Jasvir Ram Ginday throttled Varkha Rani and tried to destroy her remains in an incinerator after going through with the arranged marriage to please his parents.
The couple tied the knot in a lavish ceremony in India last March – even though Ginday, 30, had confided in a friend years earlier that he was attracted to men, the jury were told. Continue...
The defendant had travelled to the subcontinent with his mother to find a bride and met several women before a match-maker known to both families introduced him to Miss Rani.
Prosecutor Debbie Gould told a jury the couple became engaged ‘at the end of a meeting which lasted several hours’, with Miss Rani’s family believing Ginday to be ‘a perfect match for their intelligent, well-educated, and attractive young daughter’.
The bride, who had completed a degree and a master’s degree in science and information technology in India, moved to the UK to live with Ginday in August after being granted a visa.
But just a month later, police discovered the unrecognisable remains of the 24-year-old bride in the back garden of the home they shared with other members of Ginday’s family.
Miss Gould said that after killing his wife, Ginday had forced her body into a 22-inch deep metal incinerator in an alley beside their home.
He called police that night to report her missing – claiming she had walked out after assaulting him and had only married him for a visa to get into the UK.
Miss Gould said: ‘His ultimate intention was to play the role of victim, safe in the knowledge that he could rely on his married status as a permanent excuse for never having another relationship with a woman...his respectability and that of his family’s would be secured.’
He ιƨ mad! I mean he will rot in hell. Asshole!
Choi! God abeg o
Jizox...wot is it with all these gay clan bikonu?!...poor girl.
He's a heartless fool! Did anyone coarse him to marry any babe? I don't get it.
This gay murderer lacks d milk of human kindness.He deserves the law of moses,murder for murder,burning for burning
This is evil at its peak.
I said it no sane person would choose to bone his kind.
The type of evil that makes the devilshiver
He must face the full wrath of the law
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Shey this is what Nigerians want? Let gay people be gay, una say no. You want them to marry and have kids. Ngwanu, when frustration leads them to start beating and murdering you in the arranged marriage na that time una go remember say na your mouth you use cause trouble.
He ιƨ mad! I mean he will rot in hell. Asshole!
Lyf sha.....wetin eyes no go see!!!
thats fucked uo wow God will judge u bastard
Mehn, this guy is so damn wicked.... After killing her, he wanted to destroy her body too.... Life imprisonement should not pass this baga by.......
This man is heartless!
May her soul R.I.P... And may God console the family......
Linda nkea be uwa mmebi. Jikere onwe gi oo!
*My R1.50c comment *
Imagine!!!SMH,the heart of man is certainly desperately wicked.
So sad for young girl wt such promising future to end in an incinerator......... Sometimes especially in cases like this jungle justice is preferred
Pressures of arranged marriages! Kai! Just too sad!! Indians need to do away with this their arranged marriages abeg.
Guess you get most of ur foreign news from UK Daily Mail Huh?
End time so devilish
Heartless man
d idiot 'denies a charge of murder but has admitted manslaughter' BhuhahahooKO i laff in afghanistan* lik seriouslY uR cup don full... With a loud voice JAIL-HIM
there are other ways of going abt his gayness not killing the girl he married, he is so stupid, poor innocent girl
Wicked man! If you are gay why not remain gay instead of this fake marriage? After all it is legal in UK.
You shd ve let her go why killing her too bad
He likes like Ramsey noauh
(Miss Rani’s father, Surjit Singh told the jury he had no idea his son-in-law was gay, and didn’t even know what the term meant. He said through an interpreter that he had been ‘shocked and distressed’ after British police had explained it to him) ..... I agree with the man on this, I never knew anything like GAY existed before until few years back after I finished secondary school. Never knew men could sleep with their fellow men not to talk of some countries legalizing the evil act. The deceased father is as old as the oldest man on earth yet he never knew such existed. It boils down to the fact that the WEST (AMERICA/UK) are trying to force their demon possessed cultures down other countries throats.
Justice must be prevail..
He should have spared the poor girl and leave her to enjoy her life peacefully with someone else..the truth should have been better..
OMG! Why oh why... That was just too much, killing her is not just the best way to go about it. Why not fucking stick to your gay things must you marry to please anyone.. Just feel for the deceased family sha..
This is what happens when you try to stiffle people's sexuality.
This is what happens when parents and society don't accept and respect their children's sexuality. I'm not homophobic neither am i for proud of it. But this breeds downlow brothers i.e ONYXY GODWIN of lib and in the closet brothers ie Dayo Dane, Denrele and many more in the industry and politics and those are the kind i despise.Some go to the extent of getting married. Until society starts to accept and respect people's sexuality things like this will continue to happen and women will continue to be in the dark about their gay husbands. This is an epidemic and somethings gotta give, society should let this people come out of the closet and be proud so we unsuspecting females won't fall into their trap tho looking at that Indian guys pic and eye brows, she must really be naive to think he was straight. My 2 cents.
Na waoh
Oh, may God punish ds man. may u b sad for de rest of ur life n live in misery n sorrow. Ds is so painful... rip to de deceased n may God comfort ur family n friends. kai am so bitter concerning ds..
Wicked Gay man....... it's not enough been Gay yet u carried out anoda crime.
This is so heartbreaking and things like this might start happening in Africa aswell just bcos of d anti gay law people would do anything just to hide their sexuality from families and the law
I honestly feel sorry for our young girls bcos they tend to fall prey
Need i say that this couple live 2houses away from mine.
Lord help our generation
Mamma mia luv
This world is evil.why go that far? And for what?
Do to Nigerian culture and religious addiction there are millions of Nigerian that are married right now to hide there homosexuality because the consequence that will come out if people find out the are gay and it's really bad every human been need to be free and be who you want to be no matter your sexual orientation.
This isn't fair . Hw can pple b wicked.if it ws his sister or mom dat wat butchered like dat hw wiLl he feel.parents should stop match making their children oooo.allow dem to start up a relationship bfor forcing dem to get married @ least d girl will know who shez gonna b spending d rest of her life with. MAy her soul rest in peace
OMG, can't hold me tears. We re truly in a wicked world. Rest in peace! The guy should be made to pay for his atrocity.
this wicked man shld be sent to prison immidiately.stupid gay thing
Am so so crying. Wat pure wickedness n cruel hatred can pervert d heart of men?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. No trial is needed for this hideous monster plz..... Death by - buring with fuel.....
Hmmmmmm! Victim of circumstance!
Hmmmmmm! Victim of circumstance!
14yrs had better be re-visited o o before our girls become furniture and display tinz for some gay guys. WTH? God have mercy.
God help us all in d hands of wicked ppl
Hmmmmmm! Victim of circumstance!
Life imprisonment with hard labor. Then every morning, his balls should be squeezed.
SHOCKED!!!!! The heart of man is desperately wicked. he is the devil himself, he should face the full wrath of the law. An eye for an eye.
He should have come out openly n say his mind than putting the innocent girl throug all that pains n later kill her.May he never know, know joy or peace of mind for killing her. stupid foolish gay.since he is happy having sex with a man like himself well he is going to have a lot of fun from his cell mate.
When he knew he cudnt stand having a female partner, why dint he just explain to her and plead with her for a divorce rather than kill her? Was killing her the best option? Okay he shld just face the penalty,dahz it!
Homo pple, smh, bla bla. Oya defend ur filthy selves
sorry to the dead u married cuz of wealth now see what it has caused u ur life R.I.P
#milito da great#
See how this pretty girl's life has just been wasted by this stupid boy
Imagine dis kind of wickedness seriously Linda am speechless because because Kai,I dnt knw.
Hehehehehe... I can't fit close my mouth... This is wickedness. May her soul RIP.
wao very bad what is d world turning to.?
Hummmmm...dis is serious...don't know some cowards still exist...wat is so wrong in declaring his sexuality? I so much pity d innocent woman....now he is gonna pay wit his life too cos of his cowadice
Man's inhumanity against man shall never go unpunished,certainly must be revenged if not by God,then man.For the privailation of bad over Good is just but temporal.What a waste of brain.my further submission,people should be allowed to live their life without any enforcement or enforcer.........am no fan of gayism but sometimes let's allow things to be without trying to change them forcefully.for after all deeds on earth,the judgement is of the Lord who said and I quote"all souls belongs to me".I hate gayism,don't sell it to me and if that's ur way,keep it to urself but u should be bold enough to let me knw so u don't rubbish anothers life.
Man's inhumanity against man shall never go unpunished,certainly must be revenged if not by God,then man.For the privailation of bad over Good is just but temporal.What a waste of brain.my further submission,people should be allowed to live their life without any enforcement or enforcer.........am no fan of gayism but sometimes let's allow things to be without trying to change them forcefully.for after all deeds on earth,the judgement is of the Lord who said and I quote"all souls belongs to me".I hate gayism,don't sell it to me and if that's ur way,keep it to urself but u should be bold enough to let me knw so u don't rubbish anothers life.
As vagina sweet reach, u still do the rods. Why will you kill and burn a human being? That's wickedness. All you gay mofos Dick is for VAGINA and VAgina Is for dicks.
As vagina sweet reach, u still do the rods. Why will you kill and burn a human being? That's wickedness. All you gay mofos Dick is for VAGINA and VAgina Is for dicks.
Most married men are closet gays... Their wifes are jst beards...
Chai,and he burnt the long indian hair.people are wicked
This is what happens when you force gay people to get married to conform with cultural/ religious reasons. Sit back and wait for similar stories from Nugeria in the near future.
Y not divorce her,do u ve to kill her? Hmm poor girl,I cannot even imagine how her family will b feeling right nw,they will blame demselves for sending their child to die. God na only u know hw u go judge d people of this world. May her soul rest in peace
stupid irritating gays
Oloshi gay boy....very wicked animal. Some of our 9ja men are going thru this too. They married their wives becos everybody else was getting married but don't feel any type of love towards the women. They would much rather be with another man.
Association of gays. !!! Jisie nu ike oh. Why not let the woman go even after marrying her and seeing that he still wanted to pursue his 'ambition' of gayism. He shldnt worry, he will see his pals in jail.
Chai , what devil can do in someone's life.DERA MI
Why did he marry n.... Na God go purnish am after d law must have... RIP to d wife
This gay of a thing is claimining lifes. Wonder how a man will hate the most delicious, honey & sweet thing as Vagina
A lot of them are here in nigeria. Belief it or not, they exist.
This is a horrific story. The carnibal will surely face full rath of the law here on earth and eternity.
It is well....dats all I can say.
This is really absurd, he must pay for what he has done.
Lagos girls this is coming for u
Dats what Discrimination,Hatred and makin Laws dat wud make Gay guys live a False life n Pretending 2b wat dey are not!!! So sad he killd d wife -_- ....he shud av broken up with her and still b ind Closet rather killing her !!! He shud b sent to jail den for killing. Nigerians can u learn frm diz #LiveandLetLive#LovenotHatred#Beyourself#StopDiscrimination#FreedomtoLove
no be everybody like beans
See d disgusting twerp's face sef,may u rot in jail oo...see as he go waste dat fine babe
Dey could still discover dat she was strangled from a badly burnt body...smh for our investigation system here
Its horrible....
why kill her now?
why kill her now?
N people continue to call gays normal people, devilish act to d core, serious work of devil, stupid gays, claimin God made dem dat, not knowin dey made dem selves, useless, he should ve let her go dats all.
These people* typo
I hope this happens to many girls in nigeria,leave gay people alone.
Nigerians are so stupid,I have read many comments, and nobody is tackling the main issue,this is what happens when u suppress someones sexuality, assuming this man was allowed to be gay,this woman won't be dead. Its good for her,may this happen to many nigerian girls.
Na fine boy she marry, she prolly was wondering why the guy won't touch her, kiss her, and make her feel like a woman.
She prolly found out the guy is gay and the rest is history.
Oh God, please save your people from the hands of wicked and unreasonably men.
Fine boy, rich boy, swag, no be today.
It's wives u fag
there are other ways of going abt his gayness
not killing the girl he married, he is so stupid,
poor innocent girl
must see:-female banker who slept with customer for him to bank with her bank photos leak. (18+ only) see photo here
Speak english and stop behaving like an idiot.
then someone will sit down there and tell me gay people aren't evil and mentally fucked - Only God can help them
Evil act
Meet the 67 year old woman who rubs sperm on her face to prevent ageing
Of course u wud know cos u gettin pounded in the ass by some.
Why you come marry am nah? Ndi mmadu sef...
I'm not suprise he killed her, because he is already poses with demon call GAH. I keep saying it that any person that practice same sex marriage is under influence of evil spirit because it's evill. thank GOD for naija government over this, but believe me he will get total deliverance without consulting any man of GOD when them Sama him life jail stupid animal!
It will come to u first, idiot.
He didn't muder his wife cos he is gay, he did that because he is a sick bastard, I feel so sorry for the girl's family, they didn't force him to get married, this is so sad..
Those linking this man's heinous crime to suppressed homosexuality are making it too easy for him. As someone else pointed out, he lives in a country where he could tell his parents to take a hike and live openly gay. Face it. He's a psychopath who indulged his urge to kill. His sexuality had no bearing on his conscious choice to take his innocent victim's life.
And the useless slack UK will only probably give him 4yrs..Come to Texas let us give him a death sentence after suffering in life waiting for the d day smh.
Yeah especially in a world where most crimes r commited by straight ppl. U can't force ppl to love who they don't. Period!
Lol... na d hair b ur own problem
Amara u r very silly. Isn't he in Europe? Did anyone thr stop him frm being his gay self? He is d one dat wanted to pls his family. He cld hv gone ahead & opened up after all he is old enough to account 4 himself. Abi did his wife force d marriage on him? So u r now saying dat every fay person in Nigeria shd bcom a murderer? What abt pple suffering silently abt other issues like divorce coz d family & society frown @ it? Shd they also kill their spouses? Or people in forced marriages too? I Dnt knw if u r really a lady, but if u are I hope u fall victim of such frustrated gay men.
Forensic autopsy
Stupid man.
those of u saying dt he murdered his wife cuz of his suppressed sexuality r quite dumb,seriously! Wat d man dd is inexcusable,4 pete's sake he stays in a country whr gay rights is legalize..so y kill his wife? Ds act only proves dt gay ppl r beasts n shdnt b allowed 2 xist amongst humans! Retarded asshole,u'll rot in jail n hell
He is heartless, just because he's gay??? Dem force am to marry d girl? He for don tell dem he no de into women na. It's unfortunate, may her soul rest in peace
well people, this is very unfortunate. truth be told, there are high numbers of gay Nigerian men in NIGERIA hiding under "being married" doing the same thing or worse. The difference is that the lack of upholding the law disguises the reality. we are not better than any other society. Beware...
You are so right mahn.
@ Anon 6:07 PM,
You MUST be a witch! May what you just proclaim befall all the female you have ever come to love in your life..and that includes every female family member of yours! Stupid perverts!
Go and do your research on arranged marriages in the Indian community then!
I hope the guys in prison bang him every day of his life till he is sore and dies
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