Pope Francis says the church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment and Christians should apologize to gays | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 27 June 2016

Pope Francis says the church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment and Christians should apologize to gays

Despite the bible condemning Homosexuality in Leviticus 18:22, 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.'(NIV version), the leader of the Roman Catholic church Pope Francis has made some controversial statements saying that the Roman catholic church should apologize to gays for offending them.

While on a press conference aboard the Papal Plane on his way from Armenia, Pope Francis responded to a question from a journalist about a German Cardinal who said the Catholic Church should apologize for being "very negative" about gays. 
The Pope was also asked, by the same journalist, whether Christians bear some blame for hatred toward the LGBT community, as horrifically demonstrated in the Orlando massacre at a gay night club that killed 49 people on June 12.

"I repeat what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says: that they must not be discriminated against, that they must be respected and accompanied pastorally," 
"The Church must ask forgiveness for not behaving many times -- when I say the Church, I mean Christians! The Church is holy, we are sinners!"

"I believe that the church not only should apologize to the person who is gay whom it has offended," he added, "but has to apologize to the poor, to exploited women, to children exploited for labor; it has to ask forgiveness for having blessed many weapons."

"One can condemn, but not for theological reasons, but for reasons of political behavior...Certain manifestations are a bit too offensive for others, no?
"But these are things that have nothing to do with the problem. The problem is a person that has a condition, that has good will and who seeks God, who are we to judge? And we must accompany them well."

He told reporters on the plane "there are traditions in some countries, some cultures, that have a different mentality about this question (homosexuals)" and there are "some (gay) demonstrations that are too offensive for some".

The pope did not elaborate on what he meant by seeking forgiveness for the Church "having blessed so many weapons", but it appeared to be a reference to some Churchmen who actively backed wars in the past.

Source: CNN


Olumide Abiodun said...

And some homophobic people were celebrating the Orlando Massacre.

Top 5 Oldest Presidents in the World

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness so Pop is gay...judgement will start frm the pulpit

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes yes
Let's apologize to the pedofile priests too
Since its apology season

Anonymous said...

Yes yes
Let's apologize to the pedofile priests too
Since its apology season

Unknown said...

I dn't know what to say instead I leave all over to God biko be4 I put myself for problem.

SNAP said...


Lube-section said...

Yes, he's right because Jesus didn't come for the righteous but sinners. We should not condemned gays, we should pray for their forgiveness of sins.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Why should they be discriminated against? Judgement belongs to God and we should leave it at that. That they are gay and sleep with fellow men, is no different from every other son we commit, let their fate be decided by God.

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Unknown said...

Heavenly pope.spotless man.
Muslims the terrorism religion should do the same oo afterall mohammed na gay and pedophile and terrorist.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Heavenly pope.spotless man.
Muslims the terrorism religion should do the same oo afterall mohammed na gay and pedophile and terrorist.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

End time, controversial religion, no Christian will comment now

Anonymous said...

If he really said this...then it shows the Catholic Church is not of God...they are now dancing to the tune of the world.

Anonymous said...

Our bible tells us that it is wrong. What do you confused white people want us to believe??????

Anonymous said...

Are catholics christians? Do they believe that Jesus is the son of God and that you don't need to prat through anyone but directly to God because of what Jesus did on the cross?

Anonymous said...

The word of God will.not.change. The Pope will always be a Christian. U guys can b spinning it anyhow. The man said what I say as a Christian, In summary, judge not, so that ye shall not be judged. But no o. U pple must spin it, like he said its not a sin to be gay! Smh!!!

Anonymous said...

Would Jesus ever speak like this? That the church should apologize to homosexuals and lesbians? Which church is he speaking of....the very body of christ or the catholic human organisation?

Unknown said...

I dnt border to finish the gross statement.... Is he encouraging what Bible condemned.....? Does it mean catholics don't read Bible?? Or is he suffering from old age?? He should call for prayer for them, so they can repent and that misleading demon can free them... Not this encouragement..... I have soft spot for gays... Am not homophobic.. Am friend to them.. But I won't stop telling them what they are doing is against the word of God... God's word can never be manipulated to suit our life style... We know the truth and only the truth can set us free...... Long live Pope...

.......... Liber maniac......

Victor Mark said...

The pope is not a Christian he is a religious leader, if he is a Christian he would have known Gods idea about gays . Victor Mark

yawanow said...

Thou shall not Judge. The pope shouldn't be misinterpreted.

Cindy said...

Dis guy is very crazy I think his devil in white cloth

Cindy said...

Dis guy is very crazy I think his devil in white cloth

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

When pope john Paul the 2nd was shot in the 80's he went to see the criminal and even begged for forgiveness is he did anything that warranted it. So begging for forgiveness isn't a big deal. we are all sinners and we can fall short of what Christianity preaches . And if that happens you beg for forgiveness. If Christians have discriminated against the poor, women, gay it beg for forgiveness . But it doesn't mean gay is right.

Just like Pope John Paul begged the guy that shot him. it doesn't mean the guy was right.

GALORE said...

Bless you @Father


Melkstan said...

the world is coming to an end, how can pope encourage ppl to be gay. Y` all should be very very careful be careful be very careful CAREFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.........

Yetty k said...

the pope is gay

Anonymous said...

We all know pope is gay

Unknown said...

It is simple
Love1 anoda & don't condem or judge any1 cos God is against such
Not as if he wil we'd or bless a gay
Like take note

Linda don't take note!

Unknown said...

Gbam!!.. That's exactly where judgement will start from.. Ngwanu Catholic fantastic start apologizing. But as for me and my family.. We apologize no shit. It's not in line with the bible I read. This is total bullshit coming out from pope himself. I've lost all the respect I have for him.. Oh please!!! He's not God.

Unknown said...

True Christians must adhere to bible teachings whether favorable or unfavorable.

Unknown said...

End time pope. This world is rapidly coming to an end. If this bullshit will come out from pope himself, then God must be weeping on his mercy seat right now..

Unknown said...

Pope, what did you say?? I leave the matter to God, if he is also gay, God knows & if he is not, God still knows. Who am I to judge??

Anonymous said...

Hello, i think you guys should read the comment itself and not jump into conclusion from the headline. Not that the Holy Father is encouraging homosexual.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Ok his holiness

Anonymous said...

It's far better than being a murderous religion abi?

Unknown said...

I'll just jump and pass!

Anonymous said...

Linda, you really do know how to twist words to attract people to read your stories. That is sooo wrong.

Anonymous said...

All the Pope is saying is " he who is without sin should cast the first stone"...who are we to judge? That your sin is different from my sin doesn't make you better than me...We are all sinners before God, let's pray for mercy rather than judge one another...Kapish!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

My beloved Catholic wit some teachings dat breaks my heart.

Excuse me! Wht my business apologising to who when am still seeking forgiveness frm d Lord?

DIS IS Y HE CAME TO DIE FOR US so dat we wouldn't b sinners b4 d Lord.

So gay people should seek forgiveness frm d Lord and not d otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Because the bible say it's wrong does not mean you should spread hate against gays and judge them. The bible also says premarital sex is wrong and many other sins we all commit. Let God be the judge. Respect people and love your neighbors.. God loves us regardless of our sins. Their sin is not above yours.

Anonymous said...

For gays outside the Church (in fact for all non-Christians) we should preach God's Word to them for their salvation. What's the use of asking a non Christian to live by Biblical values? Just preach salvation through Jesus Christ to them first. For gays within the Church, we should firmly condemn such behaviours because God's word condemns it. Every Christian is expected to live by Biblical values. But then remember that homosexuality is not the only sin condemned in God's Word. Adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, drunkenness etc should be condemned among Christians. When we do what the Bible says we owe no-one an apology.

OSINANL said...

For wetin nah?

Unknown said...


D church mostly d Pope should not encourage gay practice or else d Lord wil hold him accountable for souls dat get lost via dis practice.

Unknown said...

Mumu,cause someone recognizes other people human rights and freedom doesn't mean he's same with them,get educated. The Pope spoke well! Y'all commit fornicati,lie,steal,and other sinful act but still go to d church with ur head high feeling holy and expecting a miracle, bisssh please.

gentle said...

Any body who doesn't read everything and comes here to blaspheme is on his own.

Unknown said...

God punish devil.

Rev Sis Mary Paracleta said...

Where is Pope John Paul II?
What I really want to hear from this guy if he wants to keep it real is to allow the priests to get married and the nuns to get married.
All the pent up sexuality is causing more havoc in lives than homophobia.
I dont take communion in some parishes cos i know the priest has various altars, one of secret sexual rendevous, and two, secret money making ventures, and three dating a married woman who supplies the money, food and body, four, some innocent girl is sexually exploited after been groomed slowly, and then she gets dumped when a new younger one comes along.
To anyone claiming ignorance, pray your daughter never becomes a victim and you never experinece such.
Things dey happen.And Pope nka osi gini? Does he now endorse people to exploit homosexuality. Rome must be embarrased. He should be called to order.
what am I saying sef? The seminaries are full of gays!!!!!

Asampokoto said...

Too many people on this blog who are mentally below par.
Are Catholics Christians? No they are not, they are Muslims.
This same Leviticus everyone keeps quoting. Is it not in the Old Testament? Didn't Jesus die for our sins? Didn't he say not to judge?
If we all want to live by Leviticus then please scroll down to the next chapter and you'll see where it says a man shall not cut his beard, women shall not wear men's clothing and vice versa, and make no cuts to the body.
NOW if you do any of these, you need to take a nice solid bench and sit your hypocritical asses down. Nigerians are disgusting. Yes I said it. You lot are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Keep condemning white people who God continuously blesses and enriches. While we Africans live in abject poverty. Keep facing gay people and don't face your economy.
Bunch of little minded idiots.
P.s I'm a straight woman who loves the D.
I just don't lack common sense.
And anyone who calls me gay, you will birth a gay child.

Asampokoto said...

Yet another simple minded idiot.
I'm sure Jesus was a thief for sitting with the tax collectors and sinners in the temple.

Asampokoto said...

I was going to call you an idiot but decided to go the 'Catholic way' and pray for you.
Your stupidity is clearly not your fault and clearly beyond you.

Asampokoto said...

No. How about you pray for your own forgiveness and just leave them alone. God did not put us here to be watch men. Mind your business

Anonymous said...

The earlier you realise that God only recognises you personal relationship with Him through His word (the Bible) and praying through His son, Jesus Christ, the better to save your souls. God does not speak through anyone, Mary or the Pope, only His word. Read the Bible yourself and know the truth yourself and pray to Him through His son. Pope does not speak for God and will face judgement like you and all souls.

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."

Asampokoto said...

Ok since you are God's chosen mouth piece, thanks for telling us Catholics how he really feels. We will note it down.
Thanks again.
I can bet that more white people will enter heaven before Nigerians. That's for sure

Asampokoto said...

Nope not at all. We don't even believe in Jesus.... Like I'm sorry who is Jesus again?

Unknown said...

Idiot, did u nt read wat he said?abi ur 4 yrs in uni studying use of englush 111 in ur 100 was wasted

Unknown said...

I ain't heard nuffin!

Anonymous said...

Listen to yourself. I see you're a god, you can judge. hiss

Asampokoto said...

They want you to believe in the 10 commandments. To just be principled and morally upright. You lie, isn't it wrong and against the bible, but are you hated for it? No. We are all humans no one is perfect. Love everyone. Live and let live. If you can influence gay people in whichever way you think is positive, then do so. But don't condemn them. Who are we to condemn them? Is it not a sin to judge. Do you fornicate? If yes, then what's the difference btw that and being gay?
All sins have been written down. None is greater than the other. We are all sinners. Just mind your business and show love. Have gay people tried to
Hurt you in anyway? Who is the victim of their so called gay crime? Is it not consensual sex btw adults of the same sex?
Why can't you look the other way and not say anything.
Ponder on these points. We as Africans carry religion and bible on our head, but lack the basic principles of life. Which is why we will forever be backwards. So many things we frown upon, yet no logic behind it.
It's tiring mehn.
We need to do better as a people.

Anonymous said...

Listen to yourself. lol

Asampokoto said...

You clearly haven't read your bible through if your asking if Jesus will talk like this. The same Jesus that chilled (for lack of a better word) with Mary Magdalene?
I'm out. You people clearly twist the bible to suit you

Asampokoto said...

Read it again and again. You clearly lost the plot of his statement

Asampokoto said...

Ok Christian

Asampokoto said...

Ok Jesus. Thanks for showing us the devil. Noted

Unknown said...

I can't deal biko! Linda take note!

TruelyTopaz said...

hmmmm hmmmm I don't agree with the POPE...far from it. Christians welcome sinners and treat them with love so they can be drawn to God. but where it is stated that an act is an abomination before God our Father..do you really think Christians will allow LGBT community to spit on his word. sorry no. Christians need to stand for the Truth. I'm very appalled he said such. I don't hate gays I just dislike their sexual orientation. they know it isn't normal.

Asampokoto said...

God bless you.
A lot of Christians clearly have this Christianity thing wrong. Like have completely lost the plot. I blame all these motivational speakers posing as pastors in Nigeria. The comments on this post are clearly the outcome.
Christians have tried to suppress, attack and kill gay people since day 1. Have they done anything to us as individuals? No. Have they offended God? Maybe , who knows, it's not my place to judge. Shouldn't it be btw them and God? We should apologise for how we've treated them when they've done absolutely nothing to us. What's the difference btw Christians who condemn and attack them and the jihadists who kill people for not sharing their belief and disrespecting Allah? Is it not the same mindset at the end of the day? Let God fight his battles. Ask him to show you your purpose and leave gay people alone. I don't get how Christians don't get that.

Asampokoto said...

He encouraged them? Please where and how?

Unknown said...

Controversial indeed.

young millionaire said...

At the end time men shall be lovers of themselves.bin gay is a sin as well as other sins,bin gay is an abormination ,if u are gay ,am not judging u,but the bible clearly says that God is coming for blameless people,if u know what u are doing is a sin,gay,fornication,adultery,stealing, its better u repent and go back to the way the lord wants u to be,I ave read stories of gays turning back to the normal way they are.when Jesus comes, it will be too late,a lot of this gays know what they are doing is bad but still continue.just as the people that commit all sort of sin.repent from your ways.bin born again is fun,u have peace,u enjoy wealth happiness,all d good things of life. It's the sweetest life u can imagine

Phoenix said...

I am totally Homphobic. I'm sure they're humans too but what did Jehova do when Soddom and Gommorah existed and all of these things were the norm(as it is trying to be again now). HE BLOODY DESTROYED THE PLACE!!!! THE REASON IS SIMPLE; IT IS AN AFFRONT ON THE VERY LAWS OF NATURE AND 0F GOD AS TO HOW HIS CREATION SHOULD LIVE THEIR LIVES. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW A HE-GOAT FUCKING A HE-GOAT?!? With a respect observed; FUCK YOU, POPE! YOU ARE WRONG ON THIS ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

I hv always said it Catholic r not xtians. May God help ppl see the truth

Anonymous said...

May God forgive u

Unknown said...

Yeye talk.

young millionaire said...

At the end time men shall be lovers of themselves.bin gay is a sin as well as other sins,bin gay is an abormination ,if u are gay ,am not judging u,but the bible clearly says that God is coming for blameless people,if u know what u are doing is a sin,gay,fornication,adultery,stealing, its better u repent and go back to the way the lord wants u to be,I ave read stories of gays turning back to the normal way they are.when Jesus comes, it will be too late,a lot of this gays know what they are doing is bad but still continue.just as the people that commit all sort of sin.repent from your ways.bin born again is fun,u have peace,u enjoy wealth happiness,all d good things of life. It's the sweetest life u can imagine

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Does that mean we should hate or kill gay people?No.In the bible God didn't send anyone to punish them,he did that himself.So leave Gay people to their fate and face your own sins that you will have to answer for.

Anonymous said...

I think Linda did not caption the story well. And u guys did not bother to read the whole body of the message.
The Pope meant to say that we should not judge, as we are also sinners in different ways, instead we should accompany them by preaching to them. Just like Jesus said "let him who is without sin be the first to cast the stone. So therefore, apologize to your brother/sister if u have judged them.
@ anonymous 9:27am you have spoken well.

Unknown said...

Just passingby

Unknown said...

What these world turning in to?? and some are still backing it up. May Allah forgive Us..

Unknown said...

The bible said we should not judge,all judgement belong to God,Christ also said pray for those that plan evil you but not condemn/judge anyone. Pope encourage us to do the same as Christ directed.despite they are gay,we need to pray and asked for forgiveness for them cos they don't know what they are doing.

Unknown said...

The bible said we should not judge,all judgement belong to God,Christ also said pray for those that plan evil you but not condemn/judge anyone. Pope encourage us to do the same as Christ directed.despite they are gay,we need to pray and asked for forgiveness for them cos they don't know what they are doing.

Unknown said...

The bible said we should not judge,all judgement belong to God,Christ also said pray for those that plan evil you but not condemn/judge anyone. Pope encourage us to do the same as Christ directed.despite they are gay,we need to pray and asked for forgiveness for them cos they don't know what they are doing.

Unknown said...

The bible said we should not judge,all judgement belong to God,Christ also said pray for those that plan evil you but not condemn/judge anyone. Pope encourage us to do the same as Christ directed.despite they are gay,we need to pray and asked for forgiveness for them cos they don't know what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

You should understand what it means for forgiveness. We shouldnt judge them,we shouldnt discriminate them,we shouldnt point finger at them,we shouldnt kill them,we should pray for them because they are doing wrong like wise the way we do with different women and men. Are we all doing sex under the name of matrimonial? Are not involved in corruption? Are we not offend others? Are we not talk about people staff under the name of gossip? All these are sins but we shouldnt gay as the one who are the most sinners in this world. We are all sinners so we shoould love each other,pray for each other so that one day we all go to heaven. That is Catholic is.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Let God be d judge.

fej said...

End time post

Anonymous said...


hrm paul ojeih said...

I am a. Catholic and I will say this I take instructions from d bible and. D holy spirit. d bible says do not lie with a man its an abomination .so d pope is on his own.if he says pray for gay dat is a different thing not apologise to dem.how can I apologise to a manfor banging anoda man tufiakwa.God destroyed sodom and gomorrah for dis d pope better kip quiet bfor God's wrath decend on hin

Unknown said...

the current Pope is certainly an anti-Christ, period

Anonymous said...

You Christians have hurt gays so much, and caused them so much misery. You have broken so many. Nigeria declared war against them and for that you will not prosper.

There is bnp forgiveness for your wickedness to your fellow man. You have judged and thrown your individual salvation away.

Jen'pha said...

Well, first off, your title to this Article is very wrong, misleading and unrelatable. To those casting aspersions to the Pope's admonition of Forgiveness in this Year of Mercy, well, needless to say it's always very convenient to Isolate one sin from another, especially those we don't commit, or do i say have not committed yet? This same Bible preaches against or in stronger terms, Forbids Adultery, Fornication, Gossip and such others, but do we enagage in them or not? Has the Word of God we read/hear each day had a Restraining effect on us? Quit being Hypocritical $ Judgemental, remembering that not only did Jesus Christ forgive the Adulteress, He went on to Assure Paradise to the Repentant thief on the Cross. Be guided and cease raining abuses on the Pope or maligning his character, if u don't recognise him as head of your Church, be reasonable and mature enough to not trample on other peoples' sensitivities.

Linda, please reflect my post. #First time poster. Thank you.

Unknown said...

The bible says it's wrong and it's wrong. Completely wrong. I'm not surprised. We will hear more from the papcy. Let's prepare to follow The Right ways of the Lord. Beg for forgiveness my foot

Godwin said...

Osim apologise to gays maka why kwanu?
Lord have mercy.
Is obvious that what the bible said about the end time is more than true.
Na wa this one be me like film.

*NWA 042*

Anonymous said...

May God help us to do what is right.

Anonymous said...

By Their fruit you shall know them (Matthew 7:16). False religion will continue to produce rotten fruit. No wonder my lord Jesus, on that day will say to them " Get away from me, i never knew you, you workers of lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:23).

Anonymous said...

Now we know why the last pope resigned.



Unknown said...

Is the Pope Jesus? Read your Bible very well.

Unknown said...

This pope is just a confusionist #lol, tryna cos confusion then later clarified wat he meant by forgiveness. take a stand and let's know whr u belong.

bishopstanz said...

the anti Christ pope watch the man who saw tomorrow by nastradamus


Misunderstood statement from the Pope with Linda giving wrong title!

Anonymous said...

By their fruits

Anonymous said...

Is that what you read there? You don't read to comprehend.

Chuck said...

Apologies, but i really believe this freeborn guy needs an education or something!

Unknown said...

Smilin.......smilin.....smilin......aaaahhhhh! People sef! Dey can misinterpret; to mak heaven is sooooo difficult buh d same tym easy; forgivenes is a vry easy tin to say buh d same tym vry difficult to render. He said "FORGIVENESS" n not "SUPPORT"coz seeing d rate at wc d world condemns dem isnt healthy at all n God isnt api abt dat n so we shd allow God to judge coz His wayz are nt our ways n tots too.

Amblessed said...

The Pope is an antichrist. A devil incanate. He should go and repent. Hw can a pope say something contrary to the bible. It shows he supports gays even if the bible teaches against it. Pope Francis repent be for the wrath of God comes upon you. Stop deceiving pple

Anonymous said...

May God curse ur soul,for commitin evil,jesus dinned with zacheaus the great sinner,he came for sinners to be saved,they won't repent by u concerning dem,and if u are commuting fornication and adultery u are the same with this gays,God said in his commandment thou shall not commit adultery

Anonymous said...

Some people don't even know the meaning of christianity,bros I hope u don't fornicate?cos God warned us not to do it?av u being killed?who told u, u are righteous?christ came for sinners not for righteous like u,christ gives people time and second chance to repent

Unknown said...

Looooool....judgement would start from the houz of God
Its no surprise...I have always tot him a fake n con artist
Rubbish....forgiveness my foot

Follow ur girl Hana on Instagram @hanaokafor

Miss Freeborn!!

LindaIkeji's Daughter. said...

father just keep quiet.if we enjoy them plenty more wil join.if we discourage them,dey wil run 4m.d church.so let's jst pray 4dem.

Hembafan said...

Praying for is different from apologising

Anonymous said...

This statement makes him a "NO POPE"

Unknown said...

I don't know who to blame on this if it those that paste the message or those commenting without reading in details. Is high time we. Started realising that God does not hate the sinner but hate sins. Now there's is nothing controversial about what the holy father has said, is just that the bloggers made it looked controversial with their caption.

Unknown said...

What do you mean an Anti-christ, the Christ flee away or discriminate sinners? Remember the case of Jesus and the adulteress?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you, your Holiness. A lot of ignorant so-called Christians only remember the Bible when it comes to gays, forgetting that Jesus condemned even straight lust - a man lusting after a woman. Nature did not make everyone straight. The Western world has learnt that, but we refuse to. Thank you, Pope.

Asampokoto said...

That's not why God destroyed Soddom and Gomorrah you fucking idiot. He destroyed it because of the multitude of sins.
In your mind, you thought you made sense. Kill yoself.

Asampokoto said...

You are a shame to Catholics. That's what you are.

Asampokoto said...

God bless you

Asampokoto said...

I have @collins. WHAT's YOUR POINT THOUGH?

Olaide Davies. said...


Olaide Davies. said...

I will hold on tightly to what the Bible says.Neither the pope nor any pastor can confuse me.The Bible condemns it and that is final.

Jen'pha said...

Really pitiable the way some of you folks, be you anonymous, unknown or whatever nomenclature you choose, read without understanding. It is really very easy to show how blissfully ignorant some of us are.....Anyway, be that as it may, the Pope has spoken and you can't unspeak... Sure he said that, knowing that like in the time of Jesus Christ, men of little understanding, comprehension and wicked tongues like some of you abound to misconstrue the message and turn it to a self-serving purpose like most of you do in your 'churches'. Well, good thing is God set out the 10 Commandments, but for whatever reasons that make some of you sleep better, you decide to hold a portion over and above the 10 Commandments. We all deserve God's wrath, undeniably, cos we have shamed Him by doing things we ought not to & neglecting the good we ought to, most of the time. Don't you ever take up a fight meant for God, He ain't dead or weak to fight His battles. Afterall He who should segregate or discriminate.....is Kind as to always let His Rain pour down on the 'self- acclaimed good' and 'human-adjuged bad'alike, He provides for everyone, gay or un-gay, notwithstanding. To all those who think they are deserving of the next split-second of life or breath, be done with your self delusion already! No one merits life.... but for God's grace, we all should be condemned to the grave. Quit this holier-than-thou attitude, I implore you. Remove the Log in your eyes so you see clear enough to discover the speck in the eyes of your neighbours. As the Pope admonishes, once more.... As uneasy as is, we must all try to be Merciful like the Father. Quit the rebellion already. #proudCatholic #PopeRocks #Infallible #ChurchnotborneoutofRebellion #dontfightforGod #HeisaGodofstrength #knowsHisbattlesandcanfightthem

Thanks for publishing my post, Linda. Let's do it again.

Anonymous said...

The bible said when rapture comes, some church leader will not make it, the pope is one of those church leaders. He is pleasing the people against the wish and laws of GOD

Anonymous said...

The bible said when rapture comes, some church leader will not make it, the pope is one of those church leaders. He is pleasing the people against the wish and laws of GOD

Anonymous said...

The bible said when rapture comes, some church leader will not make it, the pope is one of those church leaders. He is pleasing the people against the wish and laws of GOD

Anonymous said...

The bible said when rapture comes, some church leader will not make it, the pope is one of those church leaders. He is pleasing the people against the wish and laws of GOD

Anonymous said...

The bible said when rapture comes, some church leader will not make it, the pope is one of those church leaders. He is pleasing the people against the wish and laws of GOD

Anonymous said...

The world is a funny place With funny people dropping funny comments, if you had seen someone kiss the Pope on the cheek, you
will say he is gay, but our savior Jesus Chris was betrayed with a kiss, and it was not wrong bcos greeting a fellow male on the cheek was in the jewish tradition .I'm 100% straight wit a lovely babe, but I think discriminating gays is somehow. Rather preach to them

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