Y'all know Anne Robinson right? The mean host of popular TV show, Weakest Link. She looks very different these day. The 70 year old multimillionaire presenter looked like a different person as she showed off her new look in London yesterday. People think she's gone under the knife..but at least now she's smiling...:-). See what she used to look like after the cut...
Anne, the way we remember below..
She doesn't look any different Linda. Her so called before look is her TV look. Shikena!
Oyinbo joke silva.. Gorgeous
OMG! She looked way better before than she looks now. But then again, there's the age factor to consider... but still!
Good for her
I don't see dat much of a difference......
she added weight
Used to be fond of her. Lindaobserve
Am yet to see the difference....same person
just that she added some flesh to her stock
I dont knw her at all....
She now looks like a cat without its whiskers.
Ohh...Finally seen her smile.
Wait o Lindodo dis you say 70 yrs old? OMG! I'm challenged. She's awesome.
okay now...
i wonder why linda post baseless things for us to view.Tell me @ 70 what else do she need to look like......Linda i dey wait till u clock 70 before i say anytin further.
Why do they ve surgery to look ugly Haba
bad work
*** Mynameisskelewu
Much better.
Nothing wrong with how she looks linda,she's 70year,and obviously headed to the gym in that outfit(abi u want make she wear makeup to the gym). If u ask me,shes got a fantastic body for a 70year old.
Except d surgery was done 2 make her look older than b4, then she should ask 4 a refund asap.
Difference is clear, and most times its just like dis in life. I wish d very best.
I am Coonett
Same person, she only bought the smile.
She looks way different!
Linda cogitate
@70 she still look this pretty nd young,kida iove her new look
She dint do nothing
Change of hair do n d smile gave her all the surgery she needed
She was ok before o
Anyway old age is coming and she seems to av added weight too
She was ok before o
Ah! her face looks different! Her body is ooookay for 70.
Nice body. Linda, you should emulate this lady.
Still looks the same to me tho. Its safe to say that she even looks better in her before picture so strongly doubt that she went under the knife.
7-up, the difference is clear!
Good for her
she's put on weight thats about it...
Gone under the knife to do what? Put on weight? She simply added weight and is looking puffy, I even prefer the way she looked before. I always felt she was sexy, but not as sexy as you Linda, who I would love to be with
Lol,looks like she's anaemic . Never seen her dentition before. I like her BBC watchdog programme.
...Mama J...
Linda annoys me, like you grew up watching weakest link.psheeew.
Sorry Linda but I don't know her..
Any which way, old age go soon catch up with her. Linda take note!
Her mean looks suits her wells!
But she kinda look younger in the suit than in the green top.....
@kolawole taiye, surely u need correct eye glass. Biko make use of one, and u wil see d difference my friend.
She is looking lik a old hag nanny. Wht d heck dat she ignored taking good care of hersef. Wht a shame.
Linda it's called growing up without surgery. She is beautiful and growing gracefully.
Appearing on TV has a lot going on... make up, nice hairdo and all... when you get a pic of her on TV with her new look let me know... this shows nothing
Lmao !!!
Linda did not get a good typical version of her old look that always came thru like an old witch...all black clothing bent over in ugly trousers & the old mean grim smile. No special haircut then as well... Hated watchg
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