Over 100 people were killed on Tuesday night after Boko Haram men attacked 4 villages; Attagara, Agapalawa, Ngoshe and Aganjara
in the Gwoza local government area of Borno State.
News of the attack is just being heard because the men destroyed
the telecommunications mast in the villages during the attacks.
According to Hon. Peter Bive, the House of Reps member for the area at the National Assembly who spoke with AFP, he said the attacks on the villages were left many dead.
“There were deadly attacks on these villages by Boko Haram insurgents who killed a large number of people and destroyed homes. We are still trying to compile a toll of the dead as people on the ground are still counting the number of casualties.” he said. He also stated that the sect men have been daring enough in their actions as they have foisted their flags in 7 villages in the region indicating that those areas are now in their control
"Boko Haram have hoisted their flags in at least seven villages in the area which they now claim to be under their control,” he said.
Smh what a country! So the chibok kidnap has overshadowed security in the north, the military is now concentrated on rescuing the girls and neglecting security totally, Na wa o
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Hei, God inozikwa?
But for how long shall we continue hearing such stories.
And Boko haram hoisting their flags,shows how much they've consolidated their presence in those areas.
Its a pity how helpless and powerless we appear as a country in face of this evil.
Now they r hosting flags? And taking over villages? They sure v guts. GEJ wat is going on?
may God punish boko haram nd their sponsors..
may d souls of d dead rest in peace......
Borno evryday. . Bt seriously iv neva seen any pics of dead pple or razed villa since al dis borno attack.. evryday bh kills pple in borno yet no pix.. evn wen d civilians killd bh no pix still bt wen d gov invited d escaped gals we saw excess pix.. wen der attack jos nd abj we saw pix.. God pls help nigeria. . May deir souls rest in peace. . Govt pls act fast
What arrogance,what nonsense! For God's sake what are the marines,our soldiers and all those foreign powers that have promised to help doing? What about our witches & wizards?Is it until everybody in the north east is dead? This nonsense has got to stop!*Red eyes staring angrily*
So why can't u submit urself for a search? What a f..k do u think u are? Chioma who? Onyeka what? Bunch of disobedient citizens.
I don't really get ds, where is US, UK, France, China and co...... This has really gone out of hand... I pity my country Nigeria where a presidential adviser is busy attacking an innocent woman instead of the issue at hand. My country My country....
Oh lord of mercy..when will all dis killing end..God save us..Gej is useless.......................#KingOfKings
Not again #bright bravo#
OMG! Why are people still in Brono! They should flee n let the military take over now! I thought the Govt declared a state of emergency! So these BH boys wants to take the whole of Brono state! The government should please do something! This is really getting out of hand! God pls come soon!
So sad. May their souls rest in peace.
It seem Nigerian army are not ready to fight boko haram again because i cant imagine something like happening in the middle of #BringBackOurGirls scam
Na wah ooo, which way Nigeria. Do they still have people leaving in that state. They should leave and go to other states. God pls help us in this country.
I taught these states are declared state of emergency,so it means there are security men everywhere, so how come these BH guys can still operate freely without been caught. Lord have mercy on your people.
When will all dis bad news stop
All dis killing and people re still living der,why nt relocate
Please Linda is there no witness pics for this incidence?
Oh God..help our country..
~MR EDDY~says so via www.facebook.com/eddywhiz
Lord have mercy! borno will soon finish!
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Not again. God pls, let these killings stop.
CoolDiva speaks!
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Not again. God pls, let these killings stop.
CoolDiva speaks!
WOW, we dont have government in nigeria.. Jonathan is aware of dis and he isnt doing anything? 7 villages taken over by BH beasts and we are still sleeping with our 2 eyes in lagos... time will tell
Under their control ke....i think the Nigerian military should make an official statement concerning these uniforms. Several people have been killed cos they saw the uniform and believed that they were safe only to be butchered.
God plz have Marcy on ur children if is punishment I think is more than enugh
but why re they doin this in jonathans regime
God take control of this situation,show them you are God of all and what you created is sacred,humanbeings lifes should not be wasted like this........just reading this brings chills to my body
Every breaking news makes us shiver... God please take control...
I have a question.
Is the governor of borno state in enemity with any other northern governor or any political guru that is making his state to be a contant target?
What is the population of borno state residence that has made each killing to be in hundreds?
Why are the northern leaders not ashamed?
Lord be merciful..
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U are frEe to go to borno and take pics.
God av mercy'Boko men pls repent of ds evil ways,remember there's som1 dt is greater dan yu,wch is GOD ALMIGHTY,who as everything in control,no matter d situation gv it all 2 JESUS....ko daaa ooo,u're jst wasting lives as if u created dem?*SOBS*
LMAO @"Boko Haram have hoisted their flags in at least seven villages in the area which they now claim to be under their control,”........... So BH don strong like ds? Mmm. Does ds mean FG with all d strong military base dt we av, can recoverr dese towns frm BH? Smh. #it is well #Dia ris God
To be honest this is pure Genocide against the indigenous Northern Christian. Jihad is going on. CAN wake up and make an int'l cry. They cannot continue to kill the norther Christian
Nigeria is a peaceful country,until dey brought sharia law 2d northern states. Where is all our ex-governors,ex-presidents,ministers etc. I knw if dey come 2geda 2assiSt gej 2decide nd reach an agreement on d techniques 2be used in fighting dis bh,dey wil flee. Bt d fact dat its nt affectiin dem or their families dey sat in a corner nd watch dis heartless bh destroy our country. Durin fuel subsidy peaceful riot @ ojota,gej was adviced by his pple 2send troop of armed soldiers there 2chase thousands of protestant away. Where are dos soldiers? Where is obj?where is ibb? I knw dat d reason y all dis killins dosnt matter 2dem is cos all their kids nd their generations 2come av secured future outside 9ja. If bh shld take ova d whole country 2day,dey will all flee,leaving commoners 2suffer wat dey caused. We av crises dat nids serious attention yet dey r all busy plannin election. Our country's image has bin destroyed all ova,we r called "giant of África" yet our pple r dying without solution. Our soldiers has helped so many african country in war,so y is bh so mighty nd difficult. Shekau is a coward 4hiding somewhere nd killing powerless pple. He shld jst go 2aso rock or 2d houses of all our past leaders nd kill dem all cos dey invent bh. So dat 9ja can be @ peace.
To be honest this is pure Genocide against the indigenous Northern Christian. Jihad is going on. CAN wake up and make an int'l cry. They cannot continue to kill the northern Christian
To be honest this is pure Genocide against the indigenous Northern Christians. Jihad is going on. CAN wake up and make an int'l cry. They cannot continue to kill the northern Christians
Boko haram are busy killing people everyday while Gej is busy planing for his second time in office. Dai is God o!!!!!!!!! ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Its hard to believe these stories of everyday killing cos there is no proof. Where are pictures of the corpses? What about the razed villages? Anyway... On the other hand, if its really truly true, then GEJ has failed as a president. He doesn't even care about his citizens. Forget that Borno is APC, must you throw the baby away with the bathwater? Stop playing politricks with human lives, you should also know that there are Christians in that state. Ever since they place the emergency stuff, the military has not come out to say they arrested any Boko Haram. Are they spirits to the military? Cos they come everyday to bomb and kill in military costumes but the military does not always see them. Ne$ha Ne$ha
Forgiveness, Amnesty, this is all BS. I hope the FG is still not thinking of granting amnesty to this ppl, cos if it does I will form my own sect of wahala to d country knowing I will get away with anything I do and will be granted amnesty. Even in their actions they r saying it loud and clear that they are not interested in a peace treaty dat they want Nigeria for themselves as they have proven by hoisting their flags telling the Nigerian ppl that they are here to conquer us. I hope d FG dismisses any form of negotiations cos they don't want it and to hell they don't even worth it, let them be wiped off and get rid of this menace called Boko Haram.
Hop dis guys wont turn Borno state to ruins... Let God help
Jeez nawao! Wat a country! GEJ is in trouble!
~D great anonymous!
now I'm certain that the boko haram and military are the same, how can a region with the state of emergency be that defenseless, it tells a lot about our govt, upon all the billions of Nairas they budget for security(most goes to the pocket sha), such a shame...giant of Africa my foot!
Oh God please hear our cry...
Wickedness in exclesis
HOISTING FLAGS???!!!!! whats going on????? there is WAR and our leaders are doing nothing!!!!! Oh Lord save us!!
They(FG) should close down dat State,let's see wat hapns to dia Gov.
Nigeria is finished...
after u send soldier go war,u go need collect d guns wey u give am for d job..dat na wen una go understand say "Bolingo abu ro e be obibi...onye gba sia, o na"
Leaders,dis monster una dey create,are u sure it wont come around and devour u guys?cos wen d shades are down,u r jst 1 person and they've got d crowd and d physical power(guns),d war @ some point wld be fought and won/loss...blind fouls..
I knw one day infact very soon God wil listen 2 our cry in dis country and face d bastard dat are born in d soil of dis country and stil kill their brothers and sisters. Killin innocent soul av now become a daily routine in d northern state, olorun jo wo gba wa lowo awon olubi eniyan and bring d bastard involved 2 justice now wit their accompanies.
There is something to this Borno news' my people ' don't just believe everything u read, most of this news are mare propaganda. .if the BH are killing people this much in Borno do u think there will be more Christians or civilians left in Borno for the BH to kill anymore ?? I have lived and spend time in Borno and still have family members there. There are 2 ways to fight a war ( in the field and the media Propaganda) 90% of this killing reports are mare propaganda just for political reasons..this is a political warfare situation and my people don't be fooled..if there should be a Northern Leader as the President of this country all this killings and propoganda will stop as this is the main aim of BH..is so unfortunately GEJ can not supress this Northern propoganda, maybe he should go and seek more advice from Obasenjo on how to supress this senseless coward-BH and their sponsorers. We all shall meet our maker sooner or later to testify our good or bad works on earth.
Let he that has legs let him flee,those residing in Borno had better run for their dear lives NOW,its obvious our government place no value on lifes" aya
Y is it dat d whole world is shouting Jonathan, GEJ, FG. What about the state nd local government what ar dey doing about dis issue. What about borno governor what is he doing about dis case, is he going to act wen is state have been taken over or til wen all d people in dat state is died. Nobody is saying anytin about d state govnor, wen d kidnap took place he never act or say anytin, wen people ar being killed he never act or make any statement as well, wen is wife was called by First lady about d kidnapping of d student in chibok borno state in GIS she never show up so y is everyone putting d whole blame on Mr President pls leave Mr president alone to do his work God bless Nigeria.
Witch ksin satan b dix peeps oooo. Den jux dey cos wahala every wia. Wetin d govt dey do. Anyway hbd to ma swit nephew hoeluphemi. Uncle amos kia 4 u. Hehehe
Nigeria: A Programmed Failed State - REPORT by : HONSYLGLOBAL
Nigeria was doomed from the very start because it was contrived fraudulently by the British, at Independence.This runs to the centre of this Project.
An analysis of the remorseful outburst from one of the then principal actors on BEN-TV UK (Sir Harold Smith) revealed a Can of Worms-How Census Figures were falsified in favour of the North to Foist a Weak Leadership on Nigeria and their Contributions to Military Ascendancy. Available evidence does not support denial by the Cabal as one does not expect a desert to have more inhabitants.
Power levers were passed on to a Cabal (Mafia)using language and the façade, Monolithic North through the Media (BBC Hausa Radio Service) to foster and subordinate our National Political leadership. They had with this mindset encouraged Northern population, Impoverishment, Illiteracy, Religious bigotry, Border infiltration, Terrorism, Arms Importation, etc.
Boko Haram and other terrorists are the foot soldiers of Fulani Caliphate. The Hausa-Fulani only profess One Nigeria when one of their likes is the President under the control of the Sultan and Emirs.
This same cabal have been the Nations's albatross, despite ruling Nigeria more like forever
without improving the lives of their people. They deliberately created Poverty, Almajiris to inflame terrorism and punish other parts of the North. The Cabal through the Muslim North have always sacrificed human blood in the form of the Almajiris, the Igbos, Yorubas and the Christian North whenever they wish to revolt against a political system, that swings against them.
We should see the facts for what they are, the Fulani Cabal are ready to sell their souls to the devil to ensure that political power, is transferred to the core North. Tinubu, who is presently associating with the Cabal for the sole purpose of holding on to the Southwest, will be the first to be devoured. But for the magnitude of corruption in the GEJ administration, no sensible Nigerian will dare spare a thought about allowing the Muslim North capture leadership, ever again. It is like rewarding terrorism or the political Boko Haram. The blood of the dead souls will not allow me to. If APC cannot come along with a Northern Christian candidate or Fashola, most reasonable Nigerians will prefer the present devil in power, the risks are too high to contemplate.
With all these scenarios, the Muslim North held the nation hostage with a firm grip since Independence and explains the rationale for the failures in all spheres of our national life. The facts speak for themselves. The 2015 break-up intelligence by America was a coordinated attempt at restitution for the past, when leadership was awarded to the weakest link. It is an indication of the inclination of the world Powers to lead in a genuine democratization of the power equation. This attitudinal change had to do with the negative impact of Nigerian migration on the West, Islam linked-terrorism and the Crude oil resources in the Niger Delta.
The 2015 general election is a No-no for me. The Political struggle between the different tribes is basically for the national cake.We can discourage this with a view to baking a bigger cake. The Fulani Cabal are never interested in this. Let us not deceive ourselves,let there be no election in 2015 but rather we should allow all these dead woods expire in 2017. This nation needs to be restructured significantly.
That state shld be shut down...this is too much.
But i dont understand...how many villages do we have in boronu state. Are they up to 50????? Ok is it that we cant design a security plan that works for all these villages. Security is not soldiers on ground. Security is a plan that works. I dont understand how the same thing will happen 10 times and no success against it
Ok this is what you do. You get 20 macdonalds highpower helipcopters and create like 10 zones. Then you test run how long it will take each helipcopter to traval to any of the villages. The you put a watchman in each village with special radios. Once an attack occure call the nearest helipcopter in. Let it come and spray all the bh on the ground
don't really get ds, where is US, UK, France, China and co...... This has really gone out of hand... I pity my country Nigeria where a presidential adviser is busy attacking an innocent woman instead of the issue at hand. My country My country....
Mizz Boobs? Meet the lady who’s reported to be Davido’s wonder woman
these people are heartless and yet they are to be granted amnesty
Honestly. Am tired of BH news !!
@Doby Doby u r always looking for pictures, y don't u go to borno na,u wld jst sit here in lagos n be luking for pictures of deadbodies...pple r dying and u r luking for pictures to confirm d death, ar u not ashamed, hearing pple are dyin is sad enuff n 1fool in lagos wants 2 see pictures of deadbodies in borno..idiot
I'm waiting for that simplycock boy to come and rant about how Islam is the brain behind this again... I'm sure some of those who died were Muslims o. By the way I hope you (simplycock) read my reply to you about Monday's post on Boko Haram? Linda pls publish it o
This is just too sad! How many more people have to loose their precious lives before this ends?? God pls be quick to deal with these animals called BH
that's my country for u,
how did BH get military uniform?
then you should know that some of our leader are involved. BH god's father. God help us
People dying like flies everyday. U read about it in d news but u don't belive it. May their sould rest in peace
WAIT! is there anyone even left in borno? choi. this is insane!
There is a path that seems right to human but the end of it is destruction says the Lord Almighty, Boko Haram members days are numbered
pls cant d govt send troops to rescue this innocent nigerian that boko haram are killing like goat?,were re the military in those seven villages that dey have captured?
pls cant d govt send troops to rescue this innocent nigerian that boko haram are killing like goat?,were re the military in those seven villages that dey have captured?
What is GEJ waiting for to declare war on boko haram and its sponsors.
pls cant d govt send troops to rescue this innocent nigerian that boko haram are killing like goat?,were re the military in those seven villages that dey have captured?
The word is village. Rural areas no Wetin Internet or smart phone be.
na wa o this is not the nigeria i grew up to know o! this is genocide God help us
This is to tell us that the boko haram are the Nigerian northern militarizes as well, if not how do they get the uniforms,and i could remember then that when there is a very strong issues in the east or Lagos as of then, it is the northern militarizes that they bring to resolve the case because we believe that they are stronger and powerful, and the only word they hear is shut, today the case is different because they are all boko haram, so in this case nothing can be done, but rather live them to continue destroying their states which they will regret when time comes because they want a northern president. GOD PUNISH YOU PEOPLE they know what the are doing, Na them them there.
May God Almighty punish Boko Haram and their sponsors IJN
Uhmmm BokoBoko Niger re crying while our government re smiling...Wen will the usa and chi, uk and all act thought they re in ghana and cameroon and all??? niger niger...
Smh smh smh... short of words
This is Barbaric
Let no one be deceived, Boko Haramites are not killing muslims, they're are eliminating Christians in the north. Whenever people hear of these massacres, there's always the tendency to think that Muslims were equally killed because of the Hausa language names of the villages. But this couldn't have been so far from the reality on the ground. The irony of the situation is that despite the names, these villages are predominantly inhabited by Christians, hence, the ongoing massacre. There's a well planned systemic total elimination of Christians going on right now in the core north, with tacit acquiescence of the northern Muslim elites. The international community should not be deceived. They have failed totally to grasp what actually is happening. The sooner they got a hold of that, the better for humanity, otherwise, northern Nigeria will soon become another Rwanda.
Unknown City.
God,pls come to these people rescue,when will these killings stop!Oba adake,dajo.
Yes, go to borno for us.. libers would pay you t-fare.. thanks in adv
Dear Lord your children are waiting for the day you will come and wipe out this BEASTS. Amen!
May they rest in peace!
JESUS said in d last days false prophet shall arise and deceive many...Islam is d problem of dis present world today and they are antichrist . One of d false prophet by name Muhammad a militaristic 7th century terrorist who had sex with a 9year old when he was 50year old man. his life was full of lustfulness( 12marriages andsex with a child,slaves and concubines) false prophet that made no prophesies, or even did any miracle. he killed and looted from innocent people. he created jihad and other terrorist group in the world today. He created this occults group called islam, an antichrist group they worship a sun god who dey call allah,who derive pleasure in killing people, the real islam that Muhammad brought are the boko haram,jihad,and all d terrorist groups that his nature seeing people die and suffer. So don't deceive urselves by saying islam is a religion of peace. The dead man Muhammad had succeeded in taking lots of people to hell. Pls if u still believe in islam u need to give ur life to Christ now before its too late. JESUS CHRIST is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to GOD the FATHER except by HIM. There is no other way to GOD. JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
JESUS said in d last days false prophet shall arise and deceive many...Islam is d problem of dis present world today and they are antichrist . One of d false prophet by name Muhammad a militaristic 7th century terrorist who had sex with a 9year old girl when he was 50year old man. his life was full of lustfulness( 12marriages, sex with a child,slaves and concubines) false prophet that made no prophecies, or even did any miracle. he killed and looted from innocent people. he created jihad and other terrorist group in the world today. He created this occults group called islam, an antichrist group they worship a sun god who dey call allah,who derive pleasure in killing people, the real islam that Muhammad brought are the boko haram,jihad,and all d terrorist groups that his nature seeing people die and suffer. So don't deceive urselves by saying islam is a religion of peace. The dead man Muhammad had succeeded in taking lots of people to hell. Pls if u still believe in islam u need to give ur life to Christ now before its too late. JESUS CHRIST is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to GOD the FATHER except by HIM. There is no other way to GOD. JESUS CHRIST is the only way.
Lwkmd @anonymous! Dts d best ans 2ignorance!
~D great anonymous!
A yoruba adage says dt "he who is hitted by a car will not be able to captured d number of car hitted by him" i wonder why pple are clamouring to see pictures of d deceased. Even d press are running away from borno. Have sometimes withness this kind of battle b4, u will see pigs eaten human and you will now be thinking of taking pictures. While at anytime d so called BH can surface.who wan die?
Bro u get sense. They tried this during obj regime (sharia law) he outsmart them, gave them maps of where their useless, senseless law shud cover. They went back to their hideout till a weakly was elected president. Somebody help me tell obj we need his wisdom on this matter. Tinubu and his followers are bastards they will die 2015 if Buhari doesn't win cos he would kill them by himself.
please, this is all government's doing. Abacha was right if an insurgency lasts more than 24hrs the government has a hand it!Bullshit , this is all political.Its so sickening that our leaders have sold their souls to the devil for power at the expense of the lives of innocent citizens who just want to live their lives in peace without disturbance.God is not asleep
All these bloods dat u r sharing in "brono"diaris gawduooooo.
U fool wat do u tink a state of emergency means. Libers are just dense
The whole Truth. Islam, devil weapon of mass destruction
Naija should learn from Cameroon. They killed up to 60 boko haram muslim fools today
Shit. That's horrible. What a country. Shameful
Wow lord we need ur intervention in nija o what is our security personnel doing to curb dis God na ur hand we dey o
God help us
Help is on the way for this great country and peace will return back to our land IJN.......... God bless Nigeria
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