I have read your open letter published on a number of on-line papers. No one who read that letter could miss the fury embedded in your words. I know where that fury comes from: moral fiber, good conscience, and love of people. I want to assure you that it was the very same sentiments that drove me to come up with The Sexual Offences Bill and the same sentiments that led Senators and members to pass it.As always, your aim was to speak as the voice of reason in our increasingly confused society. I know you meant well. I know you acted out of your deep compassion for Nigerians and fatherly love for the children. But as I read your open letter, my heart sank because this time, my dear Baba, my dear icon, you are wrong.
You have been misled by the misinformation circulated by someone who could not read or comprehend a legal draft; someone who did not have the patience to read through a proposal, see what was recommended and what was finally accepted. You were misled by someone who deliberately distorted the content of one of the most profound bills ever passed by the Nigerian legislature, scandalized the proponent and the institution for reasons that you and I may not know.
No where in the SEXUAL OFFENCES BILL that I proposed; no where in the bill passed by Senate was it stated that you can defile an 11 years old. No where in the bill passed by the Senate was the age “11 years” mentioned. Here is what was passed in relation to your area of pre-occupation which is defilement clause 6 (2):
“A person who commits an offence of defilement shall upon conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for life”.
You claimed that the bill re-defined “female adulthood as marital status”. Where in the bill proposed by me and where in the bill passed by Senate did you see adulthood linked to marital status? The extreme distortion of the spirit, intent and even content of this bill leads me to think that you may be talking about an all-together different piece of legislation. For emphasis, let me state that the bill makes no such linkages as you erroneously stated. I think it may be fear of Sen Yerima that is at play here. For your information, Senator Yerima and all other Senators who participated in the debate on the two occasions the bill came up on the floor supported it as a vehicle for instituting a stringent law barring all ranges of sexual offences in Nigeria. They did this because they also have children, wives, daughters, even mothers and cannot afford to leave them in the current state where abuses are rewarded with a slap on the wrist of the
perpetrators because our laws are outdated, without strong in-built deterrence and the mechanisms for monitoring and control are absent.
This is just another case of people demonizing what is clearly in the public good because of deep-seated negative pre-dispositions towards individuals in an institution. By your strong advocacy against the bill, you have unwittingly stamped your feet in favor of maintaining the status quo. Where we are now.. the status quo.. is a world in which a six year old child is raped to death and then set ablaze. Where we are now is a place where a father rapes his 3 year old boys repeatedly and the mother weeps at night and cannot speak out due to shame and fear of her life. Where we are now is a place where young Cynthia in her struggles for self employment ran into a gang who drugged her, raped and murdered her. Where we are now is a place where foreigners come for tourism and turn children to their objects of tourism.
With all due respect Sir, I want to express my deep disappointment with your hastiness in flowing with the mob on this matter. I blame your press officers. I think they should have advised caution. You have known me since the 1990’s. There is no way you could have sent feelers and I would not jump into the next flight to answer you. In fact, a mere telephone call could have dispensed with the matter. If you had even asked someone to get you a copy of the Votes and Proceedings of Senate for that day which published the exact words in the legislation passed, you would have spared yourself the time and emotions spent over what is clear mischief circulated through the web. The people who started it all are hate-mongers. They merely took advantage of the negative public feelings they have built up against the legislature. You have no business with such people Sir.
I am sure in the most inner recesses of your mind you know I cannot in anyway be associated with any anti-people law. Nothing in my personal history, professional antecedents or even the hard work I did to push through pro-people legislations in Senate, could lead anyone to think of me as capable of working against children, the very people I fought for over the course of my 8 years in Senate. The Sexual Offences bill is only one of many I did. I also proposed the Occupational Safety and Health bill protecting workers in virtually all sectors of the economy from hazards at work. The only group excluded are those in the oil and gas sectors who have been extensively provided for in the PIB.
There was no “accident” as you call it involved in this legislation. Neither was there an error in judgment. The bill has been fabricated to provide a strong deterrence against abuses. When implemented, It will mitigate the private sufferings of parents; reduce their fear of what happens in their absence to their children at school, in the play grounds, in the neighborhoods, even in religious spaces.
Nigeria today is not a safe place for children; not a safe place for girls; not a safe place for small boys; and it is not a safe place either for old women. This legislation is proposes condign punishments for abhorrent crimes such as we are seeing in our country today. It even covers crimes yet to arrive our shores. Under this bill, pedophiles will be put away for life not made rock stars as we do today. This bill will bring sanity to our society. It will make Nigeria a better place for all.
I suspect that some of those fighting against the bill are fixating on the short title. Its long title shows what it is: a sexual offences prevention bill; a tough deterrence to crime. I want you to take time and read the final copy of the bill. You will be proud. You will realize that good things can come from Nigeria and Nigerians. It is not only legislations initiated by outsiders and handed to us locals to push for their passage that should be deemed as good for us. By passing that bill, National Assembly has kept faith with the people of Nigeria. It has provided the cover of protection under which Nigerian children can live normal lives of fulfillment without fear. By your robust advocacy against the bill preventing sexual abuses of children, you foreclose the future of children in this society. But if I read you correctly, I have no doubt that you will reverse yourself on this once you have the correct information. This is why I have written you
this letter.
You have made your first “imposition” on Mr. President based on your understanding of the false information circulated by the very offenders you despise. I plead with you as a man who has been found to be a great man of honor and bestowed with the highest literary honor in the world to reconsider your position.
Let me on behalf of the innumerable victims of abuse in Nigeria; let me invoke the spirit of Cynthia who fell victim in Lagos; and let me plead on behalf of the many wives and husbands deliberately infected with HIV by their partners whose suffering impelled this bill, that you reverse your instruction to Mr. President. The President of the Federal Republic looks to old sages like you for positive direction. That was what you intended to give him. But now that you know the truth, for the sake of your long established reputation and known love for Nigeria, turn it around and urge Mr. President to sign this bill that will protect our people, restore sanity to society and make Nigeria a better place for all.
I remain your loyal admirer and sister, Sen Chris Anyanwu.
Too long, let me print
I see...
Linda giveaway on my mind....
Brb*brushing my hair*
Is this woman a smoker...should read Soyinkas Oped before penning a long boring retort...his arguments are plain..the Yerima bill makes hers irrelevant...yadayadayada
None of my business! Definitely not a fan.
Linda please cogitate
@Wole Soyinka daughter Na I'm dey shine @Rotimi Ameachi Congo.
Don't mind @Wole Soyinka....he never reads.... He thinks he knows it all
Kikikiki.....me sef no read the open.letter sef
We are talking @Toke and @Maje....you are talking "Open letter"
Seasons of open letter ended long time ago biko
Too long, so many words, so many big unnecessary grammar that just made reading this boring n torturous
Too long jare, I can read it all... Please they should rectify and correct that bill becos it is misleading. that's all I have to say. At least from 18years of age, not 11.
Can you please make the content of the said bill available for all Nigerians to read and interpret?
Prof.Soyinka is not the only Nigerian that has criticised the bill openly.
Make the copies available please. Publish it online or something.
Linda pls sniff around and get your libers that bill, and not only shoving kim Kardashians fake boobs & butt down our throats all the time!
OK. We don hear.
You are likely under-utilizing your phone. Click here to get more power out of your phone
Not interested jare
Confirm! True talk........
Confirm! True talk........
Articulately written.message clearly stated without insults.
Thank you Senator Anyanwu from remaining a well bred woman in the face of criticism.
Leave Soyinka alone; he has gone senile. Moreover, he is an APC member.
##for remaining
Madam Chris, I lost all d regard I have for u d day you shook Obanikoro dutring d bow and go session you disgusrt me Chris Anyanwu
Besides Soyinka, any human right activists
won't support such bill to be passed...
So u need Soyinka to tell Buhari to sign the bill into law; if Buhari can read i am sure he would see that the bill is meant for Good as you have spent a novel explaining and sign it into law without Soyinka or anyone directing him otherwise.
So dey av started dis Open letter ish again? Huh?
This is long story that's not touching the main point, what is the legal marriage age for the Nigerian girl child ?????
Well written. I have never been a fan of wole soyinka, he strikes me as a bully. He is on a pay role. Has he ever come out to condemn tinubu for corruption? Aregbesola for salaries? Amaechi for looting the government house? or make a statement on Aisha buharis watch? Imposition of candidates in the national assembly? They know the international world wants to hear what he has to say hence they tell hm all sort of nonsense, well sir you goofed this time.
Serious epistle o! Any which way sha! Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
Think Prof goofed here and should have read the law and critically,thought over it before coming out instead of allowing the media to judge his thought over the issue. Besides, all the senators can't just sign the bill into law without their collective agreement as our suspect senator Yerima can't singly adopt for such bill.
Thank you for this detailed information. I was in the same boat with our learned prof. But now I know better. I also hope our highly esteemed prof would retract his "presidential imposition"
I swear, i read this one finish. madam senator don finish o, oga prof over to U. Now the game is 2 -1. madam is leading. I am waiting, I am watching, Abasi mi Mbok.
Ok seen
So is the age of consent in Nigeria 11 or not. Its a simple question.
All dis r absolutely unnecessary. Wht is she actually trying to defend??? Biko wht has b passed into law has b passed. So y all dis medicine after death?
Awwwww. What a decent and respectful reply . I felt her pains as I was reading thru it. She has so much respect for the Nobel laureate. I wish to get a copy of the bill and read too. Thumbs up
What a long epistle!
Nice writeup
D part.....@letme invoke the spirit of cynthia who fell victim in Lagos" made me cry. May God have mercy on ds world. Young girl cut dwn in her prime. Whatever happened to d perpetuators'??
9ce 1 ma'am.
God bless you Sen. chris Anyawu, waa dagba!
Damn, she fucking schooled him. She hot too, I really don't mind....js saying
Oke inwe efe
And she kept on writing. Whatever that are below the first two paragraphs.
Linda, Capito !
Beta bt only if we d public can c d content of this bill..
When she knew what was in the bill is different from what was in circulation then when didn't she come out and clear the air on this rather than wait for when the whole issue is now a debate based on what we were fed with....and moreover is it not what the media put for us we know or are we expected to get into National Assembly and Get the information ourselves...she can just pleas hold the foul cry this time and next time they work on information they release to the press who in turns informs us. Thanks
U de mind d drug infested Cultist that spoilt our university moral and indirectly introduced this crime our hon. Senator is fighting against.
if she what she wrote is a true representation of the matter, then Prof don goof big time. how did such an odious mix-up happen?
Wao! This is deep.
Average Nigerian behavior.Wastage!
I'm sure the ink and paper wasn't purchased by you otherwise you won't print a memo that you are sure to discard after reading.
Too long abeg,go finish reading leta
Madam Senator, stop beating around the bush qnd just address the points that were raised.
WHAT IS THE LEGAL AGE FOR MARRIAGE IN NIGERIA? I notice you were mum on what the legal age for marriage is. Is it legal for someone to marry an 11 year old if her parents direct her to voice her consent or if of her own volition she decides she wants to get married?
That is the question you need to answer.
Lol my thoughts exactly
This woman go school oooo. Kai! I salute!
Juliet iwuno smh
When ur sisters n nieces n aunts gets raped it will be ur business my dear friend.
You people have started this Obasajoism. If the bill is truly against sexual abuse and marriage of under age girls, Buhari will not sign it because he supports under age marriage,besides he's also a Peadophile. He married Aisha Buhari at the age of 9, and I know he will still marry another under age girl. Evil people, I wish your dick will disappear when you are trying to make love to those innocent kids.
Better go and work.
I love to read stuffs written by educated and articulated people I pray one day I will be able to write this good.
Well said senator yerima I buy ur idea
~D great anonymous!
According to Mr cj Dynnozor, "Can you please make the content of the said bill available for all Nigerians to read and interpret?
Prof.Soyinka is not the only Nigerian that has criticised the bill openly.
Make the copies available please. Publish it online or something.
Linda pls sniff around and get your libers that bill, and not only shoving kim Kardashians fake boobs & butt down our throats all the time!",
According to Mr cj Dynnozor, "Can you please make the content of the said bill available for all Nigerians to read and interpret?
Prof.Soyinka is not the only Nigerian that has criticised the bill openly.
Make the copies available please. Publish it online or something.
Linda pls sniff around and get your libers that bill, and not only shoving kim Kardashians fake boobs & butt down our throats all the time!",
According to Mr cj Dynnozor, "Can you please make the content of the said bill available for all Nigerians to read and interpret?
Prof.Soyinka is not the only Nigerian that has criticised the bill openly.
Make the copies available please. Publish it online or something.
Linda pls sniff around and get your libers that bill, and not only shoving kim Kardashians fake boobs & butt down our throats all the time!",
Dumb Bitch.
Ur fraudulent ways have been discovered/exposed so u gotta deal with it n stop this pathetic excuse.
Have u ever noticed that u are very ugly u Dumb Fuck?
Had 2 take/sacrifice some precious moments to troll thru ur DP and i can bet that u ve got a smelly coochie n some form of rare kind of latrine body odour, halitosis and shit all combined to give u that retarded looks.
It is ur type that prevents people from genuinely helping those in need of assistance.
Hope u die BROKE u Sick Fuck.
Oops i forgot 2 mention that u are the type of Scum who swallows beans during a course of meal n later pick the semi digested ones from ur own shit/dung/excreta in order to re-eat it again.
I will be back 4 u 'u Disgusting Fuck.
For window blinds and curtains pls call 08160856785
MRS ANyan watever u call yourself. Who in your village has the pedigree of wole soyinka ,in your life ;mind what u write to h. werey olorinla jatijati.
true true true
Message misconstrued......
Sight distorted....
Opinion harshly expressed...
Actions regretted....
But unfortunately
Words cannot be swallowed back
So apology better rendered
Laureate be Noble
Message misconstrued......
Sight distorted....
Opinion harshly expressed...
Actions regretted....
But unfortunately
Words cannot be swallowed back
So apology better rendered
Laureate be Noble
This woman dey crace oooo na who wan read that her long boring letter
I hate when people play with words by twisting them round to justify their actions or in this case stupidity! Madam Sen are u honestly trying to tell me if an adult/ old man like Yerima sleeps with your 13 year old daughter you won't scream rape?!! Prof Soyinka's write up was spot on you & your useless yes I wrote useless fellow senators rushed to pass a bill to save face so we the masses will be fooled into thinking u people do any work in that esteemed office but you didn't bother to read the fine lines,secondly an open pedophile like Yerima who by the way has divorced the egypytian teenager he married & married another teenager leaving the one he divorced a single mother @ the age of 16 ( she was 13/14 when the rapist 'married' her o) can never truly support such a bill bcos he hides his disgusting taste for child bride under the guise of religion,it would have been better if you just ignored the Prof bcos you can write all the English u want but it will never Change the fact you idiots legalized underage s x!
Well said
Nice write up from anyanwu
Madam! Is it cos your writing to Prof Wole Soyinka u decide to use those big words? Damn too boring n long
You should be flogged! Why didn't u read the post before coming here to dump ur lame-ass silly question.
Madam clearly stated that there was no such thing as 11 years in the bill. Oya scroll up and read
Pls Libers, i'm in need of a job. I'm relatively jobless at the moment and of which i have loads of responsibilities on me. May God grant your heart desire as you help me.
Here is my pin 558E6699.
U see wat I see... Criticism well taken. Proud of her.
Nincompoop! I will support Kongo any day. No bi de same Anyawu wey dey for detention in those days? If you were a good Senator, you would have made the bill available for everyone to read online and worldwide for transparency. Baba Kongo should not be blamed for your error. Have respect for elders and when did you grow big foot as per too big for your boots?
Are you okay.Senator yerima kwa
There is so much verbiage here that i did not find the answer to Soyinka's concern that by marriage an underage girl can be legally defiled by a pedophile. True or false? All madam senator needed to do was quote for us the section of the bill that prohibits underage marriage which is marriage of a girl below the age of 18. FINITO. I beg to submit that the senator has verbal cholera.
He's misled by ffk
Well written. The sage should, please, after scrutiny, take needed action. Let Nigeria be good, Deram!
A good writer she is and her argument reasonable!
Too long jare....lemme save it on my flash...gonna print later.
Sorry o Linda, I thought there was what it is called "public hearing" before a bill is passed into law in the NASS? Please were you aware this bill that was supposed to protect our children, was ever presented by the senate for public contributions before it was passed? If yes Mr. President should sign it into law, if no then it should be thrown out because it did not follow due process. Period.
@balaxy.....you the dumbest animal......that has ever crawled this earth...aisha buhari at nine.....??..... What senators made...this bill.......you just...a tribalistic...local dog.....he wanted Goodluck.....who you claim to be an hero....but...he is nothing...but a thief ending well.....whether you like it or not pmb is president...
Wow! Rare spice. Why are you so angry.
you wasted so much time and energy typing shit to someone who won't even see/read it? how pathetic!!! o boy Juliet no get your time o,better give yourself brain
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