The Australian actresses wore unflattering, floral shower caps before putting up the show for the crowd who cheered and roared with laughter at the star-studded event. They both came with their husband/partner to the event. More photos after the cut...
Photo credit: Getty Images
Haaaaa!!! Nkan mbe!!
Hmmm ok ooo
Good for them.
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Love kidman
Oyinbos n madness..smh
Harmless....I love Nicole kidman
Nonsense #Lobatan
Poor Sodom and Gomorrah, imagine if God should visit our world the way he visited them.
Soon parents will have reasons to be sleeping with their children.
And Lindiway there's an ugly trend on LIB of recent, most of the news are now about LGBT.
Its not so cool.
Crazy!!!!!! I like! This is why its fun being a woman. I can touch my bestie's ass & boobs, call her dear, baby, sugar & even kiss her without being called Gay
Linda we are use to seeing this from Westerners. Its nothing new.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Its Too deep.
Crazy bitches
Mtcheeew,Linda u too lyk bisexual news alot
Oh no! Shame on the devil. What on earth is this again. I urge you to repent and others doing this. 1cor 6:9
Americans can be crazy sha!
Yuuuuuck! What is dis world turning into biko???? Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
Reminds me of the film "Orange is the new black".Lesbo things trending this days
Chai. Dis one pass best friend own o
Are they bisexual? Why kiss a fellow woman passionately like that?
Hmmmmmmmm. Should I call dis kiss out of excitement or wht. Biko dis is not allowed, and shouldn't b indulge in.
Hmmmmmmmm. Should I call dis kiss out of excitement or wht. Biko dis is not allowed, and shouldn't b indulge in.
Its abomination b4 d living God. So pls desist frm dis act.
Na wa for dz kind frndship o, nd dier partners are among d cheering crowd. Hmmmmm! I trust nijja guys.
Davido Driver where you dey? Still wailting for your comment
Lindaaaaaaaa Ikeji!!!!!!
It is wrong to be promoting this evil lifestyle. Please stop it now or the wrath of God will descend on you.
Why are trying to force homosexual and transgender lifestyle on us????? It is not okay to use your medium to corrupt people who visit your blog.
If you are gay come out, but please stop shoving this lifestyle in our face.
If Jesus should come today, he'll 1st cast you bonario into the bottomless pit thinking you are biko or Muslim cus that's where he'll cast all these Muslims. Igbo boy misbehaving anyhow fool
Hmmmmm. Are they lesbians or wot?
Hmmm is it over happiness or wat
Sharon, pls I will like luv to kiss ur lips two bestie stuff. It's called bisexual tings lolzz
Na em sabi
LORD, have mercy!
Lind you give us so much of GAY stuff these days just like BONARIO said. please there are some info in the world that you should just ignore.
Mind you when you post something so often it becomes like an advert and some people might want to try it.which might change them for good . please change these ways .
Lind il like to try this on u cos uv corrupted me already.
There is God o!
Hello Linda, i can understand why you are okay with the western transgender/Gay e.t.c it because you are internationally recognized and you also use a foreign platform and you have to conform to their ideals and practices. So much for being rich and famous..Jesus said that it is difficult for the rich to make heaven. While basking in your success, please remember the ideals and practice of Jehovah God is higher than that of Blogger, Google or whatever plaform satan is using to push his agenda. Riches indeed can make people to leave God. Think about this and stop justifying or making case for your ways or your style of blogging.Also be careful the meetings, parties and partnerships you enter into abroad cos a lot of them are for initiating successful people who people like into the agenda for the end time. Its total rebellion against God. Post this or not I HAVE WARNED YOU
I enjoy seeing pretty model looking girls going nauty,but the old bitch scatter the show,okbye.
I wish na me Nicole dey kiss i swear....
Friendly kiss....love Nicole too @ moses..*.winks*
She hasn't said anything about being OK with them , she's just writing about them. It left for u to read or not,take a chill pill Abeg, n who said the poor will make heaven easily. Mtcheeeeew.
this is yucky #aze_hood#
Y tell her to shut up? Bloody pretenders! Girls can do anything, cuddle each other and sleep, wake up hug, peck doesn't mean de are lesbians! As questions b4 attacking. Ogbojus! Tufia I hate hypocrites like u.
Not allowed a big hug would have bin beta
Lesbian alert!
Bikowerin bi dis nw, oginiooooo, 14years ok o
He shuttles lib to SDK..the hustle is real. The boy need money
Royal dickhood kip quiet. stupid moron
na dem sabi. O.Y.O is their case.
Wateverrrrrr, oyinbo pple dnt surprise me anymore. My own is y are dey wearing shower caps???
*wink** whatever! Linda is doing her bizness biko, Na she ask them to kiss so passionately; yuh must not comment every post on thiz blog....therefore if yuuh don't like it "YOU LOOK AND PASS".
....CYNTHIA commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
Ewwww what for nah haba!!!
When will I see @Genevieve and @Rita Dominic lock lips?
Haha I like...
~D great anonymous!
It's a blog for goodness sake if ur not familiar with concept then learn more about it don't come up in say saying crap or did Linda take your phone open ur browser and search for her blog Biko park well
You saw the head line clicked on it and started looking at the pictures and u blame Linda for that wow.......how smart
She just expressed just how much she loves her friend.
It is a parent's responsibility to keep their eyes on their children and what they have access to. Stop blaming your inadequate parenting on others.
Furthermore, it is laughable how people underestimate young people's intelligence, it won't take a picture to affect years of good home training, a blog can not affect God's "supposed" work on children's lives, you as a parent should. Teach your children which way to go and they will not stray from it.
It is a sad state of affairs when we as a parents, would choose to delegate fault to everyone but ourselves for our perceived failings.
Also, the media's sole purpose is to inform, educate and entertain. Linda's blog meets this criteria. For all other intents, perhaps your kids should go to school or church.
The world we live in now has changed, it will serve everyone well to know that the Nigerian way of life is not the only way, and that tolerance and desensitization will go a long way to remove prejudices and foster a more cohesive existence for all. Let's try to remove backwards thinking from our minds, that is what corrupts or children the most.
If Linda is gay, that is her business, if people choose to berate her for her courage and innovation, that is theirs. She did not force them to come onto her blog, they can go elsewhere.
I don't see how this is the promoting of gay, Concerned Mother, you are being a little alarmist.
Pretend bishop, you are never far from homosexual news, can you please go to church and stop disturbing people with your nonsense?
You would think you were the first person to read a bible.
You need to be concerned for yourself, you've been initiated into a cult and you are warning people. A cult of a god who hates women because one ate an apple, who murders children, who allows priest to molest children, yet concerns himself more with two consenting adults showing love.
We should be grateful that false prophets of lies no longer hold sway in this world. Keep warning her and deceiving yourself. The rest of us will embrace our humanity.
You fanatics are no different from boko haram, you can't even fart without saying grace.
Gays have won Isreal!
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. It's in them.
Jesus has already come, he's called Conchita Wurst and she's beautiful. Lol
Lol, never!!
all dis kain news sef,I don't understand...
You would think people have never had children before with some mothers. Don't mind her, she just wants to excite people to attack the blog, psychological warfare, everyone has heard of *won't someone please think of the children* lmao.
Some hypocritical idiots...i see no crime in this.
@jules Louis, just shut your stinking mouth if you don't know what to say, for your information, that's a sign of lesbianism.
Liam couldn't try that on Naomi. They say her jealousy is immense.
Whilemina Moses, we are here for you when you're ready to come out that closet.
For heaven sake, dey r both actresses, if dey kissed in a movie,would dat have caused so much fuss?
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