‘I don’t think I’ll forget the tight knot I felt in the pit of my stomach the morning I received the text message with three simple words on the screen. It read 'I’m getting married’ and it was from the man I’d spent more than 10 years of my life with.
‘Years that included us getting engaged in 2000 and becoming parents to one daughter and two sons. Yet not long after our separation Lamar Odom was getting married to Khloe Kardashian, a woman he’d met four weeks before.’
‘How could the man who’d constantly given me reason after reason for why we couldn’t get married just yet now be ready to tie the knot so quickly? There aren’t words to explain how I felt that day.’Wow! That's life! See more after the cut...
I struggled to deal with all the groupies around him and with whatever else that was going on and just stayed put. My denial came to an abrupt end in 2006 after the death of Jayden. Lamar and I never really talked about our loss, which I know wasn’t healthy and also meant our relationship would never last. It couldn’t. I found out soon after that he’d had a long-term relationship with another woman—a relationship he said he’d end but he didn’t—and that was that.
We kept things cordial for the
children’s sake after the breakup, but that changed when he married
Khloe. Now we only communicate through third parties and lawyers, which I
regret deeply since it is exactly what we each experienced as children
and said we wouldn’t do to our kids.
only met Khloe once, at my request since she is my children’s
stepmother and I felt it was important to get a sense of her and what
she’s like around my children. It was a very pleasant meeting, she gave
me a hug so I’m happy it happened.
some frown upon my decision to do a reality show, I agreed to be a part
of “Starter Wives” so I could tell my own story of how things unfolded
after Lamar married Khloe. We weren’t really together so I didn’t fall
apart as many have suggested. I’ve have to deal with a lot of tabloid
lies as the result of all the attention Lamar gets since he’s married to
someone so famous.
be honest I’m really doing the show for my daughter to prove to her
that you can get up and move on after things fall apart. I did it to
show her how you make mistakes and fix them and that you can never give
up on yourself. She needed to see that and hear it from me. I think I
also hope my father sees it as well. The only time I’ve seen my dad in
recent years was at the funeral for my son. That was the first time
Lamar had ever met him or that the kids had a chance to meet him. I’d
really love for my kids to have their grandparents in their lives.
They've met Lamar's father (his mother passed away before we met) and
are very close to my mother. I’d like to see that change and see them
have relationships with both of their grandfathers.
I continue to move on with my life, it can be difficult to avoid
hearing about the Kardashians day in and day out. But I do what I can to
ignore the constant chatter and I try to keep it from the kids as well
so they can have a life that is as normal as possible. I am hopeful that
one day I will have a cordial relationship again with Lamar, but until
then I have to think of myself and the future I’d like to have given
that I’m still in my early 30’s.
know Lamar wasn’t that happy with the show but it’s helping me move on
with my life by getting my truth out there and that’s what’s important.
I’m taking college courses now to help with my dream of creating a skin
care line in the future. I spent a great deal of my young life focused
only on Lamar and his world. That’s all over now. I'm looking forward to
meeting someone new and finding a love again and finally walking down
the aisle. I'm hopeful that I'll find someone willing to be a role model
and a father figure for my children. They deserve that. Today it’s
about me and the kids and moving forward. No anger or regrets. Just
lessons learned and good days ahead.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»Let her pack Well jor. Why now? Where did she come from? Is she insinuating that Kloe broke up her home or what? Not a fan of the kadashian but this woman is just hungry for fame.
There's a striking resemblance between the ladies tho!
And I used to like Lamar before o...*sobbing*
Wow!what a story. And 2 fnk I had so much respect 4 Lamar Odom.men and rat are dsame cos de kip looking 4 new holes.Kapeash?
Men?????????? Don't worry it is well with u.
Linda abi na wetin be ur name,beta post my comment if not am gonna get ur ass wacked
This makes me really sad! So heartfelt!! It's so easy for a man to get a woman pregnant and move on, whereas its a completely different case for the women, I can't help but feel she's been cheated. She's brave, very brave indeed, I don't know how I would handle the situation......
Honey I so support u, and I wish u a fufilling career. All d best dear
Huh! I love dz open letter .. Life goes on.. Thz open letter shows aw mature she is sha... Men, may God save us women 4m dem. They are so full of lies, can't figure out y.. It is well
Chaii, its a pity ooh but anyhow life goes on.
So he left a fertile land' not knowing he was entering a barren land...and that is how God catches the wise in their craftiness!
So so sad, men frm one pussy to another dirty dick.
Ladies, don't commit or pop kids for a man that you don't have a marriage certificate with. I feel sad for story but she is to blaim for it. You spend ten years with a man, you have not one but three kids for him without him marrying you?......boo, you are the stupid one!
Wao! Liza, smtyms lyf z jst lyk dat. U get d opposite of dat u seek. I lyk ua courage nd determination 2 move on. I also cherish d fact dat u didn't accuse anybdy 4 wat happened, datx nt weakness, itx strength. May d almighty grant u ua hrt desires
Hmmmmmmm! So touched by this Story sha o! And to think Chloe has turned him to a Mumu finally! Na wah for Men! God forgive me o,, Maybe that's why they can't even have kids! God no dey sleep na!
O my really feel for her,wan cry. Men will always cheat! I blame it on Lamar not Khloe for leaving his family behind just to be with a Kardashian but they say what goes around comes back around. He'll reap it and regret. Cud it be why he and Khloe aint got kids yet?
Good Right up! Khloe isn't a bad person at all, Lamar is a good dad! Considering the fact tht u two weren't married, painful, but u just ve to try let go dear, Salaam.
Touching! Nice u are moving on girl, just take it gradually. U'll find love soon
But this kind of tin can pain shaa! Chineke meeeee....
That's deep...i pray you find you find your happy ending Miss Morales.She n Khloe seem to share some type of resemblance...
Eeyah poor lady.. She kinda Looks like klhoe a lil
So touching! Pele o, u probably had something he didn't fancy in u ...check urself woman
Move on madam u guys re nt meant for each other.
Surprise. Never knew Lamar has kids. But hey, it is what it is!
Btw, she's cuter than khloe!
Stories dat touch! Abegi mk we hear wrd. No woman shld eva dedicate her lyf completely 2 any man. Educate urself n do thgs 2 promote urself in lyf. If u choose nt 2 den uve got no1 2 blame but urself.
Dat is america 4 u,have children wit one n marry d oda!
“One day he will find that girl and do all the right things with her, he would pay her all the attention she needs, he would put her first, he would include her in his decision making, she will be one of his top priorities, he would listen to even her unspoken words and he would show her he loves her everyway he can...he would be honest with her...he wouldn’t switch off his phones on weekends and public holidays, he would want to spend time with her even if he doesn’t have the time, he would make out time...he would be concerned when she says she is ill, with her he would be able to acknowledge when he is wrong and apologize without being asked to...he wouldn’t make her feel she is being oversensitive when she calls him to his errors...he will make her feel she is enough for him and he wouldn’t have a problem showing commitment to her. And that is just how life is.”
na wah oh, dat is why as a woman dont live your life for any man, live your own life
Hmmmmm,am just of words really!!!Such is Life,Girl thaNK God for ur life and ur kids...Men ehnnn????
Wow, very mature and well written, broken hearts shouldn't always end with bitterness and pain.. we could take all that out and endevour to be happy.. no matter how much it hurts at first.. eventually it goes away and we get to smile again.. i know cos i have loved and lost too.
her story is quite touching,she did d right thing by taking courses she might be lucky to meet a celebratey one of these and beside she is a pretty diva
She's a grown woman and she deserves an excellent and normal life with her kids. God bless her.
Yes it is questionable that he married Khloe after just 4weeks..but He wasnt married to you! He loved you and for some reason things werent working out..if u had stated how long u guys were separated for..then we can really say he was afta somthng else..but then..Its heart breaking and will hurt..but move on with ur ife happily and dont cause any Drama for them. Let God be the Judge!
yaay first comment ,please post my comment @ the Ex move on Khloe and Lamar are happy , so try and be happy too. Ady
aww! God will provide a good man for you. That's why u shouldnt ave children before marriage! Anything can happen.
bizzare that they both look so darn alike...i guess Khloe knows what kind of women he is likely to lose Lamar to
Yeyy!!! Ten good years without saying I DO eh?...which correct naija babe go do that kind tin?...
SO SAD..............MEN SHA...my question is,did lamar get married to khloe for the fame or love..
Wow! A speech dat won't hurt khloe nor Lamar. . . Go girl, long life awaits!
Whoaa touching....U av to be independent and productive 2get respect rm a man!! Glad she picked up d pieces Life goes on!!!!!!!!
No wonder he's not bothered if he has kids with khloe or not cos he has kids already.selfish man
Tales by moonlight. All I'm gonna say is: Lamar's freaking tall!!!!.... Woah
wats the whole pity party for!!! mtcheeeew
This is a message to all saying do not build your life around your partner ONLY anything can happen...but na wa for d kadashians..
Wow!!!! Emotions running high. "And then I slowly morphed into the girl I promised myself I’d never become, the girl who stayed long after she knew she shouldn’t" #tear drops#...... Men!!!!!!am speechless.. Tears rolln down my cheeks
ive always said that in most happy endings,someone is hurting...even though we celebrate Khloe and Lamar's love,how do we explain liza's pain?
isnt it funny how khloe and Liza have this striking resemblance?
well,we do know that lamar is the best and only thing that has and will happen for khloe...hope their marriage lasts!!!
I love the way she's handling it...moving on but ladies always avoid this pit hole...u are never married to a man until u are married. Do not make assumptions just becos u have kids together!and always do have a life of your own cos even the marriage certificate is not a guarantee for 'forever'...linda pls publish ma post..cheers
You will definitely be happy again.
Those KarTrashians should go away already.
What a graceful and classy lady.
Very reasonable, '...no regrets...just lessons learned'. That's the best way to move forward in life. Not spending so much time in the past as the future walks right before your eyes.
ehyaa... Some love stories are like that
Eyah! Stories that touch. Am happy u'v decided to move on with ur life n focus more on ur children n career. A guy they say just knows when he meets d one 4 him. I pray u get ur fairytale wedding n happy endings
it is a very good lesson of if you can't close your legs before walking down the aisle, only let something go and never let anything out.
So touchy ,I feel ur pain dearie,but dats life,u jst hv to move on ,n Ope 4 d best,
Lesson to all the ladies clinging to a man who has kept u engaged for 1yr and more....RED ALERT!!!! Note; they don't want to get married to you. Accept this and MOVE ON!!!! And to all the wicked men holding our ladies down for so long with their 'copper' rings....I leave you all in the hands of your Maker. You will know no peace!
They both could pass as sisters. He married fame and the khadashian name. Happy for you lady. Move on and make yourself happy.
Next time don't take the promises of a man to heart.
I couldn't help but shed tears!mshewwwww!God is her strength.from BD
Your number 1 MISTAKE:
"I spent a great deal of my young life focused only on Lamar and his world."
Women you don hear, MA BO KO KU is not the way Ooo
This karadiasan pple eh am sure they r in a cult na wah sorry ma well ladies don't build ur life around a man do something useful even married women work,get busy learn something MEN R WICKED o
Liza so u think involving in reality show is the only way to teach ur children morals of life? Really!! lamar was wit u for over 10yrs n never marry u well that says it all. his not really into u, yes he dated khloe for short period but thair relationship to me is like they just met yesterday, very much in love wit each other..and lamar did not marry khloe for fame cos he was already super star. the reality show u re talking about will not come to TV cos 50cent babe mama was part of it and 50 has paid off to be taking out.
Face ur children, finish ur college n hope u find love again but this ur 15mins fame will not do u justice..
Moral of this story its not how far but how well....
Hmmmm..., Na so life be oh..
She shouldn't worry something and someone better is out there for her and it will find her sooner dan later
#i spent a great deal of my young life focused on lamar# well whadaya know? That's how the nigerian society pushes ladies to get attached abi married. Even on this blog a single lady is routinely ridiculed. Fyi I am a guy and tell my sistas always to love themselves first!
These niggas just use women. Morales was a ready pussy, Khloe is a fat bank account...there will be more.
Mehn....... Life is all about lessons!!! Best of luck girl
Your father was not in support of ur relationship so how do u expect him to marry you?
Liza go get busy wit something meaningful not a stupid reality show.
Leave my khloe alone oooooooo
Its good u realize u really have to move on babe, I do watch the "starters wives confidential" on TLC every tuesday @ 9pm buh recently they've stopped showing it & we still don't know why. Keep moving girl, that's men 4 u, am a big fan of the reality show & I feel all ur pains, just take the bull by the horn & careless abt lamar because I know u can't completely forget abt him....all the best sweet.
Nawao!does she call this moving on?regardless of woteva lamar did she z jst hungry for the spotlight.
Hmmmm strong woman
Funny but both women bear an uncanny resemblance #justMyObservation.
I love you Girl. Move on with your Life. Who knows may be Fate may bring you Together......
hmm wat a life. Ladies get a clue FRM here dnt go after a man cos of wealth and fame.
Love liza's courage though
story story....u beta move on wit ur lyf and forget abt larma and khloe dey are happy 2geda....
Wish you well...just move on.
Hmmmm.u see.this is home enduring pain.strong woman.khloe isnt guilty in any ways either. The man is to blame.he should be ashamed big time!
Aaaaw I can imagine how you feel. Had a little taste of that myself. When you cannot get what you want , its just coz God is reserving something better for you. God will give you someone who will make you happy . So Lamar get children. Hmmmn. Kloe m sure u are crying for ur infertility alone .
what a touching letter..i can identify with some issues she raised..it is well
Waoo,very touching!!!A strong woman you are,I wonder when men will stop decieving women??Too bad you learnt the hard way but happy you are moving on
Its gud u ve moved on....
Diz is mature
One man's happiness is another man's bad news.men are so unpredictable.After waiting her years on Lamar,see what she got.wonders shall never seize to happen.
Touching! Not how far but how well. For those who think dating for years guarantees marriage,you better watch it. I hate it when people have to cry that their spouse left them for someone else after several years of dating.
My question is,did you fornicate during those several years of dating? If you did, why then would you curse him/her for dumping you when you know God was never in support of d relationship bcos of fornication,Incase you don't know such curse will never manifest.
For me anyone dating and fornication should not put such relationship in prayers bcos God will never pay attention to such relationship. So be ready for the outcome good or bad.
If you are with a man for 1year sleeping with him and he refused to marry you,what else do you have to keep him salivating from?
Sex he gets it from you at any time,you cook for him,you clean his house,and if you refuse to do any of these he will gladly go get it from a random woman and when you find out he will stand his ground in his mind that he is not even married to you. At the end of the day you will be the one to walk out shame faced.
Every man/woman has 3 women/men in their lives.
1. Your spouse/wife/husband known by family and friends
2. There is someone out there you would have loved to have or married but not possible or the person doesn't want you. Sometimes you still wish,if that person shows interest you will cheat without thinking.
3. There is someone out there who wants you so bad but you don't want that person. Sometimes we think about this person even though we don't want him/her. If you don't have self control this person can entice you with material things give in.
This most women can over come but men can't let go so they cheat with these people. Some women cheat with these people but not as compare to the percentage of men that do .
I feel very sad for her but i love khloe so much she has a good heart
She will always be the mother of his kids. Life is not fair but God is. She had his kids. Khloe as much as I love her is yet to become pregnant once.
Na wa o retired blogger,dis ur write-up is sad/scary o!
Wow! That's life girl. Moving on isn't easy but its worth it. You have your kids to concentrate on.
Gosh! Dis is so heartbreaking. When I fink of tins men do, I neva want 2 get married. Advice to all singles out dere, be close 2 God, he'l lead us to dat right person, dat one dat deserves us.... The kardashians generation are jus jezeebel nd nebuchadnazaar of dis world. Go girl! U'l find love, 4get him nd move on.
Happy girl
"I’ve only met Khloe once, at my request since she is my children’s stepmother and I felt it was important to get a sense of her and what she’s like around my children. It was a very pleasant meeting, she gave me a hug so I’m happy it happened." So so touching. I wish you the best and hope you find love again.
Aww,Words of a broken woman.She sounds so smart and put-together after everything she's been through.Good to know she's reconstructing her life instead of aiming at deconstructing lamar's new family and her's as well.She's beautiful too,I must say!
This woman needs to take a chill pill! Shez always looking for unecessary sympathy which is ridiculous! Shez always wanted a reality show! Guess she has given up her dreams of being basketball wives. D young man has moved on with his life, she shud move on with hers. Khloe neva talks abt her on or off d show except in response to the rubbish she says so she shud pls go n sit down n actually move on with her life, cos if she still has time to write dis rubbish den she has nt moved on!
Lest I forget, Linda I dun understand y u wnt put up my comments. I'l see dis time or I stop reading ur blog.
For once it's good to cry for another.... Your latter shall be greater than your former Girl.... That's all i can say to you and wish for you.. Cos i know all good things are possible
Those karadisians eh them dey cult
Such a heart breaking letter.n lamar would be forming his dad wa not there for Him n his mom as if what he did to his babies mama is right
Pls guys,ve u clicked on a particular link or blogger that has anonymous as its name?As in anonymouse typed in red letters!I mistakenly did and i regret i did.Linda pls dnt let pple like that comment on ur blog.JESUS IS STILL LORD O!He hasn't left the throne and will not.phewwwwww!
1. She shouldn't have given him any kids until they signed the marriage license. You don't just need one ring you need two! Engagement and wedding.
2. He married a woman that looks EXACTLY like his ex but is vastly wealthier, better connected and will help him with his career goals. Men are always looking for that woman that will help them improve professionally. Look at Jay and Bey, Will and Jayda.
3. She should have listened to her daddy, he don't like black men cos he's probably had friends who were black guys and knows how they treat the women they impregnate. If Lamar was a real man he would have met the grandfather of his kids well before any of them were born and proven to him that he wanted to be a good man in this lady's life.
4. He don't want no more kids! He wants a life!
Linda pls post ma comment
Wow!Such a courageous woman !its well....
One man's happiness is another man's bad news.men are so unpredictable.After waiting her years on Lamar,see what she got.wonders shall never seize to happen.
So heartfelt, I felt myself almost tearing up. Wow! I pray Liza Morales finds lasting happiness and her own happy ever after. Seems to me like she deserves it and more. All the best to her.
Wen things happen 2 "good people" look deep....y is Khole not pregnant all these years....Lemar is hurting another woman through Khole. Just saying. I'm fabawhelmed neva imagined dat Lemar was married b4!!! But I love Khole n Lemar! *sad face* *confused face*
Hm! D kardeshians or wateva they are called ar not just it at all! They are nothin but a bad influence on d families of d world esp d oda talentless one dat got free money frm Dare.Anyone who thinks odawise of my comment should check his or herself.Odom abi na wetin dem dey call u very soon u will be dumped! Dis one no be prayer o! Na fact.
Lyk all ur exes had things dey dnt fancy in yu..yu talkin as if u dnt knw guyz..
Am happy she wasn't blaming Khloe. She wasn't so smart,it was all her fault. How can you stay with a man for 10years without being married? Ok he now married a woman he has known just for 4wks. I think he saw something he always wanted in a woman in Khloe that you couldn't give him,you made yourself cheap before him. I hope you've learnt from your mistake in case of another relationship. Be wise n smart otherwise you'll become beauty with no brains.
He married for fame,this is so touching,as well an eye opener for we ladies.i was almost getting comfortable with my hubby providing everything i need,men r not 2b trusted.i better buckle my shoes and find something doing
Its not chloe d designer its kloe dumb ass
Wow!! Didn't know all this about Lamar. Striking resemblance between Khloe and Liza. Lamar did nothing wrong. He just met the person who could hold him down. These things happen everyday. Too bad, she shouldn't have held on too long if she felt there was something not right. She prolly would have divorced him if they got married.
its hard to feel sorry for her, you sat there for 10 years and had his children. . .you never demanded her marry you first? This is what happens, its the type of woman men will walk all over.
Its unlikely lama and khloe lasts, he has his reasons for marrying her soo quickly (im imagining to be a part of the kardashian brand)
the worst thing is now after 10 years she's entitled to nothing, she has to pick herself up from scratch and move on, the dude wasn't even paying his child support! terrible
i think she should pack her bags and move to another country, with the kids. he'll know your worth when you disappear. . . . .
A woman's emotions really runs deep. Women should just get more smart emotionally so men don't take you for granted.
No anger or regrets. Just lessons learned and good days ahead.
Thats the American woman for you
Very Contented with the happiness of her daughters
How do u feel wen u found out u were nt d first...smh
So sad for d lady, how can lamar be dis wicked. U informed her tru a text msg. How will u guys ve ur own children when God is not sleeping. Dry ur tears woman and move on
He clearly doesn't want to b wit her, n dts wot u get wen u decide to b a baby mama(infact u tried, being a baby mama for 10yrs, n he left u since 2006). Ladies pls let's b wise. Thank God she didn't blame Khloe, cos Lamar met n married Khloe within 4wks.
This is what she wants people to say after how many years? Its sad but y is she trying to wreck his career cos that's exactly what she is trying to do.
Lol,how u gon spend ur life building some guy's life nd then leave urs blank -_- Hian,its ur choice babe,move on!!!
Let me start by asking whether you'll ever trust a black man again! I read your story, it's so heart rending. The truth is, it could have been a white man, it could have been anybody. Cruelty has nothing to do with creed, race or colour. I'll encourage you to find succor in me as a friend. Though I'm very far away, but you never can tell how close I'll be with you during this trying time.
Very true. It's called karma
Haba! Wot a wicked comment! R u the one that declare pple barren? God is watching u ooo,fear him.
People can be funny sha! You read one side of a story and you are believe.
And i thought Nigerians women are sharp
seriously men are soo wicked,givin stupid reasons not to get married to sm1 hu has been part of ur life 4 ova ten yrs n has 3 kids 4 u buh quickly married anoda within 4weeks, wat a world. He may tink he was wise to have played ha buh nemesis wil definitly catch up wiv u.gurls be vry careful coz most of d guys u see hav 1 curse or d oda placed on dem,little wonder y u dnt hav kids yet wiv chloe...#wickedheart ***switchloe***
U re too shallow. Where in d letter did she say that Kloe broke up her marraige? Ode, Oloshi
Whao..i neva knew lamar had kids..jst really wish he is spending tym wiv his kids..and i really like khloe and lamar and praying khloe gets preggie sooñ..ur story is quite sad..10years ke..babe u tried o..thank God u are movin on..i pray u find d right man
I once saw a pic online of Lamar & Lisa's daughter with Khloe. You just have to think the girl is Khloe's daughter. Their striking resemblance is second to none.
Khloe is not barren.that is a very mean thing to say about a fellow woman!y'all hate urselves so much!that is why a whole lotta men don't ve respect for u pple!u don't support each oda,u tear each oda down,u kip malice!I know a lot of girls that wld rada kip male frnds than female frnds.she is not even blaming khloe.she actually thinks she is pleasant.u small minded nigerian had to say nonsense.khloe will ve her child cos I think she is the nicest of them all and the most responsible!keep tearing each oda down women!tomao u will want the men folk to respect y'all.nonseense!fyi,am a guy.feel free to reply me cos I can tell u re a retard.
U r so dumb?Cnt u jst read sumtin properly?Wia did. U see er say Khloe broke her home?Na y una dey fail?
The first person to comment (Anonymous 5:16pm)you are an idiot,does she sound like she is looking for fame?This story is not new,I knew about this 3years ago but Liza never came out to discuss it herself she just decided to open up now but because you are so daft and narrow minded you have already jumped into conclusion that she is hungry for fame mtschew....by the way,lamars career is now shit since he married khloe it's KARMA catching up with his ass am happy Liza decided to do something for herself,wish you all the best
Just when I was begining to love khloe and Lamar it is well dear move on with ur life
The first person to comment (Anonymous 5:16pm)you are an idiot,does she sound like she is looking for fame?This story is not new,I knew about this 3years ago but Liza never came out to discuss it herself she just decided to open up now but because you are so daft and narrow minded you have already jumped into conclusion that she is hungry for fame mtschew....by the way,lamars career is now shit since he married khloe it's KARMA catching up with his ass am happy Liza decided to do something for herself,wish you all the best
Why now? Why did it take u soooooo long to come outta ur shell??? Is she insinuating that khloe broke up her marriage??? Maybe there was something missing in u that he found in her! Khloe is strong, courageous and d best of the kardashian clan, it only took him weeks to fall in love wt her and marry her, but u spent 10 fucking years with him and he never thought of settling down with u , it's time u moved on for good and dnt cling on the past
This is so touching, I always wondered how she took d fact that she has been with lamar for 10yrs and yet they didn't get married and he proposed to khloe after four weeks of meeting her, dis is life for you,like the sayin goes you know a woman when u don't have money and you know a man when he has money,something like dis happened to me, tho it was a four years rship and I dint have a kid for him buh he met someone within months had a kid and married her,believe me that was the best thing that happnd to me,cos he was a liar,cheat and use to hit me so it was like a relief to me and den I met someone that was God sent to me the total opposite of him,I wish same would happen to you, ladies this should also b a lesson to you if after 2years he's not showing signs of committment move on,if u r good enuf to be a baby mama u shuld be good enough to wife too..
Best comment so far,you r u mother's child..I swear dwn ur head is here
My friend wt is all dis passage for?
Oponu @frst 2comment. As u can see dt u r nt first on d list *tongueout*
This really made me cry, yes cos ive been thru that road before and even tho there was no kid involved, it didnt stop the hurt any less
Am so happily married now and wudnt go back to back to what i lost even if it starred me in thee face.
Moving on takes time but its the best thing to do no matter how difficult it is, if he dosent feel that thing for you to make you his wife, suck it up and move. Theres always a man for every woman. Liza morales thank God uve decided to move on
I can see u dnt v a hrt,Urs is cuming soon!!!
Go back to school n learn how to read again. She said a woman not kloe.
She's in her early 30s so she was young n foolish n frm a broken home. Dnt blame her
Shut up jo, wats wicked about it, he left fruitfulness for unfruitfulness. Judgement has started here on earth jo!
Am sorry for this lady, but mostly sorry for her father, that he doesnt know that he as a puerto rican has african blood flowing through him, so he should stop hating and start embracing his lineage. Puerto ricans= west african+native americans+ spaniards. That is the equation love. Puerto rico is just a land, not your genetic makeup.
Them plenty plus them no de write am 4 face
Can't u read? She never suggested khloe broke her marriage. Are u a lady? Pray u don't end up with a broken home. It's not what I wish my worst enemy especially when u have kids. I am glad she is moving on with her life.
It's so so Sad...May u find d man of ur dreams dt wil love u 4 who u are and b d best step fada 2ur kids. And 2dose idiots dt r just waggin deir mouths,I pray u won't b in her shoes o cs it can happen 2anybody. Afterall its d same pain our able Pero wil also b goin tru rite now.
I trust ♍γ̲̣̣̥ naija city babes, dem no fit except for the mgbeke's frm the village.
10years? 3kids? No ring?
Nobody's fault honey.
Lessons learned.
I'm so missing ur blogging, pls start again.I just got married too. Hope u are enjoying married life? Cheers...
How could a woman call her fellow woman barren??? Very nasty!!! ur life is not better off, good things sometimes doesn't in the way of good people, khloe is the definition of a good woman! She welcomed Lamar's dad in her life despite the rift between him and his son, it's good to think b4 u talk!
I just had to comment! Wowwwwwww!!!! Lady your brave...classy and really mature! So much pain for one person! 10 good years with 3 kids and you even buried your son, severed relationship with your dad just to be with the one man you where helplessly in love with and this is what you got?...Betrayal. I really don't care what transpired between the both of you but for Lamar to stick arnd for 10 years and then goes ahead to marry someone he's known for what 4 weeks?#am pained# Very questionable indeed...what the hell happened to all those years? Am begining to dislike Lamar and Khloe's relationship...sorry to say that! But did Kim marry an NBA star too? Karma is a bitch! And Khloe is a groupie...she won't deny the fact that she knew Lamar was in a relationship. This Kardashian folks are just hungry for fame...they'll do anything. Look at Khloe looking pretty and painting to anyone who cares to watch how happy she is in her marriage. Are you really happy girl? The last time I checked...you were eating your heart out that u can not have a baby! You've not even miscarried...and your just adding weight! It sucks...I know! That's just the way it is. Liza hun...your kids will be proud of you! They are your assets...they come first in Lamar's life and this is the best decision for you and them. I admire your resilience.
'Marriage' will not stop a man from walking away from his wife/kids. Just ask d ex wives of folake, mercy okojie etc current hubbys. When a marriage/ relationship breaks up, it's the woman who feels d pain more especially where children are involved. Most kids from broken homes do end up with difficult childhood, no matter how rich their parents are. I wish people will show more understanding to women in this situation. It is DIFFICULT! They need encouragement not insults.
@lily d person is so daft @it o. Dts y dey don't pass,simple letter e cnt read well.
I am happy she's moved on and not let bitterness compound issues for her.letting go is never really easy but its always for the best.As for that fairy tale ending,believe me,it's on the way.i found myself in the same wagon yrs ago but to Gods glory my fairy tale is about to happen in in a month's time.God makes everything beautiful in his time.young girls,there's no hurry,always wait to be PROPERLY married!
Lool, the whole story is weird cos I know they are having a custody hearing on child support and appearance on kardashian reality show. But one thing I gathered from the full interview last month is that, she doesnt really have a beef with Khloe
sobing,awww so touching
Quite a touching story.....da Lord is ur strength
How come they look alike. are u sure u used the correct picture
No wonder khloe can't have children and her sisters are fertile.. Its karma. This lady gave lamar 10Years of her life and he left her for someone else.... Point to note: Do not kill someones joy and expect to be happy.....
In as much as i feel for this woman but men she has milked this whole thing for a long time, this is not the first or second time she has spoken about this. We have heard you its time for you to move on.
In as much as i feel for this woman but men she has milked this whole thing for a long time, this is not the first or second time she has spoken about this. We have heard you its time for you to move on.
For Gods sake, people! Stop judging wen u dnt knw d whole storyyy!!! Lamar wasn't married to her, dey had kids togeda!!! He dint marry her cos I'm sure he knew he dint love her, hence d excuses! I love Lamar even more cos some guys will marry her and continue to cheat!!! Dat is pure evil if u ask me!!! Ppl don't have to get married jst becasue u have children togeda!!! I understand d pain she must have felt wen he married Khloe, she's human! Bt d truth is d truth, he loves Khloe and he knew it instantly dat y he married her in 1month and not someone he's bin with for 10years!!! If u fink abt it, Lamar is a hero!!! Dem fighting is only normal cos of all d hurt she must have felt wen he married someone else! And Khloe is soooo mature!!! I love her to death! She gave her a hug, she's a woman, she knws wat she must have gone thru!!! I wish her luck! She'll find her own man and b happy! U can't begrudge a man happiness! Its from God and not man, period!!!
This girl is special very very. She is doing this to paint Lamar badly so she can get custody of her children which is too poor cause she claims she wants her kids to have a two parent house. BS one thing I want people to realize is women we are great at playing the victim we wait and wait and wait for men who don't show any sign whatsoever of changing their ways and then when they move on to a girl that has her shut together you wonder why. You stayed with a man for 10 years fellin love with him had kids for him and then he moved on and mind you dated taraji and some other person before he got with khloekardashian and when she got the text that he was getting married her heart broke because like a fool that most women can be , she thought he would come back to her. You didn't bring anything to the table if anything you took and took and took from him and became shocked when he moved on. Common now you have to do better than that. I feel your pain honey but tbh you brought it on yourself. What man who really loves a woman gives the excuse of nba marriages don't last blah blah girl that should have been your sign that he didn't see you worthy if he felt nba marriages don't last there are prenuptial for that but clearly you were his doormat and you were completely ok with being that until your position was threatened and now you want to fight back with a custody battle and tarnish his image but honey the real loser is you cause if you truly have moved on you will live your life without seeking attention and sympathy from the masses and let Lamar see you doing good and maybe just maybe then he would have realized he could have invested more time in you and try to get you back. You said in another article he is the only man you have ever been with my darling the reason why that is is because you are still stuck on him and until you move on no other man will invest time loving a woman who loves another man. Get it together and improve on you for you not for revenge.
She has the right to say what happened between them. She never blamed khloe
She blamed herself for staying longer than she should have.
How is this ruining his career? Cause you just heard of it doesn't mean others don't know.
I beg to differ. Khloe hasn't turned him to a mumu.
If you watch the show, you'll know
Which career,lamar's career has no longer been the same since he married khloe so don't blame liza for that!
well that explains why Khloe can't have any kids. God has given Lamar the number of kids he should have.
Annie Macaulay heheh #runsawayb4 una crucify me misskay
Linda sometimes I fear 2comment on your blog because of the unnecessary swearing and cursing. A lot of Libers need Jesus o
Shey now u pple understand y mrs idibia no gree us hear word bout her marriage.
who's d stupid nama(cow)?
see me thinking lamar is an angel! Na wa o men..... When will women learn ? from her story you would know that his heart wasnt even their at first . But he would have thought about the kids, haba! too many broken homes. Now i can see the real lamar...
This is why Kloe wont have any kids. God is finished with her
Yea these ladies look alike
This is why Kloe wont have any kids. God is finished with her
This is a good reason y as a woman, U must keep urself busy and have your own life to live b4 any man. Sorry Liza but its all ur fault! Ur father warned bt u never listened. U didnt leave after d 1st kid, u sat down there and waited till u had d 3rd child 4 him i mean.. Cammaaan!!
Anyway, Lamar is free cos he wasnt married to u sorry. Good to know u're moving on.
She may be on a reality show but she is very classy and well put together. I wish those other train wrecks would stop trying to make her feel bad because she has only ever slept with one man. And so?
Is it just me or do they really look similar
kai...i hope i never fall into this mess
as I have never really had a boyfriend
but with the things have heard and seen....
Hahahaha ... FOOL
Lamar is an only child who lost his mum early on in life and was neglected by his father. I actually watched an episode where Khloe orchestrated the father-son reunion, after such rejection would he want to face any other form of rejection from his father in law or a race/people who thought he was not good enough for there daughter...NO! The Kardashian welcomed him into their clan with open arms, love him and appreciate him..so Madam Liza don't complain at least you and your father can now be reunited happily whilst Lamar and Khloe live there big family in peace and unity!
What do you people mean by that's what she gets for being a baby Mama. It is only in Africa that beingMrs is the end all and b all.. okay are you saying what Lamar done is right? A woman has invested 10yrs of her life in a man bore and raised his children and due to the black man curse / Syndrome which is lack of communication lack of the ability to express himself to his woman. They had a child who passed and they haven't got over that Lamar has had so much loss in his life obviously loosing his child sent him over the edge. And not being able to communicate with Liza he left. At the same time married Chole only after 4weeks of meeting come on what he done is not right. And he has left Liza with Uanswered questions. Its got nothing to do with the fact she was not married to him
Now that he is Married the one thing he can't give Chole now is a child something she ia desperate for! Karma is a bitch won't you say? He needs to pay proper child support and support and visit his children regularly and God will deliver him from childlessness in his own marriage.
GBAM!!! instead of writing dis long story....y is she bringing all this now.
Okay Nigeria wait until your properly married so he can cheat and abuse you then married or no married men are going to do dirt regardless being married has nothing to do with it!!!
True ooo!
@Julz you maybe right, even as a guy thats mean men, leave egos aside, what Lamar did was so not cool, by the way I heard his career aint doing too good at the moment.
No man deserve 10 years of your life unless he is already your husband
I am in a similar situation. 8 years with a man and 2 kids down the line still unmarked. Heard series of excuses mainly dwelling on the difference in our religion and finance (how expensive can the smallest wedding be) . I only found out he impregnated our house help with plan on sending me packing once the pregnancy advances... I packed out of our house once I got hold of the drama. What a shame I say...shame to myself for staying 8 years and bearing children. How stupid I must have been I keep telling myself. But you know what? Hope isn't the fairest of all... I stayed in the abusive relationship hoping everyday he would wake up and realize I am good enough a wife for him. I gradually became accepting of every excuse he gave... I became a shadow of myself... But right now I heal. It's painful that he chose a house help over an educated, smart, beautiful and extremely hardworking young old lady like me. It's all good they say. Better late than never ....till I find myself to love again.
@8:27pm well said.
Ladies and aspiring baby mamas please read this comment again!!!
@just posh, she loved and trusted lamar. it could happen to anyone, u cant control your feelings when you are in. you just pray for the best and prepare for the worst. wat a sad story.
A no.of ladies do that. For instance, in a particular tribe amongst d oil-producing communities in Delta State, d man & woman co-habit for donkey years & raise children before dey even think about formalising d marriage. During such weddings, u'l b amazed to c d son of d couple being d bestman.
It's tym such practice is phased out.
One word for u babes... Lamar only saw a girlfriend in u but nvr saw a wife so accept it in good faith.
this is so sad, i feel so much for d lady buh dat is men for u. lesson for d ladies in d aws, neva giv up ur dreams for a man or sacrifice too much.. so u dont go crazy wen u wake up to see wedddin iv's to anoda babe
To me, this is the beginning of who you really are girl, you are going to discover the strenght you really have inside and drive it mercilessly to a success story. Only then will you realise that right within you laid the streght you sought for from a man that never realy loved you or never relly knew what he wanted. When this success that is you unfolds, he is going to come back seeking to have what he ignorantly refused to help you unfold.Stay focused.I wish you the very best.
Anonymous 7:58am ur so funny...lol
well,since it happens in Nigeria,let no one call Liza a mugu then...after all Annie Macaulay's own paid off!!
THE BEST PART ABOUT THIS IS THIS STATEMENT >>>>"Today it’s about me and the kids and moving forward. No anger or regrets. Just lessons learned and good days ahead."
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