His somewhat angry press statement when you continue...
'A few days ago I learned from third parties that Raffaella was pregnant. So I decided to contact her and it was only after I had questioned her that she confirmed it was true. I am very disappointed as I don't think it is right that I should learn this after four months.'
'I will accept full responsibility after a paternity test. I don't really want to speak publicly about my private life but I find that I have to explain once and for all, the nature of my relationship with Raffaella Fico. We split up in April and since then we have not seen or spoken to each other. I had nothing more to do with Raffaella's life and she had nothing more to do with mine.'
Raffaella knew then and she knows now, that I have no intention of getting back together with her. Out of respect for her I have never spoken about our relationship, even when things have been said that are not true.''I don't understand why Raffaella did not contact me to tell me about this - and I also find it disappointing that money is already being made from this with photographs and interviews being bought and sold.'
'I believe that Raffaella is already famous enough without having to exploit this story for publicity. This is the last time I am going to speak about this and I have no intention of responding or replying to anything Raffaella writes or says.'
If you're not ready to be a father, wear a condom, always!
now thats what im talking about!
Linda. No offence but you're stale O! He said this about 2 days ago and I fully support him. This woman just might be an attention seeking gold digger because her money is going. I doubt she'd have looked at him twice if he wasn't rich and famous .
By the way, she's 24 not 27. Google it if you think I'm lying.
Linda how do you know he did not wear a condom. Abeg enligthen us, were you in the room with them ....lol
On anoda note, I love his reponse sha, too many Gold diggers out there and who knows if it is really his , they have been dating for a while so why didn't she pickup the phone and tell him first ....
***back to sipping Milo ****
"If you're not ready to be a father, wear a condom, always!"
I don't understand this point of yours. Nobody is sure if this is just a publicity stunt by her or not. No one knows if he's the true father or not. I can sense your feminism here.
Might I add: Sex is much sweeter without that rubbish rubber barrier on.
Linda, he has nt said so, just mad @ his ex nd ha cheap publicity.
If Raffaella wants to f*ck him again all she needs is to catch him for corner
Abi o
Who doesn't like success? Some ladies sha after 4 months
Wear two sef...nonsense! When will these silly boys with more money than sense, learn?!!
I don't see what is angry about this press release. He refuses to be exploited . SIMPLE
Person no want make rain beat am,mek him carry umbrella na...anyway d mata tire mesef.
Linda's PA
If you're not ready to wear a condom, then be ready to be a father...LoL.
Crase Man says....
Khai. Women can be very deceptive sha. And no Linda, it's not all about wearing condom always. It's all about trust.
"If you're not ready to be a father, wear a condom, always! "
What are you talking about, Linda Ikeji ???
Linda, Linda, Linda, ... How many times I called you?
What do you mean wear a condom?
Wear a condom where?
Wear a condom on his tongue?
Balotelli tongued her; that's how he got her pregnant.
And who told you madam Linda that condoms are 100% fool proof? Many people got pregnant when they used condoms. He hasn't said he's not ready to be a father, he only wants to be sure the baby is his...absolutely nothing wrong with that!
its not easy jare. When you are sleeping in the middle of the night and she starts her seduction. your brain isnt even functioning. www.ipublicizenaija.com
ahn ahn! he did not say he is not ready, he just wants proof. me i'm all behind him jor, why should d public know about it before the baby daddy? just so wrong.
pls click my name to visit my blog on african interiors :)
haaaa lmao at Linda's statement "if u r not ready to be a father....." dont mind dem, they like it flesh to flesh and then when d result pops up, they start forming gentlemen. Nonsense, u go girl, i guess u r rich enough 2 take care of ur baby whether d paternity test proves right or wrong. dont worry man, she has helped u upgrade ur cv from single to sigle dad...*still laughing in vanacular* huhuhaaaahaaa
It is easy to spot a GOLD DIGGER from afar. Ride on Balotelli. Linda I can't see any thing angry about the press release, he is just stating the facts so that amebo like you will stop blogging wrongly ...
Exactly! When u were kpanshing d babe u did not release press statement or ask for paternity test! Abegi, carry ur load and go. Any man that does not want to be in this situation should take precautions and do what is right. Stay away frm d daughters of Eve. U wan chop clean mouth, shior. U see fine babe ur something no fit stay inside trouser. Go and be a father to ur child, if na u get am. Make d babe no do u wetin Linda evangelista dey do Francois P.
He didn't say he doesn't want to be a father. He's only disappointed with the way the girl went about things . U no read the story ni before u post am? Abeg....
I agree with him…what makes her think he would be happy to reconcile with her after they've broken up for so long? Some women are just insane. Good luck to both of them, love Mario, he seems like a great guy. btw, he donates 50% of his salary to African children organization, so he's not irresponsible, he's just logical.
Condom condom all the way. That one self no be 100%. Na When the baby comes , fowl yansh go blow . Thank God for DNA test. Reminds me of Boris Becker story, who was midly drunk went to a resturant and had a quickie in the cupboard with a waiter. Both of them said within "2 minutes" , d pleasure was over ,(my indomine cooks longer than that heheheheh) . 9 months later there was evidence. Boris Becker tried to deny say how can 2minutes in cupboard result to pickin but DNa confirmed it.
Men will never learn, make we watch and see , Balotelli black features won't be hard to spot
i feel sorry for him and how his adopted white parents polluted his mind about his Ghanaian parents. His Ghanaian family is so beautiful.
If there were good parents they will not let him forget his roots - cos no matter what Mario you are black and a Ghanaian by blood - don't let these Italians smiling in your face like they love you fool you.
i heard the story of what went down and was appalled by the white parents and how they have brainwashed this dude.
Your Ghanaian parents who still live in Italy don't want a dime from you. They just want to love you - and you not giving them the chance. Your sister is hurting.
What a lost soul.
Africa king Kong na so alway anticlockwise
even when u want to use a condom,some girls dont like it.most girls will sleep with a celebrity without a condom...
A condom is just 86% effective Linda. Don't dull yourself into thinking it's 100% effective :))
Do u expect him 2 accept d child just like dat without any proof?who wants to father a bastard?d gal is just a gold digger jor
Good call. the guy is really classy
Stupid end note linda.. He's not sayin he wouldn't take care of his, he just wants to be sure it's his.. After all,they split up four months ago and she prolly was getting bent over by some other dude already...
nawo o sister Linda wetein u do way ur fans and bloggers dem dey blast u abi na bcos of balotelli and condom abeg make una leave linda alone oo na her own opinion.but serious sha condom is still the safest way forget the damn pills and contraceptive it fails mario balotelli was right for asking for dna and partnerity that is at 2 face should have done the gyu ibaloteli is smart remember he was born in Italy not in ghana im get sense.
Linda, you no try at all withj your last comment "... wear a condom." Anyways, condom is good but pure sex is better. Moreover, on the matter, Balo has shown some sense of responsibility with his response and has worn some respect for that.
Try next time.
Good job, though.
I like his statement. Very simple and straight to the point! Is now time that will show if the girl was truthful to him or not
Re u kk? Is dat wat d post is bout. If u want to talk bout his biological nd foster parents wait for Linda to mak a post on dat or u can stat ur own blog. Dnt display ur stupidity in tryin to showcase ur knowledge abt smfin
...and men, even when you use a condom, make sure you dispose of it yourself ooh, these thirsty hoes r known to artificially inseminate themselves with the ahem...remains.
Common Linda, you know better than that, I hope you really comprehended what it is that he said. And there's no time that he'd stated anything negative regarding his manhood or ability to take care of the baby/ All he is saying that he does not want to be used through somehing that he has no part of to milk him of money. Them girls are crazy as hell. By the way, thought them Italians are bunch of racists and facists. I guess she likes the MANDIGO WORRIOR inbetween his girls.
On a serious note, he'd indicated that he'll take full responsibility if he's proven to be the father via paternity test. I would do the same if I were in his shoes. Them girls can sleep with two different men sam night.
Linda please don't be offended o, I know U r single so unless you have a gigolo shining your Kongo you shouldn't be all out with that feminist statement. Condom is just one type of contraceptives, other methods are available. Parenthood should be discussed and not one idiot, fame hungry, gold digging bitch coming out to say I am pregnant after 2 months of breakup.
Condom is a man's best insurance and asset protection against being stitched up by gold diggers. Wear a condom, even when talking to b!thes on the phone.
Linda ikeji serzly? Wat if he did use condoms while dey were dating? I am a woman n I knw jst ow desperate women can b! U shld watch d esp of The Game whr a woman planned 2 use a turkey baster 2 xtract d semen 4rm a used condom n put it in her private...too many gold diggn women out dere, he's jst 21yrs n is lukn out 4 himself!
Ballo that a good move, some of these ladies all hole diggers looking for celebrity to devour... but Mario you no do?
very matured answer mario!
and bia linda, some girls use their finger nail to pinch d condom at the tip in pretence of foreplay esp wen de want to hook the man o! i have heard a couple of stories.
so condom doesnt say it all
Eye don clear..Bitch trying to cash in on Italy's success and Balotelli..at the Euros..
If he's that vulnerable and irrational, then he should be with them biko.. Plus why does he get angry when racist comments are thrown at him?? Hmnn infact where did u get this story from??
Abeg leave the guy joo
He wanted to feel body to body heat.
Celebrities don't lyk condom, especially blacks
Dumbass the guy has enough dough to father a dozen children if he wants..he was only unhappy that the lady didn't contact him first like two adults before contacting the press.and he stated he would take full responsibility if the child were his.
Condom dey tear o
r u sayin those born in ghana dnt gat sense or wat?
Linda aint nothin wrong wit askin 4 a paternity test afterall u cant b too sure if d baby is his since they r no longer 2geda. And y wud d gal tell d media abt ha pregnancy b4 d father of her child? I suspect fowl play here
Lol u will know aw sweet it is wen u r in ur hiv sick bed or suffering from gonorrhea smh.
People sha!!!.....If he used a condom with her all the time wouldn't he be at least 99% sure the baby aint his???
Men never want to take responsible for shit....I understand Mario, the chick sure is trifling as hell but hey.....he gave her that chance by not protecting himself(Literally).....Since the days of Samson and David you would think the "powerful" man's mind would have evolved...women are the weaker sex my Johnson baby powdered black buttocks....
In other unrelated news, I have to cook ogbono soup this weekend **yummy4mytummy**:D
I promise you, i read the comments.. more interesting than the actual stories.. 9ja people rock
go ahead and do it .... supremacy says so- via best sex position (wheel barrow)
From reading all these comments, now i see why HIV rates are so high in Nigeria. I see some ignorant comments talking about "condom is not sweet" "we don't like to use it". well u don't have to like it. i don't like wearing a seat belt but I do cos it saves your life.
Ignorant buffoons, whoever made those comments. Condoms not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, they also prevent STDs, HIV. In the scheme of things, an unwanted pregnancy is better than being infected with HIV or worse having both. Msscccheeww!
Just because they are celebrities or whoever doesn't mean they don't have any STDs. Like its ur money they're using for their private treatment.
If you like it bare then wait for marriage. That way you and your spouse would have already been tested out.
***goes back to HIV advocacy work***. Fried LIB reader
I always dey wonder wetin all these black men dey do with all these 2 kobo oyibo women when correct,clean black women still dey this world.
i think some of us let our sex and sentiments cloud our sense of judgement sometimes and we dont get to detah our emotions and look / judge things rationally.
Linda i guess most times u let ur feminism get the best of u and that ain't the best for u neither is it fair. This is a very logical and humane response / approah from Mario. I give it to him!
Its official, let da Adrenaline Rush & pour out some Liqour as u download & listen to Prodigal Angelo ft ontario Hamilton wonder kid @topmass "victory" this song is the second international collabo of the Canadian producer with Naija's @prodigalangelo http://hulkshare.com/prodigalangelo
Buhahahahahahahahaha!shey He no create TOTO with condom in mind.so funny*falling off my chair and twisting my ankle*buhahahahahaha.lol
now that's ma boi speaking...
So all that's required to be a father is dough abi? YOU my friend are the dumbass!
U dey mind am. He will pull down his pant and tear her pant Sharp sharp. Nonsense.
Linda..judgmental as always..always the man dem fault in ur dictionary..just turm lesbian and get ur frustration out there...at least we know what we dealing with..
*kanye singing*...She ain't messing with no Broke...Broke..N...
What's stopping the woman saying..no condoms..no sex either...
...and nack am akpako
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