claims to have the interest of unemployed youths at heart levy them for application fees and in the process make billions of Naira knowing full well that less than 10% of them stand a chance to get the job? How can a government set such a bad precedence? Why should the Organized Private Sector not follow suit and start charging application fees for their vacant positions? This is just unbelievable. Mr President needs to refund every single Naira that was taken from those applicants. Nigerians must not forget these acts of callousness, corruption and exploitation come 2015.
Ndi oshi
Linda its still 2.3M x3500
Mr Minister, permit me to say that you are a retard, this smacks of stupidity. Kmt.
Ndi oshi
Only God can save us in dis country,all dis politician are useless.May God b wit d families of d peoples dt die
Dishonourable minister you are a moron! When your ministry was busy sending an open invitation and collecting 1k each from about 2 million applicants to write your silly test, you didnt think about logistics. You need to be sacked.
Mtchewww dats a Lie jor, only Edo n Abuja wil be more dan 520,000...so its only 4,556 they picked wots d use?...They wuld hv kept their Job. Those dead persons wuld hv be alive.
He is very right. Nigerians are very difficult to control. May their souls rest in peace though.
Its God that will save us frome these heartless leaders that cannot even commiserated with the families that lost their members.
stupid minister
Abba moro shld go and die already.wicked set of rulers.God punish devil,is dat all he can say abt the death of these pple?I weep for my country
Oga minister, human life is involved oo Show sympathy @ least. In as much as its inpatience but d exercise is not well cordinated n stop lying. Photo speaks
520 million. Nigeria, I hail theeeee.
This comment from the minister show the kind of value the leaders have for people s lives in Nigeria...its a shame
This man is a foolish man and God would deal with him accordingly! What an ignorant statement! People lost their lives and all you can say is "its cos of their impatience" what makes him feel that the people that died were the ones that jumped the fence and stepped out of line? This is what happens when an illetrate becomes a minister! Hiss... God help Nigeria
God forgive you for this comment. Where you there when the jumped the fence???? Its high time the youth stopped talking and start acting. Enuf of this insult na!!!!
this quite unfortunate from a minister, it shows our leaders don t value the life of their citizens
this quite unfortunate from a minister, it shows our leaders don t value the life of their citizens
Linda what are you calculating? It is not 520 million o, he said 2.3 million applicants multiply by 1k. Now give me answer.
He ιƨ a big fool! Even at that, we are still talking about billions..... Even in my state, the crowd ψås massive. Oga, we are talking about participants across the country. Onye oshii!
See his face like that of an armed robber.may thunder fire dat ur mouth abba moro.useless minister.hvnt u pocketed the 2billion naira?.fowl,onye oshi
God punish you stupid man. is it that difficult for him to commiserate with the families of the dead?
Oh pls ! This mN is clueless . No value for human life. Naija matter taya me .
Since his family were not affected , ℓ̊ don't want τ̲̅ȍ use •̸ϞƔ mouth τ̲̅ȍ curse U̶̲̥̅̊ buh thy Lord will judge U̶̲̥̅̊ according τ̲̅ȍ Ūя̲̅ handwork
Bastard mofo..... The suffering and smiling therapy is sooo exhausting a rational meaning!! You wana suffer and smile,cool!!how abt your childrn and grandchildrn,can they also survive in this harsh economic condition the way you could?? Remembr tomorow doesn't get better! Moro is for 'moron'#cheezyjayne
Mr Abba Moro,if you truly you made the above statement,then you are a stupid and inconsiderate bastard.If politicians like you were not mismanaging our commonwealth, there would not have such a rush,and the eventual stampede.
In other words, they made 520 billion naira from just application #lies
These are the kinds of old fools mr preseident surrounds himself with! If the govt had provided jobs or created a better environment for self employment will these innocent youths die? I still wonder where fed govt(finance minister) got d statistics for d "youwin" jobs created in 2yrs!
Mr Moro,may karma bitch you till you vacate that sit #rubbish
Just be grateful to your god you are in a country like Nigeria where the president and his vuvuzelas(reno and abati) haven't deemed it proper to address the nation on this matter #nonsense and ingredients!
I spit on your office
Comments like this lose people their jobs, in Nigeria, comments like this is just swept under the rug like dirt. No ya wa God dey.
It's people's lives doesn't amount for anything anymore in this country, I million people could die today and our rulers won't be moved so long no family member of theirs is involved, those people died due to poor coordination and organisations on your part, how are your suppose to conducted examination for 58,000 people at once in one location, even Jesus couldn't have performed that miracle in his time.
na god go punish una for d lies.pple deceive pple.ur children must reap something worst.
Mr Abba Moro is a crazy power-shadowed man... How culd he be dis hrtless? Not evn d tiniest consolation speech to thr families...???
May the Lord and allah, any 1 u worship, strike that your mouth. Look @ what u telling the parents that lost the life of dia children. So shall boko haram visit ur children, even if they r nt in naija cos I beliv, any wher they re up growing Osama bin ladden visit dem dia. Wicked ass hole. A family wil collectivly train their child in skol, after all huldles in de university n NYSC. He or she dies out of ur untrained position. Inshort don't worry, BIG FOOL. (Corper Godstime)
This are the kind of persons rubbishing the person and integrity of Mr.president thereby exposing him to public criticism.Anyways,I don't really blame Mr interior cos those who died r just from d existing clan,if only there were from the living clan,his office would have been shout up.I don't and will never speak ill of any one in political office cos I have once witness the deliberate attempts of few allies to twart d effort of others in attempts to undo one and another.The problem is not with GEJ,instead,it lies with Nigerian Youths who are aftermaths of a long military regime that has affected their psyche and raped their hope hence by now,they ought to have been a match to ASO rock.My own submission is that they died for a revolution that will one day,avenge their untimely demise.Rest in peace comrades of my fatherland.Adieu gallants of our time ur death will spark that change that will gurantee a better tomorrow for our fatherland.Tell our other fallen heros of our slavery in the land they fought for.Rest in peace Amazons of our time
This are the kind of persons rubbishing the person and integrity of Mr.president thereby exposing him to public criticism.Anyways,I don't really blame Mr interior cos those who died r just from d existing clan,if only there were from the living clan,his office would have been shout up.I don't and will never speak ill of any one in political office cos I have once witness the deliberate attempts of few allies to twart d effort of others in attempts to undo one and another.The problem is not with GEJ,instead,it lies with Nigerian Youths who are aftermaths of a long military regime that has affected their psyche and raped their hope hence by now,they ought to have been a match to ASO rock.My own submission is that they died for a revolution that will one day,avenge their untimely demise.Rest in peace comrades of my fatherland.Adieu gallants of our time ur death will spark that change that will gurantee a better tomorrow for our fatherland.Tell our other fallen heros of our slavery in the land they fought for.Rest in peace Amazons of our time
You're such an idiot have said that. Am sure all your kids are out of Nigeria. Anu mpama
Can you imagine??? Is this thing a human being or some demon out to suck the blood of innocent people??? May God have mercy on you...
his son and daugther will die next thats if the imbecile is even potent enuf to fertile someone...human with goat appearance
Moro is an incompetent Idiotic Moron. Impatient indeed after keeping dem for 10hours.
Y didnt dey just conduct d exam in batches..must dey all write on a particular day considering d number of applicants..our leaders are senseless n must pay for d loss of lifes dey caused.
Please tell me , who thought of making such a man a minister. He did not even ever tried to sit down with his officers to assess possible risks before introducing such a voodoo recruitment exercise. shame! Shame!!Shame!!!
Mr. Aba, what laid down rules? In lagos it was God that saved ashmatic patient from the teargas, no plans, U̶̲̥̅̊ just gathered people to suffer, U̶̲̥̅̊ call it impatient, I pray U̶̲̥̅̊ will loose ur children one after the other if it takes me to fast and pray about this I will do it. U̶̲̥̅̊ don't know we ran after the officials to get question paper, people fighting for question papers. Everything was terrribly wrong with what U̶̲̥̅̊ guys did. Moro U̶̲̥̅̊ are a failure and I pray U̶̲̥̅̊ will feel the pains the families of the deceased are feeling soon. May God punish U̶̲̥̅̊ and ur entire family. U̶̲̥̅̊ will never smell good in life. U̶̲̥̅̊ talk about impatient as if U̶̲̥̅̊ were there! Ko ni da fun awon omo lailai. Linda, please make my comment visible.
Its so painful how people paid 1k for their death all in the name of interview. May their soul rest in peace...
No one should blame the applicants for any thing. Abba, as an educated man I expect more from u n the nis. U already know the number of people that applied for the job, as an educated person I tot the exam will be done the way jamb n weac board conduct theirs and after the result r out. The qualified applicants will come for the physical training but becos u don't want to spend the 6billion naira, u had to invite 56000 applicants to a open space to write on their feet n u expect them to behave well. The nis provided only 1000question papers for 56000 applicants, I was an eye witness n I know wat I am saying so abba do not say wat u don't know cos u were in ur office counting the 6billion naira n laughing at the youth. As those youth died on sat, u will also die on sat n someone else will sit n count ur wealth.
Mumu like you
This minister must be crazy......shame on u idiot
Very cynical statement
Chines Man Hammers 3 Long Nails Into His own Head
Why u say that?
Out of anger I typed like a crazy person
For those of you calling on God and leaving it in God’s hands, SNAP OUT of it! I am feed up of this religiousness that is holding back the country. God is looking down and laughing at you all. Nigerians are the most prayerful people in the world. They go to church and mosques and shrines diligently, pay tithes and offer human parts to whom ever they worship. They follow the instructions of their pastors and imams and babalawos to the T. But our dear country continues to disintergrate even more rapidly. So as you close your eyes and kneel to pray your leaders, pastors etc are carrying your money in Ghana must go bags onto their private jets and flying them to foreign islands. Wake up. You voted these fools in, it is time to vote them out. I read somewhere that 60% of the country is made up of people between the age of 17 and 35. If it is true we can vote them out and take back the country. We have now learnt our lesson that because someone says they have a phd and an underdog doesn’t quite mean they have the ability to rule or have our best interest in mind. Our leaders are evil. And I am including the religious ones too. They hate us. They are selfish and self centered. Evil has permeated our country. When hundreds of human beings, citizens are being slaughtered daily and NOT one single religious leader or even the dumbo president has come forward to viciously condemn it. They don’t even blink anymore. Susuwam’s state was attacked by Fulani terrorist a few days ago , many of his citizens were killed the very next day he was seen in Jos dancing at Jang’s 70th birthday party. Our leaders are Evil they hate the people who trekked miles, stood in the rain and sun to vote for them. God, my fellow BNers, only help those who help themselves. We should not tolerate this anymore. We should vote them out come 2015. We should start a movement. Think of your future, all your dreams – they can’t be realized in this present condition. We need and deserve better. God will not help us, only we can help ourselves. I have spoken.
i wonder who appointed Irresponsible People like this to be minister. Without condolence to the bereaved family, without investigation, he is blaming the victims. Poor organisation by the organizers doesn't matter to him. Quite irresponsible statement.
i wonder who appointed Irresponsible People like this to be minister. Without condolence to the bereaved family, without investigation, he is blaming the victims. Poor organisation by the organizers doesn't matter to him. Quite irresponsible statement.
Fuck you. May you die of inpatience.
We all can now see how stupid he thinks.
That's why is name is moron idiot
Exactly what I told a friend today. Them no see jamb ask how dem dey do their exams?
On a 2nd thought, it's possible they do not want to spend much in exam preparation. They are thieves.
Minister of whatever, the anger of God must visit you and your household. Useless old fool, idiot do you know what happened on that day.thunder fire you there
This Minister shd resign or be forced out!sack em!!!!the Comp gen of NIS shd follow as well....is he alrite 1k for application wat abt d Civil service forms pple ve bn filling!cldnt dey ve shortlisted?u capitalised on d fact dat no job in d Country exploited them and had d guts to yarn rubbish!he shd be sacked and den thrown in EFCC Cell while investigation to recover the money is on....xoxo Charmie
This Minister shd resign or be forced out!sack em!!!!the Comp gen of NIS shd follow as well....is he alrite 1k for application wat abt d Civil service forms pple ve bn filling!cldnt dey ve shortlisted?u capitalised on d fact dat no job in d Country exploited them and had d guts to yarn rubbish!he shd be sacked and den thrown in EFCC Cell while investigation to recover the money is on....
The useless BH sect no go see these ones go bomb oo na to go attack innocent pple say them dey fight for a course!!!these days pple move without brains!ds one na Man-Made....
Another moron minister in GEJ's cabinet. Leaving graduates unemployed for years isn't enough for these leaders, they have now decided to open office on their head. yet it is the same Nigeria money is been looted in billions on a daily basis by these politicians. #Hiss!!!!
This Man is a Clown!he said he conducted d exercise in transparency!smh ds guy get brain @all!wt happened to strategies!who go mark d papers,supervise?this Man called himself as an experienced Teacher!he obviously na half backed Teacher.....
Linda post comments na!!!can't find my comments!!!This Minister shd resign or be forced out!sack em!!!!the Comp gen of NIS shd follow as well....is he alrite 1k for application wat abt d Civil service forms pple ve bn filling!cldnt dey ve shortlisted?u capitalised on d fact dat no job in d Country exploited them and had d guts to yarn rubbish!he shd be sacked and den thrown in EFCC Cell while investigation to recover the money is on....
A very big Amen to that!
Written exam in a stadium? With which table? Such an exam has no credibility. Goes to show you that they had already employed those they wanted to, before the exam. Those who died may have been quietly behaving in a civilized manner while others caused the stampede that killed them. If you use a stadium for anything and you don't have competent and adequate security, expect anything, anywhere in the world.
May God punish you for saying that. You are a big fool. Do u even know wot people are going through? I'm so angry with you for this stupid comment.
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