"In the book of 1Chronicles 29:11 is one powerful prayer by King David: “Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted over all," said a representative of the church. "This prayer tries to explain in different words a God you cannot possible describe! These words will be on everyone’s lips come November 15 as hundreds come together and worship."
Date: Friday, 15 November
Time: 10pm till dawn
Venue: Havilah Open Ground, opposite the The Incubator, CoD church road, off Ligali Ayorinde, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Other ministers at the event include BeeJay Sax, Nathan Flo Akiremi, The Voices in Zion, The Sounds of Heaven and The Psalmists.
Attendance is free and open to all via registration on www.nightofworshiponline.org.
This year’s edition is the fifth in the series of the Night of Worship program hosted by Joshuaville in November every year. Joshuaville is the Young Professionals arm of City of David, RCCG. Their vision is to raise influential leaders who will fulfill the purpose of God’s calling on
their lives. Joshua Ville was inaugurated on the 10 January, 2010 by
Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer.
For more information, visit www.nightofworshiponline.org Twitter enthusiasts can join in conversations surrounding the event via #NOW2013. Enquiries may also be sent to info@nightofworshiponline.org.
Linda thanks for the info, hope to see you there..
I love d guys I'll attend
I trust my church we dont dull at all, UP RCCG 4 Christ
yippy!!!! #dancemode
Glory to God
Wow RCCG settin d pace how I luv ma church
Lord jesus! Luv me some Byron Cage...I luv u so much mbok!
Lord jesus! Luv me some Byron Cage...I luv u so much mbok!
J-villeeeeee,wish I were around to experience this.
Its the fifth already, cant miss this year's own by the grace of God.
Nt interested
Can't wait, woohoo.
Yaaay!! Thats what we talking about.Go J Ville.
May God bless the organisers and all the teams behind this event, I pray God in his infinite mercy make that day a successful one, will be there by his grace.....Amen!!!!
Ok noted pls wen is experience
Let worship the most high God.
Wish i could be there. I so much love Soonie Badu. Dis guy is indeed an anionted worshipper
Yeaaaaaa can't wait, last year was a blessing and it can only get better.
Am there already.
Topic: Creative Miracle-2. Sunday 20th Oct.
MEMORISE: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasures.
Philippians 2:13
READ: John 11:39-44
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 21-23
MESSAGE: The God. That we serve exists from eternity to eternity. He created the universe and the creatures in them and apportioned time for them. However this God does not exist in space and time. Whatever He had done before, He can do again as many times as He needs to. Hebrews 13:8 says, " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and Today, and forever."
He heals instantly and He heals progressively, some healings are repairs and for those body parts that beyond repairs, He replaces. According to your needs for healing, the Lord will visit you today! In John 9:1-7, the Lord gave the man who was born blind, brand new eyes. That is a creative miracle! In Genesis 18:9-14, when Sarah's womb was dead, He gave her a brand new womb. Take the example of the raising of the dead like that of Lazarus recorded in John 11:39-44. The truth is, for a dead man, everything in his body is dead and meant to decompose. So when jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, it was more than just bringing him back to life. He had to perform a lot of creative miracles in him- in his flesh that had decayed, in his blood that had turned black, in his brain that had melted. He recreated every part of him.
A young child developed a growth in the brain and she was taken to india for a brain surgery. But after the surgery,....
*click on the link below to continue reading*...
Na wao
For sure I will be there
J-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-villeJ-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville j-ville
Waoo Thank you Jesus!!...Accept Jesus today...He loves you dearly!..*winks
Yea, I jst registered for I $ my boo Mandy. Guys, delay is dangerous, the earlier, the better. Dnt wnt wat happened to me at d last "Experience" repeat itself.
This is one thing yo don't want to miss... It is an experience you don't want to miss... You don't want to be told either.. See you all there
*YaaaAaay*Go JVille!!!! Dats my church ;) it's 15th of november!!! I must be dere by God's Grace o...u dnt wanna miss it
#NOW Night of worship!!!!
Not interested either. Never seen a country with so many Christians and so much corruption and dishonesty. I just can't reconcile the two.
Trust me, u don't want 2 miss dis 4 anytin in d world. By God's grace I will nd most b der.
Trust me dis is gonna b great, u don't want 2 miss dis 4 anytin in d world. NOW NOW NOW
I wonder if Jim Iyke will be attending? #runs off #
Yaay!!! You don't wanna miss it!! It's gonna b a wonderful time in God's presence! All about God and God Alone... Go J-Ville!! #nightofworship #NOW
Yaay!!! You don't wanna miss it!! It's gonna b a wonderful time in God's presence! All about God and God Alone... Go J-Ville!! #nightofworship #NOW
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