Pic: Masturbating men ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife’- Muslim televangelist | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 25 May 2015

Pic: Masturbating men ‘will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife’- Muslim televangelist

A Muslim televangelist, Mücahid Cihad Han has set Turkish social media aflame by claiming that a man would meet his masturbating hand 'pregnant in the afterlife' and is 'asking for its rights. Lol
Self-styled televangelist Mücahid Cihad Han dived into some delicate matters on May 24 when he answered his viewers’ questions on private television station 2000 TV, Turkish media has reported. Han initially looked puzzled when a viewer said he 'kept masturbating, although he was married, and even during the Umrah,” a pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims which can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Hajj.

After repeating the question a few times, Han claimed that Islam strictly prohibits masturbation as a “haram” (forbidden) act. “Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights,” he said, referring to what he claimed to be a saying of Prophet Muhammad.

“If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?” the televangelist added, advising the viewer to “resist Satan’s temptations.”

Is masturbation forbidden in Islam?

“Istimna,” the Arabic term for masturbation that Han also referred to, is a controversial issue in Islam, as there have been varying opinions on its permissibility throughout history. The Quran has no clear reference to masturbation and the authenticity of many hadiths is questionable.

Despite Han’s assertive religious stance, only a limited number of Islamic interpretations categorize masturbation as “haram,” while most of others call it a “makruh” (disliked) act. Many of the mainstream Islamic interpretations even allow it in certain conditions, like if the act could be used to avoid the temptation of an extramarital affair.

Han, who has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter, was mocked on Turkish social media on May 25, after newspapers published his latest television “fatwa.”

“Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” one Twitter user asked, while mentioning Han’s Twitter user name.

“So you think that being pregnant is a God-given punishment?” another user asked.

Source: Hurriyetdailynews


Unknown said...



Davido's driver said...

Die already. Shioor

Davido's driver said...

What does this attention seeker know? Lindaobsv

eka said...

d cleric`s view is quite confusing
how can a human-being hands become pregnant or is that a parable?

Unknown said...

Aaaah BONARIO and ONYX, Take Note..
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Unknown said...

Very funny.... Dude for just by-pass this question but he choose to embarrass himself.....

Walata said...

Funny nonsense

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Kikikiki bishop Danny are here?? If u are here lemme hear u say, uhuh uhuh!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Kikikiki bishop Danny are here?? If u are here lemme hear u say, uhuh uhuh!

snowflix said...

Please am not a Muslim, so they know better #onelovefromsnow#

Unknown said...

I no fit laff out loud

Blog It With Olivia said...

Abeg they shld be told

Anonymous said...

The way those Christian followers were eating grass in one church is the same way some dumb people will believe this crap.this common sense isn't common at all.

Unknown said...

hahahahahha.... funny.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Attention seeker?? He only preach what he reads $ understand from the Quran, pastor christ made mention of marsturbation is not a sin,so can u explain that too??

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Attention seeker?? He only preach what he reads $ understand from the Quran, pastor christ made mention of marsturbation is not a sin,so can u explain that too??

Unknown said...

Joker, and a real joker@dat. Dis is d most hilarious word I hav ever heard. Mayb he is just saying dis to discourage those in dis act.

Unknown said...

What womb will the child stay in the hand?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Really Pregnant with 5,000,000 BABES. Very funny.

Manuel Kunmi said...

Hahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahah...... sorry but I just had to laugh at the headline I know linda can exaggerate seriously aint interested in the body of the post

Manuel Kunmi said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lmao....he's not serious though.


Looolz he's not sane at all.
That means some of us will have a country to our name in the after life.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

this sounds retarded...this is the type that misinterprets the koran and a lot of gullible muslims who lack proper education will go and blow themselves up because they refuse to read the koran for themselves

Anonymous said...

Islam is a SATANIC religion!

Unknown said...

Ehen. Lol!

Unknown said...

Ehen. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Okokobioko! Lol

STERN said...

This man knows nothing.

Unknown said...

Lol, all ye wankers......nw start using condom so u won't get pregnant in ur hand...lol

Unknown said...

Like seriously

Unknown said...

Na wa oo

Anonymous said...

Chai! All this Moslem people with dem fables na wah,,Na dem spoil pass.

Unknown said...

He might not know anything but what is masturbation to U

Anonymous said...

Lol watin person no go hear!

Unknown said...

Hummmmmm no comment!


Anonymous said...

Orisirisi... dee

Anonymous said...

He included, I don laff tire!

KWEEN said...

Lmao! Tooooo hilarious

Anonymous said...

liar, everything about that religion is fake

molebaba said...

SMH for some people sha!!!

Unknown said...

I no fit laugh abeg. He should say something else jare! Linda take note!

Juleslouis said...

This is hilarious!

Rontex the baddest said...

Abeg make una use condom dy masturbate oooo

Anonymous said...

hypocrite! Dont be surprise to know that this man might just be into porn.

Anonymous said...

Devil's religion.

Anonymous said...

loool @"hand pregnant in after life"

andre kelvin said...

Shoro ni yen

Anonymous said...

And they just keep misfiring. Rotten heads inspired by Satan the Devil.

Anonymous said...

Snow wow inbox me ur number ..pls don't be offended oOo ..I just wanna be ur frnd here's my e mail stephenakpolo@gmailam.com

Unknown said...

I will never ever say u are wrong.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@Anon 9:13 just like u are going to blow ur head off wit ignorance abi??

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@Anon 9:13 just like u are going to blow ur head off wit ignorance abi??

Anonymous said...

Kai ubanka.."! Uwaka

otondo said...

Becareful of what u say about ppls religion, y insult Islam,am sure even ur bible doesn't teach u dah, later when ur life is miserable u'll start accusing ur stepmother, watch ur tougue

APPLE said...

Bloody fanatics.

Unknown said...

My problem with u christians is Dat most of u r shallow minded. He is preaching to d Muslims so Wats ur own? Pls he ain't talking to u bunch of rascals, unbelievers, miscreants! Christianity my foot! Idiots

Unknown said...


Subomi said...

too deep and funny to be funny

Anonymous said...

Stupid soul....may God forgive ur stinking mouth

Unknown said...

plz u can give criticism for his comment and stop stop ur destructive statement about the religion...

Anonymous said...

Oloriburuku as u are a devil urself..... ur kind of person makes one go extreme in reaction with your choice of words and u will be d first person to castigate if a Muslim react...... ao can u open ur mouth and call another person's religion devil..... has jesus spoken to u in ur dream that xtianity is d only religion accepted by God??? Y open ur mouth and say rubbish..... may God reward u of what u just said..

Anonymous said...

You are a fool 4 saying dat u re satanic 4 thinkin dat way

Anonymous said...

Your life itself is fake so am not suprised u re insulting my religion

Anonymous said...

Then my hands will have at least 10000000 babies

Anonymous said...

All you idiots dat are not well brought up dat insults islam God will punish you all, u all shall see d outcome of ur punishment soon

Anonymous said...

Your life itself is fake so am not suprised u re insulting my religion

Anonymous said...

This man is a fool. I AM PROUD TO BE A WANKER. Good for mind body and soul

knowurway.com said...

I believe he speak in parable to them

Mr LIB said...

Really even the bible dint condem masturbation or even mentioned it.

U need 2 no about islam, bcos jesus was a muslim said...

eka u need know it is parable

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Story

Anonymous said...

Another idiot blabbing.... Be careful of ur utrances fool.

Anonymous said...

One day you'll understand n wish u knew better now but it'll be too late.

Anonymous said...

Foolish devlish MOFO. Wonder why Miss Ikeji approves such stupid comments.......

Anonymous said...

moongod worshippers!

Anonymous said...

There are so many things in the after life that are beyond human comprehension

Anonymous said...

The sheik is entitle to is opinion with evidence he used to back it up with the Hadith of the Prophet of Allah (SAW)he QUOTED above,so u don't have to condemn him,If you are culprit Go an Married,and seek Opinion of other Scholars on the Matter .lindaobserve #devil`s religion# #Satanic Religion# @Abokidawarriboy,what attention is he seeking,he has about 12,000 followers,please help me count 1-1000 and let see if u will not go water break.

Anonymous said...

As usual! Dumb response!

Anonymous said...

That guy is a wanker himself.........

Unknown said...

What difference is your comment to that of the so called Christians who spoke profanity? I so much believe this whole religion squabble thing has more to do with one's personality and exposure. I feel a world with no religion would be a better world.

Unknown said...

Your personality and not your religion defines you. You're a Christain/Muslim mainly by fate. So I'd advice you keep religion aside and speak for yourself and not for your religion (Referring to those blaspheming)

Nas said...

so what happens to women who masturbate???? we have a wholeeeee bunch of them to preacher....enlighten me

Anonymous said...

I bn strolling paciently to see Bonario's response...lol. only to find another dumb hater hating.

Unknown said...

Islam Is a Religion for fools. I'm waiting for the wrath of Allah.

Unknown said...

You dare not say what you don't know. The man has said nothing but the truth believe it or not, that is your problem. It is very annoying seeing human being questioning how it is possible for Allah to make hand carrying pregnant in hereafter!!! Who among you knew how you were created? Verily you will know though might be late for you to understand.

Anonymous said...

Duly notes

Unknown said...

12:24 Anonymous: The only punishment of Allah is those inflicted by Boko Haram and Other Islamic Fanatics.

Anonymous said...

So dumb!

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:41 AM. John 14:6-'Jesus said to him, l am the way, and the truth,and the life: No one comes to the Father, except through me'.

Unknown said...

But my dear sister, Have u seen any Fatwa or ruling issued by a qualified Mufti with a license that says your hand will get pregnant in the afterlife? Allah forgive me but half of the people mocking him are muslims.

Unknown said...

Sorry Excuse me. There is absolutely no proof of what he is saying anywhere. Masturbation is haram but there is nothing about pregnant hands

Unknown said...

@priestly judge...... seriously... are you waiting for wrath of Allah (swt)....? HE is the all merciful.... and I pity you coz u and your general household including your generation can't face.... it base on what you don't know and will never know......

Unknown said...

@priestly judge...... seriously... are you waiting for wrath of Allah (swt)....? HE is the all merciful.... and I pity you coz u and your general household including your generation can't face.... it base on what you don't know and will never know......

Unknown said...

@salisu wajeed Your allah can't do shit. That is why Boko Haram, ISIS, Alshabaab and others fight for him. He's toothless and powerless.

Unknown said...

@salisu wajeed You are a victim of a fake religion, you better wake up and wisen up. Thank God I was not born in the North, I would have been thinking like you now. Tufiakwa!!

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