Regina Askia compares SA's Xenophobia to Nigeria's law against homosexuals | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 26 May 2015

Regina Askia compares SA's Xenophobia to Nigeria's law against homosexuals

Ex-actress Regina Askia Williams posted this on her Facebook wall this afternoon, canvassing for a world where everyone's rights will be respected. What do y'all think?


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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

If I hear

Anonymous said...

Where's the lie though?

Unknown said...

Say no to homophobia..... Jesus Christ would never condemn gay people...he would love them and even eat with them...we Christians are Christ like so we shouldnt hate gays....say no to HOMOPHOBIA

Unknown said...

Totally different things.....Regina go to bed

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

The has a point sincerely speaking. So true.Live ur life, $ let God be the judge.

Anonymous said...

When u learn the difference between "Pray" and "Please", then we can talk about the difference between "Xenophobia " and "Homophobia ".

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

She has a point sincerely speaking. So true.Live ur life, $ let God be the judge.

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Anonymous said...

No one has any right to take a life

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Comment reserved

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Unknown said...

Is dis American English or wht? Biko which is "Pray me"...? All d same, she has b noted afterall she is entitled to her views.

Unknown said...

We dey talk fuel and light this madam carry this one dey disturb person.... Nobi today matter bdis abeg may be nxt tym...

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Davido's driver said...

I'm on her way on this one! Lindaobserve

Davido's driver said...

I'm on her way on this one! Lindaobserve

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

Regina u need to keep quiet...

Davido's driver said...

No comment


I beg to differ, the both are no where same.
And any one trying to liken one to the other is only being mischievous.
Xenophobia is just hatred for one based on his/her nationality, and such hatred has no rational backing.


Davido's driver said...

No comment

Anonymous said...

Both of them are not d same. If u are a homo abeg allow us live, Askia

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Princyd said...

What a stupid comparison... Mtcheeeeew

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Anonymous said...

I failed to understand this lady seriously

I am Coonett

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

OSINANL said...

Na waoh... American mentality is really disturbing her.
How did we found ourselves in this? supporting gay

Anonymous said...

If everyone's ryt shuld be respected, then pedophilia shld nt be a crime too. Madam abeg park for one corner jhor.

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Ede said...

In as much as I understand where she is coming from, but it still does make sense to accept homosexuality in nigeria. We do not have to kill them like south Africans did. But it is not acceptable in our culture. The western world is trying to rule our lives for us. I live in American where been gay is the norm. I refuse for my country to be lime this. We have culture and it must be respected.

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Anonymous said...

Ugh.. This talkative woman again? First off, no one has died according to the homosexual law.i don't know why people that don't even stay in nigeria always want to tell us what to do

seunLondon said...

Indeed....same love isn't a crime to humanity or any sort of crime for that matter. No one should be made less humanfor their sexual orientation. #SeunLondon

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

Regina u need to keep quiet...

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

fucking comparison

Regina aske

Unknown said...

Lol @ without trowing a tantrum" ofcourse de'll tro ......regina u r OYO oh in this case. K bye!

Unknown said...

They re nt d same nd would never be. so she should put a stop 2 it already

Anonymous said...

Spot On!!!
I await the sermon and bashing ..

ary said...

I don't see how you can compare what happened in South Africa to a law banning same sex marriages?! How do you do that?!! How many people were maimed or killed? How many properties were destroyed because its owners were gay?!! Please don't go there madam!! LGBT community should champion their case and maybe someday like in Ireland Nigeria will come to recognize them!
As for branding people who have AIDS, honestly it doesn't sound bad, even though it is very demeaning, but when you look at cases where people with HIV knowing have unprotected sex with people, it makes you see the upside of what Jacob Zuma said.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Well, d federal government shld let dem be jare

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with this!
Live and lets live. Life could be easier if we respect each other...

Anonymous said...

rubbish they just want to be relevant have the limelight has left them ,we will never legalize that shit in Nigeria


Let her preach it. Great point. All NA phobia. Waiting on the comments....


Anyone caught making love to someone of the same sex goes to jail. I don't think it targets the marriage aspect only. PLS gays get attacked in nigeria all the time. Jst stop. You sound like someone in denial. It's the same thing. Maybe the lgbt would have been able to make their case if they weren't attacked at the slightest word or even jst be their presence

Unknown said...

Why would a man take a man as a wife so also a woman???? Anyone caught in that act in this our country should be stoned to death..... so satanic

Unknown said...

she should go and tell that nonsense to the pigs for in this great nation of ours, we wouldn't welcome homosexual period

Nimelda said so........

Anonymous said...

I thought she was intelligent. just whats d relationship between xenophobia and homo?

Unknown said...

she should go and tell that nonsense to the pigs for in this great nation of ours, we wouldn't welcome homosexual period

Nimelda said so........

deka said...

regina are you stupid or lack of acting is worrying u. now I see how unintelligent u are. how can u compare it in the ist place. people killing each other and people going to jail which they will come out from after 14years. or comparing it to marking hiv patients which will at least reduce the spread of the disease. please think hard before typing , don't just post thrash on facebook.

Angie said...

I think she's got kak in her head..
That's absolutely a ridiculous comparison!

Unknown said...

@Anon 4:04, she want her own share of public attention, and relevance. So don't blame her.

Unknown said...

She's a cow for that comparison.

Unknown said...

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Dang! Guy ogini?????? We don hear!!!

Anonymous said...

Fam let me tell you the difference being xenophobic is a sin BT being against homosexualism is not a sin


Why not make a solid argument why it's not then? Seriously you've said nothing.


God bless you. Who are the victims of said crime exactly?

Unknown said...

If yo'all can't contribute anything please u
better not say a word!


Pointless write up. All I'm seeing is culture culture culture. What exactly are you trying to say?
What is this culture it is against? The ones set by our uneducated forefathers? PLS help me understand

Anonymous said...

Ragina! Ragina!! Ragi!!! how many times did ia cal u.....u better mind ur business, is like ur record have been clean for a while now Eh! don't let us bring u out. Just take ur time, how can u compare both issues.


What a pointless attempt at making a point. Paedophilia has victims, the victim being underaged children. Now PLS tell me who exactly is the victim of homosexuality? Cus last I checked, both parties who partake in such are usually consenting adults.
Daftest comparison. Next time pick up a dictionary before you come on here trying to loook smart.

Anonymous said...

this is how it all starts...fuck off Regina

Anonymous said...

I guess she's a closet lesbian covering up with a fake marriage, they're all coming clean, little by little.
Regina Askia, you're on your own on this, don't look for our support for your gay practices.


The bible is enough reason to support them. Love your neighbours as yourself, live and let live. Etc
Must you people punish what you don't know because you refuse to educate yourselves? Or simply because you can't comprehend it?


After all your yelling and shouting , PLEASE WHY NOT POINT OUT THE HUGE DIFFERENCE? Start from there atleast. Cus you've said nothing

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

The time $ space people take conderming homosexuals is enough for them to sit $ ask God for forgiveness over the sins they have committed $ about to commit. As long as they don't step on ur toes, let them be! If u think hell is the home for homosexuals na you dem go put for fire ne???? Only God can judge!

Anonymous said...

If u can't understand that's a mistake then shut up. I'm sure you don't have anything to contribute that's why you are only looking for a fault #faultfinder #contributenotattack

Anonymous said...

Regina ashawo or what do they call u.I can nw c that u r looking for cheap publicity which u can't get here.Hw on earth can you compare the two.I believed you were been fucked from behinde by a gorrilla when u were writting this piece of shit.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

The time $ space people take conderming homosexuals is enough for them to sit $ ask God for forgiveness over the sins they have committed $ about to commit. As long as they don't step on ur toes, let them be! If u think hell is the home for homosexuals na you dem go put for fire ne???? Only God can judge!


Gay propaganda...Gay propagandist...
Our attitude towards homosexuality is a decent one of natural revulsion, which however stops short at visiting jungle justice on homosexuals...
I am completely in sync with that as opposed to extremism....
And that is radically different from the attitude of South Africans towards foreigners...
The attitude of South Africans towards foreigners is not only that of revulsion; but also of attacking, assaulting and even murdering them...
That is the definition of extremism!!
We must however add that illegal aliens, when caught in any country in the world, are often tried according to law and deported back to their home countries...
Don't see why such positive justice should not be meted on homosexuals..
When caught, no law, except convoluted sharia law, prescribes capital punishment on homosexuals.
Rather when caught, tried and convicted, homosexuals should be put away in prison for a prescribed term, so they do not become corrupting influence on the society...
On no account must homosexuality be accepted as a normal behaviour....


God bless you. Somple and straight to the point. Who died and made us God to judge or even punish them? Simply because they are different from us. This country is plagued by hypocrisy. We scream we are more religious than others, but truth be told we are actually the worst. And this is why the sinners (our western counterparts) according to you lot, will continue to progress, while we continue to hold hatred in our hearts for one another and stay at a standstill . It's as simple as really.

taya said...

Some people are so ignorant...smh. I totally agree with her.

Unknown said...

They are not same and ll never be.... prohibition is far different to gay/lesbian properties have been destroyed or killed..... you guys should just respect our culture.....or did you gave birth to that your beautiful daughter through lebianism? Rubish.


All of you keep repeatingn the same old shit. HOW ABOUT YOU TELL US HOW EXACTLY IT IS DIFFERENT. Hate is hate do not be retarded PLS.



Anonymous said...

Unexpected from Regina. I am beginning to think otherwise...

Anonymous said...

Oh! She can as well compare sleep and death.

Unknown said...

Regina is exhibiting the most debased form of mental state in this write-up, Comparing killing humans with preserving human race (life). i think she is confusing the word 'PHOBE' and should really get to know the meaning. Gay is the fastest way of annihilating the human race and working in another mans country is entirely a different thing altogether. Nigeria is pro-life and the law puts it in proper perspective. I think every one that still within the acceptable region of human thinking should not have any problem of passing the gay law.

Anonymous said...

Maybe regina son is now a gay and she is looking for a safe landing for him when they came back to nigeria.....No come here oooo,na burn we go burn your son ooo.Useless girl,is it over-westernazation should i call this or what.

Anonymous said...

Regina or Vigina, whatever u name is. Kindly bounce and focus
on ur nursing career rather than rivatalizing ur faded media status.
Leave all dat to Linda, Peace out


And what is the rational backing of yours? Isn't homophobia also hating someone due to their sexual preference?
I'll actually wait on your response. It is that deep.

taya said...

Woow! Vant bliv som1 can b dis dumb You are so in denial... Smh

Anonymous said...

No be her fault.....some of us tend to become blind towards the truth after spending so much time with the whites....besides, the SA scenario is a lot different in the sense that No body is scared that a gay person is the cause of his/her unemployment. In the end, staying too long with the whites could lower one's standard over certain not surprised.

Maky said...

Regina you have kids you can as well talk them into marrying their fellow female or male, then I will know that you are for real, for now you are looking for cheap publicity.

taya said...

You are so dumb

Shalis said...

I guess you never did literature in school...

victor19ja said...

Regina, I tink d heat in ur house is too much!! Pls shut ur mouth nd goto bed. Ok???


#I pray president elect won't sign SAMESEX MARRIAGE we he enters...


It's official. I lose brain cells by visiting the comment section. Too many brainless people on here

Unknown said...

Regina has made. Up her mind to obviously head straight without break to HELL. And the hottest part of he'll for thar matter. Any one close to her should kindly advise her bf it's too late. With this kind of Blasphemy views. She is obviously a heathen.

Gay is forbidden and abhorrence in the site if GOD. Marriage btw man and woman is like thw union. Between Christ and the Church. Jesus Dine with sinners but Gay are not just sinners but blasphemous heretics who can not even see thw gate if heaven. Gays blaspheme the ordinances of GOD. The are enemies of the Kingdom if GOD. There us no basis if comparison here. Regina repents bf it's too later. No amont if modernity or civilisation can bring GAY and kesbians a million miles near the gate of heaven take note Regina

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

The last time I checked, in some southern part of Nigeria, their gods practice lesbianism, google it. Ede Mr.Cultute!

Chichi mara mma said...

Both are d same. No one has a right to discriminate based on sexual orientation, race, religion, status etc. Egbe belu, Ugo belu, nke si ibe ya ebena, nku kwaa ya

Unknown said...

I think sometimes when commenting, ur always high on codein! Shey na u de always call onyx gay here? Abi no be u again? Abeg crawl in somewhere! Mma iru ibua!

Amakanwa said...

You are a stupid fool. Fucking idiot. How dare you disrespect our fore fathers in that manner? If u revere white people over your ancestors then that is your bloody problem. Don't ever try to generalise it. Bastard demon. Ekwensu.

Anonymous said...

First of, Regina, thank you for this comparison. It is veeye apt. Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of its context. It is the same belief that one is superior to the other (heterosexuals are superior to homosexuals, or white people are superior to black people, hence their acclamation that the two shows us not mix).

In this case, some Africans display hatred towards other Africans, and what ensues is discrimination and killing. Deep hatred for a person that is from a counary different from yours. On this basis, xenophobia is absolutely comparable to homophobia.

Those who compare homosexuals to pedophiles are greatl mistaken. Homosexuality is sexual, and emotional connection/attraction between two consenting adults. Pedophile is an attraction to children who are not of consenting age/status, and is therefore harmful. Completely different.

Homosexuality is a variation of human sexuality, not a sin.

Civil marriage is a social institution, existing long before the existence of any of religion as we know it today. Therefore, marriage is not the exclusive right of heterosexuals.

Those who sight religious text in opposition to homosexuality are cowards. In Islam, it is forbidden to eat pork. So, why is that not a crime in Nigeria?

In Christianity, it is forbidden to grow different crops in one field. Why is that not a crime? In fact, Christianity mandates that Christians kill non-cnon-christians. Why is that not a law?

We are so quick to pick and choose as a way to hide our ignorant biases. What we really should be doing is seeking understanding.

LIB chairlady said...

Regina needs Jesus

Anonymous said...

I belive in what regina said,but first let her sell the idea to her chidren first.So if regina son and daugthers can marry same sex ,then no problem.......usesless askia williams

say no to gayism said...

She is being sarcastic

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more with you Asampokoto. Linda take note!


Your stupidity is at an all time high. Wow! Honestly. This is not an insult but a fact.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@Wiili u are very stupid, Regina who made that statement is she gay??? Brainless Skunt!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@Wiili u are very stupid, Regina who made that statement is she gay??? Brainless Skunt!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@Wiili u are very stupid, Regina who made that statement is she gay??? Brainless Skunt!


BLAH blah blah. Nigeria is a secular country. Not everyone is muslim or Christian. We all have rights and freedom. Mind your goddamn business and fuck who ever you want to fuck. Period. said...

What is ur name Drigina or Ragina, I can see u re a born throw-way bastard, just be happy u don't leave in Nigeria, mtchew!!!!!!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

@willi where on earth did u read my comment calling onyx gay, i never did $ will never cus I don't know about his sexuality cus is not my business. I only call onyx names just to tease him, get a brain biko $ stop reading my comments upside down!

Euclid said...

Lol...its good that one can see Nigerians response to the issue. There is no point trying to convince Nigerians to accept gays now Regina, even developed countries are still finding it hard to deal with the issue. Nigeria neva finish supplying constant electricity nationwide, na gay marriage dem go come legalize? Unfortunately, gays will just have to do their business in the closet until Nigeria becomes more developed and civilised.

Anonymous said...

Hian, must you comment a thousand times? We've heard you!

Toronto Finest said...

@Moses, stop using "ur" for "you are". U are not a high sch teen. Grow up

Anonymous said...

The bible said go in to the world and multiply. God created Adam and Eve in other to procreate. Why do you want to promote what is going to lead to extinction of human race. If the animals refuse to re procreate all of us will become vegetarians and eventually all animals will go into extinct. Gays want sperm from other people to make babies WHY? If every one is gay no one will donate any to them. Regina please keep quite.


I hope you still wear leaves and live in huts. An uneducated man is an uneducated man. But PLS if you did give them an education, then by all means let me know and I'll tender an apology, till then, eat a dick!

Anonymous said...

Useless woman.

Anonymous said...

Asampakoto pls get d fuck out of here, gay mofo, going round ppl's comments to talk trash... U can't force ur disgusting lifestyle on ppl


I'm sure the illiterates will still come here to attack you. Great attempt at breaking t down though.

Dr David Chux.O. said...

Regina Askia is a well known hardcore Lesbian that tried for many years to hide behind her marriage to oyibo. Don't pay any attention to that evil woman who sucks blood from other women's pussies!


It's also a sin to grow you beard, wear make clothing as a female and vice versa and also make cuts (piercings and tattoos) to the skin. But I'm sure they've never seen those ones. Hissss

Unknown said...

It is totally unacceptable because it is not biblical, and shouldn't be up for discussion. Will she allow her children to be involved in such.

snowflix said...

Yawns! What a sunny day #onelovefromsnow#

Anonymous said...

Please keep quite Regina
God created Adam and Eve . That is why you are in existence if God does not want the earth to be populated He would have created Adam and Adamson or Eve and Evelyn. The Bible said go into the earth and multiply. 1× 1 = 1 . Adam× Adam = Adam. But Adam × Eve = Adam eve. If animals are practising homosexuality then they will go into extinct and all of us will become vegetarians. Also each household will gradually become empty. By the way if we are all gay who will donate sperms to homosexuals. They don't want to marry opposite sec yet they want children. A word is enough for the wise.

Anonymous said...

Please keep quite Regina
God created Adam and Eve . That is why you are in existence if God does not want the earth to be populated He would have created Adam and Adamson or Eve and Evelyn. The Bible said go into the earth and multiply. 1× 1 = 1 . Adam× Adam = Adam. But Adam × Eve = Adam eve. If animals are practising homosexuality then they will go into extinct and all of us will become vegetarians. Also each household will gradually become empty. By the way if we are all gay who will donate sperms to homosexuals. They don't want to marry opposite sec yet they want children. A word is enough for the wise.

Anonymous said...

That practice is for pigs not humans.

Anonymous said...

Spot on, that's the conclusion.

Anonymous said...

As a sociologist, I was taught that our laws comes from Mores/Folkways, Customs and Legal Pronouncements. All these attracts their own penalties. U get frowned at or ridiculed for Mores/Folkways. You get excommunicated for customs & jailed for legal pronouncements. So Askia, our customs don't want any of these..we are not generally use to two able maladjusted men licking up themselves or two women fondling themselves. Even the Bible frowned at it. It is called Sodomy from the annihilation of Sodom. We don't want and we state it in clear terms. There's no way we can accept that even if U elicit sympathy & caging us psychologically to accept this & not come for U. These are abominable acts & we no want for the umpteenth time. Trolls will always come for U this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please keep quite Regina
God created Adam and Eve . That is why you are in existence if God does not want the earth to be populated He would have created Adam and Adamson or Eve and Evelyn. The Bible said go into the earth and multiply. 1× 1 = 1 . Adam× Adam = Adam. But Adam × Eve = Adam eve. If animals are practising homosexuality then they will go into extinct and all of us will become vegetarians. Also each household will gradually become empty. By the way if we are all gay who will donate sperms to homosexuals. They don't want to marry opposite sec yet they want children. A word is enough for the wise.

Anonymous said...

REGINA or what is your name it is a pity that you have chosen to be the devils advocate you are a big ffooooooolllllllll

Lukman said...

The issue is that Regina has never been an intelligent lady, that is why she does not know the difference between the two! She is a beauty without brains!

Anonymous said...

There is a difference. Just the name for these different "hates". Hate is definitely just hate whether it's for Colours or sexual preference. When good luck said about corruption and stealing everyone shouted him down but I know that corruption is mere day light robbery. Same thing different name

China said...

There is quite a great difference Regina Askia. Where have you heard that people were slaughtered based on their sexual perversions? It's a whole different ball game from the xenophobia exhibited by South Africans. The fact is in all,let's be aware Jesus loves each and everyone of us and wants us to turn away from every ungodly act. Forget culture,Xenophobia, Homosexuality is of the devil..Let's flee before its too late

Anonymous said...

Obinna Azubiko or whatever u call yourself, Regina has already insulted people like u in advance. Somebody said u should comment like a responsible person. You are saying go to bed. If u dont want to comment, shut up. Some useless Nigerians just like to insult. All that comes out of their mouth is insults. Try have some manners sometimes

Anonymous said...

Asamkpokoto are you Tony Obijuru, cos the last time I checked, he was gay!

Anonymous said...

What a retard you are @prince! At least tell us why it's stupid. God, What happened to tolerance?

Anonymous said...

What a retard you are @prince! At least tell us why it's stupid. God, What happened to tolerance?

Anonymous said...

I am short of words that Regina of all people can talk like this. this is Gay 101. its a set induction to announcing that she is gay. Please when will you make the announcement . OOK SHE IS BISEXUAL. its unfortunate that Sodomy is what you call Gay. GOD didn't make anyone Gay. the devil did and God has no hand in this wickedness against humanity. Gay is sin against procreation. REGINA - IF YOUR PARENTS HAD STUCT TO SAME SEX PARTNERSHIP WILL YOU HAVE BEEN BORN

Anonymous said...

Nigerians cant you contribute or have a decent conversation without insults? Ghosh!

Anonymous said...

Regina Askia only told u to comment. She wants to know your opinion thats all. So stop the insults

Anonymous said...

The only sin that caused God to bring down destructive fire on human race. It is only compared to beastiality. Shame on you Regina, you have reduced your moral standard to this, God bless those who are real mothers indeed.

Mr 47 said...

@ASAMPOKOTO so u haven't heard of Uncle's abusing their young nephew or a Rev Father abusing one of the church boy??? U should educate yourself more. The bible is against homosexual, Africa is against homosexual, Nigeria is against it and we never gonna accept it. Wanna be gay, get the fuck out of Nigeria. Period!!!

Anonymous said...

She never said both are exactly thesame. She only said they have similarities. She knows her opinion might be different from yours thats why she threw it open for discussion. So u dont have to insult her. People always have different opinions about things. So Nigerians grow up and stop being hostile and brutal

Anonymous said...

Nigerians grow up and stop being hostile and harsh over a little issue. Pass your comments in a responsible manner without fraustrated insults

Anonymous said...

Aboki making a lot of sense

Anonymous said...

The bible says "thou shalt not kill". Although i dont like gay or homosextuality. Lets preach to them or take them to a rehabilitation centre. It is a mental or phychological disorder and they need help. It is just like a human being preferring to eat only bones instead of meat. It sounds abnormal. Are u also going to kill that kind of person? Or a mad man that likes to eat from the dust bin instead of normal fresh food. Are u saying u will kill him because he behaved abnormal?

Child of Grace said...

If u are a christian or a Muslim, both religions dominate ds part of d world,and both religions forbids same sex marriage, even the Idle worshipers do not approve it, respect God and his commandments , preach to them dt do otherwise don't hate, it does not mean you should encourage them to continue in that way, we all know God is the only judge, but remember we cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound, we all die some day and what happens after is what we don't know, the Land of Sodom and Gomorrah in d Bible was destroyed by things like this, the creator of heaven and earth is against it, why dn encourage such, I have never seen who on this earth is bigger or greater than God almighty, let us all be careful in the things we say or do, in God's court there's no human right, it's only God's will that will be done, may God help us all, amen

Unknown said...

And aboki, did u read that the Catholic Church just condemned abortion???... What d hell is even going on?... Why are u all hypocrites. Why condemn one sin and support another. This is brainless mehnnn!!!

OLIMA said...

Preach sista!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr Smart ass, it is not a mistake. It is simple English language or didn't you go to school? And her write up makes a lot of sense

Unknown said...

And what's your stand on abortion?.. U guys are fucking hypocrites

Anonymous said...

The truth is even if u ban gayism or homosexuality in this country, they will still hide and do it. Lesbian hide and do stuff too. The best thing is to preach to them to stop and pray for them so that God will touch them and change their mind-set

Unknown said...

Dis mallam Aboki is so messed up upstairs.. He needs rehabilitation

AMIJEZ said...

Regina,both of them are in no way related. They can't be compared. Unless you are a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Gay people are normal people but they are just not attracted to the opposite sex

Unknown said...

U gonna lose all of them if u don't get your brain properly checked..@Asampokoto

Anonymous said...

There are some weird people that prefer to sleep with animals instead of human beings. It is just a defect or a sickness. Gay people need help. They need spiritual counselling instead of killing them

Anonymous said...

Do u know that those days, we used to kill twins in Africa until a white woman called Mary Sellesor stopped the killing of twins. Our forefathers killed twins because they saw it as abnormal. Its thesame way people are seeing gay as abnormal. Gay is a medical disorder. Such people need help and counselling.

Unknown said...

What kind of nonsense denial is she in my dear taya...?!. Our problem in Nigeria is way more than homosexual.. American has gotten to a point where they can turn to pigs if they want to but plzzz don't sell that crap to us..

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Willi or whatever u call urself, u accused me for calling Onyx gay,?? I have never $ will never, cus I don't know if he is or not,his sexuality is non of my business, may be is your business cus u carry am for head like Ogogoro seller. u can trek to where ever he is $ ask him, I only call him names jokkinly infact he is one of my favorite libers, you are obviously high wen ever u chase my can never be a guardian angel cus u are too dirty to be one Eww, biko next tym u jam bad market for ur Domitila waka, nor pour that vexnation on LIB. Stop behaving like an headless chicken, go back I repeat go back to the messy poultry u live in lol bomboclaat!


What is this idiot ^^ Nnenna saying now?

Anonymous said...

Agents of Illumination always wanna rear their shitty head.


What does abortion have to do with homosexuality? Are they killing anybody? Come this Nnenna did you reach primary 6 at all? Nawa oh.


Are you talking about the article where the Bishop begged them to reconsider aborting, that has now turned to abortion? This babe If you want to abort, go and abort mate. Stop yelling up and down

Unknown said...

God bless you


Lmao if only I was gay. But I refuse to argue with an idiot. I'm a female by the way. Still not a lesbian though. But carry on basking in your stewpidity boo

Manuel Kunmi said...

As long as gayism ain't permitted in Nigeria and I hate them already whatever Regina is saying is crap...... I can kill gay people giventhe right to and nnecessary backing. Don't care what nobody says bout em

Manuel Kunmi said...

As long as gayism ain't permitted in Nigeria and I hate them already whatever Regina is saying is crap...... I can kill gay people giventhe right to and nnecessary backing. Don't care what nobody says bout em

Manuel Kunmi said...

As long as gayism ain't permitted in Nigeria and I hate them already whatever Regina is saying is crap...... I can kill gay people giventhe right to and nnecessary backing. Don't care what nobody says bout em

Unknown said...

Its very ok if that is her meaning of the developments Nigeria needs now, with its antecedents health implications for a country like Nigeria but i completely disagree with her views.
The Nigeria of my dream is one very close to Europe and América in terms of developments,health-care facilities,industries,techonology and sciences just name it but far from gay marriages.
Today its acceptable to her because its acceptable to Europe and América,why didn’t her preach then when it was a tabúes to them,Regina should know we also have good cultures and traditions that are not in line with gay marriages,and i see no health benefit in being gay,my respect to them though as humans.

Manuel Kunmi said...

As long as gayism ain't permitted in Nigeria and I hate them already whatever Regina is saying is crap...... I can kill gay people giventhe right to and nnecessary backing. Don't care what nobody says bout em

OMA said...

Uhm, she has a point but badly presented. She should not have compared the killings in SA with jail term in Nigeria, not on same scale

Anonymous said...

regina its not thesame at all. but no one should hurt them but they need to know its wrong and it has to remain so. cos God didnt make it so


You sound stupid. You jst picked up Someones name and decided to drop here Cus you can't reason like the higher mammal you are? Nawa oh

Manuel Kunmi said...

As long as gayism ain't permitted in Nigeria and I hate them already whatever Regina is saying is crap...... I can kill gay people giventhe right to and nnecessary backing. Don't care what nobody says bout em


Mate let me tell you, judging other people based on how they choose to live their life and hating them IS A SIN. That's what homophobia is. Come again with something more solid.


Public reasoning by Rawls says one should be able to have a debate free of traditional and religious doctrines. Especially in a secular country. Is this a secular country or nah?


Read your bible again. That was not the sin that caused it . Stop he BLASHPHEMY


Stupid baseless point. I am a female who was sexually assaulted by my uncle. LETS CONDEMN HETEROSEXUALS TOO. What an idiotic point.
So child abuse is limited to jst gay people?

Anonymous said...



How about you jst fucking leave them alone? Jesus! Can't you people live your own lives?

Anonymous said...

You that is talking about commandments, hope you obey all or almost all? For once I'm pretty sure you commit fornication or adultery (as regards to your marital status) and you lie too. So spare us, e na nu??

Anonymous said...

You should be stoned to death first for senseless hatred towards ur fellow human


It's really Nigerian women I pity sha. A lot of you are married to gay men and don't even know it. Smh

Anonymous said...

Dense brained bitch how do you compare xenophobia to sex law .. Mschwww pls keep smokin wat ever you are smokin..

Manuel Kunmi said...

See the man that has seen God on several occasions oooooo and knows exactly what God will do to gay people...crazy ass dude

Anonymous said...

@Asampokoto, U can not force ur disguting lifestyle on people by standing on some shrewed and mischievious comparison raised by Regina Askia. FYI homosexualism will never be legalized in Nigeria, all U homosexuals should stop wasting ur time , U can just relocate to Europe or the US which is the kingdom of homosexuals. Nigeria has refused to be sub-bestial. QED.
And to answer ur question on the difference : It is the same way we hate shit(faeces), except if it's unfair to hate shit, then U can go ahead and eat shit to show us how fair it is to love shit.

K3nDR!x BR!gg$ said...

It is this same attitude of live and let live that made Sodom what it was ... Where everything was okay and normal and nothing was a sin..... If Sodom was okay then I don't see why the Lord had to destroy it . if Regina Askia wants a Sodom of her own she should start by allowing maybe someone in her family be gay and support em all the way... Maybe then her kids might follow......kini oshiiii..... I sigh in urhobo.... Ogboefian.::::::open one eye to watch while u pray:::':::::':

Unknown said...

Hav u seen a gay b4? Their life style mehn this ppeople are just off.....its very badt nothing can justify dt....

Anonymous said...

Asampokoto or whatever your name is. Stop being naive. Gay or lesbianism is demonic and shouldn't be encouraged. The truth is always bitter and am sure u will learn it one day.

Unknown said...

Still Homophobic Strong n Proud.

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