Photos: UNIPORT student allegedly shot dead by police laid to rest, plus her mother's heartbreaking tribute. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 24 April 2016

Photos: UNIPORT student allegedly shot dead by police laid to rest, plus her mother's heartbreaking tribute.

A student of the University of Port Harcourt named Gina who was allegedly shot 5 times & killed by policemen during a protest by students of the institution earlier this month, has been laid to rest

The only child of her parents (father is deceased) Gina was laid to rest on Friday, April 22nd. Her cousin shared photos from the funeral along with a heart-wrenching note from her devastated mother on her Facebook page. See that after the cut...

"Yesterday my beautiful daughter was put to rest.. The heaviness in my heart can't be eased, knowing that no one is taking responsibility of your death. The police killed you and never showed remorse for your death. Nigeria is as messed up as its leaders. May you rest in peace my angel. Your death has paint everything in my life into a different shades of remorse, I keep regretting sending you there, I feel guilty Gina..The sorrow I feel to lose you Gina is the price I have paid to have you in my life, your memories is all I have, which helped me survived the storms and struggles of our daily lives we shared together. I see it from henceforth as my job to mourn you until the day I die. I can't loose you, you are part of reason for everything in my life. Pls God how can I go through? Till we meet again. RIP Gina my doctor as I always called you. I will always love you my daughter"


Anonymous said...

So sad

Justtice sld be done

Meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

So sad

Justtice sld be done

Meenah_wakil on instagram

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

This is heart breaking.... 9ja police needs proper orientation cus they are getting worse! May her soul continue to rest,sad!

~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Nigerian police killing ppl these days...I can't count how many dey hv wasted like this..sad news may God console ur mum n keep her

Unknown said...

Life!...May soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Only God can console her

Unknown said...

It's well... dee

Unknown said...

God are you still alive or what?
So the police man that shot her just go like that oh God.
Madam you are not the only person that say it,Nigeria is as mess as there president and every force in it.
The only child of her mother Oh God please intervain an fight for her let God of vengeance and justice rise an remove sleep from the eyes of the police men that did this evil ,show them that u are the God of justice and the poor,prove to them that u are still alive.
Mama take it easy i knows how u felt about the sudden death of your only daughter but the God of justice will hold u in his arms he will strengthen you,your daughter is now in a better place were police will not kill a gain.a place that have no terrorist as a president.
I pray for you to service this great perilous time you are in because not every woman will survive it God is with u.

#sad indeed

LALAcious smallchops said...

I'm shedding tears!!! We can't continue like this in this country. Our leaders nd politicians can't get respect from the police because they use them to do unlawful things. Its normal that police goes free when they commit all this atrocities.

Unknown said...

Has the policeman being caught yet? How about the one that shot that guy in Jos, where are the cadets that miss treated the civilian? Nothing has been done! May her soul rest in peace Amen

Unknown said...

I find it shocking that people who are getting educated involve in violent protests!

Anonymous said...

So sad, my skul is fucked up
Fighting for her right only to get a tuaa
Rip Gina uniport quiet legend

Unknown said...

pray God the family n friends the fortitude to bare this loss


Makjesty said...

I really, can't explain how this hurt and burns you Mama....but I know the Merciful God, will sure grant your amazing Daughter; an Eternal rest!.....RIP.

Long live the Queen...
(Linda Ikeji)...

Unknown said...

Eyah Hmmmmmm RIP

Lilybabe said...

RIP Gina

Unknown said...

Eyahhhh!! RIP

Unknown said...

Oh dear its well. Rip gina

Pretty face said...

So touching. I can just imagine how she is going through

PrettyChi said...

May her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Rip gina, take heart madam it is well

Immaculata said...

Rip Gina

Anonymous said...

I literally cried while reading this. God is alive. All these evil old illiterate leaders that has put money first instead of the people of Nigeria, may your few days left on earth be forever troubled. Linda pls post this. It is from my heart. I am not referring to just one individual but to many of them. Thanks

Unknown said...

Later they would say Arase did a good Job. Police now in their best behavior.

lioness said...

Naija ehn....i tire for d country...

lioness said...

Rip dear...mama take heart...God us foreva in control

Unknown said...

Eyah! My condolences to the grieving family...

Anonymous said...

rip.... how come her story is coming up now... what's her full name and dept

Unknown said...

Chai! Really, how will she go on living?? It's gonna be hard cos she was her Strength and all.. I feel for her, buh I pray God will give her fortitude to bear this great loss.. It's well mama, Ebezina. The God you serve will see to it that those heartless, trigger happy police men pays for this.

Linda I hv arrived, post my comment.

Unknown said...

So sad and heartbreaking, the only child

Anonymous said...

So touching. RIPP dear. :(

Anonymous said...

This is so heart breaking,RIP Gina

ghipanache said...

Just short of words,my u find solace ma.

Anonymous said...

Had me a good cry. So sorry for your loss ma. Only God alone can comfort you. And may He do.

Swash said...

This is so sad RIP Gina

Anonymous said...

This case would just die like that? Linda please use your platform and mount pressure on the relevant authorities.

Ify said...

God will so much punish the person that pulled that trigger...and also the people in government that covered it up will know the same pain they caused this woman...

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Had 2 drop a Tear in my Weepin Vase for a Mourning Ma.

o'fissy said...

This is just sad.....may Gina's soul RIP and may God continue to console has mother himself in ways man cannot imagine

Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

May or shooters never know peac till they end up like u too.

Unknown said...

Had 2 drop a Tear in my Weepin Vase for a Mourning Ma.

Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

May your shooters never know peac till they end up like u too.

Daniel said...

Rest in Peace Gina... my goodness 5 times and they said the police is your friend God have mercy

Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes

Anonymous said...

Nigeria is a" failed nation "and we all know that. No matter how we pretend, this is the truth

Charlotte said...

May her soul RIP.So sad to hear nothing"s been done about it.

Unknown said...

SorrOws of mothrhood... So sad!

Apple Berry said...

Rest in peace. May those who cut your life short at its prime never know peace in their lives. Amen

Unknown said...

May God Console you ma.Nigeria is really a messed up country.There is God shaa.

Unknown said...

Take heart mummy.

Unknown said...

What a wicked world.
My dear Nigeria is as messed as their leaders

Unknown said...

My heart bleeds heavily as I read ur writeup on ur daughter, I am so so sori 4 ur loss, I wish I cud turn back d hands of time, I pray 4 d peace of God beyond all understanding 4 u, God is d ultimate healer of all wounds, may He shower u wit comfort n give u reasons to live again, it is well!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Rest in peace

Anonymous said...

My eyes are filled with tears. May you Mother have solace in our Lord Jesus Christ and mourn like a believer! It is well woman.Ndy

Unknown said...

What a painful one... RIP Gina...

Unknown said...

Someone (a trigger-happy) police officer took away the joy of this poor widow AND no one is being held responsible. This insanity must stop. #ProduceGina'skilled.

Anonymous said...

This just broke my heart.may God help her bear this great loss.

Unknown said...

Nigeria is as messed up as it leaders. Beast of no nation. Sad incident. Rest in peace Gina, God'll fight ur killer!

Anonymous said...

This woman self where you get this information from, one day you go post selfie of you Jesus, Abraham and king Solomon. small small oh

Unknown said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeyah! May her soul RIP. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

This woman self where you get this information from, one day you go post selfie of you Jesus, Abraham and king Solomon. small small oh

Unknown said...

Omg this tribute got me crying.

Unknown said...

Touching,may GOd be with the family in Jesus name

Unknown said...

So sad. I pray God consoles her

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So heart breaking. Rip 2 the dead

Anonymous said...

Very touching tribute

Tina Collins said...

Mehn.... I sincerely feel her pain... Losing d only child 👶 means losing everything thing in Dix world... Praying God shld heal her soul, and comfort her...

Unknown said...

Rip gina


Eyes of the gods said...

I know wat it feels like to lose a loved one. may God console you cos only he can take away the pain you are feeling now. RIP dear

Unknown said...

Its sad

Biola said...

Eternal rest grant to her o Lord and let your perpetual light shine on her. Amen

Esther Dangana said...

This is heart wrenching! Can't imagine the pain of the mother. May God comfort you, only him can ease the pain. May God rest her soul.

Anonymous said...

Fool,the protest wasn't violent till the police killed the 1st student

Unknown said...

#justice for Gina

Unknown said...

My heart goes out to this women. It really hurts. May God comfort her for this great loss. ��

Unknown said...

D pain these people constantly inflict on others is worrisome..
Kai, her one and only.. Ah, its well oh

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You always hear this kind of story in a 3rd world countries like Nigeria

Anonymous said...

this is really sad. very painful
thanks admin. i know i can always count on you!
interior decorating schools in nigeria

may God help the family

Unknown said...

RIP beauty. May God grant her mum the fortitude to bear the loss.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ojimsclaxic said...

Hw come dis happened and only Peter ofurum's case was known and heard...The police is really your friend, R. I. P Gina...

Chichi said...

What a loss, rest in peace dear.

Anonymous said...

May you be shot by the police.Idiot.See your reasoning.

Unknown said...

May her soul rest in peace....

Unknown said...

RIP Gina... So sad

Eva Da Diva...

Unknown said...

RIP Gina...

My condolences, mama.

Enough! Nigerian youths, enough I say!
Enough of all these Nigeria is this, Nigeria is that. The Whole world is used to all the evil our country is associated with. They can only offer us financial aids, and the likes but the heavy responsibility of fixing this country belongs to us. Yes, it belongs to us Youths. We must stop being weak. We must stop trading blame games. We must stop looking elsewhere for salvation.We must even stop looking at the generation of our fathers and forefathers to save the day. We must go beyond making obvious comments like this. We've been doing that for years and things are getting worse. We can't do same thing all the time and expect different results. Let's think and work our way out in unity irrespective of tribe and religion.

Power always belongs to people (in plural) but only when they realize it.

Be no longer scared of their uniforms and weaponry, "fight" for the "New Nigeria".

Again, I say: Enough of the wailing!

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