The Archbishop of Jos, Ignatius Kaigama, has condemned the
criminalization of gays in Nigeria. Speaking with the Vatican's
weekly publication,
The Tablet, on Wednesday October 8th, Archbishop
Kaigama said the catholic church does not support the criminalizing of
people due to their different sexual orientation and urged the federal
government to stop punishing gay people.
"We are not
supporting the criminalization of people with different sexual
orientations. We would defend any person with homosexual orientation who
is being harassed, who is being imprisoned, who is being punished. The
federal government may want to punish them, we don't. In fact, we will
tell the government to stop punishing those with different orientations"
he said
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Wetyn man no go see finish?
Like seriously? Hmm #lipsealed# okay!
Huh?? What?? Unbelievable!
Hmmm nawa ooo
He must be a gay!
This man must be a Yoruba man by birth..
Well said!
slowly endorsing gay rights
HUH????? #jaw drops# I'm yet to decipher the meaning of this news o linda! #coversFace#
Like i always say, if ur private life doesnt affect my own life then i dont see why i should give a fuck about yu....
Lord have mercy! even a pope is in support of unholy behaviors. hmm end time na wa oo your bible
Afterall they are sinners and Jesus ddnt condemn sinners... He even said he ddnt come 4 d righteous but 4 sinners. Instead of condemning them, show dem love, by dat, dia orientation might change.
What is this oga saying?... Nwa madiba*
Hate the act and not the people; they are still human beings after all.
*My R1.50c comment *
Oh please, who is this one? If you want to preach repentance to the "gay" folks then do buh don't habour them, so you don't put sin on your own head
#eyes wide open# ehmmm lin lin I'm still trying to decipher the ORIGINAL meaning of this news!!!! I'll post a comment when I do#sips vodka#
Hian!!! Pls hope u re nt a gay bishop. Why will u support wat the bible condemned. Nawah oh
Please Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama,
This is African. It is not allowed here. Even the Bible condemns it. Leave our President alone
Agreed. I don't like what they do but they shouldn't be punished for it. Homosexuality is a sin not a crime.
Next pls.......
this bishop must be a gay, i suspect him to have had a skeleton on the cupboard. He really need to be scrutinize seriously
so this madness is gradually creeping into our churches, The end is near.
#still thinking# shebi Our Bible frowns @ this same sex thing abi the whites brought a different Bible to Africa ni??? Cos me I don't understand again o! Yeah! I know God is all merciful and all everything but!!! Haaaaaaaa
He must be kidding.God knows the right tym 2 act,God save our soul
I can only support something I like or considered right..
You claim to serve a God who have no tolerance for abominable acts like gays and you r sympathisin wth dem???
He s either a yet t come out gay or yet to knw d God he serves
#eyesSpining# in as much as A̶̲̥̅♏ a proud Roman Catholic come what may, I really think the CHURCH needs to take a clear stand on this homosexuality ish so that I go dey see A̶̲̥̅♏ clearly with my koro koro eye cos I'm loosing it just like a few other pple!!! Haba! How can u reject polygamism and embrace homosexuality????????
Well done Sir! A brave and courageous Nigerian, also I'm not surprised he represents Jos, always a welcoming, open city.
If people reason like dis life will b better.. It's not like d gays are forcing d straights to hav sex with dem,d gays are not fighting for marriage either,all dey need is to be constitutionally protected!!....irony of life is wen u jail homosexuals in a prison with sex starved men..
Hmmmmm. Reserve my comment
If the arch bishop said so, that means he's satanic.But I still believe he can't.
Y the difference of opinion? I suppose the catholic church does not approve of homosexuality?
See as him dey like wetin i no know... I'm so disappointed in you, I don't even know if you know what the Bible says about that.
R u sure he's a real bishop?
Dear linda , thank God you're back . For quality printing jobs contact
The fact that u are a man of God doesn't mean dat if u talk shit we will support u, oga bishop I was expecting u to say "okay let the govt stop penalizing them, but we as the men of God dat reads the bible will continue to pray for them to change"
He is a Bastard for saying that
This man sef look like gay, I beg make I cover my yansh make he no tear my backside!
No comment!
Foools wil start blasting d'man cos he jst sed d truth, is beta u let us b, do u fhink it's'possible 4 a guy 2 jst wake up 1 morning n'decide 2 b gay? Or do u av an idea ao som gay guys feel anytym they rememba they ar gay? If u think it's'not immoral 2 b gay, i pray 1 day u av a gay as child
Can u imagine what he is saying? Some times I wonder if Christians do read their bible. Are u wiser than Almighty God that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for committing such sin?
What enjoyment is there in homosexuality? hmmmmmm......Bishop.....
What is dis man talking about? Cos I can call you pastor oo. If you don't want the FG to punish dem, then what do you want the FG to do to dem?
Hmmmmmmm speechless
Am not sure dis is true
I support u sir, all we just need 2 do is to pray 4 the Gays than discriminating them
He's one!!! Thatz y he's supporting gayism....I hop naija 14yrs nvr change????
Things fall apart oooooooooooooooooooocatholic church also,gbege
Hmmm!I Smell Sometin Fishy Dere
Oga Bishop, I beg let the sleeping dog lay. We no get gay for naija
he's prolly gay too!
You are very stupid and foolish
He is very stupid and fooloish
Imagine this hokum from a so-called cleric. His statement is suggestive of their support for gay than any insinuation of averseness to the act. Where is this world heading to, l'm sure he must be reading some other bible different from the inspired truth of the Word of God.
evil world
na wa o... God help us. Amen.
Worst behaviour
End time tin, holy ghost fire
i wonder who make u a bishop cos u dnt deserve to serve among men, if u ar gay jst instead of hiding under d gud samerita cloth who was gay in d bible tell me
Thank u sir my amiable bishop may God bless u descriminating them is not a solution to stop it u are a true photo copy of jesus christ my own linda welcome God had my prayer am happy is ur time again to move more than forward from freebornzina@yahooCoUk
may God have mercy on u. "Touch not my annoited and do my prophet no harm" Are u God's prophet? if u r,kindly ask God for mercy and act according to His word.
Are u sure u are God's anointed? Act according to God's word and speak good tidings and not evil. Ask for God's mercy before its late for u.
Are u sure u are God's anointed? Act according to God's word and speak good tidings and not evil. Ask for God's mercy before its late for u
im gay how do people think change is possible with d religious teaching crap.more theoritical dan practical.if u try such formular,u feel isolated and depressed.i became my dream me wen i said 'yes GOD u created me dis way lead me' if ure gay believe in urself, move on and apply self control.its well wit u.forget these holier than thou hypocrites who do worst things.
what the fuck is he thinkin, dude prolly livin in the closet, maybe sexually abusin young boys like his fellow priests across the world. Fags shld never be supported cos they are playin a script to extinct the human race. Lets join hands to go vigilantee on them.
I talk am dis Catholic Church father all of dem b person tell dem make dem no marry...d man self wey dey talk look like gay ..bonario see ur people...if to say na redeem or any bible living church u go open dat ur trap mouth dey yarn dust...Linda if u like no post my comment na mr ayee I go call for u...
There is a 'does' that should be replaced with a 'do' in the content of the disclaimer.... If I'm not mistaken
So what's his point if I may ask?
God save us this days oo coz we did nt even knw where this world is heading to ..see also What a pastor is doing to his church members including the choir mistress (viewer Discretion advice)
If it is true he made the comment, it is most unfortunate. Can he make the same statement in his native community? Of course not because the statement is alien to Africa.
Well are the gays worse than our politicians who squander our wealth. .....abeg make them leave gays jor
You are very right a country we can refuse them the right to get married but we can't treat them like criminals cos they are gay......the Christian thing to do is let them know it is wrong and God hates homosexuality ........pls nobody should come here and make childish comments that he is Gay that's why he is supporting them.....saying their lifestyle is wrong and criminalizing being gay are entirely two ifferent things...only God can change somebody and being gay is a mindset that only God can change not 14 years in jail....
Would Jesus Christ make the same statement? Herein we know the Disciples of Jesus Christ.
Pls Bishop speak for your self, and not for the catholic church. Your opinion. ..
Proud Catholic!!!
Put the full story or dont post this.... let God judge us.
I trust this archbishop better than that stupid TB Joshua who called him self the prophet.
Uhmmmm....looks and sounds GAY to me. #justsaying
Haaaaaaa,sir with due respect its really not making a man of God I give u dat singular honor but u supporting gayism is really disgraceful.we trying to flush such act from our country u trying to ruin our maximum cooperation to stop the spread of gays/lesbian acts.this is gross
Wonders shall never end
WTF!!!!!! They should not stop criminalizing it ooooo abeg.
I also don't like the idea of criminalizing it but it should not be legalised in Nigeria. They are not criminals just a bunch of sick pple that need psychiatric help.
Hehe... naturally!!! your catholic remember. Pin:2BB00AEE
Agents of satan the mama $ papa wey born the bishop na homo or lesbians abii this is how so called men of GOD incourage evil in the house of GOD not all men of GOD though
Agents of satan the mama $ papa wey born the bishop na homo or lesbians abii this is how so called men of GOD incourage evil in the house of GOD not all men of GOD though
Very good!! The Nigerian government should focus more of its energy and legislative zeal on making laws that will curb the unspeakable corruption affecting us all. They should tackle the insecurity challenges, and the power sector which has degenerated to become an embarrassment. Mr President should focus more on refunding both the living and dead immigration job seekers their #1000 which amounted into billions; punish those that stole our $20billion; stop the illegal laundering of our monies abroad, in the name of arms deals.. Other men of God should emulate this clergy, and call the government to order.
There is already a law in place, against rape, and whenever a gay begins think that he can harass you sexually, you are free to sue him for rape or attempted rape.
Nigerian government should stop chasing shadows and focus more on alleviating the sufferings of the ordinary Nigerians... Nigeria is for all of us, and even gays are also citizens of this great country. They all elected the president, and deserve to be protected by him. The last I checked, Nigeria wasn't a theocratic state, but secular. This is a free world, don't impose your ideologies on others!! Who knows; God and all the religion bla bla blah may not even really exist.. let God be the judge.
It is obvious catholics are not christians... They are simply catholics.
this is supposed to b a forgotten issue.
I'm not a Catholic neither I'm I gay b4 sm of u wil cal me names, to some extent I concur wid him because God gives same sunlight and rain to both d wiked nd righteous. Judgement is 4 God. Since wat d do is wid dia body. It's same as sentencing a prostitute or runs gal to jail
So automatically you the support gay be that? Chai der is God oooo... Na wetin the pain me be this... Even you too... People wey we the look as model and mentor the mess up... Rubbish and shame. Well i no surprise.... Na end time. As e dey hot, i hold am stand.
No excuse for this.... Automatically a shame to you bishop.... I am not afraid because the God i serve is no respected of person... How Der u support evil... If you tell me thou shall not judge, i will tell you from the beginning God judge them... He made us male and female and not male to male nor female to female... God was not foolish for that..... Don't bring back those days of anger... If you think it was sweet , ask sodom and Gonmorah.
This is Ludicrous.... But anyways every man to his Opinion. For me I would say Gayism is a very bad thing..
Very good!! The Nigerian government should focus more of its energy and legislative zeal on making laws that will curb the unspeakable corruption affecting us all. They should tackle the insecurity challenges, and the power sector which has degenerated to become an embarrassment. Mr President should focus more on refunding both the living and dead immigration job seekers their #1000 which amounted into billions; punish those that stole our $20billion; stop the illegal laundering of our monies abroad, in the name of arms deals.. Other men of God should emulate this clergy, and call the government to order.
There is already a law in place, against rape, and whenever a gay begins think that he can harass you sexually, you are free to sue him for rape or attempted rape.
Nigerian government should stop chasing shadows and focus more on alleviating the sufferings of the ordinary Nigerians... Nigeria is for all of us, and even gays are also citizens of this great country. They all elected the president, and deserve to be protected by him. The last I checked, Nigeria wasn't a theocratic state, but secular. This is a free world, don't impose your ideologies on others!! Who knows; God and all the religion bla bla blah may not even really exist.. let God be the judge.
Very good!! The Nigerian government should focus more of its energy and legislative zeal on making laws that will curb the unspeakable corruption affecting us all. They should tackle the insecurity challenges, and the power sector which has degenerated to become an embarrassment. Mr President should focus more on refunding both the living and dead immigration job seekers their #1000 which amounted into billions; punish those that stole our $20billion; stop the illegal laundering of our monies abroad, in the name of arms deals.. Other men of God should emulate this clergy, and call the government to order.
There is already a law in place, against rape, and whenever a gay begins think that he can harass you sexually, you are free to sue him for rape or attempted rape.
Nigerian government should stop chasing shadows and focus more on alleviating the sufferings of the ordinary Nigerians... Nigeria is for all of us, and even gays are also citizens of this great country. They all elected the president, and deserve to be protected by him. The last I checked, Nigeria wasn't a theocratic state, but secular. This is a free world, don't impose your ideologies on others!! Who knows; God and all the religion bla bla blah may not even really exist.. let God be the judge.
God forbid
Is he based in Nigeria?
Hmmm I no fit shout
Is he sure he is not one of them. Y should they stop punishing the? Let the rot in jail.
u see i told dem befor *catholic* hmmm
which org is left not to agree
Linda this one na normal talk na.....
Dis guy is gay! Allah ya issa! Mtchwwwwww!
9ce one. A good move. You don't throw away the baby alongside the bath water. 'Sergio Frankie'
How can that be, it is a sin in the sight of self. Pls do not encourage them to continue that act.
he is talking rubbish
Catholic na church? Taar!!! Y won't dey support guy. Am not surprise. Be u pop if u try my ass I go kill u. gang of guys. get out
Hmmm... Nawa o.
you would hv told God not to destroy Sodom nd Gomorrah
Your Grace, The Holy Bible makes it clear, "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." Leviticus 18:22. (New Living Translation) .
Wonders shall never end!
Am in support of u sir it does nt mean whr u receive ur satisfaction infact sex b4 marriage is wrn so who ar we 2 judge tham they have feelings too ooo all the gay in the house I love u and wish u peace ~ice princess~
Well that's surprising, NOT. Catholics are response for the spread of homosexualism in the first place, with the rape and defilement of young men under their watch.
And I'm sure this priest is in the closet also.
This Man is gay. No question about that.
He is a well-respected bishop. I hope he is not playing to the gallery.
It's like al Qaeda telling us to forgive boko haram.
go & read d bible very well & show us were it is written in d bible dat we shld support d gay
Govt should leave them punishment is in heaven
So it begins
Oh no! he didn't! his so gona get it from nigerians big mistake Faggot.
All dis arch bishop and priest self...lips sealed.
The Archbishop is Gay!!!!!!!!!!Shit hole is where he casts his dick hahahahahah
Plz,can someone define MADNESS for me again?
Plz,can someone define MADNESS for me again?
i comment my reserve
Oga Bishop, are u 4 real? Can believe dis
Madam, post my comment jare
Gay bishop... Were is it written i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the bible dat man shud marry man? Catholic and there yeye doctrine. *spit*
Jesus is coming soon (
Gay bishop, were is it written i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the bible about gay marriage? Definitely dis man is a gay *spits* if federal govt stop to punish dem as U̶̲̥̅̊ said. Den God will. Catholic and dere yeye doctrine. *kenny*
end time pastors
Now someone has the guts to say the truth. God bless this man. I don't want same sex marriage in Nigeria but people are gay and there is no need to punish people for being who they are.
Ewooooooo this life Don spoil o even catholic Don dey support gay.
Priest if u re truly a man of God n u read ur bible,you wil not post this here,Aids is d punishment for society that practise GAYism,dnt say "we catholic" when ur sayiin nonsense,say you urself not we catholic,dont let the wrath of God upon you,u sppeak for yourself not we catholics,i know many of you guys turned to gay @the seminary,repent or you perish..i fear no man but God,you serve the devil not Godd
They need 2 check him out, he could be gay 2.
you devilish an evil archbishop you an your evil cohorts will never succeed. i want to us this media to let Nigerians know that you do not represent the catholic people. your are nothing but the devils advocate. looking for souls to deceive an destroy. you are nothing but a total disgrace in Christendom.
very soon all of you who are hiding under the umbrella of Christendom
God will expose all of you an your evil mission. you wolf in a sheep clothing.Note;; the bible made it clear that in ending time many will come pretending to be working for God,even in the house of God. but lo. they are workers of iniquity.take heed,that you will not be deceived.
The so called arch bishop must be high on sth..TF is he saying? Pls don't soil d name of catholics..we don't support same sex relationships..smh
Your Grace, the Holy Bible makes it clear, "Do not commit homosexuality, it is a detestable sin." Leviticus 18:22.
The man is making me suspicious
Which kin talk be this?
For real? A whole Archbishop defending gays.
Please help ask him the reasons why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
This man knows not his bible, may God forgive you....
Oya nw, where r d christians, now dey won't comment oo, few comments.
This man knows not his bible, may God forgive you....
Dnt caus d man of God... Instead let God punish him for betrayn him by sayn al ths trash....
Abeg ooo, ur Eminece wt do u mean? I no fit shout ooo, ur statement is misleading to some of us ooo
He seeking attention
Baba bishop!e be like say u self u be g** coz i dey suspect you.08060451859
most of all these Rev Fathers are gay themselves....but really the punishment from our government is too harsh, let God judge them. What annoys me the most are those trying to be gay; especially straight guys who are into fashion, they think being gay is the way the succeed in the fashion industry.
Which part of the Bible support homosexual-ism? Sir, is it what you preach to your congregation?
God have mercy!!
There's engine-oil on your brain, if you attend your last village meeting you must have realise is your uncle. Anofia!
Mr Archbishop, Are you one?
I think he is out of his mind
I think he is out of his mind
I think he is out of his mind
I think he is out of his mind
Is he gay???? #justasking.
Bullshit x 1000, he should fuck off, he deserves death himself.
Exactly what a lot of nigerians fail to understand!who are we to judge and condemn this people!i will never accept any gay behaviour but at the same time do not have punish them for this act!the law could have been against the open display of this act and not of the act itself.the best way to make this people change is by showing the love and mercy through Christ!i think thats what the Bishop meant.
May God help us
The archbishop is not saying that the church or him is in support of this act but rather that the FG should not criminalize it because its not a crime!this people are sinners just like the adulterers and nymphpmaniac whom they are to be judged by God and not man!Nigéria already has ill- legalize this which am fully in support but they shoudnt have criminalize it!For some of you calling the man of God names,i pray that God have mercy on you all!only if you know that kind of curse you are attracting to yourself and those around you!This is archbishop's view and he is not calling the FG names sharing his view either!be careful of your utterances most especially the christians among us here.Let God be his judge if what he is saying is in opposition to his words,cos we all know that our God is not too small a God to defend Himself.
@ James ogah which part of the bible gave us right to condemn,jesus did not condemn why most we condemn
U are the only thinking being here who understood the post.
God punish him. Am sure he is a gay
y will men of God not focus on winning souls for Christ sake. pls dont misled us. remember sodom n gomorra
Lmao@if you attend your last village meeting,you must have realize is ya uncle*lwkmd*dont mind that ugly igbo monkey••born stupid#GiftedDiva#
I KNOW ONE THING FOR SURE- ALL SINNERS WILL GO TO HELL ! WHETHER YOU ARE GAY,THIEF,LAIR,GOSSIP, DRUNK,PROSTITUTE,BACK BITTER, HATER, FIGHTER OR WHAT EVER YOU ARE ACCORDING TO 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ''Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.'' Whether you like them or hate them,if we all do not change and allow Christ to lead our lives,we will all end up in hell. Judgement has long been passed by Christ HIMSELF !
my pain about this thing now, is that people involve in gayism dont want to see the bad in it rather they want to wallow and die in being a gay, their first comment is dont judge others and blah blah blah. Even in the bible its written, call a spear a spear, call a bad thing a bad thing. government impose penalties on some certain act because people will always abuse it, e.g drugs, gay, killing humans, and others you know too well.
i know some people will say please legalise weed, lets smoke and forget the pain of the world. I can equally say that, but that does not mean that weed is good for the public, because many will always abuse it and the result is nothing to write home about. check countries with high rate of drugs and see for your self. can one tell me the reason why God destroy sodom and gomorrah or are you telling me now that its not true? or its a make up story? are you telling me that God is stupid by condeming such act. my brothers lets think twice.
What abt armed rubbery? Is it nt sin too? Bt stilll a crime. So shut up
nonsense talk, God will frustrate your agenda.
It is really unfortunate that most Nigerians are educated illiterates. How can people not understand a simple writeup and they will be commenting foolishly.
Wise up man, don't be a fool, people now use bible to cause hate crime, they comit so much hate using the word of God wrongly.
oga bishop may God 4giv u sha...
U do not know the word of God, pls beg God to open ur eyes to see the reason why the Arcbishop came out to say that.
U are still in the dark with ur bible, pls ask God to open ur eyes to read the bible with understanding, so that u can reason with the bishop.
...and stealing is a crime, not a sin? Idiot!!! #OutieButtHole
Let's make a case for thieves too, the punishment on them is too harsh, after all Nigeria is harsh
Ur comment lack wisdom, this is a new world where God made a promise to all humans, that he would love anyone who fight for the right of others to live in peace and in love and harmony without hate, in such heart would he accept in his kingdom.
ummmmmmm...when did church becomes longer the church showing the world light, its now the world dictating the church's view point...painful when Men of God in high esteem say deep things like this that can lead millions to fall
Linda Ikeji, it wud be so wrong if ui think like most of ur blog readers, they claim to know the word of God so much that they forgot the very reason that God gave his only begotten Son that who so ever with blood in his or her body is totally cleans with the blood of the living christ. The law which God made long ago had been broken, because the living christ had paid it all, only in Nigeria that people claim to be christians without vision and the path way of the very God they claim to worship. What did God says in his first word? It wud be a shame if u so call haters of God's other people who came in different sexualities.
His comments are not at odds with the Catholic Church's teachings. It is an all encompassing, forgiving, embracing comment which the Church proclaims. He didn't say he condones homosexuality. All he said was that PEOPLE should not be labelled criminals for practicing. Rather teach them the truth, with love.
The truth shall set you FREE. Abeg ask him what is he?
Should he condemn them? That's the problem..God didn't die and make anyone God to judge anyone.if u are hostile to people because of their sexual orientation then you have sinned some of you have never met someone who is gay yet u castigate them. Ur sexual orientation doesn't affect another person it is sin against oneself and should be left to the creator to judge them accordingly. Let anyone who is without sin cast the first stone.... hello?? anybody.. please until then, y'all can take several seats abeg
Great that's way to go.. if it doesn't I don't give a flying fuck
Idiot Gay under the arch bishop covering
Correct urself
Ehn come to tnk of it y re u guys surprised,who no knw bfre say catholism na religion from God knws wia. #just passingby#
All of you insulting the catholic faith and the priest are cursed and may God 4give most of u animals on dis LIB
Exactly!! Nigerians are just so shallow in thinking. Being gay doesn't even affect the price of tea in china
That isn't the full interview. He said instead of prison they shud give then spiritual and psychological help
I'm soo not gay, but i agree, people should be free to be with whoever they want to be with... maybe not do it too much in public sha
I think wat he's only trying to say is dat judgement should not be in our hands but in d hands of God. Besides Jesus died for d sinners n not d righteou. He gives us tym to repent of our sins not through punishments so pls he is right joor
God have mercy on us, I really wonder the direction our generation is heading to if our men of God is saying this.
You!!!!!! Read ur dictionary...and try ur best to understand simple ENGLISH...did he say u shud support gay people???? He said do not criminalize...if u r xtian and u lie..its a a xtian u also bliv its a sin to fornicate...av u bn criminalized by the govt?????? And mind u homosexuality is only a sin to those who think it is...some of us bliv in religion and some dont....recognise everybody wont bliv in ur faith or philosophy...religion is not for every man just as atheism is not fr all...mind ur own faith...dats y its called faith..its wat u bliv in....u worship a god u cant see and anoda man worships a spirit in d rocks....wats d difference...? Do urs!!! And still on comprehension learn to read and understand...dats how pipl fail waec/jamb think d bishop is civilised and educated...u shud read more...then understand sentences..exposing ur lack of comprehension on d internet...pele!
Harbour?how? He didnt say its not a sin...he said they shud not criminalize or harass they jail u weneva u lie or fornicate??? dats if u do.....yet all sins but not overt long u r not obstructing justice...but in d mean time..u shud feel bad for urself dat u didnt calm down to read n understand wat he said...and try not to condemn pipl atleast not too it not clear most sins in the bible??? How many av u committed and how many times av u bn criminalised...????? Not all sins are crimes..and not all crimes are sins...u want proof???
So because God condemns it does that mean we shud lock dem up or kill dem???????? Is dat wat God wants u to do????? Dont u commit other sins??? Av u bn jailed....???? Or is d law now based on faiths and not facts??? Av d gay pipl victimised u??? Cos dats wen it becomes a crime..cos by then u wud be considered a victim wich then mks it a crime....did u study phylosophy n logic @any point??? If u did its obvious u didnt benefit.thank u.
U r brilliant..plz enlighten d rest..God bless ya
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