2 days ago, Kylie Jenner copied Blac Chyna's bathroom selfie by posting a photo of herself wearing a similar outfit with Blac and posted it on instagram an hour after Blac posted hers. Well, today Blac unveiled a photo of herself chilling by the poolside in a sexy swimwear, a day after Kylie shared a sexy poolside photo. You people understand the English I'm writing abi e wa confused? Lol
Who them epp? Lindaobserve
See news o
See news o
Hmmmmmmm ok
N those tattoo on her bdy..i prefer her body wifout the tattoo...
They both look good
Like her tattoo
N those tattoo on her body tho I prefer her body wen d tattoo is gone
Good 4 them
Not at all Linda
Ok Seen.
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Linda leave dem biko! Som1 did it b4 Kylie
Lol....the body on Blac though....so sexy!
Two can play!
Linda u no get news ni??
Blac Chyna is only trying to show she is more sexier than Kylie Jenner
O ti ye wa. Lol
Ow is dis copying biko? So Blac Chyna can't take a poolside selfie again cos Kylie did it? :s
Almost confused..
Their business
*SMH* These two ladies obviously have too much time on their hands. All this show over a man?!?!?!?!?!?? SMH again.......
so? Linda sef! u no go allow us rest wit all these small pikin news wai u de always update?
Blac is an agbaya heheheh linda we no understadn oooo heheheh
Bloggers can conclude sha!
Blac is not sexy at all..looks thrashy
Lol. Linda the stalker
U get enuf time on ur hands..stale n boring....
All am thinking nw is putting my face in between those boobs nothing else.....
All these girls sha. Na wa o!
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All ds nonsense and beef because of a Man's prick?
Women don suffer
This two babes and their drama. Mtcheeeewwwww
This two babes and their drama. Mtcheeeewwwww
This two babes and their drama. Mtcheeeewwwww
You're such a liar. Blac chyna was only advertising a bikini wear. I pity ur gullible readers.
Love black chyna's bikini
Blac Chyna is being childish. She should grow up already.
Hehehehe! Lindiway no matter how you write it, people wey go understand will do and people wey no go understand still won't. Linda take note!
Blac China u are such a bundle of disgrace, so u dey follow dis small gal do competition? Smh
Hehehehe! Lindiway no matter how you write it, people wey go understand will do and people wey no go understand still won't. Linda take note!
No a wa confused,
Lol...competition ni
Drama queens.
Linda, this your grammar too much but we understand u sha.The fact is that these two ladies have too much time for each other...
!!!!!! Please o help me beg her all this useless Hollywood D-list celebrity news when there's juicy gossip and stories at home she will skip
Shey ds people no get work ni? She even pierced her chest. Nawah. All ds attention for dt small boy tyga.
Wats exactly de beef btw dis 2.... Their story tjoy
Like criously linda!!!!???? Go tru blacs instagram page nd u'll see soo many pool side pics of her,bkac knws beta dan to follw kylie.... kylie is jes a teenager wit crious insecurity issues.... linda chill abeg, if u dont like chy den plssss leave her alone she has muvd on nd am happy for her... u guyz shld leh her rest... shez jes doin her thing....
linda how dem dak luk dsame?
Are u running awta gist or wat.... hwz dat copying.... blac knwz beta dan to copy dat teenager wit crious self esteem nd insecurity issues, I knw some ignorant buffons will blive yhu nd strt slaming blac....
Tired of these two
Poor Linda, guess Ur having a slow news day. U could pay me to get juicy gists for u instead putting up Ds non-news sh*t. And pple take pix by d pool all d time and put them up. No copying here,
It may just be a coincidence
Blac chyna.... jus relax na. U r dealing wit a kindergarten
Nawao Linda Ikeji
~D great anonymous!
how does this affect the price of beans in the market? lol
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The outfits aren't even vaguely similar. Smh. How did she copy her?
Your preference doesnt matter. Shes not your wife..your girlfriend or your sister.
Really don't know for linda ooooo
What is wrong with this 2 na....childs play
I don't think anyone is copying anyone. Your obsession with these two especially Kylie jenner is ridiculous and shameful. Even tho you may not upload this, my joy is that you will read it
hmmm na so... make dem copy dey go nah
Na small pikin dey worry both of dem esp Kylie
mtchewww,abeg,,aunty Linda,give us better news or gist.
Dis is wht I call copy cat, and alwaz trying to mak d news wit anytin, and everytin. Wht a shame.
Blac chyna was advertising dat swim suit aunt Linda take a chill pill
Black Chyna na winch! But I gbadun the babe gan walahi
E ku iranu...smh
Crazy pple. So. Much time. So much time. Kam ga yoo Akamu umu ejima mu biko no time on my side. Later LIBers
Blacchyna is a kid tho
Show ur own bodi make we see mumu
good for them both, don't care much
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