Dear LIB readers: I met my dream woman a week after I got engaged | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 17 March 2014

Dear LIB readers: I met my dream woman a week after I got engaged

From a male LIB readers
I gave my girlfriend of two and a half years an engagement ring and just a little over a week later I met the woman of my dreams who is single and interested in having a relationship with me. How do I break things off with my girl without breaking her heart? I'm convinced without any iota of doubt that this new girl is The One. What would you advise? Why did I get engaged when I wasn't sure? Pressure! Some guys know what I mean...


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Unknown said...

You are a goat!

Anonymous said...

The heartbreak is inevitable, let her off easy while it's still early but DO NOT tell her you're leaving her for someone else.

It's rare for a guy to say without an iota of doubt that a woman is the one. Follow your heart & good luck.

Unknown said...

Better stay with what U know. That womman of your dream might not meet your expectations eventually. And remember, the beautiful ones are nooot yet born.

Anonymous said...

My dear,im in ur shoes rit now,God is faithful,hav dat in mind while u pray alot

Anonymous said...

nawa o were u slipg wen u were givn her d ring, but sincerely I don't no what I can say to advice u God'll help u out of d mess

Illuminati said...

Linda I am happily married right now, but i tell you the truth,I met my dream woman one month after being engaged. I had to let her go because I was already committed. but trust me I cannot stop thinking of what would have been. I explained to her why I had to stop seeing her and she understood and she is married right now and I am happy for her.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you should count urself lucky you haven't married her already

Shai said...

Chairman! Your the kinda guy that remains confused, even if your with An Angel..
Dude, how did you know she s d 1?

Anonymous said...

This Man don over watch NOLLYWOOD Movies.

Anonymous said...

Pressure indeed...

Shai said...

Get a grip!!!

Delicate said...

U r so on ur own. ( ˘˘̯)

Felix O said...

If you have inner conviction, pls disengage else you will regret .

Unknown said...

I hope u r sure of ur feelings for this "dreamgirl".

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Its infatuation my dear because no form of pressure should make you engage a girl.I believe you love her and thats why you engaged her.As for the new girl, you cant be too sure as one week is not enough for you to be certain that shes the one. Talk to God for guidance but on a serious note, na oju kokoro dey do you. Stick to the devil you know nigga....wake up from the DREAM...

Anonymous said...

Such a dumb question!

Anonymous said...

Wel its so painful guy but there is notin to do now,y nt cal her nd explain to her,

Anonymous said...

Yup you are in lust.
and you have cold feet
and the grass is looking greener
(insert litany of clichés here)

take your time o.

Take a knee,Bow your head, pray.
then make a list of pros and cons, or a swot analysis.

consider carefully your next steps because they are summing up to the rest of your life.

And do try and audit the new girl, she may have a valley of dry bones beneath her bed.

Anonymous said...

Broken relationship is better than broken marriage. Think well.

Anonymous said...

nonsense...u want to undo neen

Anonymous said...

Broken relationship is better than broken marriage

Anonymous said...


peperina said...

mumu question

Anonymous said...

a long tym devil is beta dan a new angel

Anonymous said...

I'll advise you take your time. these things happen... and be sure that it is not oju kokoro, otherwise, let the other chic know. sure she'll move on and be far better of with someone that truly knows that she is for them.

Anonymous said...

What do u mean by pressure? Are u a baby or half a man that can be pressured into what he doesn't want? Anyways there is no way on earth that u can tell the girl u re engaged to that u re no longer interested, that won't break her heart! So quit d nonsense hide n seek shit n tell her. Ofcourse she will be very heartbroken, but she will pull through it no matter hw long it takes. I hate men like u who give one hope, n later ditch her for another.

Angie Cape said...

How are you sure she's the one?; might just be a distraction/agent that does not want you to get married.Where was she for the past 2.5yrs that you courted your wife to be. If I'm to say, I'll say that you are not ready to leave your bachelor life ie, you are not ready to settle down.

*My R1.50c comment*

Unknown said...

Mr man,u mite jst b lust over ds new girl,considerin d fact dt u'v bn wit d. One u engaged over 2yrs now.wateva it is u c in ds new one dts mkin u tink she's d one is jst a try n discuss wit ds one n mk her b wat u wnt in a dream woman.dnt b decieved,all dt glitters r nt gold!!!!

Anonymous said...

How are u sure its not infatuation?

Anonymous said...

The new girl will surprise you,you better stay with yur old girl

BigFoot said...

I'm gonna be straight with u hommie. It isn't too late to undo what u've done. But I think u r making a real quick decision on who u might wanna live your forever with. I suggest you play cool and observe this new wine for now. New things always seem to be better but definitely that is not always the case.

Anonymous said...

Eeya, there's no way you won't hurt the girl u already engaged. Nevertheless, are you really sure this new girl is the one? Because the heart is the most deceitful part of the body. The devil you know is better than the angel you do not know, please think about this deeply and ultimately, seek the face of God. May God guide you and order your steps in His word.

Olubukola Ozone said...

And hw did u knw dat dis woman u jst met is ur dream woman??? Am so sure dat a woman u culd keep for as long as 2 nd a half yrs must be a gud person... Why dnt u jst find d love frm wr u must av misplaced it nd get on wit ur woman, not som stranger who might av won ur hrt based on som flashy thins dat ar likly to fade wit time... Think twice bro

diamonds said...

first, you engage someone when your are sure, which i believe you were, secondly there is no way you can break things with your woman without hurting her and thirdly, you should make the woman you already have the dream woman you want to have.

diamonds said...

first, you engage someone when your are sure, which i believe you were, secondly there is no way you can break things with your woman without hurting her and thirdly, you should make the woman you already have the dream woman you want to have.

Anonymous said...

So dumb.

Anonymous said...

It's crazy that you would ask for general input on something of this nature. Go pray on it. Keep us out of it!

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire your mouth 4 there, idiot!!! Rubbish..

Anonymous said...

Exactly this time last year, I ws in ur shoes man... so I know how u feel! I confided in ma mum abt it n she said "it's d devil trying 2 confuse u" so I bowed 2 pressure! N ryt now, I feel miserable! I wish I had followed ma hearth. I stl talk 2 the gal her "principles won't let date or ve anything 2 do with a married man" wish u all the best man! Bt don't let anybody decide for u!

Nnamdi Umeh said...

lemme tell you the truth, two weeks after you break up with your girl of two years and engage this your so called dream girl, you will meet the main dream girl. The cycle just continues endlessly

shinene said...

U better stick wit d girl u engaged wit. Bc u dont no wt might be d outcome of d new girl.

lanre onward said...

You will only break her heart for a while after she will gets over it, if you don't marry your dreams you will live miserably thereafter and aggression will be transfer to the woman. Later you might even divorce or caused injury or death like the Arowolo who killed his wife. I suffered the same psychological trauma but it takes 20 years for the wound to heal. So follow your heart.

Anonymous said...

you are on your own jare. follow your heart

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja said...

Poster you have got to be kidding.

Abeg abeg do the current girl a huge favour by letting her go and hop after the Cinderella.

Its people like you who marries 10 wives because you are never sure of anything and can't make a decision.

Anonymous said...

Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy hiiiiaaaannnnhhhhh

BigFoot said...

I'm gonna be straight with u hommie. It isn't too late to undo what u've done. But I think u r making a real quick decision on who u might wanna live your forever with. I suggest you play cool and observe this new wine for now. New things always seem to be better but definitely that is not always the case.


Guy,,u are joking,,,right??? so after over 2years,,,u suddenly knew the girl was not good enough for you???now u want to leave her for another girl u just heartless can some men be???how would u leave ur present girl without breaking her heart after she has given you more than two years of her life,,and u even engaged her??i think ur present girl deserves a better man that will appreciate her better and love her for who she is not someone like you who cant even tell what he wants in such a long time... well,, follow ur heart and bear the consequences...

Bryan Mo said...

Aww how sad! truth of the matter is if u're asking this question then u're really not ready for marriage. But i want you to think through this, didnt you feel this same way when u met ur fiance? Look emotions fluctuate, it can never be on the high side always.. even if u break up and move on to this new girl, u'd still fall out of it after a while.. What do you desire in life from your partner? My advice to you is focus on your fiance, after u didnt propose out of pity, you did cos you love her! dont get it twisted, the grass is the same color everywhere!!!!

Queen.C. said...

You are not a man..

Unknown said...

I don't know what u mean o

Attitude said...

Sweetheart the grass always looks greener on the other side. It's all fresh and new so ud think "she's the one".. whatever made u stick with her for 2&1/2 yrs and went ahead to propose to her must be worth it. Not all dat glitters is gold. Goodluck to you

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me....sincerely I returned the ring to my wasn't easy.but I had to make a decision concerning my happiness and future...

Faith Ogaga said...

Na infactuation dey worry U̶̲̥̅̊ !! So just physical appearance and after a week U̶̲̥̅̊ feel this new girl is U̶̲̥̅̊r dream girl?? Someone U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt knw ? And want to start a new relationship over again??? And den drop U̶̲̥̅̊r lady of over 2years? Na fever dey worry U̶̲̥̅̊ !

Anonymous said...

Just tell her u do

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well ur happiness cums 1st. Do u prefer 2 b miserable 4 d rest of ur life bcos u don't wanna break her hrt? she may b hrt broken but will tank u one day 4 breaking it off wen her Mr right cums

Anonymous said...

Is still early run# u r lucky is just engagement some meet thiers after wedding

Anonymous said...

How do u knw shez dy woman of ur dreams. Cos 2morrow ur going to meet another woman of u dream. Mthewwwww

Anonymous said...

Hw do u even knw dt she's d gurl of ur dreams?am sure wen u met ur girlfrd then she ws d woman of ur dreams but nw see finish don enta! Btr tel ur girlfrd so she cn move on wit her life!so she doesn't end up suffering...

Anonymous said...

Just tell her... u don't know if she too just found d man of her dreams or said yes cos she just wants 2 marry. But wat if its commitment cold feet. What if u propose 2 this girl of ur dreams & meet "d 1" again...
Just pray & stay focused.
The grass always seems greener on d other side.
They say u never appreciate sth till u loose it...
Good luck bud

Anonymous said...

Is still early run# some meet theirs after wedding u r lucky is just an engagement....

Anonymous said...

i lik ur comment i swear

Amicable said...

Linda y do u refuse to post my comment

chilly said...

U r just silly...u've been wif someone for 2 n a half yrs and u met a girl for just one week and she's ur dream woman!!! u r nuts!!! Don't even tryna hide ur stupid act under pressure!!! Gosh some men r impossible.aftr engaging d oda one...u ll av to liv wif that even if she ain't ur dream woman..u just don't engage ppl for the sake of it...linda what's wrong wif men????

Anonymous said...

You don't knw wht u want

Anonymous said...

Simply put your self in her place then you will kno if her heart will be broken or not. mr dream woman.

Gabriel said...

I totally understand were u r coming from."pressure" cos i am in the same shoes right now. but this is wat I'v done. I stand my ground no matter what she,family frens say until I'm 99 percent sure she's the right one.u dnt wanna spend the rest of ur life with a woman u nt compatible with trust me its not a good experience. but since u'v made the move already by proposing, Question is, how could you be so sure the new girl u just met is for real and wateva u r feeling for her is not gonna fade away over time? my advice will be play it out that is extend the wedding date,(You didt mention if a date has been fixed for the wedding thou)that will buy u a lil more time with the new lady(dnt go f ing already draw the line on that one for now).so u r sure what ever it is u are feeling for her is for real. wateva decision u end up with...pls dude dnt get married to a woman cos u were pressured to. that will be ur greatest undoing and on the long run, it wont be fare to the woman u married. I'm sure a few smart people around ere will chip in sometink and dey callous once will insult u and say sh*t. at the end of the day thou, the final decision will be ur call. make sure its the right one...good luck...

Anonymous said...

Lmao! I swear..this just made me weak like tf!!!! Mcheeeew

Anonymous said...

People here don't understand they think your just trying to hit on two girls at once. Lets be real don't you have friends to talk to. why put in on here. If you really feel so strongly about this call of the engagement. But still stay with your girlfriend. Thats if things still work out after you do that. Then look at things form a square perspective. If you feel that the girl you've just met is worth it end it with your girlfriend but don't just go straight into the other girls pants. See how things are before you make things official. And this time make sure before you buy any rings. FOOL

oscar said...

Dude...the relationship with d new girl is just a week..I don't think u know her very well as you think you do,don't try and brake anybobys heart...what am advicing u 2 do is to keep the two relationship going(give it more time)..u can double date both and don't get too close to any of there behaviour nd compare the both..(Mind you love dat come quick goes quick)..just give it a month,I tell u...u wil know the one to choose...(maybe u won't even either of them) luck dude

Anonymous said...


AJ said...

Did u notice dat d active word in d sentence is SOME? Dunce like u.

Anonymous said...

2 questions... What's in the new girl dats not in d présent 1
2. Why did u start dating d new girl, date her 4 2 yrs & propose to her?

Answer these truthfully, & u hv ur answer

Anonymous said...

Oga Alloy, your brain need alignment.

Anonymous said...

not all that glitters is gold that woman you're thinking is the one might end up being your worst nightmare but then life is full of risk.

ZeeZee said...

first of all, why did you rush things, anyway - sorry.
That lady you may have met may be the devil in disguise my dear - you don't even know her, you've known your girlfriend two years please stick to that, but if you truly wanna go do it NOW don't wait too long into the engagement. Best wishes

Okoro said...

How can I understand NONSENSE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lmao. Linda's comments are always funny sha. But really though, how do you know she's your dream girl in a week. It's fair of commitment that's over you I suppose

tipslodge said...

you dey craze

Anonymous said...

Not saying I agree with him, but come to think of it, he said some! U might not be in the category of the 'some' :)

Unknown said...

@ 12:49, its so unfair of u to say such a thing

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja said...

Heheheh please tell him.

Dude is confused.

Toronto Finest said...

If you want to be nice, MARYY two of them, if you don't care, CUT IT OFF. I'm surr she would do the same if dangote propose to her lol..No be woman?

Unknown said...

hey hun....pls do not be in such a haste...

i would advice you seek God's guidance before u take this decision....sometimes, the 'devil' you know is better than the 'angel' you dont.

some of us have been in rels we think was gonna be but it never did.

dnt be too take things easy...if you think it is expedient for you to break up, kindly do that, but pls, DO NOT DOUBLE-DATE.

it is merely an engagement....doing the right thing will save you a lot of hate,hurt, bitterness and heartbreak. there is no sense being in an unhappy relationship when you are not married yet

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja said...

Was the headache caused by this story? Sorry o.

Anonymous said...

@edDREAMS your comments are pointless. bad use of english,grammars,can't even make correct sentence. Your spellings are very bad. Please go and get brighter grammar. U need it.

Anonymous said...

The new girl is probably the devil camouflaged

Anonymous said...

Sir, I am not in any position to advice you, only you knows where you get pained in your shoes.
Interestingly,Pst.Sam of Daystar is teaching MARRIAGE this month and I will say go o the website,

start from Why Marry? and I am left with no doubts you will choose what is best for you.#iKnow better

Anonymous said...

How are so sure in 2 and a half years another girl of your dreams won't just show up?

Unknown said...

He is an ODE

Anonymous said...

Some guys! Simple English.

Unknown said...

You are having a nightmare, just wake up!

Anonymous said...

There's no way you can do it without breaking her heart but it's always better to be honest and tell her the right reason so that she won't be thinking what went wrong for the rest of her life. I'm a girl and I totally understand and I would do the same thing. Good luck

Unknown said...

You are having a nightmare, just wake up

Anonymous said...

"Prevention is better than cure" Good thing you aren't married to her yet! The shoe is yours to wear and know where it pinches. Several chics will come up here and call you names, that's women being what they are, WOMEN!

Stacey said...

Hmmm, you should date this new girl quietly. See if she's really all you want, and if she is, end it with your fiancee. Life is too short to be in an unhappy marriage.

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja said...! You need a favour and yet you are being this rude?

MissBusyBody said...

This could have been us, but they are doing you from the village....

Anonymous said...

Micky: Gosh,wot wz dt!!!! close cz u deserve a mental inducing clap 4m me. Guy use ur head o!

Anonymous said...

You are unstable person,how do you know she is your dream person what give you impression that if you see another lady you will not change your mind again.Commit your ways into God hand and he will guide you aright.

Anonymous said...

Before i even read other people's comment, let me share a story with this brother. My manager had a girlfriend who was very good to him (according to him), she was humble and submissive, they dated for a couple of years and he asked me to assist him buy a gold ring with which he proposed to her on valentine's day. 2months after valentine in April, he came to work one day and said the exact same thing you are saying brother, he had met the woman of his dreams! She's from his place, she has an angelic voice, she is divinely beautiful, etc.... I was stunned! Before we hold am, he broke up with his fiance and proposed to the woman of his dreams. They got married, had a son and na the same office i siddon when Manage came to work with lamentations! It's been over 6 years and manager is still lamenting about marrying the wrong woman and, hey, he is still dating that fiance he broke up with. Go figure! Na dia my story end. You can do as your heart directs but I hope you don't regret your actions.

ehdeeoh said...

Marry women of ur choice 2,3 or 4. Problem solved. U ar the architect of ur problem. Take the Islamic way out.

Anonymous said...

Nope. It's a fufuish pressure.

Anonymous said...

Lmao.....u must b frm kwara state

Unknown said...

*coughs* Datzall

Mildred said...

So after asking her to marry u all of a sudden she is not ur dream girl. Can I say that u r the biggest he goat in Africa. U dnt deserve her and I hope she finds out what ur thinking and then dumps ur silly ass for real. Foolish fool.

Emma Jayc said...

Guy man,if d girl shoot u tomorrow,God will understand

Anonymous said...


Thelma said...

My advise, give your fiance the best and forget about this your "Dream Girl" now. Why?
1. Because you dont know a thing about this your "Dream Girl". She might be willing to be with you but for what reasons and to what extent will she be willing to stay with you.

2. You might loose your fiance for life if you break up with her now which you are likely to end up regreting later in the future.

3. You have to fight for the woman you have already promised a future with, fight to love her and be with her. If eventually, for some reasons, it still doesnt work out with her, then deep down in your heart, your conscience will be satisifed that you gave it your best shot. And I promise you, God will definitely bless you with someone better.

Remember, it better to be with the wrong person who you are happy with than to be with the right person you are not happy with. Marriage is more than how we feel or what we feel about the other person. Marriage goes beyond physical attraction. Its about having someone who is willing to take that walk with no matter the situation.

Unknown said...

Let God guide you on this Matter....

Unknown said...

Let God guide you on this Matter....

Anonymous said...

if the new girl will make u happy. then go for her. anyways its just an engagement not marriage

Diane said...

What this dude said happened to me. I took it as what God want for me, but after 6months of laving me for the lady, he came back begging on his kneels. by then i have forge ahead with my life. some guys are something else. God help us all

Anonymous said...


Diane said...

What this dude said happened to me. I took it as what God want for me, but after 6months of laving me for the lady, he came back begging on his kneels. by then i have forge ahead with my life. some guys are something else. God help us all

MEREZE said...


Swagg isimemen said...

Loool is only laugh I hv oooh I can stop laughing, bt u pple re bad shall, look @ some pple comment here. Kai

t-pel said...

try to do a double. to know more about this other girl. but remember the devil you know is better than the angel you dont know

Anonymous said...

Pls I beg u breakup with ur fiance coz u clearly don't deserve her n she is better of without u hawling insults @ her in future when something goes wrong n then u'll remember ur one week fling n say if u had married her this won't have happened. What I have don't understand is how a man will stay with a woman for more than 2yrs n wake up one morning n decide she is not right for him, she probably cooked ur meals, gave u her body @ ur wish , possibly aborted pregnancies for u, now u 've met ur dream girl kai!!! This is d hieght of wickedness. I pray in IJN that any man with such indecisive heart will never locate my lil sis AMEN. Sweet anonymous.

Unknown said...

Thank u for this. It is appalling how most people here just jump and throw insults at a person seeking help without thinking their words through. That he is reaching out here atall means that he cares about the other lady, and not an ass as people are making him out to be. Its is an engagement, not marriage- and it can be terminated. However,you should take things easy and pray on them, if this is simply new excitement or infatuation, then let the Lord make it clear,if it really is what you say it is, then God should dissolve it for you.

Watched the Tyler Perry movie "good deeds"? These things do happen.
It sucks to be the engaged girl but take it slow, calculatively-- time does gives us all the answers that we need.

Anonymous said...

permanent bachelor tinz. some men can never ever be happy.

Anonymous said...

People keep deceiving themselves with this "my type" "my kind of man/woman". Yeah u may have a type but Ur type may not translate to happiness. One week is DAMN TOO small to determine anything, let alone marriage. You had better wake up. This isn't a reality show. She may be perfect but you need to know how perfect because perfection means trouble! She may be The One but be warned, one week is too small to conclude

Unknown said...

The devil you know is better than the Angel you are yet to know... let experienced people coach you. don't take advise from unmarried people in such case....Be wise.

Anonymous said...

Love does not announce itself, sometimes we grow into it. Pressure did not move you to engage the first woman, it was love and careful thought. Whirlwind romances hardly make it to the third month. Open your eyes bro. These are Endtimes

Mr. B said...

You should endeavour to see the movie: "Temptation: Confession of a Marriage Counselor". It'll help u a lot

Unknown said...

Stupidity has taken over u! Mofo

Anonymous said...

Dude you must be on some cheap drugs.How is she your dream girl? Are you looking at the physical and forgetting that marriage goes being the better wake up and don't throw what you have away.1 week is too short to really get to know someone and you probably wouldn't know all about your fiancé of 2 years until you start living together

Aby said...

I pity you.... The devil you have is better than the angel you dont have iota idea of what she's capable of doing #youget?#.

See, serious temptations do come from different angles after an engagement or a wedding (to both men and womem).

You want to compare a woman you've known for 2 and a half years with a woman you just met? ko jo mehn...abeg, no dey compare sleep with death. Am sure you proposed to your girl because of the conviction you have about her

I will advise you renounce the devil and his angel of destruction, and face you wife to be.

Anonymous said...

na so a lady I just meet on facebook without seeing each other in person carry my name nd copy my photo on facebook go one kind church in lagos to ask my hands in marriage,woman forces in de marry me are too much,,,my guy fellow ur heart,,becos for me I will not date my wife,,but I will marry my wife

Anonymous said...

Do unto otherz wat u want otherz 2 do unto u

chilly said...

Linda post my first comment....dis guy is a bastard!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said

Unknown said...

Don't be stupid bro. Please don't be stupid.

Anonymous said...

If after engagement, someone still catches your interest it means you never stopped searching - consciously or unconsciously.

If you really love someone,and I'm talking from experience, no matter how beautiful, physically endowed, or swaggalicious they are, you won't fall. The only time you'll be tempted is IF that relationship is unstable.

So dear boy, it's either you're currently having issues with the current lady, or you were never sure to begin with but you got engaged anyway. Looks to me like you must've been cheating on her before this so called 'dream' woman came along.

Also, I won't be surprised if you've already slept with this one. Why did you ever get engaged or want to marry if you knew you could not be loyal or you weren't sure?

I keep saying this again and again. Marriage is ONLY for the patient and strong. Only the strongest are loyal. Weak people can't do commitments because they have no control.

Advice: For both your sakes, please break up with the current woman because you do have good husband qualities. Atleast for wanting to spare her from having a bad marriage with you, God might actually have mercy on you.

If you can't be loyal, don't marry and end up being a terrible husband and an irresponsible father!

Anonymous said...

Son of a gun! I know that feeling, when the new catch give you more and better styles than the one you are engaged to!

Dang! On you rown man, ain't got no advice for you

Anonymous said...

Hmm! Wonders shall never end.

Download Money by The Revolution Music here

Anonymous said...

A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage

Anonymous said...

the grass is always greener on the other side! just remember that means their water bill is higher. think about it

Anonymous said...

ONE WEEK? Tufiiakwa

Anonymous said...

Exactly. We don't! That's just sad

caira said...

I need guys that can satisfy me sexually, If you are interested in me,click my name

Anonymous said...

You better break off the engagement fast fast! a broken heart is far better than a broken marriage.she would hate you now but love you later when she meets a man that is ready to lay it all for her,talking from experience.My brother let her be,break her heart she would get over it, nothing is worst than a broken marriage especially when the signs have always been there!#itsbuchi!

Anonymous said...

Guy, March 17, 2014 at 12:58 PM has said it perfectly

GEM!N! said...

Very Confused fellow! My advice is..A Bird @ hand is the very bird. Forget abt the new girl Cz she will dump u and move on. And by that time, ur GF must have move on to d nxt real man. Not a Joker like you.

Unknown said...

If u dont hv anything to say Seal ur rotten razz mouth gutter bitch.

Unknown said...

U no go kill person ooooo. Why the curse na?

Anonymous said...

Cold feet n doubt.Speak to confidential friend or someone with good experience in marriage n relationships.if still in doubt break off..Please stop d girl further stress.Follow ur heart n not ur head.God bless.

Anonymous said...

As if u won't still cheat on the dream gurl if u re asked to marry her...Ewu!

Unknown said...

What's the guarantee that after engaging this new girl you won't find another woman of your dreams?How are you sure the 'woman of your dreams' will agree to marry u when u propose? The fact that she's willing to start a relationship with you is no guarantee she will accept to be ur wife. Has she seen the down sides of you that ur girlfriend of over two years has seen and endured? What are her flaws? Can you live with them? You've only known her for one week and u r convinced she's the one. Park well biko. I suggest u hold off any wedding plans with madam and put ur 'one week chic' on hold and go do some serious soul searching.
Checklist before you say I do on

Anonymous said...

real mugu.....dnt u̶̲̥̅̊
₪☹ dere is ₪☹ act to find d mind construction of a person ☹и̣̣̣̣̥
d face......just ѣε̲̣̣̣̥
contented wit wat u̶̲̥̅̊

Anonymous said...

Disengage her immidiately.

Anonymous said...

hey bro, i dont fink there is anyfin like a dream girl..dat only exists in novels and movies. various temptations come during dis period you ve decided to settle down and dis obviously poses to be one. Be wise, so you dont lose wat u already have.

Anonymous said...

Dis dude и̣̣̣̣̥
obo ooooo......d new gal is u̶̲̥̅̊
® nitemare ℓ bet u̶̲̥̅̊
......."In d 4m of an angel is d vry SATAN"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sick guy

Anonymous said...

why are people insulting the boy. i feel u should packyour things and leave. i wouldnt want to be with a man whose mind isnt in that relationship. now i want to say this. please men and women. stop entering relationships with people u know u are not in love with. it doesnt end well. why date a girl for 2 years when u know u dont love her what is the sense in it. then u went further to engage her. hmmmm this life ehn. so if u didnt meet ur so called "dream woman" u would have gone ahead to marry her. then lets say u meet this dream woman when u have kids u would then leave ur wife for this dream woman. nice very nice

Unknown said...

Very wonderful response

anonymous said...

Nice advice..I think.

stranger said...

Yes b contented u sick fuck! And from 1 guy 2 anoda, u ar a bastard. Go ahead brk her hrt but trust me, karma gon fuck u 4 real. Wish a guy pulled dis type of shit u considering on ur sister. M'fucker!

Anonymous said...

Av being in ur shoes b4 bro and now am happily married. Here's my email, I could advise u further.

Anonymous said...

For all those firing thunder at this guy, when he wants your candid opinion, you seriously need to be checked. I'm amazed at how daft some psychos on this blog are. Dude is lucky he's not yet married. Guy, you don't get married out of pity, or based on sentiment. It's a life time commitment, and you can't be too careful. Take some time off and make up your mind. If you feel the new girl is your soulmate, go right ahead, but mind how you call off your old relationship so she doesn't give you cyanide.

AnnMarie said...

well u arent married to her yet so break it off

Anonymous said...

Same here. I bonded so well with this guy. Dated for a year, when my supposed fiancee travelled abroad and stopped calling. When he came back, I bowed to pressure and married him. Since my wedding day, till today, have not forgotten. We were like co-joined twins. I'm so miserable. Please don't get married out of sentiment or pity, or pressure. It's a lifetime thing.

Anonymous said...

U r a big foooool u hav 2contiune wot u hav started

Anonymous said...

You must be very stupid or something. Coward!

Emem said...

The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know. stick to what you have bro

Anonymous said...

Buahahahahahahhahahabaha I f**kn love ur come bak.ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

Buhahahhahahahaha I f**kn love ur come bak.ROFLMFAO. idiat like him.b4 u go marry devil put for house

kendall flower said...

D devil u know is better oooo... Better stick with ur girlfriend oooo.... Marriage is not all that sweet and rosy like relationships. At some point, feelings die no matter the woman

Anonymous said...

Dude, let your Fiancee go and find a better man. You are too fickle for your own good. This new girl is a good gisting partner shey? She "understands" you? Please let the person that has been by you all this while find a man. You and your new girl can try and work on your relationship, it might just work out.

Anonymous said...

I do know what he meant

Anonymous said...

You are a big fool....dont try to justify what you cant understand

Anonymous said...

Man up, tell your fiance now...You're prob not the man of her dreams either... She'll hate you but will be secretly happy for you. But if you are the man of her dreams, she'll be heartbroken but hopefully not beyond repair.

Better now than later... PS Be aware of the fact that the new girl may not marry you

Anonymous said...

A week after? Men will understand? Pressure? Men do not understand. Get it together bro!

Unknown said...

You made exactly the point I wanted to make. It is normal to see options that looked better than your choice after you've decided. It is maturity that would make you understand that and focus on the reason why you had a 2 years relationship with your fiance and proposed thereafter. Stick to your lady. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Anonymous said...

oniranu somebody when the new girl would show you her true colours you would run faster than usain bolt i pity you if you go for her you do so at your own risk mschewwwwwww

Keyna Augustine said...

Dream woman or engaged woman, if none of the women have the fear of God and have the potential to walk towards preparing both of u for heaven then none of them are 'The One'. breaking proposal isnot the end of the world for both u and ur fiancee. though there will be strife. it is better to listen to the Holy spirit on this matter. Marriage is eternal. No sentiments. People marry for years and realise they made a wrong choice. 2-3 years lost to a relationship is incomparable to marrying one woman while you heart is for another. very disastrous, i must tell you.Have different Men of God help you pray on this matter while u pray and wait for God's direction before you break off ur engagement and before you commit to the new girl. You will see the sign from God if you are vigilant. Remember, people have their opinions because they are either biased or empathetic. God's affirmation is what you should look out for. A union between a man and a woman is only sealed in heaven with an earthly symmbol @the ring' when vows have been exchanged in the presence of God and family/ friends...Mistakes can be made but do not live in them... Remain blessed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chukwudi Nwosu, grow up

Anonymous said...

women in this country are really bitter.See how they are insulting the poor man

Anonymous said...

Why your headache? Are you the girl the guy is dumping?

Anonymous said...

Loooool! @ ur Yoruba!

Anonymous said...

You're not ready for marriage if a woman can shake your faith in your relationship this deeply after one week of being engaged. Confess to your fiancée and break off the engagement. Why must every chick be the One? Play the field until you're truly ready to settle down.

Anonymous said...

The devil u know is better than the angel u don't know,sick f**k

Anonymous said...


January said...

broken engagement is better than broken marriage.

Anonymous said...

lol, i laff in english, honestly, dis is my advice.
A girl u jst met will offcourse seem more interesting but i bet u, your woman of 2yrs is beta dan ha, cos u both kno each oda in and out, d 2 wks babe is new, u dont know her. However, if u insist on going with d new, i hope u engaged d former wit a diamond ring, pls dont collect it back o.
My darling former babe, pls sell off d ring and keep your cash, he isnt worth u, he is jst an indecisive bastard, your own man who deserves u will come and wipe away your tears.

Anonymous said...

Guy use ur freaking head... thats what you guys always say, i have found the right one... Am sure when u met ur first girlfriend, your were jiggling with the whole paradigm of i have met the woman of my life... Guy stick to your old girl friend, that new girl is just making ur mouth water, even in marriage, you will still see a woman that will thrill you. You must lean discipline

Anonymous said...

Please remember she does not need to be a horrible person to be the wrong person for you. If anything, she could be a great lady, just a great lady for someone else. You have to be honest with yourself and with her and discuss how you are feeling. If your relationship really does have a future, then this will give you an opportunity to discuss what can be done and how you both feel about one another and this potential engagement. However, if that is not the case, then you will give her the opportunity to make her own decision once she is aware of the entire situation.

Miss Why said...

Two things
1. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
2. The so called devil you know is better than the so called angel you don't
Don't be a fool, and I don't say this to insult you. Act wisely

Anonymous said...

better a broken engagement than a broken marriage. no point making you both unhappy when your heart is elsewhere.

Unknown said...

My man follow your concrete heart joor...!

Anonymous said...

better a broken engagement than a broken marriage. no point making you both unhappy when your heart is elsewhere.

Roymorgan said...

So sorry Dear

lovethsweetie said...

give him advice n stop being a functional illerate

Anonymous said...

What the actual hell?? These men ain't sh!t.

Uncle,cut her loose now so she can move on to find a man more worthy of her time while you go ahead and use your life to experiment. #period

Unknown said...

One thing I've observed in relationships is that when you get engaged, you will always see someone better (so called) than your future spouse. So, before you get enagaged to anyone, be absolutely sure you are committed to the person. With time, the qualities that seemed absent at the beginning will blossom as the days go by.

Unknown said...

One thing I've observed in relationships is that when you get engaged, you will always see someone better (so called) than your future spouse. So, before you get enagaged to anyone, be absolutely sure you are committed to the person. With time, the qualities that seemed absent at the beginning will blossom as the days go by.

Anonymous said...

May God help you guy

Anonymous said...

All that glitters is not gold. Do not be deceived by look. pray hard so you wont regret any action.

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