General Gilbert Diendere, who last week staged the coup in Burkina Faso, formally handed over power to the interim Civilian president, Michel Kafando. The handing over ceremony was witnessed by Vice President Osinbajo and some other ECOWAS leaders
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Nice one.
Well done buhari.
" This comes 24 hours after ECOWAS leaders led by President Buhari met in Abuja and decided to intervene in the crisis rocking the country"
Wow! its gladdens the heart to see my dear country Nigeria returning to its rightful position among the comity of nations. It can only get better.
I'm also happy for the people of B-Faso.
That's nice. I hope this brings revolution to the country.
Something Nigeria needs so much; Revolution.
Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha
Thank God for the restoration,Nigeria as play a major role in the restoration,GOD bless Africa. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
Nigeria is really playing its big brother role. Buhari is up to the task Leaked Video: Inside an Agege night club where young ladies dance completely naked and practice live sex on stage (18+)
Thank God
That's my able president at work
Ah! Thank God..... at last.......
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
wow!!! to God Be the Glory
CREEBHILLS BLOG REVIEW|Rita Ora all Smiles, Nipples Slips,has She goes on a Date Night
Ok good news there was no blood share there.
the clown that cause that stage the coup should be ready to dance the music because i trust african president's.
mr gildert is either you run or wait for the thunder you invoke,staging a coup in africa is like a childs play to me,whats the essence of it if you will still hand over to the same person,what a childs play in the name of coup in africa.
buhari go and fix your coup you use to disrupt and over through past administration call boko haram all na coup.
#sad indeed
Thank God for that
Good one, Nigeria waking up to his responsibilities ... Sai baba
All thanks to Sai Baba....restoring sanity in naija and beyond
Thanks to God
A new dawn in Africa...there is hope yet
Ok, that's great. Congrats to them
Ok, that's great. Congrats to them
Ok, that's great. Congrats to them
Ok, that's great. Congrats to them
That's good news.
Buhari is really a Father. Linda take note!
Buhari is really a Father. Linda take note!
Buhari is really a Father. Linda take note!
No doubt buhari is a leader, is a blessing to nigeria and all Africa countries I tank GOD for blessing us wit man of integrity and honour
Behold that man's lips, can be red for days
That vuvuzela P guy
now that's what Nigeria should be known for! being at the forefront of African Issues with good news.
Black leaders should think of how to better Africa. This is a very good move.
Who says Nigeria is not a powerful country who says Buhari is not an enigma. If it was jona would he have been able to force the General to back down
Happy for dem...
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