Tweets of the day... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Tweets of the day...

Well...see the remaining tweets after the cut...


Unknown said...

GBAM. Dave

Unknown said...

I De see am so! Ndaara

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


CatwalkwithPAT(Please CLICK on my name) said...


Unknown said...

I agree. Jonathan was weak minded.
He didn't understand that the rule of the game is; "Slay or get slain"

We don't miss him one bit though.

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

Unknown said...

If someone knocks at your day, it is buhari...everything na buhari. but we like ham like that. Let all the corrupt people go to jail. If buhari is dirty, let us know. Why ranting

Unknown said...

Oh shut up...he isnt gonna even read your tweets so let us heat word

Anonymous said...

And whoever thinks he is stubborn shuld try and even think of impeaching Buhari. That will be the most regrettable thing ever cos Nigerians will show a side of them that won't be believable.
I personally will create a bomb and set targets, I will not fail.
I am sick and tired of corruption!

Anonymous said...

Why won't you tweet after your dope routine...

Alloy Chikezie said...

I'm of a different opinion. Buhari shouldn't be linked with saraki's trial

Your comment will be visible after approval.

ary said...


Anonymous said...

true talk

meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

true talk

meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

You are actually right dear PMB is a big joker of the century, i just pity people that voted for him into power. He is yet to provide ministerial list and he hasn't done anything yet including the jobs creation. I am entitled to my opinion so nobody in his/her senses should insult me

Anonymous said...

Linda please please please,I want you to share your thoughts about the new government,you kinda avoid it at all times,I know you'll see this,but if you don't,I'll ask again. Wish I got to ask this at the access bank questionnaire!my bad though. Thank you and keep being beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Facts....There can only be One commander in chief....The national assembly comprises of all set of jokers

Anonymous said...

Linda u just dey take style come out small small from ur pdp closet

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

His opinion tho...

Unknown said...

Oh my God,so there are wise dude like me in nigeria.ohimai you are on point.
I will not be going to heaven for now because i will live an see the end up buhari's scam administration.
May God bless imbecilic jonathan,what a peaceful man of honour.
Sai baba what a slogan of imbecilic people
change is inevitable.what a word of people that have soul there soul for terrorist to take place in nigeria.
Change is here,a word of brain washed people.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Odi egwu...Jonathan was/is weak. I like him so much tho but for President . Naija doesn't need that


Lol! U r right my dear

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Kosoro lenu eye some time go and Google a memba of paliament was arrested for question on corruption allegation if saraki goes for trial on corruption allegation let him face it so b it

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm, truthfully i agree with you mr.

it is well

OSINANL said...

I agree...

Anonymous said...

Nonsense,what make Jonathan a decent democrat?is it the corruption to the highest level?or simply a president who can not perform.Are Nigerian so short of memory or what?The only thing people praise him for was for handling over peacefully which is expected of him anyway because he lost the election.

Unknown said...

Lovely tweets.. But I still like Saraki tho. All of them are criminals including PMB

Anonymous said...

Well spoken Mr fix Nigeria.

primeboi said...

Well, now dat I thought abt dat, he z nt far frm d truth buh PMB shld careful of d line he z trailing. Jst sayin tho.

♥Prime Cares♥

Unknown said...

MrFixMyPocket tweeting like the fool that he is once again.
The degoatification process has begun. We are Nigerians..... Even if Buhari will not give each and everyone of us money, let Nigeria as a nation be respected once again and let immigration officers of foreign countries stop giving our passport side eyes.

Anonymous said...

I have always said it. Linda has a soft spot Jonathan.

Arsenal said...


◇◇◇◇◇◇ If ignorance is bliss, wipe the smile off my face ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

SMURF said...


Jericho brown said...

well i concur!

Unknown said...

Well said!

Jericho brown said...

well i concur!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You mean Tinubu??

I comment my reserve

Unknown said...

Tell them..... The truth though no doubt...

Anonymous said...

Have you forgotten what Jonathan did to Tambuwal? He used the police without going to the court to prevent Tambuwal from entering the national assembly chambers. Jonathan was an embodiment of corruption(both power and financial).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On point

Anonymous said...

Buhari is mean and his meaness will affect only his enemies, I pity this country

Anonymous said...

Your bias will eventually choke you

Unknown said...

Hummmmmmmm....deep but sensible words.


Unknown said...

Hummmmmmmm....deep but sensible words.


Unknown said...

Word. Only one Oga at the top

Blog It With Olivia said...


#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Anonymous said...

Ode ni boboyi sha. That's your perspective you smelly attention seeker.

Yes, there is only one commander-in-chief who deserves no dis-respect from saraki and his gang of un-grateful species.
He ignored his party, damned the president and even went ahead to seal a deal with pdp at the expense of his party.

who does that? And No, Jonathan is not descent, he is just tooooo DUMB.

Anonymous said...

Linda I see you're a Jonathan supporter, please get over it. GEJ is out. PMB is in so there's no use crying over spilt milk

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Anonymous said...

Well then... let's say we prefer it ds way. the only one commander-in-chief way. No be only decent democrat...

AC£S said...


Unknown said...

And how is this tweet of the day?
Because your hero is involved?

Anonymous said...

Practical Truth. many blind and sentimental people and psychopath alike will condemn his twit but he has spoken the truth, GEL is not weak but a decent democrat.

gentle said...

Hmmm...nice analysis. Lol. ..and tricky too. Are you for or against buhari...that statement sounds....well almost sounds like you are calling him a dictator.

Anonymous said...

Opo, this one that us looking for relevance abI job. U no get sense this ode. Go and find work or better still go meet jonathan at otuoke.

Anonymous said...

If JONATHAN was not weak how come they dint return the money they collected from poor undergraduates that were looking for job at NIS when he ordered them to return it. Even 19 people lost there life but mr clueless did what he knew how to do best- to open investigative panel. Even lost count of how many of such panel he opened that nothing came out of it. Alba muro and other involved are free till today. It can only happen in NIGERIA. I think its better to not call JONATHAN name, at least for now, when it come to govt issue cos it bring bad memories

Known anonymous

Obi Awunor said...

Linda these are the tweets you see fit to post. GEJ was not only weak, this guy could not even sit down to reason with his own wife. Buhari playing dirty?? would you rater he stepped in to stay court proceedings against Saraki?

Would you rather he said since Saraki is APC and Senate president the court should back off, would that seem better to you. The more I read your blog the more glaring it is that you do not really know what this dispensation is about. I have not come across a tribe as deviod of ideas as we Ibos when it comes to matter of politics.

Saraki's case is important cos' there are a whole host of politicians waiting in line to know what to do to gaurd their ill gotten wealth, you are here posting tweets from buffoons. Wake up lady.

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbamer!! Gbamest!!! So on point. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbamer!! Gbamest!!! So on point. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Gbam! Gbamer!! Gbamest!!! So on point. Linda take note!

#Hov... said...

Jonathan was a weakling & coward who was silent like a mouse while things were going amok and this fool ascribes ""Democrat" status to him...I would never respect a leader who fails to confront ills happening all around him, that's a huge sign of weakness!! Linda, all your body posture is "Anti-Buhari" and it aint good...#HOV

Anonymous said...

Useless comment. Grow up. Jonathan lost because he was incompetent and betrayed the hope of millions of us who were convinced to support him in 2011. Only a mumu would have wanted him to continue with the way he and his thieving team ran this country down. Is Saraki above the law? What is wrong is holding public office holders accountable? Are you not smart enough to know that until we crush this culture of impunity and corruption this country cannot move foreword? When will people like you forget tribalism and think Nigeria?

Yomi Chedda said...

weather separation of power or not , let the normal things be done within the nation

Anonymous said...

I wake up every morning and I thank my God that GEJ is no longer president.
GEJ couldn't provide me stable electricity and I bought a generator; okay, I got a gen let me buy fuel and I realized there's scarcity, someone sold to me for 140 naira per litre and I still wanted to buy but alas! My salary is not in my account. Yet to be paid in 4months.
Don't care what PMB does or did now I ve electricity in my house, fuel is 87 naira and I'm being owed 2months salary.
PS there can only be one commander in chief.

Unknown said...

He just simplified the whole saga?thanks bro

Anonymous said...

Jonathan would had jailed Tinubu if he wanted but he chose not to. Tunis is so dirty.

Anonymous said...

Buhari should also know that only him can't rule the country. So if he wants to make enemies that's fine...buut he should pick he's enemies carefully..... Ay.....

Ethel said...

True words

Me said...

Big joke, he will soon learn how big Nigeria is, he needs people like saraki in his camp

Unknown said...

Buhari belongs to everybody and belongs to nobody.

Anonymous said...

Well said bruh

Unknown said...


Dis is d best msg dat is sensitive and words of wisdom. God bless d soul dat sent dis msg.

BRock said...

Hahahahahaha GEJ was decent, my ass! We didn't elect fada Christmas, we were looking for a strong hand to make corrupt people fear and move us forward...GEJ made it a field day for corrupt people

Christina typearls said...


Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahhahaha over spilt milk indeed, abeg stick to pidgin, English no be by force. Smhhhh oshi

Jasmine Joseph said...

Dude ur so on point, as for the clueless Nigerians who disagree no worry with time una scales go fall commot from ur eyes

Jasmine Joseph said...

Dude ur so on point, as for the clueless Nigerians who disagree no worry with time una scales go fall commot from ur eyes

Jasmine Joseph said...

Dude ur so on point, as for the clueless Nigerians who disagree no worry with time una scales go fall commot from ur eyes


I wonder miss ikeji does with my comments

Unknown said...

So on point

PURPLE said...

Gbammmmmmmmmmm! Sweet tweet. Sai baba jare

Anonymous said...

Idiot! Read again before you comment. I wonder how you passed english at or o levels.

Okowright Balaxy said...

A dictator is always a dictator. God will liberate Nigeria from Buharilism very soon. We need people focused leaders, not leaders that oppress and intimidate their perceived political enemies all in the name of fighting corruption.

Unknown said...

Stupid words...

Unknown said...

Errmmm ok oh.

Unknown said...

Errmmm ok oh.

Unknown said...


Dis is d best msg dat is sensitive and words of wisdom. God bless d soul dat sent dis msg.

Unknown said...


Dis is d best msg dat is sensitive and words of wisdom. God bless d soul dat sent dis msg.

Juleslouis said...

I agree. GEJ was more like kinda afraid of whatever it was and it made him act weak but Buhari no send.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me. How exactly is Saraki Buhari's political enemy. Please explain this to me. Thanks.

Unknown said...

True talk

*cute bree*

Anonymous said...

I love Buhari. I dont care whatever anybody thinks. He is the kind of man that we need for this country, Nigeria because Nigerians need iron hand. They are too unruly.

Unknown said...

Can u see dat pmb is d president to lead dis great country on sallah pmb is busy bcos us to benefit and som pple tribalistic we com here coment rubish Rome was not built in 3 month it takes tym ur jonathan share iphone5s gold den when is daughter. Is doing wedding and jona no corupt all u now can now bost dat u can enta feeling station wit out no delay in my area for decade total as neva sell kerosene b4 and now kerosene is selling 50 naira per liter kile tun fe iin 3 month wey we wake one day for January first andd petrol is 141 per litter. Cos of campaign dis year jona reduce am to 87 pple wise up and stop complianing

Unknown said...

Gej was a democrat my asss Linda Linda pdp pple

OIL said...

God bless you.. ppl forget things so easily

stephen okeke said...

may be Jonathan wasn't clean if he was he would have exposed dirty people. May be he is just like every other person there, so there is no way he could fought against himself kind of. Well we sure like Buhari things are working.

Anonymous said...

Thank you said it all...Jonathan was decent indeed abeg make I hear word...he shouldn't have handed over peacefully

Unknown said...

You are the stupid one,that's his opinion

Diamond said...

Very stupid

Anonymous said...

Nigeria will be better when ever a new government starts where the last stop,,,
buhari use 4months to settle for his ministers,,,,later ministers will take 4months
to settle for there official duties ,and then 10months has gone,,,,
and buhari has sealed the presidency so no information will go out,,,
buhari will still need another 4months to fight his enemies,
now in nigeria must of oby and rest are now silents cos they are all waiting
for a minister apointment,and after there names failed to apear in ministers list
and no contract given to them,then they many come out shouting bring back there witches and wizard back,,,,,nigeria kwenuuu oooo

Anonymous said...

Nigeria will be better when ever a new government starts where the last stop,,,
buhari use 4months to settle for his ministers,,,,later ministers will take 4months
to settle for there official duties ,and then 10months has gone,,,,
and buhari has sealed the presidency so no information will go out,,,
buhari will still need another 4months to fight his enemies,
now in nigeria must of oby and rest are now silents cos they are all waiting
for a minister apointment,and after there names failed to apear in ministers list
and no contract given to them,then they many come out shouting bring back there witches and wizard back,,,,,nigeria kwenuuu oooo

Anonymous said...

You're a fool

Anonymous said...

First of all, are there supposed to be more than one commander in chief? Aren't we supposed to have one? Second of all, Jonathan was a weak ass man with no business being president. I am happy he's gone for good. Imagine what would have happened had he still be president. The country, by now, would have fallen apart due to his incompetence. Third of all, Jonathan was not only weak, he was corrupt and surrounded himself with leeches...people who do not have the best interest of the country at heart. All his incompetence have managed to do is set Nigeria back. I'm sure Biafra apologist are thanking you for all the negative tones you are setting when it comes to Buhari on your page. Don't worry, when you are done causing chaos, you will run away while the idiots on your blog are left to reap the repercussion of their foolishness in jumping on your bandwagon. If you like nor post my comment. Na you sabi. Undercover PDP apologist. I haven't head you talk about the positive electricity flow in many part of Nigeria on your blog. Negative nancy. All you know how to do is bash Buhari. You and FFK belong in the same special place...

Flutter said...

Anon 4:16 I like what you said. Linda it's true. It's your blog, it's no biggie if you express your opinion on it naa

lami said...

Lol .Nice one anon.


Pls shut up

Anonymous said...

Godwin, ,

It is shocking that we still have people that reason and think the way you do.
If Jonathan had remained in power, Nigeria would have ceased to exist in the next 5 years and even if she exited, Nigeria will make places like Ethopia, somalia look good.

Joanthan and his cronies were not just corrupt, they were absolutely determined to destroy Nigeria.
Under Jonathan, what infracstructure could Nigeira boast of- Education? Health? Good Roads? Security forces? Energy? Jobs?

When they have head ache they fly to the UK or Germany but never stop to think for once that had the health minister in Germany and the Uk looted the Health care budget, there will be no resources for corrupt African leaders to enjoy.

Unknown said...

WE???? Speak for yourself young man!!


Anonymous said...

Dis babe
U too get be mouth
I like u shaaa

Anonymous said...

U too get bad mouth ooooooo

Unknown said...

Hey, don't be bitter. U'd enjoy n remember my comment.

Anonymous said...

I don't like commenting here, but I've been following up Linda since this election palava started and if nobody would say it, I would...
Linda Ure biased.., in every report u give u make Buhari look bad and Jonathan like the hero.. U never fail to report wat depicts Jonathan as a hero... Just watch and see, Buhari will deliver in 4years what your Jonathan couldn't deliver in 6years... It's already happening though
Take it or leave Jonathan was a good man yeah, but he was too weak to be a leader, he should have just continues being a lecturer instead of making his wife and some other corrupt leader push him into politics... He ended up tarnishing his good name.

Anonymous said...

Dis babe
U too get be mouth
I like u shaaa

Anonymous said...

Dis babe
U too get be mouth
I like u shaaa

Tosin said...

I wish people, especially this fellow, would get their facts right concerning this issue before deciding to go public about it. Jonathan wasn't a decent democrat, he was feeble minded, and I don't mean this as an insult.

He didn't know what to do to enforce any kind of authority, look at Okonjo Iweala's performance under him. It was like she was switched with another person. She was so incompetent, I couldn't even believe she ever had anything to do with the world bank.

Jonathan would have destroyed this country and ruined even this man that so ardently defends him, with his leadership frailities. Just look at the way he left this country before his exit. Abacha didn't do the kind of damage Goodluck's government did to our economy! Abacha might have killed and been ruthless but he managed the economy better and that's saying a lot.

Unknown said...

ma brudah..we don taya for d corruption thing jare!..i follo u pn dis one!

Lagos Lawyer said...

Na only Tambuwal? Sanusi nko? People wan begin whitewash nonsense so soon!😩. Iranu

Anonymous said...

You are too sensible. Please tell her. The more she tries to slam PMB the more her cluelessness shows. It makes me want to stop reading her blog. The bias just seeps out of her like bile

Anonymous said...


law abiding citizen said...

@ohimai sincerely I tried to make a sense of ur tweets but reading it over and over again I couldn't place what ur point is exactly. are u painting PMB a dictator or just eking out a PR stunt for the clueless weakling GEJ?

Unknown said...

Jasmine are u ok? Anonymous is right.

Anonymous said...

Ode nie

Anonymous said...

Don't mind the Mumu, Linda would just be posting every rubbish here for us. What is decent about a highly corrupted president. What can be more dirty. Tcheeeeeeew.

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