On her Hot Topics segment Wendy explained,
"Here’s the thing Tameka. Which way is it gonna be? Are we hiring a lawyer and going after him to fight for our kids? Or do we wanna jump back in bed with him? See that’s why they said you need an evaluation. I’m just saying. You don’t play. Mothers know. Women know. You don’t play when it comes to your kids. You’re not going to talk about him looking scrump. What you need to be doing is you need to be hunting down a team of lawyers, at least two, and a private eye. Tameka, just focus on what’s important.”Tameka fired back at Wendy on twitter. See the tweets after the cut...
This is what Wendy terms inappropriate...you can't pay the father of your kids compliments again?
Tameka's response to Wendy below...

Are you on Wendy's side? Is her tweet to ex-husband not proper
linda something bad happened at falomo at 5;30pm today Monday, there was a man with a lot of blood on his belly then he collapsed I was driving so I couldn't tell what happened can u pls help us find out? I am sure it would make a good story
Yay!! At least first 20 :)
pls I'm with wendy abeg one minute she's taking him to court next minute she's trying to flirt with him..make up your mind old woman
Wendy is like you Linda. They need to say these things to get paid. It's the point of her job
Linda, i saw a vision. U wil be very broke in 15 yrs time if u dnt invest wisely, spend less on fashion and seek God's wil in a choice of a life partner. Dont marry a celebrity.
My wife better not pay her damn ex any compliment, will make life very uncomfortable for her, why would any woman or man do it? I believe its a bit creepy especially after a relationship, it crosses the line. If she was in a new relationship n her man did that to her, i am sure all hell will be raised.. Its just inappropriate, lets call a spade a spade.
I'm on Tameka's side also!!!
Linda you seem very detached from reality, probably because you havent been in love in a long time so you dont appreciate the sanctity of a union of love
Nothing is innapropriate about paying anyone a compliment including your enemy,who knows it might turn foe to friend. Wendy should think before she open's her mouth next time.
Abeg Wendy shuld go & rest..
I tink Temeka still want Usher bak...
Linda Ikeji I still Love U
Not only does Wendy stick her oars in other people's businesses inappropriately,she also has this insultive way of doing it.
I see nothing wrong with Tameka's tweet but of course,Wendy needed to make a fuss out of it so she can have "juicy gists" for her so-called hot topic.
I think someone really needs to put her in her place better than CB and Lil' Kim did.
Oh...and I think she still does coke on the down low cos if she were as clean as she always claims to be,she won't be so hyper over something that's entirely none of her business.
Oh wait...she's gotta pay her plastic surgeons,how could I've forgotten that(:'-!
Its wrong, people dont send compliments to their exs esp if they r involved with sum1 else, wheres the dignity n self respect, he dint even acknowledge it... Moral of the story is that exs should stay in their lane n thirsty peeps too
I am with Wendy. Tameka or whatever her name just wants a piece of Usher's cake. How Usher ended up with her in the first place beats me. She is just famzing Usher, when we all know the reason she wants those kids is so she can get the child support money coming in monthly. Instead of her to beg Usher for some dough to start up a small business, she wants to use gra-gra via court.. Nothing for her jare..
On the outside, it doesn't look like its a biggie, but on the inside there might be more to it, but then again, everyone knows Wendy is a bold sharp mouthed woman.
Hands down on Wendy's side!!! Some women sef get wahala. They honestly do not know what they want. Plus, it is that serious!!!
Its not!if she was good @ passing compliments,she'll still be his wife.I hate it when an "ex" tries to feel important.Move on already!makes d current wife or partner feel insecure.LatinoPINKY.
Tameka's tweet was inappropriate . Wendy was right . You Linda are out of line and need to have sex to chill
If they are in the middle of or about to start a custody battle then Wendy is right! I mean u can't be ogling him publicly and fighting for ur kids @ d same time na.that said, e no concern Wendy
On the outside, it doesn't look like its a biggie, but on the inside there might be more to it, but then again, everyone knows Wendy is a bold sharp mouthed woman.
Don't knw oo bt isn't she supposed to b mad at him?
Oh yea,definetely!
Old bitch!!! Menopause is messin wit her brain!! She tinks her opinion matters,gues wat old-ass-hoe-it doesn't! Ophrah wanabe!! Always stickin her alredi big nose in pple's busines!! Go deal wit ur menospausal midlife crisis n let celebs be! *ONYX GODWIN*
Dis SHEMALE Wendy shud jux Hush it already, lyk must she put her Big Nose nd AssFucking Ugly Face in pple's affairs? Is her personal lyf dt #Dead? She nids to ChillOut 4 real, nd Focus more on Doing a Surgery dt will make her at Least pleasantly Ugly! I dnt see anything wrong wit Tameka paying her Ex a compliment! Wendy Mind ur Ugly Bizness! Eish!
Lol cant stop laughing miss laila and this foreign celebs sha checkout lol checkout photo of the day, what is this girl doing?
Of course it's not proper. Not when he got your son mate. Paying a compliment shows you are ok with it, Wendy is right she does need to focus on the important thing
Lol,tameka is still into usher. Wendy should park well
That's their business!!!! Next Pls!!
I smell jealousy here
Wendy na amebor like u na,lin lin..
well if i actually did believe in this Illuminati shit, then Wendy Williams is the devil herself.
so-what they are divorced shouldn't it be on the best possible term? that way its even easier on the kids.
let her go sit down or have another nose job or whatever extra plastics she thinks she needs added. a #aSmallerMouthPerhaps she talks too much.
Wen she still has raymond on her name wts Wendyz business tho, and besides who wuldnt wnt dier kids wit a dude like USHER
Don't care about these 2 ratchetEES... I just care bout how fyne Usher is :P
Dis wendy is such a blabber mouth!
Tameka is crazy
Wendy is right!! You cant be passing those kind of compliments when you are in a cusody battle, i mean c'mon tameka you gotta pick a side
Personally,I think it is not Wendy's business.
Tameka stays relevant needling Usher in court and social media.
Even though Wendy Williams irritate me I support her,why would u complement ur ex u are constantly taking to court? Why don't u just focus on what's important. Would have been on Tameka's side but the fact she's always on Usher' neck bcos of their kids doesn't do her any justice #Focus #GetUrKidsBack
That is why CB called her a witch. FiNEWiNe.
That is why CB called her a witch. FiNEWiNe.
I am on Tameka's side, Wendy is just doing her job of making issues out of everything! Wendy isn't a spokesperson to Usher is she?
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Wendy needs to sit the FUCK down.. KMT. Not everyone becomes enemies after a break up or divorce!
Enhen!!!!,,,na wetin concern patie Jonathan concern Ph.D??,,abi she dey try enter lecturing to show Asuu say she still kampe???...wetin linda talk say Usher Ashawo do again,,,self????
Tameka still needs to catch a feeling tho'
Wendy is sometimes on point,but des is just outreagous.
How does this put agege bread on my table.mtcheeeeeeeeeew
Clears throat *ahem* lili its "private I"(privateInvestigator) not "private eye" it doesn't make sense... Meanwhile, kfb me on ig na... Shuuu.
I am on Wendy's side !! That woman should get a grip
I am on Wendy's side , that tameka should get a grip
I support wendy. Temaka should be straight forward, today she is fighting usher and another day she is hailing him.
Deres no big deal in it joor, hv we read meaning into Wendy's over size boobs?
Eish! Dis wendy can sabi run her mouth lyk sewage oo..!mehnn What's her phuckin' business na? Some pipo tho'..!#doctorbobby
idk...na all three of them sabi.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm next pls *yawning*
Am on Tameka's side, Wendy is insecure.
The compliment isn't a big deal to her dats why she made it, I guess,but damnit,even a nun can feel ushers hotness,he HAWT!!!!
Linda am on wendys side on dis. Usher n tameka are in court fighting over who gets custody of d kids. Usher finally wins but tameka wants to contest in court!!so why is she payin him sexy compliments. Am a mother n for my daughter I'll go to WAR *just sayin*
Wendy should take a chill pill biko
wendy williams should mind her business
The picture reminds her of the good old days.
Usher is still d father of her children so no cause for alarm@Wendy....Go on Mrs Tameka
It's her lyf mbok. They broke up doesn't mean they can't be friends abeg. This Wendy chick is too malicious
Usher's bod is yummmmy! I mean hot,fans self. But unto 2 topic, wendy wit d fake boobs shld knw dat not all divorcees hate eachoda guts n rip dir family apart in d name of 'I v got d power'. Just sayin...D Curious1
Usher's bod is yummmmy! I mean hot,fans self. But unto 2 topic, wendy wit d fake boobs shld knw dat not all divorcees hate eachoda guts n rip dir family apart in d name of 'I v got d power'. Just sayin...D Curious1
Its not that the compliment is improper.Just that She's in court with Usher over custody issues and the compliment makes it seem like she's confused!When in a battle you don't fraternize with the enemy
How e take concern me now.
Wendy 'Witch' Williams, old hag, go hug wet transformer. @Tameka gurl, fully behind u, cos u aint married 2 Usher anymore doesn't make u guyz enemies, life 's too short, I lik ur comment 2 bits, shows u re matured. As 4 wendy, u re really full of hate, may God deliver you from ur nosy nature, agbaya oshi.
Wendy should mind her business and the other one (ex wife) should get over herself already and choose..you can't be suing a guy to court one day and complimenting his abs on twitter the next day? That's not how its done. She didn't have phone to text him the compliment ni?
Dis wendy lady is trrrryyying to be relevant.she always has an opinion about any/everthing and thinks that they matter .her delivery is always off point.she needs to take a seat abeg!..plus she's ugly and looks like a man!
Wendy talks like a cow and gives me dis creepy bitch vibe,am 100% on Tameka's side.
I am on Temaka's side too. Dere's nuffin wrong wif her complimentin her x.
it just shows everyone now and then she probably gets some honey from the pot!!!!...lol
It's obvious dat Usher is still d father of her Children.May be she is in love again.Get seat pls@Wendy & Go on Ms Tameka
Mk wendy go sleep!
Don't mind this amebo Wendy like you linda, just trying to squeeze some juice for her show! Tameeka's side i take although i love Wendy's hot topics...hehehe
Is it me or Wendy Williams is getting too nosy dese days, Dere is notin rong wit d tweet, dats d father of her kids, he'll alwaiz b present in her life.
Am on tameka's side,cos dey re no longer 2geda doesn't make dem enemies.He's still the father of her kids.
Tameeka has no shame. After her doomed marriage to Usher, his cheating and him getting full custody of their kid she's on twitter sheeezing.
Linda y wont u support tameka. Do u knw wat it feels lyk to av kids? He ws careless wt her son, it tuk God's grace for dat child not to av drown n instead of fightin for custody she is dia postin hs pix n sayin Swt notins. wendy is right, she has to focus on wats important. If u lyk no post my comment.
This wendy williams can never shut up
Truth somehow Wendy is right you can't be complimenting a man you are involved in an ugly custody battle with. It's not just that it is unethical, it just not okay. After complimenting him, you'd go to court and start talking and digging up dirt on each other. Linda you do know that chances are when you compliment an ex in the way Tameka did, 9 times outta 10 you just wanna jump their bones or ask a favor. I am with Wendy on this one. Take away the custody battle and I'd have camped with Tameka.
I think is too much of Wendy. she shd learn to d quiet sum times.
Don't know whose side to pick cos they hardly ever speak good english on twitter. Her compliment doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know if there's a twitter school or dictionary that these pple use.
Am on wendy's side dnt think its still propare 4 her to compliment him,I mean if she doesn't feel anytin 4 him anymore she shouldn't but it sounds like she still got dat affection 4 him,by d time u keep complimenting on him,den he feels u still luv em
Be lik cris brown no give am back seat wella. Anyway, dis babe is not insultive. she get luck say no be Riri.
Hasn't she moved on yet? I think she shoulda, already. Some women can't just mind their businesses. Tameka is some other woman if I were Usher. Gratefully, I'm not! Compliments to someone youve been suing? Not from someone who professes no love no more.
Wendy own self too much,1st its chris brown,now tameka,make she talk about herself for once
That wendy should go get a life. She z losing it. If she does not know what to say, then she should shut her trap. Too much bullshit from Wendy. Hhhhh Linda, tell her that I wiLl call Chris Brown for her now. Longsmymouth
We all knw wendy to be a loud mouth cos she be never minds her bizness. Shes always in peoples business all in the name of "hot topics" in a way, tameka is actually confused, cos tomorrow shes curaing out usher and dragging him to court for every damn thing. But a compliment is not bas sha.
Alhaja Linda wetin concern Naija with this kind gist ?
Oh please! Wendy williams is right! Leave usher alone! Stop answering his name on twitter! Get lost! What kind of shameless chic is dis!
Wendy's displayed some level of immaturity by responding to Tameka.
Linda do u even need 2 ask?! It's clear that Wendy character is a sadist....what did Chris Brown called again?! *rolling eyes*
there is nothing wrong with her comment.i have d opinion dat Tameka is very insecure and tries to cover it up by dissing Wendy
2 me i dnt ce anytin wrong wit d compliment
Linda re u rily asking Y wendy took dis personal, like seriously? If u seewot Tameka put usher 2ru during the period of their over a year Divorce, all the lies in d court etc. Mehn! U nid 2 watch usher on oprah's next chapter, u wud cry 4 usher. So many Americans didn't support d 3year marriage sote Usher Mama no come him wedding, tameka made usher's life traumatic to d extent dat he couldn't perform in shows, walking out on booing fans. But I guess she regrets everything now, since usher won the custody of children and has moved on. Me sef I no understand dis kind compliment 2 an ex, it kinda shows she still has a tiny bit of feelings/ regreting leaving him. I won't b surprise if usher asks her to sleep with him now and cheat on dis her current boo and she agrees. Linda u sef know. But lemme not judge sha....
D power of Ex is working! She still triips for usher n its allowed joo! Wendy williams pls go park well,if it hurts u dat u dnt hav an Ex as hot as usher,go hug transformer woman!
Na dem Sabi jare,wetin be my own problem?
All I can say is.. E no good to put mouth inside husband and wife quarrel... Or else, dem go use u settle am!.. Kappish!.....
ds wendy williams dosnt no wat to say in her show again y snoping in ppls afairs ist nt her mates dats discusing importnt issues on thier show
Wendy ȋ̝̊§ jus being uNnecessarily jealous nd stupid # tameka sef get gud hrt.. If NA me she go hear am#
Loudmouth Wendy ......poknoser, she will never mind her business....no matter what thy will still be friends so nothing rong in complementing something nice....
I'm on wendy's side 100%. U Don't have your kids and u have time to pay him unnecessary compliments, What for?! She needs to get her priorities straight
Hmm..I tink we nid more enlightment on"mindin ur business" freedom of speech is one tin bt mindin ur business is anoda! Shikenan!
Its not proper. Here's a man fighting to take your children from you and you are publicly complimenting his looks like that? It makes her look unserious. I totally agree with wendy.
Wendy is right, what kind of a mother looses custody of her kids to a celebrity that tours the world?? Usher may be right then.. Tameka needs some evaluation .... Now u are paying compliment to a man that took ur kid s from you.
well Wendy's comment was uncalled for but what is Tameka doing paying compliments to her ex on social media? y not text him or call him or better still say it to his face when you two see each other. #my2centsopinion#
Linda, go to bed and let it burn...never too late, lol.
I'm with Wendy on this one, the seperation btw this lady and Usher has not been amicable..there is a custody 'battle'going on, you arenot making his life easy..all of a sudden u wonna appreciate him hot looks. She needs to focus on whats important.. her kids!
Na them sabi
The comment she makes isn't a bad one,wat ℓ̊ fink ȋ̝̊̅ڪ that, she still got fellinz F̶̲̅Õ̳͡я Usher,she shud Juz settle back wit him.#Chikena#kini bigdeal
Tameka or wateva she is called is A̶̲̥̅ ratchet. How can U̶̲̥̅̊ b fighting Чuя ex in court ova child custody nd U̶̲̥̅̊ hv d stupid guts to compliment him. R U̶̲̥̅̊ stupid or smtin? Agbaya woman. U̶̲̥̅̊ shldnt fraternize wit d enemy yo! Nd wats Raymond still doin in her name? She sha wanna cm bck. Ewu alausa like her. I D̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡n't like Wendy at all nd her big mouth,bt m totally wit her on dis. Last Duchess
That tiny little feeling will still be there no matter how grudgy their relationship went, so, she is allowed. Am sure wendy doesn't know what it feels like.
Shush, it's "private eye".. Smh
You be fool ooo...what do you know sef??
This is my take on these issues, both Wendy and Linda na their jobs to cause confusion, long lips, tatafoo, I like ooo
I'm with Wendy. Mehn d guy took her kids from her. Hailing him won't do a thing. He done wivvaa puzzay already already. She should be. Serious and take a stand instead of fooling around.
You're ooh so right! (including the Wendy being an irritant part [times])
Lauren bet u know ur ugly ryt? Just saying, look at ursself b4 u use mean words on ppl. So much 4 attention
Linda's supporters siding that babe. What kind of joke is that. U drag a guy to the courthouse and after all the stress u put him tru now u turn around giving him complements sayin it's not that deep??? Free d guy and move on with ur life. Don't rock the boat coz usher has moved on. I'm sure Usher don't need distractions like this abeg.
I don't like Wendy Williams but am afraid I support her on dis too!!!
Wendy should mind her own buisness and deal with her own husband who sleeps with anything in skirt and has no respect for Wendy....just saying!
Compliment ko, feelings ni!!!! The only feeling she has for Usher is his bank account and that her black American Express card she lost from the divorce!!! Shameless woman. U don cuss and fight Usher finish?
Linda does not get it. Custody battle in the U.S is nasty. They are not friends. She is trying to score a cheap point and probably have one more knacking. wendy did her job as amebo to point it out
I detest dis woman/man called wendy!
Alabosi! Bigmouth!
Elder goat!
So who is d enemy?
Ȋ̝̊̅ can never ever blame wendy! She's doing her job, and she's got everyone talking. Tameka should see Ushers hot body and kindly waka pass. Well sha, Tameka dey clear us once again say Ȋ̝̊̅ v bin dere and done that. Plus, maybe she needs something from my guy. Abi how you see am linda?? Ok, bye n love from Abj.
Linda only asked if the tweet is appropriate or not...she has not taken sides here. lets be objective.
Tan God wendy is on d positive syd this tym around, abi she dey eye Usher ni?
Temaka what to u really what is it usher or to sue his ass for not being a good dad pls choose one and stop confusing yourself. Wendy i quit agree with u.
Have you seen a vision for yourself?
U r jst an idiot.What concerns u and What she spends on fashion.better go and die with ur stupid vision.she works for her money,so let her enjoy it the way she wants.itz not a crime to look good.and she can marry whoever she wants to.muhfucker.
Methink Tameka is tryn 2 extend an olive branch 2her estranged husband.so its understandabl if she chooses 2use d social ntwk 2bgin Wit inorder 2soften him.As 4wendy,I tink she is ryt tOo remindin Tameka on whch side she is,howeva her approach is wrong.So all am sayin is both of dem r ryt,dey jst nid 2iron their diff outside d social ntwk.period
U have a mental problem. Its not a vision. Only in Nigeria that all vision is negative and doom. Abeg go n look for bad visions for urself n ur family n leave Linda alone.
You must be a useless goat and may ur vision not destroy you. All because she got a channel purse Yh?do you know her investments or have u been to her closet to see she shops 2 much? I just hate ppl like u if u allow me pray my prayer of death 4 you e go bad o. Some nomads just feel de can jump into ppls life without knowing a thing and say all their blabbish. Dull goat. If she marry celeb na u one help am de with d husband. Get a life visioneer ko vision 2020 ni kmt
i love that
i love that
Are u ok!??? He is not jst an ex! He's the father of her children! And she not married to anyone now so how in the world is it inappropraite!???
Mr/miss sanctity, do u live with Linda, are u her brother, sister or BFF??? How do you know she hasn't been inlove in a long time!? Do u even know if she's inlove ATM? Pfffft i just can't deal with some people on here.
so u just care about the "the good story" dat will come out of another human beings pain???? u have a very warped sense of entertainment! have some empathy...
lol! lin lin u r strong oh! geez...how do u handle dis kinda madness? kudos to u oh. the few times I've seen linda's picture i've never seen her as someone dat spends too much on fashion, she actually comes across to me as frugal! maybe d dreamer mistook Genevieve nnaji for linda...lol!
Onyx, biko take a sit. This your Wendy-hating is pathetic. Oya tell me how what you wrote concerns the main matter here?
Some lowlife want to take pcm for linda s headache. Or is it linda replying. No, linda does not have time to read and upload comments not to talk of replyin. Linda wanna bes...e concern una???
Some lowlife want to take pcm for linda s headache. Or is it linda replying. No, linda does not have time to read and upload comments not to talk of replyin. Linda wanna bes...e concern una???
I see Tameka still bears ''Raymond'' add her surname. She does not want to drop Ushers name. Ok oooo
Tameka is such Α̲̅ bitter ex bitch!! She's fighting FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я custody of her children when its was under her care kylie glover had Α̲̅ boat accident Α̲̅πϑ died. Am sure Usher regrets ever meeting her!! On topic she should stay in her bitter lane Α̲̅πϑ leave him alone. Wendy's side 100%
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