Graphic photo: Girl dies after being electrocuted by power bank in Ghana | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 28 May 2015

Graphic photo: Girl dies after being electrocuted by power bank in Ghana

A young Ghanaian girl identified as Blandine (pictured above) was on May 25th electrocuted to death after the power bank she was using to charge her phone got stuck on her skin and electrocuted her. According to reports from Dumsor, Ghana, the girl was chatting with a friend when she fell asleep and placed the power bank she was using to charge her phone around her breast region. She had connected the power bank to an electricity source so it can charge when power is restored. As power was restored to her area, their was a power surge, the power bank got heated and got stuck on her skin, electrocuting her to death. Her parents found her dead. So sad! Pic of the deceased after the cut

193 comments: said...

So sad....may her soul rest in peace

Do the walking and let your shoes do the talking

Unknown said...


Adorable mummy said...

My God
This is graphic

Unknown said...

Sad. So sad. RIP to her

Unknown said...

May her soul rest in peace.

Bike Packing Blog said...

Really sad news. May her soul rest in peace. Amen. At least we've learnt a lesson lesson on misuse of power bank

petcom said...

Fuck... RIP.. thats a terrible sight dere

Unknown said...

I pray dat God grant her family d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Shuo! Shuo!! Shuo!!! Shou Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo Shuo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

JESUS!!!!!! Oh goodness, if only she knew. May her soul rest in peace, so sad

Manuel Kunmi said...

Power what!!!!!!!!! LIB giveaway freaks learn from this...RIP

Manuel Kunmi said...

So sad

Unknown said...

JESUS!!!!!! Oh goodness, if only she knew. May her soul rest in peace, so sad

Manuel Kunmi said...

Really graphic

Anonymous said...

may her soul rest in perfect peace.

Love said...

OMG.......this is really sad. Rest in peace

eka said...

this is so sad!
what epileptic power supply is causing
May her soul rest in peace

Kaycee said...

Jesus! May her soul rest in peace, am going to beware of power banks and phone chargers o

Anonymous said...

Oh so sad!
May her soul rest in peace.
This is the reason Ghanaians are crying "Dumsor must stop" this is a terrible experience for them.

<< LIB Addict >>

Adalud said...


Chimah Ikechukwu said...

shiii! this z a shocker! SAD

Unknown said...

Lord have mercy! So sad!!
RIP dear....

Joy Monique A said...

God have mercy.
I have to be careful oooooo because iam very careless with all this.

Ijanyimitch said...

So sad, but this happened bcos of her carelessness. What a pity

prettiyz said...

Oh my God,may her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Jesus lord have mercy. i hope she is was in christ before death

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

OMG!!! May her soul rest in peace.

Mrs telema ronaldo(CR7 wife in making) said...

Jesus Christ of nazareth

APPLE said...

Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!! R.I.P

Breanna Blogs Life said...

Jesus Christ!!! What a horrendous way to die. May her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Omg.... wat da hell is dis?? may ha soul rip

Unknown said...

Rest in peace dear, we all should always be prepared cuz nobody knows the hour or Time the son of man will come ..see such a healthy girl, see how she is now

Unknown said...

Oh jesus,am just speechless,dis s so sad.RIP girl

Admire said...

Blood of Jesus may her she RIP

andre kelvin said...


Unknown said...

Omg hmm power bank. Mehn we jst need to b careful dis dayz ooo wif lill tins

Lib freak

Anonymous said...

so sad such a preety girl....may her humble soul rest in peace...I just leant a good lesson frm dis.

destinysweet said...


Unknown said...

Sad, a painful death. May her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...


snowflix said...

Too bad! Rip to her #onelovefromsnow#

Unknown said...

rest in peace

Anonymous said...

What a sad sad story. This photo is gonna stick in ones mem u know

Unknown said...

May her soul R.I.P. But wait Ghana used to have stable electricity when did power instability start? Such that they now use power banks?

Anonymous said...

Awwww so sad

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Chai Menh...dis pretty to her (dodorima to all africans?

Unknown said...

so unfortunate. may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace

Unknown said...

R.I.P. So sad!


O.M.G may her soul R.I.P

dharmmy said...

Ewo oooo, may her soul RIP

Bonita Bislam said...

Jesus! What a way to die! This power bank that I know?chai

Anonymous said...

Too bad.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

OMG. So disheartend

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

O God! RIP to her, pretty lady.. Thanks 4 sharing dis Lindy cos I do plug tinz near my bed, her power bank is made of metal, I tink dat contributed to everytin.. God console her family..

Anonymous said...

I thought Ghanians said they don't hv electricity issues? Their own worse sotey dem dey use power bank do pillow! No Generator to charge phone again?....RIP to the dead

Unknown said...

my God; My Lord.....this is so so sad

Unknown said...

my God; My Lord.....this is so so sad

Unknown said...

Oh My God.........why such a pretty girl

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Unknown said...

My goodness! This is horrible. Haba! Rest in Peace. May God not let us see bad thing. So sad.

Segun said...


Segun said...


Unknown said...

Omg, so sad. RIP

Unknown said...

Oh dear!!! And to think i am addicted to power banks! This is horrible! Lord God!

Unknown said...

God oooooo! RIP dear

Obidiyakool said...

Ha may her soul rest in peace.

Blog It With Olivia said...

Na wa o, there's no way someone can meet his or her end...
May her Soul RIP


Anonymous said...

SO sad RIP

Anonymous said...

So sad! Chai


Oh Jesus! Dis is horrible.. May her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

This is quite saddening!

Mzz_Mary said...


ISMAN said...

This is quite saddening!

Anonymous said...

God of mercy

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This is really sad. And I've done that before, thank God for my life and that of others. This should be a lesson to others too.
May her soul RIP

rolex said...

dis is bad.......soooooo sad

rolex said...

eiyaaaaa...dis is sad

Anonymous said...

Linda, please take off the picture of the deceased. Respect the dead.

Unknown said...

Oh jezzzzzz. Power bank again. GOD have mercy. May her soul rest in peace

FALI CALEB said...

what kinda power bank is that? made of metal that could allow electricity pass...haba

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ

Anonymous said...

If u make proper research, u will see dis power bank is made in China own....pls let try stop patronising dis China goods nd at least try go for original stuff even if is getting a smaller stuff ur money can afford..nd enjoy. ( dodorima Africans)

Asa said...

Jesus christ,and i am use to this oooo God i thank u

Unknown said...

Chai linda na any picture you see you dey upload self????

~Linda na me~

Anonymous said...

God of MERCY!!!!

Unknown said...

This are things we do everyday, God pls always teach us to number our days. RIP

ary said...

Awww what a way to die! Loads of people will say they want to die in their sleep but not like this!

Unknown said...

Almost unbelieveable...........hmmmm R.I.P


***adult content***

See what phone addiction will cos...

Subomi said...

ok......... thats very strange. RIP

Anonymous said...

Linda pls eh try warn us of d pics na b4 we see it nd hv heart attack. This is just horrible. RIP said...

Anytin at all can take a life....we cnt b too God get power

Anonymous said...

kai!!! in peace dear


Unknown said...

O my God. O my God.

Unknown said...

O my God. O my God.

Davido's driver said...

So sad. How do u charge n place the device close to you when it's not a mobile phone?

Unknown said...

Sad! in peace.

Anonymous said...

I guess will all know now that Linda has no sense of ethics. This your blog
won't survive one day if it was in the west. You are very offensive with the kind of pictures
and news you post.

That said, people should avoid patronizing goods that can't be found in countries like US or UK because they
most likely haven't passed a lot of quality and safety tests

Unknown said...

Rip girl
So sad

Unknown said...

Linda pls the down this her pix.... it's too exposing.

Unknown said...

So sad!

Unknown said...

This is very sad.. may her soul rest in perfect peace....

Anonymous said...

Linda u are an idiot.u have no respect for the dead.ewu

Joshtech said...

Ha! Such a beautiful girl r.i.p to death but wait oh why did she have to plug it to the power source.

Anonymous said...

Linda... mayb u shouldn't have shared d dead pix...... u shud have accorded her d last respect... u dnt even knw if she's an ardent reader of ur blog.....4 future purposes, dnt share pix of naked corpse....
1 naked pix of a dead person won't reduce d number of ur fans or Libers...

Damola Gbadegesin said...

God help us.RIP

Unknown said...

So sad Rip

Austin said...

das sad accident/terrible sight. may her soul RIP

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg take down d pic naa...its unfair to d family

Anonymous said...

Why do u post such pictures no respect for the dead . It is enough that you have described her death. It's realy not fair to members of her family as well. Accident victims u post. Murdered victims u post
Anyway I'll do the best I can for museum and delete the linda ikeji app. I wish you luck making fame and money from people's misfortunes.

mimi j said...

May her soul rest in peace

Franklin said...

This is terrible. We have to be more careful of the way we use all these electronic gadgets, especially now that China is out to maximize profit

Unknown said...

Confirm will she not no wen d PB will hurt ha with d heat...

obie said...

Please avoid power banks made of metal casings

Unknown said...


Welcome to Bookybam's Blog said...

They r all made in China

Anonymous said...

Am i the only one who thinks posting the naked picture of a dead electrocuted girl is so wrong? Linda where is ur brain na? Have a little respect plus there was no warning of graphic content.....this is just so wrong

Unknown said...

May her soul RIP!

Davido's driver said...

Really sad.

Unknown said...

Now am sad....pretty little poor thing......hmmmmm

STERN said...

This kind of death is epic. This should make 1000 ways to die

Anonymous said...

Wot a flippant remark on a dead person? U carry ur cultism reach here wif ur "dodorima" dat u heartless Aiyes av used 2 kill thousands of innocent souls under d pretext of black movement & liberation, u kill! Nufin gud comes out of cultism bro... do somfin meaningfull wif ur life! Ask ur "lord Godingi the sadest" abi wetin dem call am? nufin meaningful came out of his life

Unknown said...

Hmmmm RIP...


Lucky Yemi said...

This is so so sad may her gentle soul rest in peace. what a sad way to learn a lesson.

Davido's driver said...


Unknown said...

OMG! May her soul rest in peace. Linda take note!


Almost everything you see is made in China

Unknown said...

This is a bad news. May her soul rest in peace


Linda is jst weird.
The babe is odd

Anonymous said...

Ol boy! That's horrible.

Unknown said...

Lord, have
RIP lady.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


nelson mandela said...

What's the Fuck is your business you anonymous jew

Unknown said...

so sad RIP dear

FELIX said...

Girl killed by power surge. Even a fridge can kill during a power surge. Always act safe.

fyaith said...

Quite true. Power banks once burnt my skin while I was asleep. May her soul RIP. AMEN

Anonymous said...

R u dull or just plain stupid. Linda said it was a graphic pix. Where is ur common sense. Pls if u dont like her blog, stay of it abeg. Idiot.

FELIX said...

Ghana's also run by blacks.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo sad! May her soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...


Juleslouis said...

Oh my goodness. May her soul RIP.

Gideon Abochie said...

Good observation... Metal case power banks are live death traps.

Amycool cyril said...

what a painful death, may her soul rest in perfect peace

Gideon Abochie said...

Even the best Samsung gizmos and gadgets are made in's all a matter of grades.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace

KayCee Fin said...

This is so horrible, So unfortunate. May her soul RIP

KayCee Fin said...

This is so horrible, So unfortunate. May her soul RIP

Anonymous said...

Linda, please respect the dead.stop posting these kind of pictures


Unknown said... wa oo, God have mercy. So painful....Fine gurl.. chaiii.......Rest in Peace dear.
We all have to be careful, Fone freaks like me; take note.. #GodSaves

Unknown said...

So sad,may her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

So sad,may her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You can tell Linda that you dont like seeing graphic pictures without insults pls. What about newspapers that show worse pictures. Have u insulted them plus TV stations? Nigerian just like to insult. U just open ur big mouth and all that come out of it is insult. We cannot have a decent conversation on this blog without insults. Nigerians pls grow up

Unknown said...

So sad, may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Anonymous said...

This is what lack of electricity can cause. She was trying to charge it just in case light comes back. I thot they said Ghana now has constant light. I pray we get constant light in Nigeria some day

Anonymous said...

Painful dead.....RIPP. @lynda, is gud as u post dis so others can learn frm it.

flo-ride-her™ said...

Stop buying Chinese products own power bank get only one plug ,so you can't charge while hooking up ur phone at the same time and that aside,this P bank is in a steel casing ,that na the thing y'all gotta be looking for when getting a power bank ..anyways RIP to the young lady atleast some folks gonna learn from her mistake ...stop plug and play its RISKY!

Anonymous said...

Can u just shut up!!!! Don't u do same thing..we are all guilty of this act..especially wt our phones...May God help us all..and may her gentle soul rest in peace

Godwin said...


Unknown said...

Jeez! Lesson learnt. RIP

Akin' Odunsi @gr8akin said...

Oh my GOD! i do this often o! Chei MAy her soul rest in peace.

Unknown said...

Pls check the pic very well. Look at her wrist. Looks like she was murdered before being electrocuted .
Anyway so sad to loose such a young woman

Anonymous said...

Pls check the pic very well. Look at her wrist. Looks like she was murdered before being electrocuted .
Anyway so sad to loose such a young woman

Anonymous said...

Pls check the pic very well. Look at her wrist. Looks like she was murdered before being electrocuted .
Anyway so sad to loose such a young woman

Unknown said...

This is really sad! May God rest her soul....

Sunday Omotosho said...

What is hidden to man is best known to God.

Unknown said...

Quite unfortunate, may her soul RIP

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

The power bank did not kill her. Its the power surge. Even a fridge can kill in a power surge. Don't create panic.

Anonymous said...

It is not her fault. She did not cause the surge. It could have happened to any one who was in contact with an electric device plugged in when the power came back on.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Lesson to all power bank users

Anonymous said...

Oh please shut your fucking shit hole

Unknown said...

1000ways to die

Anonymous said...

So sad, prerry girl gone too soon. RIP

Unknown said...

blood of Jesus oooo.... this is too sad...RIP

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace. They would have given her dignity. It didn't affect her breast. They should have kept it covered.

Anonymous said...

Tnk u anonymous,let's get it isn't the power bank dat killed her..

Anonymous said...

Shut up&mind ur own biznes

Anonymous said...

I don't tink dis is phone addiction..or she wouldn't hv slpt in the 1st place...its de power bank on her chest not de phone..we al do dis..let's jux Tnk God 4 our lives..God pls hv mercy on us &teach us de right way. of doing tins..RIP gentle soul

Walata said...

So sorry R I P

Unknown said...

Bunch of imbeciles

Unknown said...

Any body know of a project topic. 'SMS cash based electronic system''??. .my email

Anonymous said...

Amun Ra has passed this soul into the field of peace.

Unknown said...

On the plus side, it has the longest reach of any selfie stick I've tested. On the other hand is everything else. . If you want to buy it please visit.
Selfie Monopod Stick

Unknown said...

Plus, if you are traveling with your family, then each member may be having his or her cell phone. So, is it possible to charge all of them at once? Yes, it is highly possible thanks to the innovative 6-socket feature which comes with these gadgets. For more visit
10000mah power bank

Adrian Wong said...

It's IMPOSSIBLE for her to be electrocuted. If this is true, then it would have to happen under very special circumstances -

power banks in India said...

I love powerbank but I don't think it should be less than 10000 mAh battery. As we need to charge our smartphone for atleast 4-5 times with one charge.

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