The world's first transgender doll was released this month by New York based doll company, Tonner Doll. The doll is based on Jazz Jennings, the 16-year-old transgender teenager who has identified as female since she was just a toddler (pictured right - she's a
YouTube personality, spokesmodel, TV personality and LGBTQ rights activist). Sharing a photo of the doll, Jazz wrote;
This is the first transgender doll on the market, and guess what?! It's ME!!!😱😍 @tonnerdoll did a great job of creating this beautiful item! It will be available in July, and I hope that it can place transgender people in a positive light by showing that we are just like all other people💗 For those asking: the doll is considered to be the first "transgender" doll because it's based on an individual who is trans. Of course it is still just a regular girl doll because that's exactly what I am: a regular girl!💖
The problem we humans hv is not that one or 2 persons are gay n all of that.. We get it,buh must u mk us like the wrong uv choosen 4 urslf? Haa! Do u n hide what u knw is naturally wrong,dnt force it on every other person n claim ur being discriminated on,fuck u.. Goodluck 2 the freaks that buy all these
Delibrately poisoning the minds of innocent lil kids.
Well, this kind of fuckery is expected which is a Direct consequences of Barack Obama's Queer policies.
...merited happiness
Hood for you...not for me
Whatever rocks their boat
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
This is not a transgender doll,so stop deceiving yourself. This is an ugly female doll. What makes it transgender? Infact, the doll isn't even ugly, and nothing makes it trans.
This is not a transgender doll,so stop deceiving yourself. This is an ugly female doll. What makes it transgender? Infact, the doll isn't even ugly, and nothing makes it trans.
End time..... that doll has a ma face.. and looks like what u use in horror movies dolly dearest
End time
Psycho pipo
The world is already turning upside, we are trying to preserve and save the younger generation from this godless things happening and somebody just stood up and thought of ways to increase it. I don't think any mother in her right sense will buy this for her child.
Why do we love spreading confusion..... Which one is transgender toy again!!!!!
And who says you are a regular girl.. Smh...Uwa mmebi
Regular girl my foot. When last did you do menstruation? Wishful thinking
dey shd just have seperate trangester toys, eateries, schools, salons etc so God can easily detect wia d burning from hell will startbe from.
confused lots
End time
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