Speaking exclusively with Baller Alert, Jhonni claimed Drake dumped her a week after they got together for a different stripper from the same club. She said when she confronted Drake for making a fool out of her, he began sending her threatening text messages and even made he lose her job...
Jhonni tells Baller Alert
"My city of Houston tore me apart on the radio like, 'Jhonni didn't know he was a hoe.' I took off a week from work and I'm the topic of my city, they're laughing because I'm walking around with this fool. He was kissing me in my job, made the DJ switch the song to my name, I have a video of us playing piano together, this is embarrassing."About the unprotected sex, Jhonni said
"I asked him why he messed with me with no condom, what if I get pregnant. He said 'I'm not worried about that, I just want ot give you the best of me'. He wanted to feel all of me. He ate me out. He kissed me. He's a loving sexual person."She said she and Drake got into a heated argument over his sleeping with another woman and after that he began to threaten her. After a group of unknown men showed up at her house Jhonni filed a police report and now Drake is wanted in Houston for questioning.
Jhonni then provided text message receipts of her convos with Drake.
The police report
This is indeed a game. Lady talking like some. Kinda asshole. Fuck
David (dave_gino)
Drake is a perfect gentleman
Afolabi Tosyne's blog
Ashawo catching feelings...mtscheeewwwwe
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Please where can I buy corset in onitsha or Asaba
Please help
Omg on these biatches. Did he force you to have sex with him? No shame at all!!!
Drake is a rapper i respect so much. But i wonder why he should indulge in such a careless and irresponsible act. I think he should be called for questioning.
Kwakwakwakwakwa issorai
I know I did not see any thing threatening in any of Drake's sms. These hoes gotta chill. Quick to catch feelings and shit. She should have known better tho..
That is her bizwax...stay one place ,mba, dey waka waka up and down, now them don poke am like Facebook..
make they leave this guy jor, people trying to bring him down..is not gonna work
Stripper catching feelings!
That girl is beautiful... Shit men, see skin
Its their business biko
This is just another guy girl shit, nothing new.
When did hoes start catching feelings abeg.....
All these celeb ehh
They should fucking leave dat dude alone jare. Wats wit dem anyway? A nigga got to hv fun, u knw...
Their cup of coffee.
DRAKE O NA WA 4 YOU...............
This is serious........
This is serious........
This is serious........
girls na wa o.try to avoid men with quick PDA(public display of attention)
.they are players and brain washers
I don't see anything threatening in those messages or wasn't I reading it ryt?,she was acting like some desperate chick wishing to reap where she did not saw with all them love talk,hoe needs to know where she stands,seriously you sleep with him for a weekend and now wants to be his amber rose?get a life plz at least he didn't rape you,it was consented sex abi u blind when im dey do u without condom nmtchew
I thought drake uses RIM products, well stripper vexing over what? F@%/ her
Drake is such a hoe!!!
No wonder Riri dumped him! Smh
Na wa o and I like this drake a lot. I wonder why these celebrities like to mess themselves up, and these girls I'm sure they always know what they re getting themselves into, at d end they act like d victim. I'm a lady but its good to always define every move u re making with a man. Though some men can be very useless
Where did he threaten her?
Wetin con concern us, abeg get out jare madam stripper
Jst a week nd u opend ya legs fr em cos he is Drake?wat u angry abt nw bit*h,mada u.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Drake tho.. A quiet faced Nigga... And a BadAss
There is nothing threatening In d convo, the girl is just desperate, like was she expecting Drake to fall in love with her??, hoes be tripping tho
What a scattered chat presentation....WHAT THE HELL..am working harder than the police assembling and reading this shiii....and Whr in holly is the damn threat,all I see is a lover boy being too kind to a stripper he just met....Damn u guys for making me go throu this
Nah dere matter
Drake just fall my hand...nd d respect I get for d lad don die..I know he doesn't care tho
OvO Drake and strippers shaaaaaa!!!
would she av aborted d baby if he got her pregnant?
Enjoyment galore! All dis rihanna boyfriends sef.. Dey usually get coma
Get a life ho.
But u enjoyed the whole thing and received d cucumber with joy..dead d issue n move on..what wia u thinking? anoda amber rose whiz Khalifa tale..Noo u a stripper.................................#KingOfKings
They got nothing but time...
Sharp girl, young lady it doesn't work dt way
Hehehehe...Ashawo D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲ fall inlove ni?
#LIB brand ambassador
People nor de fear hiv o. I'm sure most celebs are carriers.
Na wa o
Bt this is nting to rant abt babe
U sold ur self cheap nd u think he is goin to marry a whore
Girls never learn
No comment
Lips sealed
Nor be use and dump be stripper second name? Dem nor pay am? Na girlfriend?
U re the boss way to go drake keep doing it luv u lots.she deserves it wat did she expect from a famous artist lyk u
Another whore trying to make money out a popular artiste...
Na wa o! Rihanna is gonna strangle diz guy.. They re all bitches and how dare u f**k a stripper without protecting urself...smh *Flora*
This bitch should not try this with a nigga like me,
Go under the bridge olodo.
Atutu said so
She is only after money. I can't see any big deal in the convo
Lmao...me too tire o
Houston Popo must not have much to do. Where's the threat?
Are you surprised? Nobody uses condoms lol
Its high time men stopped using women as rags. Drake should be should answer for his sins
where is the dopest strip club in lekki or vi
Dey wanna taste the life, bitch u gotta pay the price.. Lmao!!! Ashewo ti o mo ise
So it's not only me that use to say that thing? ''I want to feel all of you,I want to feel you properly''
jesus,I be foooooooooooool lmaoooooo
Lekwanu dis babe o. U r a stripper. U did ur job well. Wat else do u want?
U ain't Rihana. Stripper trying to be a wife aftr a 1 nyt stand. Lmaooo. Loose ur job first, n dnt fall so cheap,
Hmm wahala dey oo
All these chicks wey dey like cat things. Maybe she na leopard and ee friend wey Drake come dey hammer na tiger.
stupid hoes always talking shit!!!!like you didnt know hes a star and just passing thru.women need to check their emotions at their door.if you see that its not going anywhere ,then you should do it just for the fun of it not becos u think ur pussy made of gold and will have a nigga falling
linda abeg give credit to the source you got the info from. you no dey hear.
HOW DUMB CAN FEMALES BE! I'm a female and I wouldn't sleep with a guy after knowing him a week. I have too much class and morals. I don't care if he is famous, that's just foolish. I'm cracking up because come on now. He is a top Hip-hop Artist who travels the world and have sex with many females, mostly foolish stripper's with no class.That's why I would never date celebrity. And then she works at a strip club, would a middle-class man date a stripper, let alone a celebrity. Aubrey/Drizzy Drake dated Model, Exotic dancer and who was also the Lead Model in Drake's Video "Find Your Love" Maliah Michel and she told Elite DC Radio on Joi Live Show during an interview that they broke up because of her dancing, so why would he wife some random stripper. I'm not trying to be judgmental, I'm just saying but how do I know because I work in the Media industry in New York. I'm a Reporter, Writer, Broadway Actress, and Broadcast Journalist Student, who plans on starting my own business soon. So I know just about everything going on in the Entertainment world lol pretty cool huh... I have a fairly new News Page on Facebook called World's Broadcast News @ https://www.facebook.com/BroadcastJournalistNews21?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/SieSieRonda Instragram: Iamsiesierondaa
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