Freda and her close friend, Efe Tommy came together on Snapchat tonight to launch an attack at her. Lol. See more screenshots and watch the video after the cut...

News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
And I have MB to waste bah?
I rather be self made.. Make I use my MB doing better things like @Hallelujah challenge
Thank you.
As for @Freda The PONYOR brand ambassador... Kontinu
@AY sperm don miss. ...and we don know where the sperm miss go
This is ridiculous! Why do they have to degrade the colour of her skin? Must you bleach to be accepted in our society? Sade is really different and I like that! Intelligent and real as hell, we need people like that on hot topics! Please, make her permanent, we love that bitch! She even dissed her crush respectfully, how real is that?
dia headache
Sade Ladipo is not ugly. This habit of calling black girls ugly is dumb. The reason why they go no a bleaching spree. Hot topics are usually controversial because truth is bitter. Watch the view of American TV. Whoopi and co serve it hot and those involved will throw some tantrums and last last, they will be fine.
Sade Ladipo is not ugly. This habit of calling black girls ugly is dumb. The reason why they go no a bleaching spree. Hot topics are usually controversial because truth is bitter. Watch the view of American TV. Whoopi and co serve it hot and those involved will throw some tantrums and last last, they will be fine.
I love Shade; she says it as it is. Linda pls u shd be on Shade's side... I swear she's the only reason I watched the show
My observation.
Latasha presents this program like a 70 yr old home keeping expert! No sauce at all. Also pls madam Latasha lose some weight. Truth be told you are overweight. Its not cute moreso when u are a tv person
Freda Francis, perhaps you give attitude or your feel superior than every other person becos you run an under patronised spa and hang out with some overrated celebs.
So pls learn some humility if u are not. You seem to me as someone who will be extremely snobbish in a sarcastic manner. So quit all this shit. You got served right
Sade ladipo why na. Wetin she do to you. You neednt have brought in iyanya matter. You shld just have discussed the matter on ground. Im guessung she pissed u off sometime in the past
I love this Shade babe. Too real men!
That is freda Francis ''s issue! Invest in Real Estate by buying VIP Gardens located at lekki-Ajah axis for #2.5m half a plot and #5.5m for full plot. Contact Segun on 08052467442 for details.
That Freda is such an insecure lil hoe. How she go cursing a beautiful color of a black beautiful queen?
Well... I love the girl though.
Ugly black girls...did they really write that. I am extremely light skinned but I took offense to that statement. Useless girls. I didn't care too much for Sade's comments but I admire all skin colors.
Ashawo Freda with her shameless ime nkpuke should leave Mabel and her family alone.
Go and pay small boys to help you, if the ponyor dey scratch you.
don't put asunder what God hath joined together.
Ridiculous. Very very
Pls leave Shade Ladipo alone she's entitled to her opinion(s). And pls leave her skin color out of it, was toke not her complexion before and Freda Francis too so wtf. Love me some shade #RealAF. Very soon the whole world would know your baby daddy and another drama will start. Toke wehdon ehn you and your sister painting lagos red with your pussies all because you guys want to belong, your day of reckoning is closer than you think. The good God that you use to cover up will be the same one to open your can of filthy worms. What's all this shade this shade that, babe didn't say a single lie. Everything well said and on point. Efe tommy aka cork sucker aka fredas dog 🙌🏻
I'm all for having an opinion but shade lapido's take just sounded a lot like HATE! Like it was personal to her, like it was burning her body and soul. Even the other hosts noticed. It is not that deep. Is she mad because shes not where they are? She said some unnecessary things. She just looked ugly, inside out. No man will see that video and not think of her as a master gossip and as one of those trolls who open fake accounts to get the ugliness off their chest! It was very cringe worthy.
Prostitutes , illiterates, saying she is ugly because she is black. The thing pepper them wella.
Gays should stop making noise in Nigeria. After all they belong in Sodom.
Gays should stop making noise in Nigeria. After all they belong in Sodom.
na dem sabi
If Efe is concerned about her skin with so much hate then i also will pls beg him to stop taking from the ass cuz wiv that black skin she will live in good health but ass doing kills faster. Fake people association misleading our innocent young kids in the name of fashion. Why do they hate the truth so much????
I'm wit Shade Ladipo all d way mehn!!!!!
Efe Tommy or Hilfinger or should we say His-finger, we see you o. Wehdone, dey follow dey go. Na here you cast yourself because that Natasha lady is a fantastic presenter. Her poise level is 100, she is pretty, speaks well and knows her onions. You wey slim like chewing stick abeg tell me, you don baff? Nonsense yeye dey smell.
Efe Tommy or Hilfinger or should we say His-finger, we see you o. Wehdone, dey follow dey go. Na here you cast yourself because that Natasha lady is a fantastic presenter. Her poise level is 100, she is pretty, speaks well and knows her onions. You wey slim like chewing stick abeg tell me, you don baff? Nonsense yeye dey smell.
Eranuu Abashaaaa
Eranuu Oshi Abasha
Thank you jare you took the words right out of my mouth. Imagine? the audacity? So everyone must bleach now? Stupid fake bitch
Oga Efe, follow follow, pls go and sit down ! Fake social climber that always try's to belong. These Lagos ppl and their fake lives ! Pls some of us remember when u came on to the scene in Lagos, now tht u have managed to crawl your way to some so called celebrities u feel like u too can belong. Ugly boy!
Shade Rocks.
Black girls Rocks.
Melanin rocks! Be confident in your color.
ugly black girls, really bitch? arent you black?? just because youre light skin doenst make you any less black than the rest of us, ho. so have several seats. you sound like a racist white moron yet youre not even white. such a disgusting human to think like that,
And Linda is there laughing like a fool. self hate is a serious problem in nigeria. Linda should not post and encourage such trash. little black girls could be seeing all this. what imprression are you giving them? DUMBASSES!
ugly black girls, really bitch? arent you black?? just because youre light skin doenst make you any less black than the rest of us, ho. so have several seats. you sound like a racist white moron yet youre not even white. such a disgusting human to think like that,
And Linda is there laughing like a fool. self hate is a serious problem in nigeria. Linda should not post and encourage such trash. little black girls could be seeing all this. what imprression are you giving them? DUMBASSES!
2 stupid dogs...
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
So much drama
... Merited happiness
These bleached out/natural light skin ladies REALLY wanna think that they are not black though. LMAOOOOOOOOOO!\
you look stupid, quit it. A white racist would look down on you the same. so dont flatter yourself. .join your darker sisters in solidarity
This shade is a werey o. Lmao
... Merited happiness
Anonymous, spill d baby father we are interested in d matter.
Shade ladipo is The most beautiful and bold presenter In Nigeria baby shine on.
Black is Beautiful but only an unpolished man would find Shade attractive, not a refined and well evolved gentleman.
Shade spewed HATRED straight from her ass... I mean has she met Frieda? Do they have bad blood? Why does she care so much, why so bitter about someone's life?? Where does that kind of hate even come from?? Who raised Shade?? Shade is the kind of person you can't take anywhere; Loud & Uncouth.
Freida is not innocent don't get me wrong. Latasha and others shared their opinion... but Shade ACRIMONIOUSLY SPEWED BILE HATRED. Period.
Best episode ever, Please bring back Sade Ladipo
Lol who cares
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Who dash am Lagos boy? Fake ass warri boy....local forming international. He no get house, no get car. The only thing he has in this life is clothes 😂😂😂😂
See this dirty warri rat wen dem dey call Efe still dey talk.house you no get, car you no get, na only clothes you get for this life, borrow-borrow upandan. Very soon, dem go expose you like tejupretty
I don't usually do comments on Social Media but this Shade lady is badass!she says it as it is#Iadmireherguts
I love dis lady @ShadeLadipo..Wendy Williams has got nothing on u. For de record,her skin is flawless... #BlackGirlsRock
I love shade she go straight to the point she doesn't beat around the bush,love the how as well n was funny
Freda should be ashamed in different shades. she did'nt reply Mabels accusation on infidelity with her husband. shes here hating on Shade. if only she knows how much we love shade already.
That Latasha Lady is doing a fantastic job with the show. I like she's big and smart, well articulated and real. Keep up the good work, girl
I watched the video.. it look as if sade has personal issues with these ladies Toke and Freda... she took it too far. as a professional u should make ur shade in a professional way that people will laugh and still wouldn't feel offended ..... as for me bringing Iyanya and also saying that Tokes total earnings on her book and endorsements are not more than 10 million ... Are u her bank Account Officer to know how much she made from the book and endorsements ..... that shows jealousy and envy... please next shade with style so that u wouldnt make a lot of enemies in the course of doing your work.
Nigga it's not hate! Don't u watch 'the real' or other controversial talk shows? You say the bitter truth people want to hear. That's how they increase the ratings, once you are a celeb you need to know wat you are up for. It's impossible not to get dissed!! So from where I stand I tell you shade had nothing personal against them.
Her dark skin is glowing, very beautiful.
Efe the social climber! That faggot will lick any ass to be relevant. Aunty Freda didnt defend her ponyor or unborn baby but reacting to shade. Smh. Shade your skin is beautiful, your melanin is on steriods and you do the shade thing perfectly well.
Yes oh! We rock!
All I see are Shade's boobs.
I enjoyed it, love the lady with the lovely black color with beautiful skin, she made it so funny and interesting.
By the way.. she is beautiful
Efe gay dey talk..Bitch Nigga dey follow women drag for snap ..u no dey shame?Anyway na woman u be sha
Freda Francis and Efe you guys are very shallow in thoughts! It Shows very low IQ..you had to use skin colour to abuse..so very myopic and it shows you really had nothing to say.
Efe Tommy too sad you are trying so hard to be a yeyebrity..I remember in 2005 when you were a shy presenter..You could have just kept quiet!!!
Love this Shade chic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
This Fat Latasha looks like a whale with a mop head.
Like I never new this programme is freaking interesting!!!! Woot!!!!!
Badly tailored clothes at that. So shameful he said ugly black girls. Wannabes with 0 pedigree making the loudest noise in Lagos. Bunch of illiterates him and that Freda whore. So bleached and insecure she had to change skin colour even name. Linda stop giving these jobless lots any attention as they are of no significance. Focus and celebrate legit ladies working hard and not the Fredas of the world.
Freda is as uncouth and Loud. Worse still not enlightened. Questioning who raised Shade is wrong, who raised a woman like Freda? The most irresponsible, passed around and badly behaved lady in Lagos. From bleaching skin to name change and lying about her age.
She should really be ashamed but she's shameless, posting a married mans picture on her insta story wishing him a happy birthday. Funny she's bothered about shades comment. Diminutive Freda. U should change your height too.
its like people don't understand English, they said black girl.
Black girl can stand for all shades of black: light skinned, brown, caramel and dark. They didn't say ugly dark girl but all the comments are saying they insulted her colour!
Seems like people have racist mind and class just dark skinned people as black girl. Only when those dark skinned people then have kids that are naturally light skin then they will change tone and stop saying fair or light skinned people are not black enough or why is miss Nigeria etc always light.
Black is black and we are all in different shades.
Note the shade girl has a nice smooth complexion and shes far from ugly but Freda is prettier than her, if the both all remove the makeup and fake lashes, Freda will still be pretty while shade will be a little above average.
@anon 22:40 👌👌👏
U criticised constructively.
Aunty latasha is too stiff, i didnt mean to reign on ur parade but u need that damn it attitude.
Its like she was afraid to talk.
Aunty shade, wendy williwilli wanabe...... Like u purfect. I hate ur type, sorry biatchhhh!
Linda wont post i already know, but munch this n kindly send to d people concerned.
Im not a fan of freda but,why cant she live her life n breath. Isit ur ponyor?
Pls come n spill about Tejupretty. Warrapun?
Freda na u?lmao
Nowhere didI they say that black is ugly, she kicked against bleaching and they taunted her to go for a skin scrub. People are just adding words to their mouth to make them look bad by misunderstanding what they said for abuse of the black colour.You guys should let that Freda lady deliver her child in peace. People dragging a pregnant girl all over the place heartlessly.
Love Shade !! She's pretty & on point!!!
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