On the face of it, bubbly Oghosa Ovienrioba is a 22-year-old with a bright future ahead of her. A pretty and intelligent Law Graduate, Oghosa is also a popular vlogger to boot. But Oghosa used to hide a dark secret: she was addicted to online pornography.
It was an addiction that first kicked in when she was just 14 years old and sneaked a look at online porn on her computer. And from the ages of 18 to 21, she would lock herself in a dark room & watch adult movies endlessly.
her worst point, Oghosa would masturbate between five and six times a
day - and watched a total of over 400 hours of adult material
But now Oghosa has become a hero to other sufferers after bravely speaking out about her porn addiction on YouTube - in a series that has amassed over 800,000 hits.
Oghosa says, 'When I uploaded that video in February, I had no idea how phenomenal the response would be. I received hundred of heartwarming comments from women who were going through the same thing for years. Lots
of people don’t think girls can suffer a porn addiction but it’s a
problem for both sexes. I hope I can help others out there - talking
about your problem is the first step.'
She continued: 'I didn't see people as people anymore - they were just sex objects to me.
simplest things could set me off such as a girl unbuttoning her blouse
or a boy taking his top off. Everything made me want more.
'I would sit in my room alone for hours, with the lights off, watching porn. I felt lonely and ashamed of myself.'
Oghosa turned 21, she found Christianity and knew it was time to
confront her problem. She made several lifestyle changes so she would
not return to old habits again.
She says: 'I spoke to a friend about my addiction and that was a huge release for me. It was a first step.
'Talking about it made me realise how much of a problem it was - you're only as sick as the secrets you keep.
'As a Christian, you have to be quite controlled about what you let into your heart, in terms of what you see and do.'
She continued: 'So now, I don’t read sex scenes in books and I don’t listen to oversexualised music.
are some artists that just sing about sex and it’s best to avoid that, I
also try to avoid inappropriate programmes on TV late at night.'
part of her recovery process, she posted a YouTube video in February
2014 in which she revealed her porn addiction to the world. The response
from viewers was overwhelmingly positive.
explains: 'When I read some of the comments on that video, it brings a
tear to my eye. People have told me how alone they felt with their
addiction until they saw my video.'
Oghosa believes that there should be age restrictions on online pornography to make it less available to children.
heartbreaking to know that children can still access pornography so
easily like I did. There are age restrictions on drinking and smoking -
the same should go for porn.'
spokeperson for The Marylebone Centre of Psychological Therapies said:
'The internet is having a huge impact on human sexuality as an infinite
variety of material is available through picture sites, chat rooms, live
shows, bulletin boards and web-cams.
sexual addiction is a form of sexual addiction and it is important to
have someone to talk to about your feelings in general.'
Nice to v changed.......
Story!!! All Na Business Strategy...
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Thank God she is free
Many are addicted to porn and they don't even know it
Good one
At least you want to help others
Pls save me d sermon, if u like watch porn for Ages I don't corr....
Nice one.We draw strength from our religion!
Thank God for her!
Wow!!! Thank God you found christ,and may your recovery be permanet.
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She is quiet pretty
This her teeth sha.. still a beautiful woman
She's sure a pretty lass, Good to know that she has kicked her habit & now inspiring others to do same. Linda take note!
She's sure a pretty lass, Good to know that she has kicked her habit & now inspiring others to do same. Linda take note!
She's sure a pretty lass, Good to know that she has kicked her habit & now inspiring others to do same. Linda take note!
She's sure a pretty lass, Good to know that she has kicked her habit & now inspiring others to do same. Linda take note!
She's sure a pretty lass, Good to know that she has kicked her habit & now inspiring others to do same. Linda take note!
Good for her
I watch porn...but not addicted
At times u need to watch porn....is like u are cleansing your self.
Checking that ur sex organs are still responding to stimulus
So...it's good to watch porn.
Fine girl like u...dick finish for where u dey stay?
Nice to correct others but look some how like u sis linda
Fyn gerl
Thank God for delivering her from porn
Linda dat lady looks like u
Gud for her
She looks like Beverly Naya
Beautiful lady. Addiction is like virus inside the human system....once entered it will take God's intervention to overcome it. Thank God for her testimony and I pray others like her will learn from her story and seek God for change
Started watching porn at 14, that really young. Thank God she talked about it.
Started watching porn at 14, that really young. Thank God she talked about it.
Started watching porn at 14, that really young. Thank God she talked about it.
Chaii dis babe can lie,she just want promotion shekenan!
Mmmmmmm they should place an age restriction on adult movies pls. Good she had some courage to speak up.
its really realy bad being adicted to soft porn.. cos it makes u masturbate.. and the body will keep asking for more.... good she change on time...
You re very courageous! I'm very happy u re a christian. Ask d holy spirit for help nd d habit will die permanently nd not to resurrect again. Kudos.
Just 400 hours in total, and she's calling herself an addict.. lol... Wetin I go come call myself?
Exactly but a finer version right?
You're right, that was the first thing that came to my mind. They can actually pass for siblings.
She must have had over billions of orgasms.... she's fed up and preaching now. Ok naa! Who preached u wen u were into it? Like u would have listened... Spare me....
Thank God for her life, she should help Nigerians and those with dirty minds like linda. Lindaobserve
this is a great testimony for her and for people suffering same addiction. telling people(someone who you look up to) will definitely trigger the healing process. God bless you
It takes the grace of God and true repentance to overcome a bad habit.
Its a testimony indeed.
Linda this girl can pass as your twin sister. ASK YOUR PAPA SERIOUS QUESTION LINDA. cus may be hospital made a mistake giving your parents Laura instead of this lady. Cus i dont see how laura will be your sister.
ThankGod she has repented... and she is free from the addiction
You also need to find christ and kick your habit of posting a comment several times. You are too creepy. How does your boyfriend cope? That's if you have one though. You seriously need deliverance.
Nice turn around. Addiction to porn is bad. Check out here for sports news
D teeth na hun, thank God she's free 4 it now
How brave
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
she looks like Beverly Naya
Must you alway post multiple times, all this your notice me attitude will not make you get the end of the year freebie if that's your strategy
Really great and thank God for her life. Dis wil go a long to mak and impact d difference. Thumbs up to her.
she no get work abi?
Thank God for her. You won't believe how many are suffering from this but are too ashamed to talk about it. She kinda look like Beverly naya though.
The girl come resemble Linda as if she's ur sis, buh her name sounds Edo so it makes her not Linda sis. Buh all the same she's pretty just like ma Linda
thank God for her
good for her
good for her
Na ogbanje dey worry her because she no get job
@moses yu are jess a fool n yu are so annoying, do yu jess read n dnt understand a tin? Bcos yur comments are always so stupid and annoying,pls grow up.mtchww
Thank God 4 u pretty girl. All i can say is this: Seems u r very sexual in nature with an intense personality. This combination is not bad at all. If u have realised this 'EFFECTIVELY', U shld b able 2 apply an effective personal control.
u said when u had a boyfriend it minimized. this tells u that if u decide 2 marry or have a partner u need 2 choose very carefully; somebody with understanding & fairly sexual 2.
Religion or not it all depends on u. we heared revs who have abused boys. pastors going after ppl's wives. they are religious 2. Rem u r pretty intense, u can redirect that energy into self control. B practical. If u bottle up this energy in the name of rel or otherwize it will xplode, not gonna b pretty.
God bless u.
I pray she's able to help others !
is it just me or she looks like linda...
Call yourself over watch or addictinalizering
is it just me or she looks like linda...
Holy Shit. Dude still got fetish 4 Anikka Albrite. I think i need HELP too.
Porn almost ruined me.I ave to do away with my bb n android phones.I now use nornal phones.tnks I am free from mastubation.
Good to know that she is free from it..its something that has a demon controlling people without them knowing it...
Good for her.
Lolz...ur bad mouth no be here..
Thank God for her oh!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Wilhemina is a confirmed Idiot. Negative ass dummy. If you even had half a brain, oh sorry, in your case, one third of a brain, you would know that when it comes to things like hunger, sexual pleasure, the body never gets sated, satisfied, or in your dumb ass words, 'fed up'... A young woman has made sacrifice and effort to change her life, but a stupid, negative, brain dead gutter mouthed PUNK, like you can never appreciate anything good or positive. A Nigerian, for that matter making positive news and helping other young pple on the international scene. Abi you think the Daily Mail is a platform from your village? You must lead a miserable life to constantly post such nonsense. Bastard child.
Lmfaooo biko u guys should leave my Julie alone o I still like her like dat.
@juliet You also need to find christ and kick your habit of posting a comment several times. You are too creepy. How does your boyfriend cope? That's if you have one though. You seriously need deliverance.jc
All i can see is d teeth
She's prolly just Nigerian by blood....When I read this story I knew the girl doesn't live in Nigeria , if she did, she'd be too worried about the aftermath of her confession so she wouldn't have...But am glad to learn she's overcome her bad addiction and she's trying to help others with the same problem
When guys dey toast am for many years she no gree them how she no go dey alone. All this our girls when you dey toast them dem go dey make shakara na so them dey end up ooo Porn watchers. Linda take note you know how long I have been toasting you and you never still gree.
Linda i need to suck your clitoris and lick your ass real good
i would love to sex you in a rape form
14year, na wao.
U wan french kiss her.#homo
Pls help me. My case is worse. I have over 200GB of porn on my laptop. I cum about 5 time everyday. I need help pls. @sucksex__x.
ok! Linda u said "was" i thought she is still addicted to it and now help pple out of it. Good one
i want a man btw age of 35-40 for a serious relationship. if u are interested send mail to mandybeib@gmail.com. pls be reasonable
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Moses you're very correct. After enjoying herself she now wants to prevent people from deriving the pleasure she got from it.
Aunty abeg move go front with that your shovel teeth o jare.
Thank God for your life dear. Thank you for sharing your story, I also was once addicted to watching porn.
I bless God for giving me the strength to kick the habit, the blood of Jesus washed me if not by my own strength I could not kick the dirty habit which brought shame after I have watched and engaged in countless masturbation.
As a woman I am inspired by your courage and humility to share such a dark secret without holding back. God bless you.
Admittance is always a difficult step.
You're an hypocrite to be insulting someone who's bold enough to raise her words/confession. Maybe you need to understand your NOTE.
Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
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Her teeth, right? Some of u r just dumb! Lemme c what u can create lil miss perfect! Wetin God go judge ehn, plenty o
She looks like Tiwa and Linda. The dentition I think
Congrats to her for overcoming. It's not how you start but how you finish.
I'm api fr ha. I Used to be lyk dat before too, buh I thank God for my lyf today cos I've stopped. Aldo temptations occur but I try to stay away from such things. It is only by the grace of God that one can stay away from such things. A lot of people are goin tru this situation but they do not know how to overcome it. God is able to do all things but yo have to take a step yourself. God help us ijn
Happy for her. Lesson learnt
so u r a virgin abi?.....u must be a porn comedian
I v been through that, ppl here will b saying tufiakwa when many do it, it is a terrible habit, that even when u make up ur mind not to u ll still see urself doing it may God help us.
I'm really proud of her. To be able to tell her story. Its courage!
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Please help....I'm addicted to Porn too or would you classify this as porn?
That her sec on pic ehn.
Hmmm,gud for her.
Thank God for her breakthrough!
It is well with her
I'm a woman, I've masturbated before. Makes you feel very low and dirty after you do. Believe me, it's no enjoyment in the long run.
Remaining u uncle woman. Turn to the Lord before you start smelling from down below.
Fucking lie. Why are they not giving us the link to the video? LIEEEEEEEEE
Lmfao 🙌👏👏👏 #word @anonymous
Reading the comments above, Nigerians really have strong characters. Some people even doubt the authenticity of the story. Well, thank God she was able to deal with an addiction; we may be struggling with some other form of addiction that affects our daily life. The story to take home is she overcame hers and so can you. Its not to preach to those who watch some porn or masturbate at times to ease off. Another observtion is soo many African girls were molested at a tender age which affects them later and somehow they never speak for fear that these 'strong characters' such as the ones on this thread will judge them. Youre meant to be a christian nation.what ever happened to that?
God is ur strenght
Porn addiction is some serious shit people! I think there absolutely should be a ban on porn! Just like her i wonder why there is a ban on alcohol for people below 18 but not on porn which is even more damaging to the young mind. All these cases of small boys raping women and of gang rapes, where do you think they are learnt from? Porn makes a nuisance of the human mind and dont say because you are not affected, then it isnt true, it is the same with alcohol, not every one becomes an alcoholic...but for those who become it is a big problem.
Its starts like that dear. If you don't stop now, you will get to a stage where you can not stay a day without watching it. You will get to a stage where you will spend more money than usual in renewing you Internet subscriptions more than twice in a month all in the name of watching porn. You will find yourself masturbating or looking for someone to have sex with when you are bored or lonely. The sad part is that you will compare the person you are having sex with the porn stars forgeting that most of the positions are imposible or disconforting when having sex making it difficult for you enjoy sex. A time will come when you will not find the videos interesting but you are looking for more. A time will come when you will become fed up with it but you can not help yourself. You will want to talk to someone but you can't. The battle becomes how to stop. Who do you talk to? And if you are a christian, you will be asking questions like will God forgive me? And so on... You better stop now before it ruins not just you, but your marriage, your career, you LIFE! Yes, it will get to that point if not handled.
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