The meggings come in an array of colorful designs such as rainbow-coloured diamonds and hot pink and even come complete with back pockets and its sold for just £25 - about N6,500
"Meggings are the natural evolution from the skinny jean and the once widespread baggy jean. Everyone knows leggings are an incredibly comfortable and stylish garment - why should women have all the fun?" the designers saidLadies, would you let your man wear women's clothes and follow you around? Lol.
Trust this to come to Naija soon.
No dulling
i guess they were made for the gay people. A normal man wont wear it
Dafuq is ds? Hian
God forbid......if this is d next male fashion, I choose to be behind. Yucky Yuck!!! D kinda man God gave me won't even dare
No way....no right thinking man will wear dat. The gay guys will fancy it though
Anyman wey wear this type of thing near me, na slap yu go see next bcos authomatically i go reason say u b gay....
I give this six months max and guys on the streets of lagos will be seen wearing them. Wanna bet?
Still on still, if yu get big doody no wear this thing o b4 wahala start dey happen, unto say ladies go start dey misbehave... Ok simply put, yu are gay if yu wear this type of thing.....
wow!!! speechless,,,did the designer realize that men's outline will be more visible in that thing called megan or meggins???....#SeunLondon
Now they can complain of d mum,wen dey were needed financially they hide.now claiming uncle RIP forester
A big 'N' to the 'O'. Will not look nice with the bulge in front. Mbanu!!
== Dobbie ==
Neva nba
Chines Man Hammers 3 Long Nails Into His own Head
No please!
If my man wears this, he would walk infront and i'll be far behind him. tsk tsk
Lol bt it luk 9ice on dem,lyk it wen I c it on sport's men...
When am not mad......my fashion sense does not move Towards that direction.
No way !! Wat abt d john thomas everybody wil c it parked
Once ASAP rocks it, and then wizkid follows, the 9ja youth would copy
oyinbo and their ideas smh
Hell "NO"
Its meant for gay meen
I refuse to be gay
No, even those funny trousers Justib Beiber and Davido wear piss me off, shit just tight and the Dick easy to see dangling everywhere like an animals tail
After wearing that he will say 'you pple shud stop looking at my prick'..mtchew..*pissed*
Linda â„“̊ wonder hw d front side will look like in leggings....no way
Ques que kilode be dis nahh. *runsaway*
Thats One Fashion i Dislike Soooooo Much With Passion!!
.Linda Your Killing The Fun Of Blogging, Release Comments On Time, It's Becoming Boring Reading Comments Hours Later. #JUSTSOYOUKNOW!!
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God no to gree...
Uwa nmebi abiago!
I can't let my man wear that any ways, I love classy guys not swagg.
Ladies ll b like ' hell no! It's for gays'. 'Sergio Frankie'
Like hell i would..... If i can get drunk enough :p. But they kinda have this cool factor about them.
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Seriously, that not men dress. I mean is not cool on male body. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
If i no slap my bf i no know wetin happen
I see the women taking over the Meggings :p
Mtcheew . Rubbish
Therez no way ma Baby is Rocking dat! Its a Huge NO for me....
I will wear those for sure. I am male, married, 37, fit and straight!
I only wear slim fitted pants, shirts and Tees. I'm not effeminate in anyway.
Definitely a NO! Maybe to the gym, but nowhere else.
On top what wen am not a gay..I can't .
This is good news for them Onyx Godwin
Dos fuckin gay ass hiddin under Anonymous ll definitely love dis.
If I catch my brother wearing dis,I ll kill him b4 any 1 sees him
Eric say so
Hell to the no!!
Nah! my bf cant be caught wearing this. looks like a swimming trunk
Def made 4 d gays, I see marc jacobs wear that
Hell no,no way!!!!WTH
Before all these mgbeke side chicks that call themselves wives/g.f's start shouting no. It wasn't created for AFRICAN men (in short black men). So no need to ask us, simple!
Meggins ko keggaites ni..wear wot n 4low who?!...make e sha de go we go meet 4 d venue.#gayalert
I need guys that can satisfy me sexually, If you are interested in me,click my name...den u will see
Hell no! Even thou i wear tight jeans sometimes, but the look of thermo wear alone, whc resembles leggings na wa
Me likey buh ma baby wont even look @ it twice
This is funny. I dont like it
NO WAY. Waris dat!
Disgusting, arrant nonsense. Dis is meant 4 Gays. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Won't even be caught dead wearing skinny jeans talk less of this crap, all faggish rubbish
Won't even be caught dead wearing skinny jeans talk less of this crap, all faggish rubbish
Won't even be caught dead wearing skinny jeans talk less of this crap, all faggish rubbish
Pffft. Gayshiiiii. #VectorManiac
They want to make all men gay...mba
Can't imagine what that will do to your balls!! Pencil jeans is enough for me! This is some gay sh*t man!
....legging no way, any guy that wear this leggings is a GAY.........
Lindiway, where do u get dis ur funny news? Anyway keep up d gud job. Luv u loads back to d question, i won't like it not especially when he has skinny legs.
No way! It feel gay enough wearing tight jeans, meggings or whateva its called.. Its a no no........
I do not know why some men allow bisexuals and homosexuals to impose on other men, the trend for men's dressing. Personally,I won't even be caught dead, putting on this trash.I will personally treat any man I see putting on this trash as being gay.Infact,the anti-gay law should be amended to cover the way Nigerian men dress.Nonsense.
They must be gays joorh....... Which kind meggings!! I will laugh at any guy I see wearing dis stuff
hell no
Nonsense. So disgusting
This is definitely a no no for my boo. Perfect clothing for the gay community. Lmao!
Hehehe d name sef iz funny,y nt if he lykz it itz hz own cup of tea
Notn men cannt wear now o. D only tin remainin 4 dem is 2 hav Prick and Pussy @ same tym. Lolz
Linda darling,its cool if u ask me.it sure depends on the body and the person.An athletic person will look great and sexy on it buh a fat person,hell NO.Imagine Flavour,Lynx on it and Aki and Mr.Ibu too.
Over my dead body
Heeeelllllll nooooooo. Sweet anonymous.
This one go sweet Onyx Godwin pass. Bloody gay, i'm sure he has started saving for it already. Only Gay ass niggas wuld be interesed in this stuff
Lol. No freaking way.
Ko jooor men,meggings ko maggings ni
As a guy, I can wear this indoors and when I'm working out.
Lol... I no wear!!!
Rubbish! But I'm sure Wizkid will wear it soon and our dear youths will join the trend
No not cool at all
Looool oh well,we already know some men who'll wear it! But by God,dear bf/future hubby,you will not and I repeat,you will not try yourself with carrot jeans,meggings and whatever the crap else they create that'll make you look stupid! You'll dress appropriately LIKE THE MAN YOU ARE,okwa e na anu?
Now....d gay brothers ve smtin 2 wear...nd easily recognisable. ..best of luck 2 dem
imagine my man putin it on wen we re goin out.lolz its 4 gay's mstly
Saw a black and goldish one on kcee 3 weeks ago and he looked gorgeous the way he combined his jacket and meggins. I honestly tot it was leggings dat day o... lol...now I know
Dats a No No for me
That has to be for gym if padded inside for a man,.. No man in his right sense will wear that around unless, there's a comma in the *man*. The designer of this, must be homo.
Hehehehe, laughing at it
No! WTH!
Na 14 years o!!!! Wear am first, you be confirmed gay.
Crazy! Dsnt evn look gud on dem
Good news 4 gay men, pls If u're straight don't do dis 2 urself
Meggings or no Meggings, dats just a change of name, 4rm Wat I see it feminine and it's a leggings, so dy shud cut dat crap of meggings....As 4my man he will never wear such a thing "4d gay guys guess u are happy now" Lmfao
Ko fine.....
Ewwwwww! Gays tins.
It will be a big sale. Lots of gay men around this days.
It doesn't look bad afterall.. id love my man in it.. he def wont wear it out tho'
The 2nd one maybe...d rest is a big NO
HELL NO!!! What's this?? Their junk will be visible for all to see!!!
Meggings: (me:gins) A normal cloth designed by normal people for the abnormal (insane) people.
Yuck!!!gay tinz
Gay things....
Thanks but NO thanks!!.
NEVER!!! Am pretty sure a gay man started that,and i and my household are anti-gay people and clothes...............looks grouse to me anyway.
Noooooooooooo wayyyyyyyy
Noooooooooooo___ we no want!!!!
For gay n*ggas..I'll buy one for onyxxx...........#KING
God forbid, tufaikwa!!!!
They don,t actually look as bad as i thought they would. For now,no.but with the evolution of fashion,never say never.you ve got to keep an open mind with these things.
This meggings will lead to low sperm count it should be sold in china only so as to reduce the population
His choice duh
All these gay fashion designers wey want use style to check out other men packages...una think say una smart?
Hehehe lol! Only men that are gay would wear meggings.
Rubbish this sheet is for gay #bright bravo#
I am not surprise to see this.Already they have same sex marriage,so dia men too will start sharing women stuffs in d name of fashion.Beside not everything all dis designer came up with are actually meant for who dey designed it for.even in my grave I can never wear it.
God forbid...
The answer is nooooo, I won't let my guy go to places looking like a homosexual..naaaa
Its beautiful for the ladies not men biko. Anyways the gays wil go for it.
₪o way. Nt cool @ A̶̲̥̅ll. Must men wear evryting mearnt for women??? Seee their yam leg self. Lol
Women will start wearing things that belong to men and men will start wearing things that belong to women,no be me talk ha!
We know the kind of men it's for na..shush!
Afi meggings ko mingle ni. As long as he aint running 4 any Olympic Medals hell no he aint wearing no meggings
Never! How Will it look like?
Linda itz a no for me if police see person wear dis e fit enter jail o
d gay brothers wld like dis.
Do we need to wonder why male infertility is on the rise? Down yonder needs to breathe!
Fashion evolves.
Breeches... Edwardian and French bourgeoisie wore leggings like trousers for men, which evolved into trousers, trousers began to be worn by women in the 50s and eventually devolved back to leggings for women in the 70/80, men started wearing skinnies in 00s and this exchange of fashion is the same with most things...
Kilts adapted to skirts, skirts and blouses merge to make dresses, dresses begin to have patterns and patterns were exclusive to women until the 90s in the West where African fabric designs inspire patterned attires for men in the form of Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts.
Men's hunting bags were adapted for the industrial age, bringing about brief cases, this soon became hand bags for women, same with walking canes, that merged with carousel umbrellas, which were miniaturized and adapted for men so they could put them in their brief cases and bags.
Sports men wear meggings in athletic sports already. Women wear bicycle shorts more than leggings in athletics.
Fashion is relative, where what you like, make it your own as long as you are happy then that's all that matters.
No one should try to enforce their own fashion taste in others, that type of criticism and influence eventually leads to other types of imposing of ideologies. Fashion and style is a privilege of humans, we don't have feathers like peacocks, but we can Peacock with our garbs .
I won't be wearing meggings, but I love manbags more than rucksacks and brief cases, it's personal taste.
Linda, don't be ignorant, there's nothing sexually ambiguous about clothes, nor does the bulge of the junk in the package matter when men wear trakkies.... So why should it matter if we wear meggings
Its purely 4 gay men. My bf cnt evn wear it.
i'd like a pair....good beach and swim wear.
This is jus too nasty biko. No responsible man wud agree to wear dis. However,gays wud rock it wella.
Let Nigerians see lil wayne or wizkid put it on...then it is in vogue#niaja market#
This is meant for the 'Sochukwumas'..
Its a NO NO for me(gay tinz)
i will stand dead if he wears it
this whito designo is sick in the head!
Linda wat r D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ using it for biko nu...ple like onyxx Godwin shud rock it cos its dere world,me not wearing even if dem dash me money join
Dis z fuckd up.didnt they consider the shapes &size of our dicks.they r tryna promote homosexualism.fuckin faggots. JAY
Gay men would lv it... they dont even need to faint not to speak of dead..dem go wear am die...
I know some gay sisi in here will wear it
this is just hilarious... what next men also need guy-string?.... or re people wearing that already?
Waoh, what should I call this! He cannot even think of doing that.......... nyamah
I wonder W̶̲̥̅̊ƺre D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ will pack their stuff while wearing dis, or will D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ allow it to be dangling right @ us? SMH
Cnt imagine myself wearing dis rubbish,God 4bid
Hell to the NO!!! Eeewwww!!! Gross!!!
Hell no
We are wearing leggings already in the name of LONG JOHN, without long john cold go paya person for UK here.
Very soon everyone'll go naked...lol
Laaaaaaaafffs.can't stop laughin abeg
Ds is good 4 ggymingg and jogging nt 4 serious biz or party. Loool
Dis looks very annoying!!! Well dis is d very last fashion my guy or any guy around me wld go for. I trust dem nah...
Dis is funny.. very soon a celebrity wil rock it and it becomes trend
D designers are just funny. No man in his right senses would wear this
Except I want him to make up for the wrong done to me, I will humiliate him by asking him to wear meggings hahahahhahahahhahaha
Rubbish they should start wearing it by themselves stupid oyibo, if my frnds mistakenly wear dis nonsense, I'll give them better insult, nd they'll tell me d day they become Gay lol
Lil Wayne did something similar at a performance at one mtv award. I believe they were women's jeggings though. Pretty much looked like the pictures above.
It is a gay thing, i don't expect a straight man to wear this.
But they both belong to men. A woman shldnt put on trousers. Will u call a benin man gay to tying wrappers? Or a scotish soulja homosexual cos he puts on skirt. Wateva mks u slp well,do.
U jst took it right outa ma bely. ***coolstuff***
Yea...u r right.
Because it'll increase d temperature in the testes lowering the production of sperm and the quality.
Trousers were meggings before women started puttn on trousers in d 50's....... Its ppl like u dat still operate in d stone-age frequency. Will u say a benin man is gay cos he ties wrapper? Ur brain needs to be sparked up to life.
Lol @ "sochukwumas"
U jst took it right outa ma bely. ***coolstuff***
But they both belong to men. A woman shldnt put on trousers. Will u call a benin man gay to tying wrappers? Or a scotish soulja homosexual cos he puts on skirt. Wateva mks u slp well,do.
You are well schooled..
Chukwu a ju!!!
gay tingz
Ur boyfriend named beta person?
They have sha found a way to start satisfying Gay peeps....smh
Since Onyxx Godwin is gay I believe he will like it
gAY CULTURE..the gremlin has spoken!
Eeeeww,its jus so irritating
Gay tins.
Since men wear G-string pants, curl their hair marry their fellow man wear skinny jeans etc, I won't be surprised! Never say never (-: but not my man though! Never!
Finali oynx has found d perfect trouser to show his curves,looooooool
You have no choice of clothes when u die...loooool.
Lmao it will fit him well. He's sasha fierce
easiest way to identify gay men. wear that in Nigeria and see urself in kirikiri prison
Hahahah! Yes! He needs these. Fucking gay onyx
E nor rhyme
Cute G. I won't rest until you respond to me.pls my angel.
I wonder how it would look on Naija men.So gross.
Why would i want to wear that?
Evidence for 14 years, hell no!
Na wa 4 una o, how do u know it's for gay guys if u r not one of them? If u can wear it say yes if u can't then it's simply no. Wait till u see all this nigerian celebs that wearing it then the story will change to be " I av swag or am I'm vogue". Abeg make una let gay guys breath.mteeeeew
Lol, Denrenle will be the 1st to wear it.
I tink its for superman and spiderman...not for normal guys.lol
There's g-string for men in d market.
I bet only gays would rock it. Eewwwh
I bet only gays would wear this, so grosss. Eeewwwwh
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