Actress Eucharia Anunobi removed her shoes while ministering at a church in Delta state recently. She got in the spirit and had to take dem shoes off..:-). She also recently received an award during the African Arts and fashion week in Washington DC for her outstanding commitment to the African Movie Industry. BTW. today is her birthday. Happy birthday, UK. See more photos after the cut...
Aww rekeeeeesha ba ba ba ba mode
I love this woman. Wish it was legal to have a sugar mummy in naija. Lindaobserve
Spirit noni
Will attend her church soon
Happy birthday beautiful UK. I love this woman. Bless God for her life.
Something dey the world oooo, pueke! See that her friend when wear red gown first. Hehehehehe.
Dis na whazup preacher o, no be small makeup and bleaching, anyway who am I to judge! It's well o
Happy birthday to her.
I thought she is in a location though.... This na really in the spirit she dey no doubt...
She looks superb, and lovely. God bless her abundantly, and thumbs up to her.
Happy birthday UK
I have always loved her eyes. Meanwhile her make up is still too loud
I think they think she is a drag queen. Can't u see the person giving her d award? Gay guy. I av forgotten his name he is an the events planner.
linda linda. Thank God you added that happy birthday part
Blessed woman.
Thank God for her
It's good seening her this way. Nobody is bigger than God using them
Pls how is this woman a minister of God?
are you looking for a sugar mummy or daddy please call this line 09050085168 please be mature.....
Whatever rocks her boat
They've finally saved ur eyebrows, it's remaining ur hair.
Happy birthday UK, many more successful years.
Love her tiny eyes....HBD to her.
HBD to her
Happy birthday 2 her
Happy birthday to her, wishing her LLNP. Linda take note!
Happy birthday to her, wishing her LLNP. Linda take note!
No be small thing o
God is not mocked.
You go fear na
Good for her... But I pray the spirit is a genuine one and hope she's not acting it up!
Preach it pastor!
Carry go
Carry go
her makeup though. I can barely see her face. Hmmmmm anyways; happy birthday Uk. Llnp
Come o Linda, abeg go check that monkey man wey suppose dey that tree if him dey dia so.
Linda nor be only in d spirit....her shoe start to pain am jor,,na y she comot am.....
Is she now a minister? Would be cool though. Acts 8:22
this kind spirit........
Happy birthday 2 her
Ever young! Beautiful woman
Ever gorgeous, and lovely lady. God bless her abundanly, and thumbs up to her.
HBD ma'am
Happy Bithday UK. LLnP
Stop mocking the name of the Holy Ghost..go and read your bible and know the type of punishment that awaits them....
Do the walking and let your shoes do the talking
Smh! Looks superb? With her mamiwata make up and wig plus bleached skin. Wonder who she's deceiving. Preacher on highway to hell.
Happy birthday to her.
Hbd aunty uk
Abeg make una leave her make-up or whether she really dey in the spirit or not. The most important thing is that she has given her life to God. Una we dey criticise nor know God reach her and una no even sabi preach. Naija una too talk
She has lost weight. She looks good
Happy birthday Eucheria, may God almighty give you the grace to love yourself enough, to stop harming your skin in the name of bleaching. Amen!
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I love this woman.
Eucharia nd ha brows tho
Dats gud
Good actress. Applies too much make-up. had no Idea she ministers. thumbs up
Good one, she is always elegant & well dressed.
The spirit wan come down from heaven seriously ooooooO May God saves this nation
Hmmm, I luv her acting. But being a pastor? Mba!
@ chicrystal, wotz dat on ur DP? Hmmme
Hmmm, I luv her acting. But being a pastor? Mba!
happy birthday to my lovely u.k it's good to know God, thank God for her life.
Choi her makeup isn't here ooo
Her brows didn't change
@Anonymous 5:06pm, the guy's name is Dwight. He was in real housewives of atlanta.
Ok nau
Happy birthday to her, she look fabulous
God kns d best,mean why HBD
Hmmmmm more Grace to her
Nice outfit
Would really love to be under her ministration one day....
Would really love to be under her ministration one day....
The guy is Dwight from Real Housewives of Atlanta.
Well, he looks like him though.
Are you suppose to be advertising that here... go open Web or u do that on ur fb..... Linda sef dey fall hand is she not suppose to check comment before posting it...... ode sugar mummy Ko salt daddy ni.... oniranu
Ofcourse having sugar mummy any where is at ur own discretion. I know u mean to say that she go sweet in bed with her yummy pussy
And who are you to judge??
Nice but pls get a good makeup artist
...NA ZO
Still fantasizing bout her steamy sex scene with Zack Orji in Glamour Girls 2.
Happy cake day to her lol. Wish her the very best in life. Merry bornday ma'am #onelovefromsnow#
Lol @salt daddy.
Old mama younggie
Go get a Job fool.
Church ke
D center for abridged prostitution
One of my favourite actresses -keep the fire burning!!!!!
funny woman! Kikikiki
Happy Birthday Ma'am!!...
HBD mama U K
HBD mama U K
Which kind church be this one?after all her atrocity days in acting she now be running to God all in the name of preching the gospel,.SMH-Only true believers wud be raptured on the day
My Year Of Linda's 100k
Aunty Eucharia,
The bleaching cream you put on your face? Please rub some of that onto the back of your hands. Let that be the last thing you do at night so you don't end up washing/rubbing it off by mistake.
Do that for a few weeks and very soon your skin tone will be even all over.
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