14 year old girl commits suicide after classmates release fake nude photos online and kept bullying her | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 29 April 2016

14 year old girl commits suicide after classmates release fake nude photos online and kept bullying her

14 year old Destiny and her parents moved to a new city and she started a new school. She was ready to make new friends and have her classmates like her but unfortunately, that didn't happen. Her friends didn't like that she was pretty so they got jealous and she became the target of a group of about half a dozen girls, and endless bullying ensued.

It escalated to online bullying where they would grab nude photos of random girls and spread it amongst their friends and claim the nudes were of Destiny's. They bullied her so bad that she couldn't take it anymore and she hung herself in her room where her father found her.
Read what her friend Natasha Fisher wrote about her:
On Wednesday morning was just like any other morning I went on about my day until my phone rang. I can't explain the excitement that I felt seeing my friend's name pop up on the screen. What was she doing today I wondered.... What were we going to do that night? No kids sounds exciting to me. Little did I know when I answer that phone call my best friends life had already been changed forever. Stephanie (my best friend) and Kurtis Clark are the parents to the most beautiful little girl, Destiny Gelsson, that had just turned 14 in February 2nd. 
She was beautiful and talented let me tell you that girl was sassy in the best possible way. The Clarks had moved 2 Warrenton from Wentzville just this school year. They had just bought their first dream house. Destiny has always been a lovable child but with time unfortunately her beauty and compassion was her curse. With good comes evil found in ever situation. 
There of course were a group of girls at the new school, Black Hawk Middle School, that were jealous of her. 
So instead of being accepting of how blessed they were to know someone like her... their hatred and jealously caused them to shun her and do everything they could to make her life unbearable. From name calling to downloading some random persons private parts, printing them off and writing Destiny's name above the picture. 
I know first hand how ruthless they were I witnessed her tears due to her bullies. As well as my friends struggle to try and better the situation. The months went by and away went her smile and her carefree self. I remember the day I first found out about Destiny being bullied some little girls with nothing else better to do had been sending notes around school that day calling her names and making up stories. It had carried over to social media that night. 
And until April Destiny was not allowed to have a Facebook account. She however had a Instagram account that her parents had the password and login to, which was monitored daily by her parents. I don't know how many times that she cried I don't know how many times that she wish things were different. 
All she wanted was to be liked. I do know whenever I answered that phone and got that call I couldn't believe the words that I was hearing. I couldn't get to the hospital fast enough. 
I wanted to wrap my arms around Stephanie and Kurtis and grab that little girl up and tell her everything was going to be ok. Destiny attempted suicide Wednesday morning by hanging herself she was found my her father who had to yell for her mother because he was unable to get her down alone. 
Destiny was without oxygen for 20-30 minutes before she was brought back to life upon arriving at St. Joseph West Hospital in Lake St. Louis. She was then air vaced to Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis. Destiny's first day at Cardinal Glennon she was breathing 60% on her own and had good brain activity ...the family was so excited. We thought she was going to pull through. Destiny's situation looked so promising. We were sure that it would be a long road home, but she would pull through and everything was going to be fine. 
Then later that night Destiny's temperature spiked and she took a turn for the worst. She started having seizures back-to-back and her brain started to swell. Her legal cause of death was from swelling of her brain. It was not ruled a suicide due to the fact that they resuscitated her. 
Destiny took the last breathe on her own Friday 4/22/16 around 4:30pm but was not officially pronounced deceased in the eyes of the law until 1:11 Saturday 4/23/2016. We are donating her organs as Destiny would have wanted. She was such a kind, caring, compassionate, loving person who would do anything to help others. 
Destiny was a victim of one of the worst crimes that I know. Growing up everyone said sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me well, I most definitely beg to differ words do hurt sometimes so much more than physical harm.
This is the worst moment in anyone's life but just know that she is going to live on in others. Her tragic death is going to give life to so many. She is going to make the most beautiful angel! Destiny's Memorial Service will be held Saturday April 30th, 2016.


Unknown said...

what a pity

joy Egbunu said...


Unknown said...

This bullying thing is a big menace all over the world and pees should be educated that it ain't good, things borne out of jealousy and envy.

Unknown said...

Eyha rest well girl

Unknown said...

Mental illness is very bad o!... Instead of me to kill myself, I will arrange area boys to deal with such a person. Next time he sees me he'll greet me "good morning ma".. Anyway she's just 14 but then she still has parents who could have intervened.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace
So sad


She left! Y'all good now?
Killer kids!

obiora said...

And Teebillz be acting drama upandan.

Dee Tee said...

Hmmm sad!

bandit queen said...

May God rest her soul.

Pretty face said...

Oh no! Depression and frustration is beginning to be an issue that people should take seriously. The way people commit suicide as a result of this is becoming alarming

Anonymous said...

Suicide is never the answer

chiddy said...

so so so pathetic

Unknown said...

White and bullying like bread and butter

chiddy said...

this is not a good news atall

linda Last Born(IPHY) said...

Y are white so dumb Lyk dis....nawa ooo anyway RIP...

Unknown said...

Taking ur own life to be free frm ppl? Destiny u made a very big mistake na wa o

Unknown said...

She's stupid

Anonymous said...

I'm sending this message to all blogs. Please find something else to write about. You are all bullies in one way or another. When you put up stories and pictures of people you don't even know and allow all of us faceless cowards hiding behind anonymous and our ipads, phones or laptops type what we wish, then you are accessories to the end results. This is a 14 years old that looks older because that's how kids abroad are yet some bloggers esp a certain one would have insulted a certain 18years old from the K family. Please lets stop the bullying. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Ayah,,,,, RIP to the dead.


Unknown said...

OMG! Such an angel. Bullying should be made a serious crime around the globe. There should be mean punitive measures taken against it.

Unknown said...

Hian!! Na wa ooo for white people!

Anonymous said...

Nonsense... Blame nobody but ur stupidity for ur suicide. Na so homeboy for blame Tiwa

Anonymous said...

Where is tee bills he should learn how to commit sucide oloshi

Unknown said...

People that bully other people to the point they commit suicide should be arrested and probably killed too, this is social murder! How can someone be so wicked that you make another person's life miserable. Because proper action hasn't been taken that's why this online bullying and suicidal rate are getting from bad to worse! They truly should be arrested, and if the person they are bullying commits suicide, whoever is responsible should never see the light of day!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Rest in peace Destiny

Unknown said...

Many violent terrorist activities happen in high schools abroad especially in America and their own government can't do anything to protect these victims or punish the perpetrators. Yet they are busy looking for Muslims with a back pack.
Let's call a spade what it is.. yes I said terrorist acts.. because what exactly is the definition of terrorism?? Young kids bullied in high school till they kill themselves?? Girls gangraped by "popular" boys, mass shootings and all round general oppression?? Tell me that is nothing short of terrorism!
Yet, quench the fire burning in your own house first kwanu,mba. It's to be looking outside and tagging everyone else as terrorists that they'd prefer to do...
Y'all should just stop for Chrissakes and save your children before it's too late biko ��

Anonymous said...

I blame her parents so bad. How can they know she is being bullied and they did nothing?

Unknown said...

Rip! People are very wicked!
You need to read this: Top 10 Things You Should Know In The History Of Nigeria

Leonard Omotayo (Hormortaryo #Frosh) said...

Sad story. Bullies are everywhere, but the height white kids will go to bully someone is unimaginable... Rest in peace Destiny.

neo said...

No matter what, Do Not Take your life. Its sad story. People please don't cyber bully people. Its not every one that can stand it.

Anonymous said...

Eyah. Poor girl

Lol. Laugh at Nigeria's funniest comedy skits here

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace angel

Anonymous said...

More should be done to tackle bullying in UK schools but nay. Most bullies have bully parents and lack of moral education and a lot of kids are bullied at school (UK/USA) unlike African schools where pupils respect teachers.

When a pupil dies by being bullied, it should be investigated and bullies should be punished and expelled and not allowed to enter top universities in future. Criminal records should be kept on bullies which would affect their life in future because it is unfair to cause the death of another person and go scot-free. So far cyber bullying is a criminal offence but local bullying is not therefore the law should be amended.

KWEEN said...

I don't even know how they find it so easy to take their own lives. Especially as a result of bullying. I know it can be painful but this is never the way out. I was bullied as a child too... until I learned that the only way to stop it was to bully them back. Whatever was done to me, i'll wait... plot my revenge and give it to them two times worse. And I swear, the bullies learned to leave me alone. If John dumps my books on the floor and tears them while I was out playing on break, days later he will come back from break and find his school bag and books soaked with water! You wanna beat me because you are bigger? If we're in class, I will pick up a chair and dare you to come close so i'll smash it on your head. If we're outside, i'll pick up stones and sand and target your eyes. Slowly, all bullies knew I was crazy and that if they messed with me, a nasty payback is sure to come. Even as an adult today, it helps me. If You give me bullshit, i'll use you as the shovel to pack that shit up. Once you stand up to them, they back down. It has always worked for me. So I will never get how bullying gets to the point of committing suicide. May she rest in peace.

sinzujohn said...

RIP..these kids of nowadays play too much. they should all be arrested!

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...


Anonymous said...

RIP angel

obietrezy said...

Keep committing suicide, since that's what you guys are best known for... jor oh

Mo said...

Sad! But why couldn't they change her school? Wen I hear about this bullying of a thing..why dont they ever change schools? They always leave them to commit suicide! Why??

maryxlite said...

rest in peace

OSINANL said...


Brown Koffee said...

Rest In Peace beautiful girl.

Unknown said...

So sad

Unknown said...

I hate high sch in US *spits* Can u imagine. RIP

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The best gift every parent can give their child is huge doses of confidence, teach them that they need to look within to find themselves and not rely on their friends for validation. It is just sad this young lady looked outside herself for friends to like her. RIP and condolences to her family.

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