Buhari hosts Summit of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Govt (Photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Buhari hosts Summit of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Govt (Photos)

President Buhari today hosted some African leaders to an Extraordinary ECOWAS Summit at the presidential wing of the Nnadmdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja. The leaders discussed solely on the current political situation in Burkina Faso. Continue to see more photos...


Atobatele said...


Unknown said...

Hope they didn't strain their ears much to understand his speech.

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

why the long faces

Unknown said...

Good to know

Unknown said...

Seen.only if this people am seeing that call's them self leader's or liar's will return the money the looted,africa will be a better place for every one.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Seen.only if this people am seeing that call's them self leader's or liar's will return the money the looted,africa will be a better place for every one.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Mr coup plotter and tribalist president.I supported you but I have realised that you're an imposter.
What will an ex millitary junta tell his fellow coup plotters other than encourage them?
Mr northern president you have failed already since you couldn't carry everybody along.
Linda post this comment oo, Buhari said it is now freedom speech and press, unlike during dictator days.

Unknown said...

Just look at their faces in the first picture. Africa my Africa!!!

Unknown said...

Baba on fire.... Bless yu man.....

Unknown said...

Nice one...


Unknown said...

Nice one...


Blog It With Olivia said...


#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Well done Mr President. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Well done Mr President. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Well done Mr President. Linda take note!

Jasmine Joseph said...

Ok, good for him

Jasmine Joseph said...

Ok, good for him

Anonymous said...

Buhari literally summoned these leaders and they came running. Power!

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